Chapter 1
Ink felt light, light as a feather in fact, no he felt almost weightless, which to say the least confused him it wasn't a feeling he got when he floated in the anti-gravity of the Doodle sphere or Outertale. This felt different he felt like he was falling; though he felt no fear, nor the sound of wind rushing past him. A few moments later after realizing he probably wouldn't hit ground for a while, he opened his eyes to see if his assumption of falling was correct. What he saw surprised him, he seemed to be standing in a void of black, although, it seemed this void unlike the Save Screen didn't have a floor, it felt as if he was walking on air. Ink not even realizing his own worry calmed himself down telling himself that just standing there won't help him, so instead he focused on trying to get out.
Ink took a cautious step not knowing if he would plummet suddenly into what seemed to be the bottomless void. He eventually came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to fall, and started walking around calling for help.
"Hello? Anyone there?" Ink called out into the void. The only response he ever got back was silence. He had tried to summon his brush so he could make a portal but it never worked, it was like the void stopped him from using his magic, heck he couldn't even summon a measly bone attack, so he resorted once again to wandering around the void calling for anyone around.
*But no one came..
After awhile Ink sat down, he was tired, thanks to all of his walking, and his voice also needed a rest. Before he knew it he fell asleep in the empty inky black place. But was abruptly awoken by a loud boom from behind him. His head pounded hearing an ear piercingly loud ringing in his non-existent ears, Ink quickly covered where his ears would had been located on his skull, and looked to find the source of the noise that had startled him awake. In front of him 4 or 5 feet away was a scorch mark. How the voids air like floor held the mark he had no idea, but that wasn't important to Ink at the moment. He quickly stood, darting his head to where the boom originated. He was taken aback when he saw what stood before him, a 40ft tall gaster dragon stood before him, looking menacing.
(Made by ✨me✨ do not steal.)
It looked menacing yet curiously at Ink, whether it was going to kill Ink or was just plain curious about him, he didn't know, but decided against waiting around to find out. Ink sprinted away wishing he could use his magic to at least teleport to put some distance between him and the beast, instead of running away making himself look like easy pray to the large and powerful beast. As Ink was running he heard the heavy steps of the dragon behind him, he knew the animal was definitely gaining on him due to it's size and long strides, he was trying his best to come up with a plan to get away.
Maybe he could swerve to make it more difficult to catch him, or try and tire it out? He needed a plan, -now was not the time to be reckless- anything to save him from the beast, though none seemed like they would work, so sticking with his first idea he swerved while fleeing from the beast.
The sound of what Ink knew was the dragons magic was heard behind him as he dodged a beam of magic that came from its gaping mouth. The gaster dragon continued to fire it's deadly beams at Ink sometimes missing him narrowly, or other times hitting him when Ink didn't dodge fast enough. Ink was tiring out, he had been running for hours now, and all the swerving and dodging didn't help on that account, he couldn't even feel his legs all he felt was the searing pain from where the animal had shot him.
He was losing speed and the distance between him and the dragon was worryingly close. Ink suddenly felt pain run through his back, letting out a pain filled screech he collapsed face first onto the black 'ground' his body hurt and stung. His body was decorated in multiple broken bones and burns, he felt his warm black bone marrow coming from the injures, leaving him light headed and his vision blurry. He new the animal was now looming over his aching body, but he quite frankly didn't want to see the dragon he just wanted to rest, he was so tired and light headed from both running and the loss of bone marrow. He passed out to the sound of the beast readying it's magic to kill him.
Ink shot up from his bed in a panic looking around the room for any sign of the animal he had seen in his dreams, seeing that he was the only being in the room, he calmed down.
What kind of dream was that? He really needed a vacation. Ink sat up from his bed rubbing the sleep from his sockets. His body ached, he groaned and laid back down in bed.
"Ugh, I probably had a fight with Error yesterday and forgot to heal myself again." Ink said groaning bitterly. He leaned over to the night stand by the bed hissing in pain as he does so, grabbing his phone he found Dreams contact then called him.
Hello everyone, I would like to make you aware that this story may take awhile before we get to the main ship (ErrorInk), and that there will probably be some side ships going on in the meantime. Please check the tags for the ships in this story.
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