Chapter 7
"Dear Error,
This Anti-Void is yours. Consider this as a gift from the two of us. Only you and the persons you authorized will be able to come here. That doesn't mean you should hide here to avoid eating or sleeping like you tried in your Multiverse. We couldn't do anything but we saw, we will know if you try to do that again! Please, don't even try, even if you don't need to eat or sleep. Take care of yourself, please.
Anyway, this place is now yours; you forever will be safe here. You can train your dragon side without any disturbance, and without being afraid to destroy something.
Also, since we know you weren't extremely comfortable in your past Anti-Void, know that you can change this Anti-Void's codes to modify it as you wish. Fate isn't here to change it back to white, you are free to do whatever you want.
You can come here anytime you want to stay alone for a moment. Also, consider our strings either as decoration or a token of protection, because it is what they are. They are meant to protect the Anti-Void and yourself from any danger.
Lastly, we have noticed you were quite found of the Voices of your past Anti-Void, therefore, we added some here too. Do not fret, they won't insult you at all, quite the opposite actually, they will be extremely friendly toward you. We hope you like this gift.
We hope you can be happy and heal in this new life, dear child.
We both love and care about you.
Destiny and Karma."
Error hummed softly after reading this letter, a small smile decorating his face. He liked this gift, truly. A safe place was extremely appreciated, and the fact there would be nice Voices only made it better! He couldn't wait for them to start talking to him. He really liked his Voices, even if they were mean, since he knew they only were mean because Fate ordered them to be, but having nice Voices would be a nice change.
He started to place his own strings up with the ones of the Deities, smiling softly at the sight. He didn't know why, but he felt strangely at peace in the Anti-Void, even though it was all white. Unlike in his Multiverse, were he was really uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he knew the white wasn't to torture him, but more like a blank canvas that he would be able to change as he wishes. "HeY VoIcE, Do YoU MiNd If I ChAnGe ThE aNtI-VoID bEfOrE wE StARt?"
"Nah, suit yourself Glitchy!" He smiled slightly at the response. He had a feeling the Voice would often call him 'Glitchy', and he didn't really care honestly. He was a glitch after all, the Voices screamed it at him enough after all –not that it actually hurt him honestly–.
He sat down on the white 'floor' of the Anti-Void and opened a portal toward this Multiverse's Outertale –he was thankful this Multiverse actually had an Outertale, it made his job easier and he could always go there to stargaze–. He also opened this Anti-Void's codes and started to copy the codes of Outertale's sky. It didn't take too long, considering it wasn't the first time he played with codes and that they were quite similar to his Multiverse's Outertale. He smiled when he was done and closed the portal.
Instead of being an eternal white place, the sky of the Anti-Void was now the same as Outertale's sky. The stars were shining brightly and Error made it so it was actually connected to Outertale's sky in a sense; when a shooting star appears in Outertale, it will also appear in the Anti-Void. Same goes for meteor showers, for example. The strings in the sky now formed sort of constellations between the stars instead of being a mess with the only purpose to add colors. It was a sight to behold. He knew he would spend hours in this Anti-Void just to look at the stars. That didn't mean he wouldn't go to Outertale; it was still one of his favorite AU after all!
He let the floor pure white, deciding he would use the code of another AU if he found something interesting. He thought about the jungle of Dragontale, but decided against the idea, thinking it would possibly make the Anti-Void too packed –and not really a Void anymore–. Maybe he should also code a home if he were to invite people into this place...
Well, it could wait, for now... "You're ready?" He simply nodded, a proud smile on his face. He could feel that the Voice liked the way he made the sky, and he felt strangely proud of that, even though it was normal since they were SOUL connected. "So... WhAT dO We STarT wITh?"
"Well we're going to start slowly. Firstly, your part dragon form. Y'know; wings, tail, claws, all that jazz! When that will be totally mastered by you, we will move onto the next phase; the full dragon transformation. Well maybe you should learn how to fly before... We'll see later! When both of those forms will be under control, and when you'll be comfortable enough in them, we will really start with the magic practice!"
Error hummed softly. "So We DiDN't ReALly NEed To LeAVe DrAGoNtALe? I WoN'T DeStRoY aNyTHInG fOr NOw." The Voice laughed at the implication that he would probably destroy something later. "Well yes and no. You remember the codes? There's only two persons who are the dragons, and you're one of them. I won't tell you who's the other but you'll probably meet them later. So it's best if we stay out of view, y'know?" He nodded slightly. 'Makes sense.'
"I know it does pal. Now let's start slowly... Chose a thing between tail, wing, claw or horns. The one you want, I don't care, we are going to practice them all. When you chose one, start imagining it growing on your body. Like, imagine your fingers becoming claws for example. It will feel weird, I know, but your SOUL knows what you need to do. It might actually be super easy now that I think about it, since the knowledge is already in your SOUL... Meh, not important, let's start Glitchy!"
Error shrugged and started to think about what he would start with. After a few seconds, he decided on the horns and closed his eyes. He started to imagine horns growing from his skull. The Voice was right; it did feel weird. He felt his magic going to his skull and start to modify it to make the horns. It was weird, feeling so much magic working in his skull of all things. If he was human, he would say that it was similar to the feeling of blood accumulating in his head... Well he thinks he would say that, he has no blood to know after all. After a few seconds, he heard the Voice cheers and opened his eyes, curious. He barely saw the silver glow dissipate around his head.
"You did it! You're a natural Glitchy! Well... Your horns are rather small... But for a first, this is great!" He tilted his head slightly to the left, confused. He... Did it? He opened a mirror portal –really useful sometimes, like when he took care of his head wounds– and looked at his skull, only to gap in surprise at the sight of two small horns. His had instinctively went to his head to touch them, and indeed, they were very much real. They were probably around two inches long or something close to that –he was not going to measure them– and were the same black as his bones. They were decorated by small blue lines with silver tint, not unlike his tear marks and the white swirls next to them. He stared at them in disbelief for a few seconds before the Voice started to talk again. "Now, you can try something else, this is perfect for your horns."
He just nodded absentmindedly and closed his eyes again, this time imagining claws instead of his fingers. Once again, the weird sensation came back, but this time the magic was directed toward his hands. This time, he felt the Voice clap in his SOUL. "Congratulations, you're doing perfectly!"
Taking this at the signal he could open his eyes, he did so and stared at his hands. Once again, he stared at them in disbelief. His fingers were now sharper, and still tricolored. Which was nice, he was almost certain he would be weirded out if they were simply black and not their usual ruby and citrine colors. So yes, it did work, he now had claws and he didn't know how to feel about it. It was so strange! Why did he even need to have a dragon side in the first place? "To fit in Dragontale dummy! They didn't know if you would stay in the AU so they decided to make you fit in case! And I have to say, I'm very proud of you, you're doing better than I expected!"
Error smiled nervously and raised his hand to scratch the back of his head slightly, wincing softly at the feeling of his claws scratching his skull. 'Yeah, I'm going to need to get used to that...' He could almost feel the Voice making fun of him slightly after he thought this and sighed. He lowered his hand and decided to now try to make a tail.
He focused on his tailbone this time and frowned slightly. He didn't like the feeling of his magic inflowing there. His skull felt weird and his hands not so much since he used his strings with his hands... But his tailbone wasn't supposed to accumulates so much magic. The only times there was magic in this area was when he got stabbed here multiple times by bones attacks. Ah... Fun times.
It felt weird, he could feel his bones becoming longer, forming a tail. He already saw skeleton creating ecto tails for fun –and sometime because of the alcohol–, but it wasn't the same... Well he was certain it wasn't but maybe it was, he never did try this type of things. He had no time for that. And he couldn't even get drunk! He only assumed ecto tails felt like ecto bodies –which he did try and manage to make– and it definitely wasn't like that! Of course, it felt weird since it was literally pure magic transformed in random things, but it wouldn't feel like that. As stated previously, he could feel his bones' shape change!
Once the bones finished changing, he felt the familiar feeling of the magic forming an ecto thing. He guessed his magic formed skin on the tail and shrugged slightly, nearly losing his concentration by doing so. He groaned a little at the feeling of the magic dissipating and started to concentrate on the formation of the tail once again. It was quite a long process, considering he never did this type of thing before, but he was doing well. Well at least that's what he thought.
After a few more minutes, he felt his magic calm down and something moving slightly behind him. He opened his eyes and tried to look behind him, catching the sight of a tail. He sighed and used the mirror-like portal to see better. The tail's scales were black, fading to red toward the end –which was actually a surprise since his ecto magic was more between blue and yellow–. Some yellow spikes were on it and the same string like design that was on his horns was also present on his tail, even if more discreet. At the end, there was a small tuft of soft looking fur. He touched it and almost purred of joy at the softness.
He then poked his tail and realized it really felt like scales, and not just ecto magic. The base was the same but the feeling was really different. Perhaps it was the reason the tail wasn't the same color as his ecto magic. Because it wasn't entirely ecto magic. Once again, he could feel the Voice clapped softly. "Fantastic! I expected you to need more than one try for this one! You really are talented Error! But you left the harder as the last; the wings."
He nodded, but before trying to summon the wings, he tried to get use to the feeling of having a tail, gently swaying it and observing how it worked. He was quite proud of himself for this one, more than for the other dragon parts. He played with it for a few minutes before deciding he was ready enough to continue. He had time to get more used to it anyway. The downside of this tail was that it pierced through his pants. 'Well, I did think I needed to change my clothes to fit more anyway...'
Before trying to materialize the wings, he decided to take off his trench coat and his shirt, showing his scared and broken ruby colored ribs. His arms were the same ruby like color and were in the same pitiful state. Only his hands were black, but they were just as scarred. Not like he cared anyway, the scars were now a part of him.
For the fourth time, he closed his eyes and started to imagine wings in his back. Once again, the feeling of bones forming and moving disturbed him greatly, but he was expecting it this time. Somehow, it was harder to concentrate his magic to form wings, and he had more trouble staying concentrated. He had no idea why, but after a few minutes, his magic simply evaporated, making him huff in annoyance. He sighed and started again.
It took him a few more tries, but he finally managed to create those wings. He felt the same ecto like magic envelop his bones, and after a while, he was done. He kept his eyes closed, afraid that if he opened them, the wings would fade away once more, but after a few moments without them disappearing, and with the Voice's praises he finally opened them.
He looked in the mirror once more, observing his new made wings and watching them flap gently. The bones structure was covered by black scales, just like his tail. There was a blue crystal-like spike on the radial bones of his wings. It was pretty. There was a sort of red membrane between some bones. He tried to move them slightly, managing to only flap them a little. He wouldn't be able to fly for a moment. "Perfect Glitchy! Now, you're going to train yourself to unsummon all of that and summon them again so it becomes easy for you!" He nodded and started to unsummon all those dragon's attributes –which was way easier than summoning them, unsurprisingly–.
The few next hours consisted of him repeating this process multiple times with some pauses in-between, until he was able to summon them without trouble. Once that was done, he unsummoned everything except his horns. He chose to only keep the horns definitely, because he liked them and it didn't take too much space, unlike the wings and the tail, for example. The claws were nice, but he chose to only summon them if necessary since he wasn't really comfortable with having them constantly.
"I'm proud of you Glitchy! That's it for today, tomorrow we will try to make you learn how to fly, and if you manage fast enough, we'll try the full dragon transformation! You're doing great!" Error smiled happily at the praises. Then, a question came into his mind. "WeReN't ThErE sUppOsED tO Be VoiCeS HeRE?"
The Voice paused for a few seconds, as if registering the question, before responding. "Oh that! Yes! But Destiny and Karma made them so they don't disturb you during your training. They somehow guessed you would train here! But enough about that, what are you going to do now?"
Error thought for a moment before looking at his clothes still on the floor and answering. "WeLl I ThInK I'M gOinG tO MaKe NeW cLoThEs... BeSiDeS I NeED a NeW pAnT."
And thus, Error spent the rest of his day watching people in Dragontale to decide what style he would adopt while making his new clothes. It was really peaceful and he loved it.
I really have the feeling this is all going too fast, but when I look at the number of chapters I already have written, I think the opposite. I'm confused. Some things are going too fast and too slow at the same time, somehow.
I also realized I might have a problem with putting Errors with Voices or similar things; this one have the 'Voice', as they don't have a name yet, I started another story in which Error might have some sort of Voices with him (nice Voices-) and there's another one of my Ideas in which Error also have a companion-Voice. And another with a companion more than a Voice but I guess it still counts-? The three last being in the list of future stories I put in the fifth chapter.
I really don't know where I'm going with the new story I started; I have so many ideas and I can't seem to decide if I use them or not. I might ask you some questions for this story if I can't decide. Not sure yet-
Anyway, in the next chapter, you will have to suffer because of my terrible description skills and the 'Voice' will finally get a name! I'm actually having trouble not to write it instead of 'Voice' right now if I'm being honest-
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Lunar's out!~
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