Goku x Reader
Y/n Pov
It was a Saturday afternoon and you were off from work. You work the normal 9-5 job over at Bank, nothing special but you liked your job and it kept you content. You didn't have a significant other because you just haven't met anyone you peek your fancy. Everyone was either too serious or just mean.
Anyways you were enjoying your Saturday afternoon by getting ice cream and going on your weekly walk by the beach, you were at the ice cream shack and you couldn't decide between vanilla and strawberry so you decided to get both. You started your walk down the beach and you saw a couple in the distance fighting. As you walked closer you can start to hear the conversation.
"Goku! you don't pay enough attention to me and I want to start a family!!!" A black-haired female screamed at a man while smacking his chest. "All you do is train!" You could almost see the words she was yelling,
"I want to start a family too Chi-Chi but I still have to train for the tournament next month." The man I assumed to be Goku look pained and confused as if it was a different language she was speaking.
"I'm done Goku! don't try to talk to me again! we are over!!!" the lady screamed as she walked away. You were walking past the man when you turned to look at him and you noticed the confused look on his face. Since you had only started to eat the strawberry ice cream you walked up to the man.
"You look like you could use this" You stick your hand out offering the vanilla ice cream cone to him. He looked you in the eye and after five seconds his face had completely changed and looked like the happiest kid. "Wow really?!!! Thank you I love ice cream !" you couldn't help but chuckle at his response considering the situation.
"It's no biggie seems like it was a good thing I got two, I couldn't decide which one i wanted so I got both but after what I saw looks like you could use a good snack," you said with a smile.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, and this is definitely what I need to cheer me up," he said with a big smile.
"Would you like to join me on my walk? We don't have to talk or anything but I feel like it might cheer you up a bit?" you ask as you look over at him.
"Sure I have no plans anymore haha," He said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Also so we're not two random strangers walking down the beach my name is Y/n," You said as you started walking down the side of the beach enjoying the ice creams and taking in the nature beauty of the world.
You guys stay in silence for a while, as you both were preoccupied with their ice creams. It was days like this that were your favorite, the quiet laughter in the distance of kids playing and the sounds of the waves hitting the beach. You had taken your shoes off at some point cause you couldn't stop thinking of the sand and how warm it felt against the bottom of your feet. You turned your head to look at the guy walking with you, and you found him staring at you.
"Is everything okay?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
" I was gonna ask you that, I've never seen a woman be quiet for so long, Chi-Chi and my friend Bulma always like to talk my ear off but you are quiet and it is interesting." He stated and you two continued walking but still looking at each other.
"Oh umm I don't know I'm a quiet person I guess, I can be quiet talkative though when it is something I'm passionate about but I love to listen and absorb as much as the world as I can." You replied as you looked back at the beach just in time to avoid a kid running trying to catch a ball.
" You sure are a different one!" He said with a chuckle
"I wouldn't want to be like anyone else, I am me, and that's all I am ever gonna be, and speak for yourself I haven't seen a man with such spiky hair, do you style it ?" You looked over at him to see a confused look on his face.
"What do you mean style? I'm not sure what that is but my hair has always been like this" his confused face quickly turned to a smile as he finished talking.
The day continued on that way, walking up and down the beach making small talk until the sun was setting on the horizon. He told you stories about his adventures with his friends Bulma, Yamcha, and Krillin and the dragon balls, making you ask if he was telling a real story to which he told you he was.
You guys had stopped close to your starting point, and you both were watching the sun fall over the mountains until it had completely disappeared.
"Well Goku I had a great time but it's getting late and I should get home" You paused and looked at him before looking again at the sunset "We should do this again sometime?" You turned your head back to look at the man smiling next to you
"I'd like that a lot y/n how about next Saturday?" Goku replied
"Sure, I'll see you here"
You and Goku parted ways and headed back into life but with plans to see each other again at the same time next week.
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