(Whis x Depressed Reader) My Guardian Angel
Author's Note: This is my first One-Shot booklet ever and I really hope you enjoy.
You woke up feeling the usual. Tired.
It was a normal day for (Y/n) nothing really changed in your life. You woke dragging your eyes to find your mirror,
starring at yourself you could see you're cold dead eyes and black bags under them you rubbed your face and got your glasses on.
"Hmm another day at work I guess" you thought. She was a currently a primary teacher working at some school near West City,you got up and dressed,drifting her body along like it was a struggle.
Working there was pretty exhausting as you had to watch over each and every child,listen to and getting teased by such younglings.
As the day went by you headed to you're job,sitting down and watching the kids you decided to play a song for them and so you got up and picked out a small red pick alongside your acoustic guitar.
"Gather around children!" You've spoken softly,tilting her glasses up showing off a small smile,they all turned to look and one by one ran to your side and sat down ready to listen.
"Ugh.. music from an old hag!" A young kid spoke.
You've began to play,hitting the chords with her pick,she felt she wasn't half bad but as for the kids? They thought different.
"Our generation makes better music then this shit"
"I totally agree"
"Yeah!" They all exclaimed.
You've had enough of this. You're lonely,no man,no life leading anywhere but to bring these unfaithful kids into a good future. Where's your present?..
You strummed the guitar again but this time her pick fell out of her hand into the hole of her guitar,jamming her nail across the strings,slightly cutting it.
You remained in silence,seeing you're nail drop little pelts of blood downward off your finger,the kids all laughed and ran off,taking the guitar away and kicking it away. The bell rang. School was over and you've had enough of this treatment.
You stood up sighing looking out a window and got up leaving her purse and whatever else belongings she had with her there. You scurried across the streets of West City until you could find a building with public access to the roof.
As you kept running you saw plenty of smiles from unknown people just carrying on with their life's. You wondered why couldn't your's be like that? You scurried along West City you found the building,the one you wanted to just be done with.
It was right next to a yellow or peachy type coloured my building with blue fonts on it labelling.
"Capsule Corp." it was huge and seemed to have a backyard but you didn't go into that place you went to the high building next to it. Running through the entrance and the following stairs you ran like there was no time,busting through the buildings roof entrance you stopped to catch your breath but then instantly redirected yourself to the edge of the building.
You looked down below you,you could see the building from before and many people there. They must've been throwing a party it was loud.
They probably wouldn't be able to hear your bones and body splatter across the ground..just the thought of that,being so helpless and not having anyone hear it you kinda giggled and put your arms out.
"On the count of three..."
You stopped and couldn't do it,you felt a cold stare besides you,making you feel goosebumps,You turned her head to the right side of her to see a tall blue skinny man with white hair looking a lot like a vanillia soft serve.
"Eh?!?" You got confused by his weird sense of fashion and such,didn't you see him down with those people at the party just a second ago?!
"Pardon me lady" the blue skin man spoke.
You remained silent and turned away.
"Pardon me lady" he spoke in a gentle voice.
You didn't wanna talk and just jump but your body just moved your lips on your own.
"Yes..?" You replied.
"I couldn't help but see you were up to something here,is everything alright?" He replied back.
"U-Umm.." You seemed shaken up.
"Listen would you like a cup of tea? The name is Whis by the way" Whis carefully held a cup of tea in his hands,towards the girl.
You being shaken up and confused on how he got up here and how he got the tea just rolled with it. "My last drink,huh?" Is all you could think ignoring this strange encounter.
"The name is...(Y/n)"
"Hohohoho (y/n) is it. Tell me why are you up here?"
"What's it look like"
"(Y/n) listen..i'm not suppose to stop things from happening in my universe but your universe was just saved and non of us had to die,so we're celebrating...I don't want to see a death as soon as we returned." Whis spoke with a concerned tone.
"Saved our universe...? Wait don't tell me you aren't just a cosplayer and crazy" she slightly giggled thinking Whis was lying even tho the tea and appearance thing was weird.
"Yes. You're universe was saved by golden warriors."
"Golden warriors...?" The word passed through your mind as a long time ago golden warriors fought a being named Cell . You believed those beings were real and Mr.Satan didn't actually save you all.
You felt silent and was processing this and Whis's appearance. He just laughed lightly,sipping his tea.
"Wanna get anger out? Tell me about yourself before you make the wrong decision."
You felt hesitated but spoke.
"As you already know my name I am a teacher and my life is leading nowhere--" she was caught off.
"You're 28 years old,
You live all alone,
No man,no family that appreciates you--"
"H-How did you know that?!" You yelled.
"What beings are in the high clouds watching people down below..?"
"Bingo!" Whis smiled and sipped his tea.
You sat there in silence then you're face went red.
"A-An Angel is here to talk to me and help me?!" Whis nodded You poked at his skin and weird clothing.
"Hohoho" Whis laughed as he was being observed.
Then suddenly she got into his lap.
"An angel..?"
"Yes your angel.."
You began to blush but felt as if you were on the brink of tears,as one slipped down her face Whis wiped it away instantly.
"W-Why are you here now..?"
"I am terribly late but I am here now aren't I?"
Your face got redder and tears flowed down her cheeks,tugging onto his clothing tightly with her hands.
"Don't go just yet.." He whispered.
"You're a woman of great needs."
"N-No I'm not! I'm pathetic!!" You exclaimed.
"Then why am I here to stop you?"
"I don't know.."
Whis wrapped his arms around her in an gentle and God like embrace.
"As an angel my job is to be here for you. You're gonna live a good life it just takes a little time."
"D-does this mean... You're going to help me be happy?" you began stuttering and sniffling.
Whis nodded his head, showing you a wonderful kind smile that made your heart throb. "Mhm~
You'll become a fine young lady, I'm sure of it."
You looked down at the tea you took earlier,seeing your reflection and then drank with the one you believed to be your Guardian Angel
Authors Note: This is my first One-Shot EVER. so please give me feedback and if you want more just say so! Any certain DB/DBZ/DBGT/DBS characters? I'll see what I can do but no Oc type stuff I'm sorry.
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