Dragon ball: in spaaaaaace
Yamcha: Vegeta? Your master? Who are you?
Broly: you don't remember me? It's me, Broly
Yamcha: you look nothing like the Broly I remember...
Broly didn't know if that was an insult or a compliment so he gave a soft smile
Kuriza: human, do you know where Papa is? Or where my friends the monkeys are?
Cheelai: uh, we don't... but we do know, is your papa is our captain, would you like to come with us?
Kuriza nodded
Kuriza: Fine, but only if you take me to Papa, and keep me safe
Yamcha: that's fine, I'm sure everyone on our ship alone can keep you safe... should we get going? We have to refuel anyway
Broly: a-ah, mind if I come with?
Cheelai: sure thing Broly
Broly smiled as they walked back to the ship
As they entered the ship, Broly took a stance as he saw Zamasu, as Gine took a stance as she saw Kuriza
Broly: G-GOD!
Broly started to breathe heavily until his breathing calmed down and he released a huge amount of ki
Zamasu started to get worried by the energy the beast was giving off
Zamasu: D-decraft-
Decraft didn't sat anything, he just stood up, and walked towards the hulking beast
The intelligent savage sent a quick punch to the beast for it to be caught
Broly grinned: Broly helped beat pathetic God, Broly can do it again
Broly said starting to go back to his basic vocabulary while also his hair flickered green and black, not yet deciding to stay a color
Decraft: hmm, is that God ki I sense in you? Interesting... for a fellow mortal, your a strong one
Decraft quickly used the other hand to gut punch the beast only for a dart to get shot into the legendary super saiyan
Saraas: sorry for stopping your fun, but we can't have the ship get damaged after just getting fuel
Decraft: my apologies, it's just, he threatened my lord
Yamcha: well, it seems that in his, your "lord" is a big bad in his universe
Zamasu: how dare you mortal
Yamcha: hey hey, I'm not trying to fight ok... so... where to now? Earth?
Cuit: yeah... we should be heading there- oh what now
Saraas: there seems to be several incoming vessels... the beings on-board... are trying to contact us...
Cheelai: *sigh* what do they want?
Saraas: it seems they are calling us Frieza, but they don't seem happy
Cuit: put them on screen
Saraas: yes master Cuit
The screen turned on to show
Yamcha: uh, hello?
Jeice: hi wait... Yamcha? Buddy am I glad to see ya
Cheelai: you know him?
Yamcha: no I don't, who are you?
Jeice: ah, my bad, I guess your a different universe Yamcha, names Jeice, and I'm the leader of the Jeice force
Cheelai: wow, didn't Frieza mention having a guy named Jeice as a member of the Ginyu force?
Jeice's face turned from happy greetings to a more stern look
Jeice: Frieza huh... didn't think you'd be one to follow him as well Yamcha
Yamcha: ugh, for crying out loud he is good in our universe
Jeice: oh yeah? And why should I believe you? For all I know Frieza could be hiding on your ship for a surprise attack
Android 16: uh, Captain, it seems Frieza is not on this ship, I scanned and it seems we have more issues then Frieza... it seems I've scanned the green God who took over Goku's body in that one time-line is here
Yamcha: ANDROID 16?!
Jeice: .... ok, fine, but if you try anything, we won't hold back
*time skip*
Broly: wait, so in your time, your captain sacrificed himself to kill Frieza?
Guldo: yeah... we all still miss him... but he did betray us... by attacking all of our friends in Buu's body...
Yamcha: Buu?
Recoome: Recoome believe Buu was the pink monster controlled by babidi
Yamcha: ....who?
Burter: *sigh* I'm guessing you never faced them in your time-line
Broly: Broly remember defeating Babidi before they released Buu
Jeice: woah mate, you must be really powerful to accomplish that, so then. You guys have a plan of where we headin?
Zamasu: I have a solution of where we could go instead of this "Earth", bit they keep insisting... I suggest going to the Supreme Kai of this universe and explaining this to him, we might also gain information on where Chronoa the Kai of time is during this
Android 16: I believe this to be the best out come for us, we can regroup with allies as well, there's no telling of what else could be in this joined time-line, so far I have concluded that... this conjoined universe may have the villains of son goku... as good guys as others would say it... but that means newer villains could also appear... some may even be an Evil son Goku... so... I suggest we try to train as we go to a destination, so we can be prepare-
Saraas: LOOK OUT-
A stray person floating out in space crashed into the window causing there to be an outwards suction
Saraas: on it master Cuit!
Saraas quickly closed a metallic wall to stop the pressure from escaping
Yamcha: wow, that was something
Zamasu: ahhh right, not all mortals breathe in space, my apologies for not trying something
Broly was staring at the person who had flown inside... especially since they landed onto him
Broly: Ka....Kakarot?
????: ugh not now sis I'm not in the mood to build right now
Goku said talking in his sleep
Yamcha: Goku?
Jeice: Master Goku, he's here now!
The Jeice force cheered as they saw Goku awakening
????: uh, who's this Goku you speak of? Who are you- Yamcha? GET BACK AWAY FROM THE GINYU FORCE! GOLD?!
???? then looked shocked to see Android 16 as well as the others hearing that name
Yamcha: thank God you know me, no need Goku, they are ok
????: why are you calling me Goku? Wait... where's my sister? Where's Lonjon?
Yamcha: uh, I don't know who your talking about Goku- I mean... what's your name if it's not Goku?
????: silly Yamcha, you'd really forget about the brother to Bulma? Really? Haha
Everyone who knew Bulma was astonished
Guldo: s-sister Bulma?
Boxer: *sigh* you don't remember? It's me, Boxer, son of Dr. Brief... well, adopted
Gine stepped into view to Boxer
Gine: Kakarot...
Boxer: wait... that face, you were in that tournament with Baba way back... you seem familiar other then that thou-
He stopped when he was hugged by the mother, tears in her eyes
Gine: Kakarot... my boy, I'm so glad your here... and this you at least remembered me to a point
There we gooooo, the mother and son has been reunited... technically, I viewed more what ifs before updating and wanted to include Babidi in this chapter as well as someone who would be very... complicated with how Goku/Boxer and Bulma are siblings in that what if... but, I'm going back to the main squad in the next chapter don't you worry, so til next time
See ya on the flipside
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