Sayori POV:
You know, life can be rather strange or complexed at times, while some find it complicated. For me, I could say that maybe it's all three. To start off, I am just originally an Earthling who technically has some potential, though in comparison to my Saiyan comrades, I just consider myself lower than them. It is infuriating at times and they also underestimate and be very cocky at times, which honestly does tend to annoy me. However, I think you aren't here for my rants, so I'll cut to the chase.
Conton City, home to the illustrious Time Patrol, lead and guided by the Supreme Kai of Time. Conton City a couple of years ago before I ended up in this city was originally known as Tokitoki City. However, due to certain events that took place all those years ago, three powerful heroes defeated a powerful Demon known as Demigra, who was planning to rewrite the entirety of Time by destroying everything. It is technically a long shot, but the three who defeated him managed to bring peace and stability back.
Conton City had become a thriving community, filled with many strong individuals who were willing to become Time Patrollers, even to this very day. Most of the people who came to Conton City were far and few in between. Arranging from Earthlings, Namekians, Saiyans, the Majins and even those who belong to Frieza's race. I do have my own opinions about them, but each of them are very different in their own ways.
As time had passed, the Time Patrol became a group that prevents history within the Timelines from being altered, as it would have dire consequences that is unknown to many. The catch is that they also have to keep everyone's memories intact and even ensure that history is supposed to play out the way it was supposed to. Though oddly enough, the requirements to becoming a Time Patroller is rather vague and pathetic to me in my opinion.
They apparently require us to have confidence in our own capabilities, including us having the strong will and desire to protect and preserve history as it was meant to be. We attend a school to hone our skills and teach us important lessons to understand and follow carefully to prevent Time from being altered in the first place. I honestly couldn't care much about the school in the first place, even though I was forced into it by the Supreme Kai of Time herself, and of course, that old geezer of a Kai. I was honestly recommended to them by none other than that Saiyan hero that defeated Demigra, Son Nathan if I remember correctly.
Son Nathan is considered to be one of the strongest Time Patrollers around and even though he is a Saiyan, I could tell that he knew what he was doing, but I never understood why he recommended me when I was just an Earthling. Couldn't he have picked another Saiyan instead? I'm not one to judge, but him choosing me as a recommendation, I guess I got some respect for him and I might as well not disappoint that Saiyan, even if the power gap is relatively larger than a blackhole in comparison.
But yeah, I'm training into becoming a Time Patroller under the guidance of the Supreme Kai of Time and the Elder Kai. Though things aren't exactly perfect as one might say...
Third Person POV:
Conton City's school, which is technically similar to the popular school of the original Timeline, Patroller Academy is where many hone their skills and study to become Time Patrollers. Though within one of the many classes, there was one particular student within her third year at being within this school as she has her arms resting on the desk, folded together as her head was resting face first into the arms, hiding the fact that she was currently asleep.
Her hair being a silver-white colour as it travelled slightly passed her shoulders as it was somewhat messy but neat at the same time. Her attire mostly consisted of black, white and yellow colours as her attire was fairly different in comparison to everyone else, making her somewhat of an outcast in comparison.
Teacher: "Miss Yūrei?"
The teacher of the class called out for the student, but received no response, making the teacher walk up to her level as the teacher immediately slammed her palm on the desk, forcing the student in question to wake up.
???: "Y-Yes ma'am?!"
She screamed on the top of her lungs, as her yellow eyes were now visible as the teacher folded her arms, staring at the student.
Teacher: "Miss Sayori Yūrei. You fell asleep during my lecture again. You know what the punishment is don't you?"
The student, now being revealed as our main protagonist, Sayori Yūrei relaxed her gaze again, seeming tired as she moved her hair lightly with her left hand, sighing.
Sayori: "Yes ma'am... Homework about the lesson..."
She stated in an uninterested and tired voice as she clearly didn't get any proper sleep at all. Though the teacher smiled at her response.
Teacher: "Good, because you'll be receiving homework based on the importance of stabilizing Time itself. Remember to try and not sleep in my class again Miss Yūrei. You're a Senior here at this school, and I expect you to act like one."
Sayori: "Yes ma'am..."
The teacher then left her alone as the lesson continued, yet Sayori couldn't focus on the lesson for the rest of the class. She was mostly thinking about something else as she was thinking about some sort of critical mission that she once overheard the Supreme Kai of Time talk to herself about before when she was busy training her mental fortitude.
Apparently Time was being altered again, but not in any good way. Even though they are ensuring that their best is resolving the issue, unfortunately it apparently wasn't enough. They also have reasons to believe that it was most likely the doing of someone named Towa, who apparently was one of the main people that has been causing them problems in the past. She isn't entirely sure on who this Towa person is, but with the way that the Supreme Kai talked about it, it clearly wasn't anything good.
She couldn't help but feel bothered about it since it was the first time she had ever seen the Supreme Kai of Time act so cautious and concerned. Yet as she was thinking about all of this, time flew by as the classes were already over. The teacher gave her the homework she has to complete, making her sigh when the teacher left the class as well, making her rub the side of her head a bit.
Sayori: "Teach is always on my case... Can't I catch a break...?"
She packed her things as she was getting ready to leave, only to notice that there was someone else in the class, making her tilt her head a bit. This student seemed to be really focused on finishing some notes that he was taking down. Sayori always had a strange feeling about this particular one as he looks like an Earthling, but strangely doesn't feel like one. Though she had always left him alone since he wasn't even approaching her or getting on her nerves at all.
His hair being a spiky black as his eyes are a black colour as well, along with red glasses that somewhat compliments his attire. As far as she knew, his name was apparently Dash, though she didn't hear his last name, so she just stuck to calling him Dash for the time being, yet one of the things she does remember is that she technically is a Senior to him as he is a year younger than her.
As Dash had finished his notes, he accidentally dropped one of his books, making him scramble a bit as he tried to immediately pick it up, but tripped over himself in the process, dropping all the books he was preparing to pack away. This made Sayori sigh, finding this boy to be the typical nerd-looker that seems clumsy. Though in comparison, she can't complain as she is quite clumsy at times when she is super tired.
She walked up to his desk, immediately picking the books up as she placed them on his table as he adjusted his clothing. Though when he was looking for his glasses, she picked it up and handed it to him.
Sayori: "Here you go..."
Dash didn't know how to respond at first since this was probably one of the first times he actually ever interacted with Sayori as he took it so he didn't come off as awkward.
Dash: "Thanks..."
He put his glasses back on as he quickly packed his books and notes away.
Sayori: "You seem to be the loner type huh...?"
Dash: "Well... not exactly. I just prefer to be alone is all."
Sayori: "I see... Well, you seem like the type to go out and make friends..."
Dash: "Do I really look like that?"
Sayori: "Probably... Also, I was wondering, would you like to walk home with me today...?"
Dash blinked a few times, rather surprised and confused at the same time. He was aware that this was pretty much the first time they had ever interacted with one another. Though she clarified what she was saying.
Sayori: "Don't get the wrong idea like most of you do when I ask this question... I wanted a bit of company, and I also wanted someone to at least keep me awake on the way home... I simply don't want to fall asleep in the middle of a random street and get yapped at by the old geezer again..."
Dash: "Old geezer...?"
Sayori: "Trust me, you don't want to know... So is that a yes or a no nerd?"
Dash: "I mean, I don't mind at all. If you're cool with it, I'm cool with it."
With that, the two began walking together outside the classroom. Though one of the things that Sayori asked him to do was talk about various topics to at least keep her awake since she was struggling to stay awake the whole time. While she was technically listening to random topics he brought up, she wasn't really taking them in, but it was helping her to a degree.
As they were leaving the school grounds, she then came to a stop for a moment, making Dash stop as well as he stopped what he was talking about, looking at her with confusion.
Dash: "You okay Sayori?"
He then looked over to what Sayori was looking at, only to witness a Saiyan student taking advantage of a defenceless Earthling student. Even though Dash wanted to do something, Sayori simply began walking towards the situation.
Sayori: "We'll have our walk after I deal with this... It's my duty as a Senior after all..."
She said this with a more serious tone as she clearly was not happy with what was happening. So when she walked up to the Saiyan student, she simply tapped him on the shoulder as he looked at her with confusion.
Sayori: "I would advise you to stop what you're doing..."
???: "You got a problem Earthling?!"
The Saiyan student turned to face Sayori as she clearly was unfazed by his reaction, though she simply shrugged.
Sayori: "You picking on someone weaker than you is quite unfair don't you think...?"
???: "What do you know huh?! We Saiyans are far superior to most of you!"
Sayori *Thoughts*: "So... The typical Saiyan brute huh...?"
She narrowed her eyes as she put her hands in her pockets. Dash who was watching the whole thing was mixed within a crowd of students who were watching on with anticipation. He felt like this was probably getting out of hand. As much as he wanted to step in, he decided to wait and see instead as he actually did want to see what Sayori could do anyways.
From Dash's knowledge about Sayori, he didn't know all too much since he was quite nervous or afraid depending on how you want to see it. She apparently hated Saiyans, or that is what he heard at least, which could also mean that she is strong perhaps, but he never wanted to get on anyone's bad side anyways.
???: "So walk away, or you'll be in for a world of pain weakling!"
Sayori then sighed, looking at him with a serious glare.
Sayori: "Alright then, I'll walk away... if you can hit me once..."
This ticked the Saiyan student off as he gritted his teeth, balling a fist as he raised it, ready to swing.
???: "You just don't know your place!"
The moment he swung his fist, she simply side stepped out of the way. This made him agitated as he went in for another punch, only for her to side step again. He then went for a side kick, only for her to duck underneath it. However, she then used her hands to position herself as she did a cartwheel backwards, kicking the Saiyan student in the chin as he stumbled back a bit, making him rather surprised.
Once Sayori recovered, she put her hands in her pockets again. The Saiyan student charged at her again, this time with more force since he was really pissed off, though Sayori was dodging every kick and punch with ease. Every student that stood watching was astounded by how flexible Sayori is at dodging the whole time. Dash however was analysing what he could from her as he was fascinated by how she was fighting.
He only realized a few things when it came to how nimble she really is. From what he could tell, every punch and kick are consistent close calls, but it is like her body is simply reacting on its own, moving like it was a rhythm. He couldn't really tell if this was a style of fighting or simply just going with the flow. However, he even noticed that since Sayori was keeping her hands in her pockets, she clearly wasn't fighting back properly.
???: "Why can't I hit you?!"
The Saiyan student was clearly not enjoying this one bit as he attempted every punch and kick he could muster. This continued until when he did a low kick, she simply backflipped away and landed a bit further away. The Saiyan student gritted his teeth.
???: "Are you mocking me?!"
Sayori then sighed, bringing out her right hand as she was rubbing her head a bit, ruffling her hair a little in the process. Though she clearly seemed disinterested now.
Sayori: "Look, as advice from a Senior to a Junior... Never pick fights with the experienced... Nor pick on the weaker people..."
???: "I don't need your advice! You are nothing in comparison to us Saiyans in the first place!"
Sayori then put her hand back in her pocket as she glared at him.
Sayori: "Truth be told... This is why I dislike you Saiyans so much... Always bragging like you are the most powerful beings in existence... until you learnt that there are others stronger than you..."
???: "What...?"
Sayori: "You Saiyans get stronger due to your Zenkai Boosts... The near death experiences and even pushing yourself to the brink of no return tends to boost your body's capabilities... Vastly different than an Earthling's that much is for certain... However, that kind of thing can get to your heads..."
For one moment, her Aura flared as it immediately turned into a fiery red Aura, she then disappeared from their points of view as she immediately appeared in front of him, only to knee him in the stomach. When Dash saw this, he saw that she was coated in the fiery red Aura he could definitely recognize as she was utilizing the Kaioken technique.
The Saiyan student immediately stumbled back as he clutched his stomach in pain, falling to his knees as he was struggling to breathe for a bit. Sayori then deactivated the Kaioken as she glared down at him, he was clearly terrified of her now.
Sayori: "A lesson from your Senior... Never underestimate who you fight..."
She then did a roundhouse kick that sent the Saiyan student laying right next to the injured student, out cold as Sayori sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.
Sayori: "I'd advise you all to get some Senzu or something... They both need medical attention..."
With that, the crowd of students immediately went to help out the two injured students. Dash mainly stood there dumbfounded by how quick she managed to handle that without even taking a single scratch. Though due to him standing their like a sore thumb, Sayori was already in front of him, snapping her fingers to get his attention.
Sayori: "Hey nerd... We're leaving..."
Dash: "Oh uh right!"
Dash immediately recovered as he began to follow closely next to Sayori. They began walking around Conton City for about an hour or two as Dash couldn't tell during this time if Sayori was doing this on purpose or not due to her neutral and tired expression. Even with this, Dash was mainly explaining certain things that he could remember that came off the top of his head.
Interestingly enough, Sayori was actually listening this time as she was taking in only certain information since it seemed to be slightly relevant or might help her in the future since she doesn't have much of a choice in the matter. One of the first things that she took in was about the items, or more specifically the capsules that every Time Patroller would need to take with them so they could remain refreshed or they can quickly recover from severe injuries. Some of the capsules even contain certain medicines that help recover your stamina and power at times, though that is mostly from the Senzu Essence Capsules.
The other thing she learnt was mainly a little more about the history of Conton City, and unfortunately, the history of the Saiyans. As much as she dislikes Saiyans, she doesn't want to be near them at all since their fighting spirit and things like that could eventually rub off on her. She doesn't entirely despise them really, she just doesn't like their arrogance and how easily they could get so strong. While she can admire their determinations to train and improve their bodies, breaking their own limits, to her, Saiyans seem to have a form of cheat code to them.
Though as she had learnt, she learnt about the history of the Ancient Saiyans and the history behind the Saiyans that worked under the Cold and Frieza Empire. Sure, Saiyans had to work under some tyrant, but it felt rather inevitable for Frieza and Cold to get their comeuppance.
Eventually, the two came to a halt as they stopped in front of an apartment complex as Dash looked at it with curiosity.
Dash: "This your home?"
Sayori: "Yep... Also, thanks for accompanying me today nerd... You didn't really need to go along with me..."
Dash: "Oh uh... It's no problem. I mean, it was the first time we actually got a chance to talk... Though I actually do have a question for you Sayori."
Sayori: "Hmm?"
She then looked at him with curiosity on what he wanted to ask in the first place, though she kept her hands in her pockets the whole time. Whilst she may still have a tired expression on her face, Dash could tell that she wants to know what he is about to ask.
Dash: "Well uh... It might be a bit personal but... Where did you learn how to fight?"
Sayori then sighed as she lifted her right hand out of her pocket, rubbing the back of her neck.
Sayori: "I learnt to fight in my own style... It's hard to believe, but I've learnt some fundamentals by watching others... Then adapted some of their methods and principals... And there you have it, a style that I can use because it works..."
Dash blinked a few times, finding that answer to be rather confusing.
Dash: "No one taught you how to fight?"
Sayori: "No... I simply taught myself. The rest of my training is being supervised by the old geezer... The Elder Kai..."
Dash: "Wait... The Elder Kai is training you?!"
Dash was honestly flabbergasted about it over all as he could never imagine the Elder Kai being the teacher type. Though Sayori then ruffled her hair a little, clarifying the whole thing.
Sayori: "To be more specific... He isn't necessarily teaching me any techniques or anything like that... He is training me to control my mind better... He wants me to unlock my potential, but I am constantly told that I'm not ready yet... But if you were to ask how I ended up being trained under that old geezer... Ask one of the three heroes, Son Nathan I believe his name to be..."
Dash's eyes widened for a moment, even if he wanted to say something, he quickly kept his mouth shut. He quickly composed himself as he chuckled a little.
Dash: "You must be pretty strong huh?"
Sayori then put her hand back in her pocket as she simply looked to the sky.
Sayori: "Honestly, I don't see strength as the defining factor of what makes someone strong..."
Dash: "Huh...? What do you mean?"
Sayori: "To be honest... To be strong, there are three fundamentals of strength... The body... The mind... And the soul..."
Dash: "Soul?"
Sayori then looked at him again, having a calm-like glint in her eyes as she was sharing the information and philosophy she could understand, since it helped her get this far.
Sayori: "You Saiyans love strength, mostly through the will of the body... The physical body has limitations that could be broken and refined... You Saiyans grow stronger through that philosophy alone. However, the mind is equally as important... One's mind can be clouded and indecisive... Your mind is the one in control of the body, but if you learn to not strain the mind... Your body will begin to relax and react on its own in due time as it can pick up habits... The clarity of the mind allows you to think outside of the box, improve and adapt, allowing you to be quicker on your feet. However, the soul of your very being too can play an important role... If you can find enlightenment, you can achieve greater feats than you yourself can even imagine... You don't have to follow how I think about it... The answers will come to you once you understand yourself. Take this as advice from your Senior alright...?"
Dash felt like he had learnt a lot from just hearing Sayori's speech, but he was still confused on what she meant. The body, mind and soul are important in function and fundamentals? He just couldn't understand it right away, though he snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Sayori yawn as she was covering her mouth when she did it.
Sayori: "I guess this is farewell for now... Don't overthink what I told you okay...?"
Dash: "Uh yeah... Sure... So umm... Can we be friends?"
Sayori: "Hmm? You want to be friends with me...?"
Dash: "I mean... It isn't an issue right?"
She could tell that he was being nervous about it, but she let out a small but barely visible smile as she wasn't looking at him, but staring at the apartment complex.
Sayori: "Sure... I guess I do need a friend once in a while... We'll chat from time to time, Dash..."
Even though no other words were exchanged between the two, it was clear that the two have started to form a friendship. Though she then headed on inside as Dash quickly left as she heard the sound of flaring Ki and flight as she never bothered to look back.
Once she got into her apartment, she sighed as she stretched her arms, feeling glad that she made it back home. She made sure to immediately get some good rest as she remembered that within two months from now, she is going to graduate from the Patroller Academy and begin her first proper mission. She isn't sure if she is excited for that, or if she was nervous about it since she doesn't want to let this opportunity go to waste. Though as far as she was concerned, she doesn't want to overthink about it and just relax herself, thinking that it might actually go well as long as she's just being herself...
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