General Blue X Reader
(don't hate me for this, i just got the idea and idk if anyone done one before)
The relentless pursuit of Goku had taken General Blue and you deep into the heart of the wilderness. The chase was taxing, but the promise of capturing the elusive boy kept your determination strong.
Under the canopy of dense trees, you and General Blue pushed forward, tracking your quarry with the aid of sophisticated Red Ribbon technology. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and creatures, but your focus remained on the task at hand.
General Blue, with his unwavering determination, muttered, "We're getting close. I can feel it."
You nodded in agreement. "He's not getting away this time. With the Red Ribbon Army behind us, Goku's days are numbered."
As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows through the forest, you decided to set up a camp for the night. With a flick of General Blue's wrist, a small fire ignited, illuminating the campsite and providing a flickering dance of flames that hinted at the adventure to come.
You and General Blue sat beside the fire, your eyes locked on the flames, their warmth and glow offering a welcome respite from the day's efforts. The seriousness of your mission had momentarily faded, replaced by a sense of calm in the presence of your partner.
With a wry smile, General Blue turned to you. "You know, for a mission as serious as this, I didn't expect we'd end up camping in the woods."
You chuckled, the humor of the situation not lost on you. "Sometimes the best way to capture a foe is to understand the world they come from. And in this case, it means getting down and dirty in the forest."
General Blue grinned. "You've got a point there. Besides, it's not every day we get to sit by a campfire together."
As the night settled in, amid the calm of the fire's warm glow, Blue suddenly broke the silence with a smirk. "Hey, remember that time in the Red Ribbon Army when Commander Red tried to fly that stolen jet pack? He thought he'd impress us all, but it didn't end well."
You couldn't help but laugh, the memory of Commander Red's ill-fated flight attempt still bringing a smile to your face. "Oh, that was priceless! I can't believe he got stuck in a tree, and we had to send someone to rescue him."
Blue chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "And the best part was that he insisted it was a top-secret mission and threatened to court-martial anyone who laughed."
You both erupted into laughter, the sound echoing through the jungle. It was moments like these, amid the chaos of your missions, that made your partnership with Blue more than just a professional one.
You and General Blue shared stories of your time in the Red Ribbon Army, reminiscing about missions and the camaraderie you had built over the years. It was a rare moment of levity in a life filled with tension and danger.
Amid the lighthearted chatter, you both gazed into the fire, its flames flickering and casting shadows on the surrounding trees. The calm of the night enveloped you, and General Blue's hand found yours, their fingers interlacing.
With a sense of seriousness and affection, he said, "We've been through a lot together, (Y/N). And while this mission is important, what matters most to me is the moments like this, when we can just be ourselves."
You smiled, your gaze softening. "I feel the same way, General Blue. No matter how tough our missions get, I'm grateful for every moment we share."
With the fire crackling beside you, you leaned in and shared a tender kiss with General Blue, sealing your sentiments with an unspoken promise of unity.
The night wore on, and you both retired to your tent, a sense of calm and closeness enveloping you as you prepared to face another day in the relentless pursuit of Goku.
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