The battle waged, fiercely. The dragons and their riders fell one by one. If a rider fell first, the dragon would attack twice as hard, fast, and aggressively. If the dragon fell first, the rider would go on a rampage, to avenge their fallen friend and comrade. The demons they were fighting seemed limitless and unstoppable.
Suddenly, a scream of despair tears through the thick air and the battlefield goes silent. Demon, dragon, and rider alike stare in shock at the middle of the blood-stained war zone. The masses part, revealing two crumpled heaps in puddles of crimson blood. The source of the scream kneels next to the smaller of the two.
As the armies separate, the mounds become clear. It was a girl with fiery purple hair and a demon the size of a semi truck. Both lay in a heap on the ground, unmoving.
In a flash of light, the girl begins to sparkle and disappear. The figure next to her, now recognizable as a boy, clutches her body tighter to him as the sparkling continues at an increased rate. Finally, she disappears altogether, leaving the boy clutching his sides sobbing. The demon disappears in a less graceful way: disappearing in an ugly-colored cloud that smelled faintly of sulphur. The boy didn't care. All he wanted was for the memory of her glassy, staring eyes to have their old shimmer in them.
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