Episode 3: Train Trian Train
Last time on Dragon ball if, Raditz from this timeline showed up as well as piccolo, but now we get to training, will they get stronger? Find out now on dragon ball if
We go to see Piccolo and Android 21 training
Right now the two were just meditating for two days straight, but Android 21 spoke up, hmm... that should be enough meditating for now
Piccolo: agreed, so show me what you can do, and don't hold bac-
Android 21: SOLAR FLARE!
Piccolo was blinded by the attack and was gut punched by Android 21
Piccolo: cheap trick
Android 21: yeah, you kinda taught me, to make sure I gain an advantage in battle
Piccolo: heh, wise teacher, but let's see if you can take this, SPECIAL BEAM CANON!
Android 21 took the full force of the attack
Android 21: haaah, it seems I've become the master... let's get your strength up
Piccolo smirked and jumped back into the fight
We now pan over to a very terrified Chiotzu
Chiaotzu: p-please stop
Raditz2: stop? Haha, why? And ruin the fun? Come now weakling, if you wish to get stronger, then man up
Chiaotzu scaredly got back up to the much stronger Raditz
Then, we can see a more fierce battle, of Frieza fighting Tien
Tien launched a tri beam at Frieza
He simply blocked it with a finger, still in his first form, but he wanted more of a challenge, so he then put his arms behind his back, to fight with only his tail and feet
He left to Tien and swiped him with his tail
Tien was barely able to block the tail
Frieza: hm, your tough for a human, or are you even a human? Whatever it is, your still weaker then me in my first form
Tien smiled: well at least this fight isn't as enemies so I can properly train
Frieza: oh, but the best ways to train is to feel like your life is on the line, shall I raise the stakes
Tien the shook his head
Tien: no need, if I do fight our version of you, I'll put our training to the test
Frieza smiled himself
Frieza: right answer
Gohan Black was staring down Gohan in the same outfit he was in episode 1 of the actual dragon ball z anime
Gohan Black: wow, you really are weak, this body I'm in I believe is closer to the cell games, your really weak even for my standards
Gohan was crying up a storm
Gohan Black: hmm... maybe I can make you go super saiyan at this pace... that's some improvement at least...
Gohan cried more as he is really young
Goku: Yamcha... you really are slacking on training
Yamcha: *huff* yeah well.. *puff* you being so strong doesn't help
Goku: thats the point of training, you get stronger
Yamcha groaned as he pulled a wolf fang fist on Goku, for Goku to throw some jabs back at Yamcha
Krillin gulped as he stared at Raditz 1
Raditz1: so Krillin, let's see how strong you've gotten
Krillin nodded and threw a destructo disk at Raditz 1, as Raditz 1 returned the attack with a double Sunday
Raditz Then started throwing punches at Krillin
Last group, Roshi VS Nappa
Roshi was mostly lazy about training, but did show that he was a decent sparring partner
Nappa had to really hold back as to not kill the really old man
Nappa fired a weak Breakstorm from his mouth as he aimed it at Roshi
Roshi snickered as he fired a Kamehameha back at the beam
As the beams collide, everyone not busy fighting got surprised
The group stopped and had a great laugh as they walked indoors for some much needed lunch
A barbarian was looking around confused

????: Lord Zamasu? Oh wait... he sacrificed himself... to revive Gowasu and the God of destruction...
Zamasu: ugh my head... D-Decraft?
Decraft: L-Lord Zamasu? Your alive? W-where are we?
Zamasu: i-i don't know, one minute I was gone... the next I'm here...
Decraft: Lord Zamasu... i sense... I sense some other people's ki...
A door opened
And out stepped
A green guy?
Cuit: welcome, to the Zinfaandel, names Cuit
Zamasu: my names Zamasu, it's a pleasure to meet you mortal
Decraft: the names Decraft, candidate to the God of destruction in universe 10
The two beings who contained God ki... well, less for Decraft bowed seeing the person who supposedly took them in from... whatever was going on
Cuit groaned as he found more problems
Cuit: Saraas, research anything on the God of destruction please... this is all too confusing
A voice in the walls spoke up
Sarass: yes master Cuit, scanning, scanning... beep boop, hmm, it seems the God of destruction, best known as the destroyer of worlds, Beerus, is a creature who can destroy a planet at the flick of a wrist
Cuit immediately panicked at the sound of the power he must have to be a candidate for such spot
Decraft looked confused: Beerus? I thought the God of destruction was called Rumshi
Zamasu: ah, we are in universe 7 right now Decraft
Decraft ohh in response
Cuit: wait, universe? Ugh, my head hurts thinking about it... let's just show you guys to the rest of the crew...
The two godly creatures agreed and followed Cuit
Cuit: this is Cheelia the skilled thief and Yamcha the second strongest in our crew...
Zamasu: hmm, such interesting mortals... I wonder what your potential is
Yamcha was scared for his life, seeing the God and the God like beast in front of him
Cuit: but... we did find someone else... well, we found a saiyan... she's very frightened right now as she doesn't want to destroy the ship, but she also doesn't want to kill us so... its best to... not bother her
In the background as we pan to the woman
Cuit: she did say her name was...
????: Bardock... Kakarot... Raditz... where are you...
Cuit: Gine
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