The Rise Of Voltron And The Dragon Force (part 1)
{Angelo's Pov}
I was having a peaceful sleep until I heard my alarm clock go off, I groaned in annoyance and turned the alarm clock off. I got up and started stretching my limbs, I noticed my twin brother Luke is still asleep so I decided to wake him up by taking the blanket away from him, Luke instantly woke up and glared at me "I was sleeping!" he shouted while hitting me with his pillow, I chuckled softly and said "it's time to wake up remember we're at the Garrison", I can tell he had forgotten about the Garrison part, he is not a morning person at all. Luke groans in annoyance and slowly gets up while I go to the shower to get ready for the day. My brother and I have been at the Garrison for 4 months and my brother is still not a morning person so it's my job to make sure he wakes up early before he gets in trouble.
Once I finish getting dressed, I look at the birthmark that is on my neck. It reminds me of home and my parents. I walked out of the bathroom so my brother could go to the bathroom to get ready as well. I decided to wait for him at the cafeteria. As I made my way to the cafeteria I started thinking about someone who used to be in the Garrison but got kicked out. The person who got kicked out was Keith Kogane, my best friend. We've been friends ever since I came to elementary school and met him
I let out a sigh then went and grabbed my food once I arrived at the cafeteria and sat down at the table, it wasn't long until my twin brother arrived and come sit down next to me with his food, I started eating my breakfast and from time to time my brother would talk to me while my thoughts about Keith never left my mind.
~Time skip brought to you by Luke defeat Lance in a one on one match in the training room~
(Still Angelo pov)
I'm at the stimulator as I watch the team who is in the simulator which is Lance's group. I can tell my brother is getting annoyed by Lance, I chuckled softly and continued to watch. After a while, they failed the test. I lost count of how many times they failed and I felt bad for them. If they learn about teamwork I'm sure they will succeed. I watched them walk out of the stimulator and I gave them a reassuring smile, they smiled back and looked down in shame. I frowned and listened to commander Iverson "well let's see if we can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students. Can anyone point out the mistakes these four so-called cadets made in the simulator?" commander Iverson said while looking at them.
A boy put his hand up and said "the engineer puked in the main gearbox!". Iverson turned his head to look at us "yes, as everyone knows, vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems" he said while glaring at Hunk. Hunk jumped in surprise then looked down in shame as Iverson turned his head to look at us again "what else?" he asked.
The girl with tanned skin said "the Com Spec removed his safety harness" she said then another girl wearing glasses called out "the pilot crashed!". One of my teammates called out as well "the co-pilot argued with the pilot!". I noticed my brother clenched his hand into a fist while looking down, 'brother please stay calm' I thought while looking at him in concern.
"Correct. And worst of all, during the whole jump, not only the co-pilot argued with the pilot but all four of them, they're arguing with each other! Heck, if you're going to be this bad individually, you'd better at least be able to work as a team!, the Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite Astro explorers, but these kinds of mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of men on Kerberos Mission" Iverson said, Pidge look at Iverson with an angry face "that's not true, sir" he shouted.
Iverson turned his head to look at Pidge "what did you say?" he said, before Pidge could reply, Lance covered his mouth and answered for him "sorry, sir! I-I-I think he may have hit his head when he fell out of his chair, but point taken". Iverson walked up to Lance then stopped in front of Lance keeping his distance "I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is that the best pilot in your class had discipline issues and flunked out. Don't follow his footsteps" Iverson said while glaring at him then he looked at Luke "as for you Mr. Wisteria, I have high hopes for you to succeed like your twin brother did" he said as Luke nodded his head.
Iverson turned to me and my team "next!" he called out, I walked to the simulator as my team followed me, I gave them a sympathetic look towards Lance and his team while going inside the simulator.
~Time skip brought you by chibi Luke punching his pillow with Iverson's picture on it in anger while chibi Angelo watches him~
I was walking to the dorm room with my brother while listening to him complaining about commander Iverson. Once we arrived at our dorm room, we walked inside and continued talking, more like Luke continued complaining about Iverson so I decided to continue listening to him complaining while waiting. It took a while till he stopped, I walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. "I know he's so well, you know but he's just giving us a push to improve our mistakes. You still have time before you graduate" I said while giving him a reassuring smile. He sighs and smiles back "yeah I guess you're right but still I don't like him" he said. I let out a small laugh then pat his shoulder and walked towards my bed "I am going to sleep early" I said while laying down on my bed and I said "night Luke". After I said that, I immediately fell asleep.
{Luke's Pov}
I let out a small chuckle once I heard my brother's snores 'well I still have time before curfew but I'm too tired to go anywhere outside of the dorm room' I thought while walking towards my bed and lying down with both of my arms behind my head. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about our parents. Before I go deep into my thoughts, I hear a knock on the door,
I raise one eyebrow and lazily get up from my bed. I walked up to the door and pressed the button to get the door open and to my surprise, it's Lance and Hunk "Lance? Hunk? What are you guys doing here?!" I shouted whispering so I wouldn't wake up my brother. Lance leaned on the door frame while looking at me. "Well, me and Hunk are going somewhere so we can bond as a team also we're taking you and Pidge with us," he said. I thought about it and looked towards my brother who is still sleeping.
After a few moments, I looked at Lance and nodded my head in agreement. Lance smiled and left room for me to walk out of my room which I brought my bag with me. Lance, Hunk, and I are hiding behind the walls as we hear commander Iverson's voice "lights out in five! Everyone back to their dorms, now" he said as he walked down the hallway away from us, "we shouldn't be doing this" Hunk said as Lance looked to where Iverson is, watching him walk away. I looked at Hunk for a split second and looked forward "you heard Commander Iverson, we need to bond as a team, we're going to grab Pidge, hit the town, loosen up, meet some nice girls, maybe-" Lance said until Hunk cut him off "Okay, I'm just- I'm just saying this here, right now, on the record, this is a bad idea" he said and right on cue the lights turned off.
I followed Lance sneaking through the hallway "you know, for someone is a space exploration program, you don't have much of a sense of adventure" Lance said and I nodded my head in agreement, "all of your little 'adventures' ends up with me in the principal's office" Hunk said. Lance sneaks past by the instructor's lounge and then motions me and Hunk to follow, which we reluctantly did "oh man" Hunk said while following Lance with me following behind him.
I heard footsteps and my eyes went wide "hide" I whispered then Lance and Hunk hid inside the recycling cans while I jumped up and hung onto the vent as I lifted myself and curled up like a ball. I waited till the guard walked past. Once I didn't hear the guard's voice or his footsteps, I let myself fall and landed perfectly as Lance and Hunk jumped out but Hunk got stuck and fell over.
I go help Hunk get up "are you okay?" I asked with a concerned look, Hunk smiled and nodded his head "I'm fine" he answered. I smile and followed Lance with Hunk following right behind me, Lance and Hunk hide as we watch Pidge walks out of Iverson's office "where is he going" Lance asked, mostly talking to himself, I shrugged and decided to go ahead of Lance while following Pidge up to the roof with Lance and Hunk following me.
Once Lance, Hunk, and I arrived at the roof, I saw Pidge using some kind of equipment while listening to something with his headphones on. Hunk crawls along the roof as Lance carefully removes his headphones to speak close to his ear "you come up here to rock out?" he asked as Pidge jumped with a startled yell "Agh!". I let out a small chuckle as Pidge turned his head to look at us "oh, it's just you three, no um, just looking at stars" he said, I let out a small chuckle again "hey where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech" Lance said while looking at Pidge's equipment. I looked at his equipment as well though I'm not planning to touch it "I built it" Pidge said with a smug face, "you built all this?" Hunk asked while trying to touch Pidge's equipment until Pidge slapped his hand away "stop it! With this thing, I can scan to the edge of the solar system" Pidge said.
''That right? To Kerberos?" I asked while looking at him. Pidge looked away but didn't respond "you go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up. What's your deal?" Lance asked while crossing his arms as Hunk tried sneakily to touch the equipment again but Pidge caught him "second warning Hunk!" Pidge shouted at him. Hunk stopped and moved away while letting out an aw in disappointment, "look, Pidge if we're going to bond as a team, we can't have any secrets" Lance said. I nodded in agreement even though I have secrets but I couldn't bother to share my secrets except my brother because well he's my brother and I trust him, "fine. The world as you know it is about to change, the Kerberos mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake-" Pidge stopped talking when he saw Hunk trying to touch his equipment "STOP TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENT!" He yelled at Hunk.
Hunk let out a groan of defeat and finally stopped trying to touch his equipment "so I've been scanning the system and picked up alien radio chatter" Pidge said while looking at his equipment, "whoa what? Alien?!" Hunk shouted in a questionable and nervous voice. "Ok, so you're insane, got it," Lance said, looking unconvinced, "I'm serious! They keep repeating 4 words: 'Voltron and Dragon Force'. And tonight, it's going crazier than I have ever heard it" Pidge said while looking at us, I looked at Pidge with a serious look "how crazy?" I asked, Pidge was about to answer until the Garrison alarms started and heard Iverson's voice over the intercom, "Attention students, this is not a drill, we are on lockdown! Security Zulu Niner, repeat: all students are to remain in barracks until further notice". I looked up to look at the sky and saw something falling from the sky "what's going on? Is that a meteor?!....A very, very big.....meteor?" Hunk said looking confused, Pidge grabs the binoculars and uses the binoculars to get a closer look "it's a ship!" He exclaimed, Lance grabbed the binoculars from him and used the binoculars to get a closer look as well "holy cow! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's not one of ours!" Lance shouted, "no, it's one of theirs" Pidge said. I took the binoculars from Lance and used it to get a closer look "so wait, there really are aliens out there?! Hunk exclaimed.
"By the looks of it yeah," I said, looking so calm. We watch as the ship crashed into the desert, Pidge quickly packs his stuff while getting up and starts running to where the ship crashed "we've gotta see that ship" Pidge said while running, and Lance started to follow him "Hunk, Luke, come on" Lance said while running, I started to follow them with Hunk close behind "oh, this is the worst team-building exercise ever" Hunk said, I let out a small laugh and looked back at the Garrison 'I'll come back to you brother, I promise' I thought and looked back to catch up to them.
~A few moments later brought you by Roxanne and Jake doing push-ups with Lilly sitting on Roxanne's back and Julia sitting on Jake's back while both of them count on how many push-ups Roxanne and Jake did~
Once we arrived at our destination, Pidge worked on his equipment while me and Lance spy on the Garrison troops by using the binoculars "whoa....what the heck is that thing?! And who the heck is she" Lance said as I noticed him getting distracted by looking at a female Garrison officer "Lance!" I yelled as I hit his head "ow! Ah, right, alien ship. Man, we'll never get past all those guards to get a look" Lance said while I nodded my head in agreement, "aw man, yeah I guess we there's nothing to do but head back to the barracks right? Hunk asked. I shrugged unsure of what to do. "Wait, they set up, cameras in there and I grabbed its feed. Look!" Pidge said as we all gathered around him and looked at the screen. The screen shows Shiro strapped to a table as the Garrison technicians examine him while Iverson watches "hey! What are you doing?" Shiro said while trying to get out.
"Calm down Shiro, we just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests on you," Iverson said, "you have to listen to me! They destroyed worlds! Aliens are coming!" Shiro shouted, "that's Shiro! The pilot of the Kerberos Mission. That guy's my hero!" Lance said, I looked at Lance then looked back at the screen in front of us "guess he's not dead in space after all" Hunk said as I nodded my head, "where's the rest of his crew?" Pidge asked as he continued looking at the screen. "Do you know how long you've been out?" Iverson asked, "I don't know. Months? Years? Look, there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon, they're probably on their way, they'll destroy us! We have to find Voltron!" Shiro said, "Voltron!" Pidge exclaimed.
I looked at the others for a split second and looked back at the screen "sir, take a look at this. It appears his arm has been replaced with a cyborg prosthetic" one of the technicians said, Iverson looked at the technician "put him under until we know what the thing can do" he said, Shiro started to panic "don't, don't put me under! No! No, there's no time! Let me go!" Shiro shouted until one of the technicians injected him with a serum to make him pass out, "they didn't ask about the rest of the crew" Pidge said, still looking at the screen. I get up and stretch my arms out, "what are they doing? The guy's a legend. They're not even gonna listen to him" Lance said as I nodded my head in agreement, "we have to get him out" Pidge said.
"Ah, I hate to be the voice of reason here, always, but weren't we just watching on TV because there was no way to get past the guards?" Hunk said, I looked at the others as I crossed my arms 'well he got a point there but we couldn't just leave Shiro there' I thought and I waited for Lance and Pidge to say something, "that was before we were properly motivated. We've just got to think, could we tunnel in?" Lance asked, I shake my head no in response, "maybe we could get some hazmat suits and sneak in like med techs" Pidge said, 'well that would work but how exactly do we get those suits' I thought.
"Or we dress up like cooks, sneak into the commissary little late-night snack" Hunk said as I shake my head in disagreement "no what we need is a distraction," I said. By the moment I said that we heard explosions "is that the alien?! Are-Tha-The-Is that the aliens?! Are they here?! They got here quickly!" Hunk said in fear, "no those explosions were a distraction, for him" Pidge said while pointing at something or person. I look to where Pidge is pointing to see a boy with a red jacket, black pants, and a mullet, 'hold on is that........Keith?' I thought, "The Garrison's headed towards the blast, and he's sneaking in from the other side!" Pidge while watching the cars drive to where the explosions are.
Lance looks through the binoculars "no way! Oh, he is not going to beat us there! That guy is always trying to one-up me!" Lance said, I looked at Lance and looked back to see Keith go inside, "who is it?" Hunk asked, looking confused, "Keith!" Lance exclaimed, "who?" Pidge asked with a questionable face, "are you sure?" Hunk asked, looking unsure. Lance started to run down the hill as I started to follow him "oh I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" Lance exclaimed as Hunk started to follow us, Pidge quickly packed his equipment away while getting up and putting his bag on, then started to follow us "who's Keith?!" Pidge yells while following us.
{Keith's Pov}
As the door in front of me opened, I looked inside and saw three technicians "hey!". I heard Iverson's voice as the technicians ran towards me, I got to a fighting stance and started to attack them as I knocked them out. I run to the table and I look surprised when I see the person is Shiro, "Shiro?" I said and I take out my knife to cut the straps and I tried to carry him out until four people came in, "nope, no you, no, no, no, no, no, no, no you don't, I'm saving Shiro" the boy said as he lifts Shiro over his shoulder, "who are you?" I asked while looking at him.
"Who am I? Uh the name's Lance" he answered, I silently looked at him with no recognition, "we were in the same class at the Garrison?" he asked, "really? Are you an engineer?" I asked, "no I'm a pilot, we were, like, rivals you know Lance and Keith, neck and neck" he answered, now I remembered him "oh wait, I remember you, you're a cargo pilot," I said, "well, not anymore I'm fighter class now thanks to you washing out," he said while glaring at me, "well congratulations," I said while I glared back. What we didn't notice was that someone walked up to us and said "oh for the love of God". We felt Shiro got lifted by someone and we looked towards the person, when I looked at them, I thought it was Angelo but it's Luke since Angelo have long hair and brown eyes while Luke have short hair and purple eyes, "we don't have time for this let's go" Luke said as he carried Shiro out with ease. We blinked and started to follow him after a few seconds.
Once we arrived at my hovercraft, everyone climbed aboard and my hovercraft tipped over as the last person got on "is this thing going to be big enough for all of us?" one of them asked, "no" I answered and I looked forward to seeing them coming, "then I found my way to get away from them" Luke said as he got off the hovercraft, "are you sure?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded his head, I nodded back and started up the hovercraft then I started driving as some of the cars started following us 'be careful Luke' I thought as we're getting chased by the Garrison officers.
{Luke's Pov}
I stand straight as the cars stop a few meters away from me, one of them gets out of the car "Luke we're taking you back to the Garrison now" he said, I shrug looking like I didn't care "whatever" I said as two guards walked towards me, I smirked and grabbed one of them by the arm then swung them around and throw them to the other guard as I watched both of them crashed and fall to the ground. I go to a fighting stance as the rest of them run towards me, I start attacking them as I take out some kind of tablet and throw it up in the air. I kicked one of the guards away as my tablet turned into a hoverboard, I quickly got on and started to fly away as the cars started chasing after me. I looked behind me then looked forward as I sped up trying to get away from them.
As I rode on my hoverboard, I tried to catch up to the others. I took a swift turn which the car behind me didn't have the time to turn and went the other way while the rest of them turned and continued to follow me, I let out a scoff and looked forward to focusing. I saw a cliff up ahead while I started speeding up, some of the cars stopped as the others continued following me towards the cliff. As I almost reached the cliff, the rest of the cars stopped but I didn't stop. I jumped off from the stone ramp with my hoverboard and soar across the sky, I smiled in excitement as I never felt this before, the feeling of freedom.
I landed on the other side of what seemed like a fly across a canyon. I waved at the Garrison officers in a teasing way and continued flying on my hoverboard. As I tried to find the others, I heard screams from my teammates in the distance and started to follow their screams. Once I arrived, I saw the others down there and I continued to follow them until I made it beside them while they noticed me and smiled happily. I smiled back, "Luke, your okay" Lance said, I let out a small chuckle "of course I'm okay, I won't let them take me down so easily," I said and looked forward as we're going somewhere which I don't know where we're 'I hope your okay brother' I thought as I talk to them while flying on my hoverboard.
{???? pov}
I ran to the computers and looked at the screen to see ships heading to Earth. As I continue looking at the screen, the alarms go off, meaning an intruder is outside the base. I looked at another screen to see a boy standing outside of the cave, I let out a scoff and ran out of the control center and stopped in front of the door. I look towards the White dragon who is standing proudly and still like a statue, "one day a new team will rise White dragon" I said as I walked out through the door and walked towards the main entrance of the cave.
Hello my fellow readers I hope you enjoy reading this book and have a lovely day/night
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