Chapter 9
(Levy's POV)
I was cuddled up next to Gajeel, who was snoring softly beside me. We had been lying in the prison cell for quite a while now, until we heard shouting and fighting.
"Hey, Gajeel?"
"What's wrong Shrimp?"
"Something's not right. I need to go upstairs and check it out." I said.
"I'll come with you. I promise I won't try anything." He demanded.
"Okay..." I mumbled.
I swear I heard him whisper 'for now'
I walked out of the basement into the guild hall, Gajeel following behind.
"Oh my god..." I whispered. "What happened here!?"
The guild was in havoc. Everyone was running around like they were mental, and the bar was...... burnt?
"LEVY! LOOK OUT!" Erza yelled, pointing to Gajeel behind me.
"Erza, it's okay. We made a promise." I reassured her. She then looked at my collarbone and gave me a sly smile.
"Hmm... Yes. 'Promise'...." She muttered.
"Where's Lu-chan?" I asked. Erza gave me a look, and I knew exactly what she meant.
"No..." I gasped.
Natsu has her.
(Mira's POV)
"Lisanna!" I yelled. "Where? We need to save her!"
"Well," she started. "I don't know exactly, but I know it'd be somewhere they've been before, or somewhere that means something special."
"Of course!" Erza yelled. I looked over and saw her stood with Levy and.. Gajeel!?
"Levy!" I yelled, running over. As I gave her a hug, I heard Gajeel grunt, so I checked her collarbone. As I thought, a 'G' was marked there, just like the 'N'.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
"Yes, I'm fine." She replied. "But I'm more worried about Lu-chan right now."
"So you heard..." I mumbled.
(Erza's POV)
"Okay everyone, what have we got?" I asked. Everyone had been looking into Natsu and Lucy's past, looking for anything that might give away their location.
"Not much." Gray replied.
"Why don't we check Lucy's house!" Mira suggested. "There may be something there!"
"Good idea." I replied. "Gray, Happy, come with me to Lucy's house. We'll investigate there."
"AYE SIR!" Happy yelled.
Once we got to Lucy's house we snuck in through the open window. Jeez, she really needs to lock up before she leaves. The window lead us into her bedroom, so we began our search there.
"Find anything yet Gray?" I asked, looking under her bed.
"Umm... I f-found something." Gray stuttered.
"A-ayee..." Happy added. I looked up and saw him looking in a drawer, his face flustered. I stood up and walked over, only to see something I deeply wish I didn't.
"W-wow, she actually wears things like this.." I muttered. In the drawer was all her underwear. I-it's best if I leave it at that.
"L-let's keep looking." I stuttered. Gray instantly closed the drawer and agreed.
I came across a lot of crumpled up paper in her rubbish bin, so I began to un-crumple and read them.
"Hmm, these are just discarded pieces from her novel.." I said to myself, until I saw one with a different type of paper. I picked it up and read it. It said:
I'm going home
~ Lucy
Ahh, I remember this. It was when we found out that she was a runaway from the Heartfilia mansion, she wrote this to us after we beat Phantom Lord.
Hold on.
"THE MANSION!" I yelled.
"What?" Gray asked.
"The mansion! They'll be there! I know it!" I ran out the house to the guild, Gray and Happy following close behind.
We'll save you, Lucy.
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