Unhappy Beginnings
(Sorry if it sucks. I've been out of the game for a while)
It was a typical day for our noble dragon hunters. They had taken care of two dragons for two different villages and got diddly squat to show for it! It left Gwizdo pretty ticked.
"I tell ya, Lian-Chu! It just isn't fair!" He huffed, kicking a rock off the edge of the island as he paced.
Usually for the work they did they would get more..but there were some destroyed houses and some ticked villagers...long story short they hardly got anything.
"I'm sick of workin' for peanuts! We work hard enough for more than this!" Gwizdo looked down at the small handful of gold in disgust. It wouldn't feed them for long and it certainly wouldn't make them rich.
"We did destroy some houses, Gwizdo." Lian-Chu tried to reason, sharpening his sword. They had tried their best after all..
Gwizdo sighed. Boy oh boy oh boy. Why was it always them?! They were always so unlucky when it came to anything! Casualties in villages, lost homes, loopholes in contracts! It always stopped them! Why, why, why?!
"Look, all I'm sayin' is that we deserve more respect for what we did! We did get rid of their dragon right? Right!" Gwizdo sat down, resting his head on his hands. He was sick of it!
Lian-Chu simply shook his head, glancing over at Hector who was busy gnawing on an old bone nearby. He didn't bother much with the money, he was in it to help people. Money was more of Gwizdo's problem..or obsession more like. It nearly got him killed sometimes. Lian-Chu simply didn't understand.
-Skip brought to you by my love for dragons-
Lian-Chu stretched as he climbed out of the St. George. It had been a long journey but they had finally made it to an inn where they could grab some food. Gwizdo, as always, left the work of unloading to Hector.
"Alright, boys! We pop in for a quick bite and then we're off for more contracts." Gwizdo looked toward the inn. As hungry as he was, his hunger for gold was strong today.
As the trio walked into the inn they could see if was pretty busy for a small village. They found a table for themselves and got down to ordering. A sudden nearby conversation caught Gwizdo's attention.
"That's right! It returns tomorrow! It is the anniversary after all and after something that unlucky it's no wonder a dragon would come back!" The man shook his head, leaning back in his seat
"Excuse me, fellows. But did I hear something about a dragon?" Gwizdo asked, walking over. This had 'contract' written all over it!
"Yes, my good sir, you did. Tomorrow is the anniversary of a terrible dragon attack that took place nearly thirty years ago! The beast returns each year to wreck havoc on the area." The man nodded, his face grim.
"But why would a dragon come back?" Lian-Chu asked as he walked over. It seemed strange and intriguing.
"I see you two don't know the tale. Take a seat, I'll explain it all." The man pulled up two extra chairs and Lian-Chu and Gwizdo took a seat.
"You see, thirty years ago or so, two kingdoms lived together in harmony and prospered. Things were well until a fortune-teller from a far off kingdom came and told a lady of one of the kingdoms that if the child she bore was born that the two kingdoms would be cursed with horrible luck. She predicted the fall of the kingdoms, poverty, death and ruin, even a terrible dragon attack. The neighboring kingdom begged the woman to give up her child, fearing they would fall to ruin, but the woman refused. A war soon broke out and the child was born. The two kingdoms fought instead of trying to prepare for the bad luck. The kingdoms faced disease and poverty. Families fell into ruin and shambles. The lady and her husband tried to keep the child away, to keep him secret. But the dragon attacked and the kingdoms, all except for the unlucky child, were completely destroyed. The dragon returns every anniversary to try to find the child and finally be at rest." The man pulled out a photo. "This was drawn up before the dragon came."
Gwizdo looked at the photo. It was strange..the child..it looked familiar.. but it-no. No stop! It couldn't be. He refused to believe it. "Say, my good man, would it be alright for us to borrow this? You see, we are the greatest dragon hunters around! We'll find this dragon and take care of it! For a standard fee of course." He whipped out a contract.
"The dragon..gone?" The man laughed a bit. "Well I guess you can give it a shot. But nobody has ever been able to fight the beast and live to see the next day." But he signed the contract nonetheless.
-annnnnd another skip!-
"I'm telling you, Gwizdo. This child.." Lian-Chu said as he looked at the photo.
"And I'm tellin' you that you're wrong!" Gwizdo snapped, tightening his grip as he piloted toward the islands.
"But, Gwizdo!"
"Nope!" Gwizdo shook his head. He wasn't hearing any of it!
Hector groaned. His poor feet were aching from how long he had been petaling! Why was he always doing all the work?!
"Shut it, Hector. We're nearly there." Gwizdo mumbled as they flew toward the island. He could see a charred area...a kingdom was close though..
"There. A kingdom. We can stay there and make a plan." Lian-Chu looked toward the kingdom. It was very fortified.
The trio landed, a group waiting to meet them. Their king stood with his knights, watching them land.
"Greeting, travelers! Welcome to my kingdom! Tell me, what is it that you seek here?"
"Well, you see, your majesty. We are mighty dragon hunters and we have heard of the dragon that attacks this land. We've come to slay the beast!" Gwizdo smiled, making sure to milk the performance! He was gonna get so much gold!
"Oh yes..our dragon." The king nodded, a frown crossing his face. "We have been searching for the child to try to appease it but alas we cannot find him."
"Tell me, what would you do with the child when he was found?" Lian-Chu inquired. They surely wouldn't harm him..?
"The only way is for his blood to be shed for the dragon. He summoned it and he can banish it." The king was very firm about this! It made Gwizdo nervous.. "But worry not! You seem like you surely could defeat it! We will give you a place to stay while you wait for the dragon." The king smiled as he lead them toward the palace.
Gwizdo laid in bed. He couldn't sleep. He kept looking at the picture..if..if it was..no! Stop it! That kind of thinking wouldn't get him anywhere. He sighed.
"Gwizdo..?" Lian-Chu's tired voice came from the bed above his.
"Hm?" Gwizdo looked up, shoving the picture under his pillow as Lian-Chu looked down at him.
"You can't sleep either?" Gwizdo hesitated before nodding. "It's that picture, isn't it?" ...Gwizdo nodded again.
"It..It couldn't be..right, Lian-Chu?" Gwizdo sat up. It frightened him to his very core..that thought.
"I'm afraid that it must be, Gwizdo..It all seems to fit." Lain-Chu hated to admit it. If anyone found out...
A sudden knocking at their door made the two turn toward the noise. The king opened the door, standing with a very old woman.
"I thought it would be good to have your fortunes told so you have a chance to fortify your plans." He smiled as he motioned for the woman to step inside, closing the door before either could object.
Hector scrambled away. The old woman gave him a creepy vibe..it could be the way she looked that them..
The woman sat down on a nearby chair. "I was the one who foretold the dragons coming. I warned them all, you know." She mumbled. Gwizdo was seriously freaked out but he tried not to show it, though Lian-Chu could tell from his movements.
"Tell me, what can I do to defeat the dragon?" Lian-Chu sat in front of her. The woman hummed, taking one of his hands
"My boy, your body is strong as is your spirit. Your heart is pure. Make sure that you listen to what your heart tells you, it makes righteous choices in times of need." She smiled softly as Lian-Chu nodded. That seemed to help..to an extent.
"And you. Come forth, dear boy." She looked toward Gwizdo who timidly stepped forward.
The woman grabbed his hand and about a second later was standing and shouting. Poor Gwizdo was given a terrible fright by this. He was done for!
"My lord! My lord! He is here! This man is the child! He will be the downfall of us all!" The woman shrieked as the king and his knights ran in
Gwizdo tried to back away..there wasn't anywhere to be besides a wall of course so it was useless. The knights were quick to grab Lian-Chu and his sword so he couldn't possibly aid Gwizdo in any way.
"Unlucky wretch! You bring downfall upon us all!" The king grabbed Gwizdo by his collar, throwing him to a knight
Gwizdo shouted and struggled as they were carried out and toward the burnt remains of what was once the two kingdoms. He was shackled to the ground and no matter how much he tried to escape he could not. Lian-Chu was held nearby by the guards, unable to assist in any way
"Please! Please, let me go! We can kill the dragon! I promise!" Gwizdo begged. He didn't want to be eaten!
"It is too late! The dragon is coming!" The king shouted and he and his knights backed away.
Lian-Chu watched in horror as the outline of a large black dragon flew toward them. Gwizdo would be done for! He had to help him!
"Lordy lord...Lian-Chu! Please, Lian-Chu, help!" Gwizdo pulled hard on his binds, the metal digging uncomfortably into his skin
The dragon landed in front of Gwizdo, staring down at him. It could feel that this was the child that had once escaped his wrath. He would devour him and be on his way soon
"LIAN-CHU!" Gwizdo shrieked as the dragon raised a clawed hand to shred him to bits
"GWIZDO!" Lian-Chu broke away from the guard, grabbing his sword as he leapt in front of Gwizdo
Poor Gwizdo turned away the dragons claws met the blade of Lian-Chu's sword. He was nearly killed! He looked up at Lian-Chu, his heart beating a mile a minute.
Lian-Chu narrowed his eyes as he tried to force the dragon away from Gwizdo. He couldn't let it kill him! Not while Lian-Chu was still standing! The dragon pushed hard against the blade, his claws pushing past enough to cut deep into Lian-Chu's arm. The man grunted, glancing back at Gwizdo.
Gwizdo watched in worry as the dragon cut Lian-Chu with its claws. Sure, it happened all the time but this was his fault! Everything had been his fault! Their poverty, the fear these people lived in, the deaths of his parents and their kingdoms.. He couldn't add Lian-Chu's death to that list
"Lian-Chu, move!" Gwizdo looked up at him. He refused to let him die.
"What?" Lian-Chu refused to believe that had actually come out of Gwizdo's mouth!
"Move! Trust me!" Gwizdo begged. He had a plan and if he was thinking clear enough through the fear it was a good one!
Lian-Chu could see the look in Gwizdo's eye. It was that devious look he got when he had ideas..he could trust this right? He had to. He quickly shoved the dragon's hand away, jumping back
The dragon roared, slashing at Gwizdo once again. The man braced himself, moving in just the right was so that the claws cut his chains. He could run! Perfect! He took off at a sprint past the dragon and toward the edge of the island
"Gwizdo, wait!" Lian-Chu was afraid he was going to jump! He wouldn't do that would he?
Gwizdo ran faster as the dragon chased him. This was risky but oh well! He had been in more danger, right? Gwizdo stopped at the edge of the island. This wasn't good! No more land meant no more running! The dragon jumped at him, landing in front of him. And in that instant the land around them broke into chunks, throwing Gwizdo back toward toward the center of the land.
"Gwizdo!" Lian-Chu shouted, watching in worry as Gwizdo hit the ground, not moving.
He quickly ran to him before the dragon could, crouching beside him. He gently lifted him from the ground, growing more worried when he saw blood run from under his hat..not good..Gwizdo was covered in dirt and a series of cuts and scrapes but Lian-Chu couldn't tell if there were any broken bones as of yet
The dragon turned, freezing when it noticed the blood. It roared, rearing back before flying away. It had been appeased and could leave and never return. The king and his knights cheered! It was over!
"Gwizdo.." Lian-Chu checked to see if he was breathing. It was faint but he was still there..
Gwizdo stirred a bit, opening his eyes. His body was in more pain then he could ever remember being in. He looked up at Lian-Chu. He didn't see the dragon so it must be gone. Fabulous!
Lian-Chu was glad to see that Gwizdo was awake at least. "You did a good job, Gwizdo." He smiled. "But it was foolish to put yourself in danger like that."
Gwizdo smiled weakly. I got rid of the dragon didn't I...?"
Lian-Chu smiled faintly as he stood, holding Gwizdo carefully. "We'll go see to it that your wounds are taken care of."
"Thanks buddy.."
(It was like 1 a.m. when I wrote this so I was really dreamy and tired)
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