Chapter 8
Eventually, the small team of three decided on making a beef pot pie to enjoy together. After they finished preparing the pie and put it in the oven to bake, they found themselves bored, but not for long.
"If we're having a sleep over I need to find myself some pajamas, I'll go to an AU to get some." Dream said readying to make a portal.
"Don't worry yourself about that Dream, I can make you and Blue some clothes." Ink suggested.
"No Ink, you shouldn't be using magic in your condition." Dream worriedly ordered.
Ink rolled his eyes in annoyance. Ink wasn't a baby bones, he knew Dream was just worried and looking out for him, but he felt like he was being treated like a kid. He was immortal for asgore's sake! He knew Dream didn't mean to make him feel like that, so he brushed it off. He was going to prove to Dream he'd be just fine.
Before Dream could turn to leave Ink quickly made a portal to his right, quickly retrieved his brush from said portal, and from the bristles of his brush he throw paint onto the golden guardian. He then snapped his phalanges watching as the paint swirled and curled around Dreams body until it formed into a pair of clothes that layered over his previous clothes.
Ink smirked at his handy work, feeling triumphant, and feeling all that much prouder of the clothes he'd made, granted he took a few creative liberties to the clothes. Dream, -who'd turned to face Ink after the paint was thrown onto his body- looked at him flabbergasted for a few milliseconds before pointedly starting to lecture about Ink's 'recklessness'. Though Ink wasn't really listening to him, choosing to instead point and laugh at Dream with Blue laughing along with him.
Dream, connecting the dots looked to see just what kind of pajamas the artist had given him, only to find himself in a light yellow long sleeved shirt with a hood, that had an orange bill and an orange pair of pajama pants with light yellow ducks. Dream flushed with embarrassment and glared at Ink embarrassed and feeling slightly betrayed.
In response to Dreams glare Ink only laughed harder and tucked his hands near his shoulders and started moving them towards and way from his body, and -while still laughing- said "quack". Blue only doubled over in laughter while grasping at his non-existent stomach. Dream's scowl let up the slightest bit, struggling to keep his mad demeanor, before he finally gave up and started laughing with them.
After they stopped laughing Ink turned to Blue with mischief in his eyelights.
"So, Blue do you have any clothes?" Ink said a dangerous tone in his voice. Once Blue realized that Ink would do what he'd done to Dream to him, he sobered up from his earlier euphoria. Then, with out replying started running down the hall to hopefully avoid his fait.
"Dream. Sic him." Ink said pointing his brush in the direction Blue was running.
"No." Dream answered.
"Please?" Ink begged, "I can't, I might hurt myself." Ink said with fake sorrow, while dramatically placing the back of his hand on his forehead. Dream rolled his eyelights and shook his head.
"No, you put me in this ridiculous outfit."
"Not even if I let you pick the outfit?" Ink said in a sing song voice.
Dream paused for a second, processing the information. Ink didn't seem to be hurt from using his magic, despite his current situation. "Why didn't you just say so?" Dream said flashing Ink a grin before running after his blue wearing team mate.
After Dream had caught Blue, Ink asked what animal themed pajamas Blue should have. After a moment of thinking, Dreams eyelights lit up and a smile appeared on his face.
"A lion." Dream said confidently. Blue became less hesitant after Dreams choice in an animal and allowed himself to relax.
"Your wish is my command!" Ink exclaimed swiping his brush at Blue. Blue gave a squeak when the paint hit his body, and felt as the paint swirled around his body watching as the paint formed fabric, that just like dreams, formed over his usual clothes.
Blue looked to see his clothes, he had a cerulean long sleeve shirt with a hood that had a fabric brown mane with round ears, on his torso he had a half circle supposed to be the lion clothes 'belly' that was colored teal, his pants being a contrasting brilliant Blue pair of baggy pajama pants. Blue gave a relieved sigh, that the clothes he'd received were acceptable and to his taste.
Ink chuckled at Blues relieved face and cleared his throat before telling them he was going to change into some of his pajamas. Dream and Blue, however, quickly grabbed his shirt before he could go to his room.
"Oh, I don't think so." Dream started with a wicked grin.
"If we're going to be wearing silly pajamas, so will you." Blue barked, pointing his phalange in Inks face.
"What? No, I only made those so you didn't have to go get some. I, however, actually already have some clothes." Ink said feeling victorious.
"He does have a point, besides it's not like we can force him to use his magic." Blue reasoned annoyed. "Now, can one of you point me in the direction of a bathroom? I need to take my battle body off."
"I'll show you were it is Blue." Dream volunteered, leading Blue to the bathroom.
Ink trotted up the stairs to his room to get a pair of clothes to wear. He quickly tugged on a pair of pajamas, and while doing so heard the oven go off, followed by Dream yelling that he'd get it. Once he finally was dressed he once again trotted down the stairs to join his friends for their shared dinner. Dream and Blue were surprised when he entered the dinning room, and quickly grinned an amused grin.
"See? I already have pajamas." Ink said grinning and striking a silly pose, though promptly stopped when he realized his 'tail' was wagging. Ink donned some flying squirrel pajamas, with a white long sleeved shirt with brown fabric hanging from it then meeting at the sides of his shirt, being the flying squirrels patagium, along with a hood that had small nub-like ears. He also wore, like Blue, a pair of baggy pants that were a coffee brown.
Dream snickered before loudly saying, "Seems your pajamas are as squirrely as you are Ink!" Dream busted into a laughing fit, with Blue joining Dreams laughter shortly after. Ink looked annoyed and rolled his eyesight's good naturedly before announcing:
"Lets start this sleep over!"
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