Slight Detour
We take a slight detour, to where?
A far away planet filled with nothing but junk and metal
We see one girl awaken, next to a purple haired young man
This girl had long black hair that had a yellow ribbon on it
Her name
Ranch: mom? Dad? W-where.... huh? Cousin Gohan? Did you die your hair purple?
Ranch nudge Gohan with her foot startling the young warrior
Gohan: AH- w-who are you, where am I?
Ranch: hey, calm down Gohan, why are you so jumpy? You don't look well
Gohan: wh-where is he?
Ranch looked puzzled
Ranch: who?
Gohan: Buu... he absorbed me and my family last I remember... mom... dad... Piccolo...
Ranch gave a soft look, and then realized, he's not her Gohan...
Ranch: oh... I'm sorry to hear about that... hey, if it means anything, Buu was a pushover in my universe... guessing your an alternative universe or timeline... Bulma constantly talks about them... but can't build any time machines from an incident...
Gohan: yeah, mom can be that way at times
Gohan gave a soft smile but gave a questioning look to Ranch
If Ranch was drinking something, she would have done a spit take
Ranch: YOUR MOM IS BULMA?! W-what happens to trunks then...
Ranch started to panic as in his universe, her crush never existed
Gohan: oh, that future guy? He warned us about the androids way back... God Cell was difficul-
Ranch took a stance, she looked to Gohan who took one too
Ranch: you feel that energy too...
Gohan: feels all too familiar...
They turned to hear a chuckle
A feminine chuckle
????: oh? I believe I heard my name... but do be a good boy and call me by my actual name instead of shortening it... the names-
????: Oh Celline, stop scaring them, they look terrified
Celline: come on Goku, how am I supposed to have fun, he'll, I'm back in my imperfect form, this is the most fun I can have
Gohan: D-dad?
Ranch: Uncle?
Goku stepped closer to the bug creature known as Celline
Goku: what? Dad? Uncle? Haha, I'm not sure you kids understand genders if your confusing me for a make haha, you hear this Celline?
Celline: yeah... but it is strange... I sense that there are others on the planet... I sense Krillen is here as well, but he seems different...
Goku: *gasp* wait... isn't it our anniversary coming up soon? No damnit, I was going to try taking him out to dinner... and hoping he pays...
Both Ranch and Gohan were slackjawed
Gohan: w-wait... in your universe... your female?
Ranch: and you married Krillin?
Goku: hey, he's a sweet guy, why wouldn't I marry him, he's been my best friend since ever
Krillin: wha-
Krillin was sneaking closer, hoping to not result to quaking like the space duck he was, but heard what Goku said about him, which, even though this was a female Goku... made him think...
Krillin: wow, I'd be dead if Lazuli saw me thinking like this- now, bad Krillin
Krillin slapped his face
Krillin: your a married man, stay true
Krillin then stood up only to see
A small girl with spikey hair
????: why are you hiding Kriller?
Krillin:wha-who are you?
Caulifla: you don't remember me? Really, it's me Caulifla, Goku's daughter
Caulifla pouted and crossed her arms
Krillin: oh Kami... why is everything so confusing right now... I wish Maron and Lazuli is here...
Goku: peak a boo, hey Krillin
Goku peeked above Krillin, and kissed him on the cheek
Caulifla: d-dad? Y-your a girl?
Goku: you know... a lot of people have been saying that recently... if I had a zeni for every time I heard that I'd have... well three zeni, which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened three times now
Krillin: ah Goku... im uh... I'm married you know
Krillin: oh, I know honey, and I'm trying not to forget our anniversary dinner ok, and... is Kuroda with you... wait, when did you grow back hair?
Krillin was sporting hair on his head? What's this?
Krillin: o-oh that... its because I'm uh... saiyan...
Goku: ....COOL! My husband is a saiyan!
Goku flinched as well as the others from Krillin's shout
Goku started to slightly sob
Goku: d-does that mean your... breaking up with me? Bulma told me about that way back-
Krillin: no... Goku? Look, your not even a girl in my universe, in my universe I married another gal... I'm... I'm sorry...
Goku: oh...
Goku although kinda understood that this wasn't her Krillin... it still stung her heart that it's not her Krillin right beside her, like all her friends
Celline walked over and was about to pat Goku's back when Krillin shouted
Which shopped Celline's imperfect hand off
Celline: OW! WHY YOU-
Krillin: get back Cell, or whatever you are.
Celline: oh for the love of-
Sort timeskip
Krillin: huh... so Chi-Chi got together with Hercule in your universe (points to fem Goku), and Chi-Chi got together with Yamcha in yours? (Points to Gohan) and Chi-Chi is still your mom (points to Caulifla)
The girl nodded
Krillin: and Raditz... Goku's brother got together with... Launch?
Ranch: yep!
Two figures then approached the two, one in blue armor, the other with blue hair and a bandana
Blue hair: so then what?
Robo girl: then, I punched Vegeta in the face in a giant mec hahaha
The blue hair girl and the blue suited woman started chuckling before seeing the others
A voice different from the suited woman spoke through the speaker
????: *GASP* WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS! Krillin, explain who these people are!
Krillin: wait... is that- .... Ginyu?
Ginyu: yes yes, I'm in this armor ok, wasn't my proudest moment ok...
Robo girl: so, your my daughter from another universe you said?
The blue haired girl nodded causing Gohan to look intrigued
Bulla: the names Bulla, and Papa Raditz and mama Bulma are the best parents ever!
This shocked everyone except Celline
Goku/Ranch/Caulifla: brother/dad/uncle?!
Suited woman: oh... wow, did not expect being with someone other then Yamcha... huh... well... maybe Vegeta but... wow...
She took her helmet off revealing
Everyone: BULMA?!
Gohan spoke since they were sharing and said
Gohan: uh... well... you did marry Goku in my universe...
Leaving everyone in silence again
Bulma: ....EH?!
I know I know, I said I'd move back to the main main cast, but I'd thought I'd set these guys up as well, I kinda wanted to imagine what their interactions would be like with each other since... these kids have it where their parents are either Goku, Raditz, or Bulma, some combining them. Well... next chapter would be starting the equivalent of the namek saga... with some new villains mixed in..
See ya on the flipside
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