*Solas's POV*
Night has fallen and while most of my compatriots have retired or traversed to the tavern, I remain at my desk. There is so much to do, so much left to accomplish, not only for the Inquisition, but for my own plans as well. For tonight, the many pleasures this castle offers must wait.
At least, that was my intention.
A hiccup echoes through the hall ahead followed immediately by a familiar giggle. The sound brings a small smile to my face as my gaze raises to spy a willowy frame swaying through the open doorway, a hand skimming the wall as she walks. Another hiccup fills the room as she walks in and I note the half-drunken bottle in her other hand. I'm halfway out of my seat when the light hits her and I'm frozen when I see what she's wearing.
It looks like a single piece of fabric. Gleaming, supple, green silk gathers at the swell of her breasts before falling down to her upper thighs and tapering to a point just below her knees. Thin straps that look as if they're made from tiny crystals hold up the entire dress and all thoughts funnel out of my head at the sight. Well, all but the thoughts of how easily those straps could slide off her shoulders. "So—Solas, I brought you something." She giggles again at her struggle and I can't help how my body warms at the sound.
"You look as if you have been having a pleasant time. Although your outfit does not seem appropriate for the snow-covered mountains." I round my desk to greet her as she leans back against the wall beside the door.
She waves a dismissive hand back where she came. "I had boots and one of the most ridiculously plush fur coats on earlier, but I...I think I lost them on the way over." She giggles again and her laughter pulls me in. I reach back and hold onto the edge of my desk as a reminder to keep my hands to myself. Her brows pinch together. "Is the dress not flattering? Josie and Leliana approved. I think Leliana even made a comment about parading me around the hall in it to attract allies." Her eyes roll at the notion even as takes an unsteady step forward into a shaft of moonlight. Her cheeks are red from alcohol or the cold from the walk over, possibly both, and half of her hair is tied up out of her face while the rest tumbles down her back and shoulders. She's a gift I never expected and one I would like very much to unwrap.
"I apologize if you thought my comment disparaged you. I am certain you could bring any nation to their knees in such a dress, not to mention convince any singular person to bend to your indomitable will."
"Including you?" She counters and the wood from my desk creaks as I cling to it. Even addled with drink, her eyes shine with intelligence and her mind even more than her body has always been irresistible to me. Usually her speech is tempered around me, careful to keep up decorum and professionalism until rare moments when we're away from it all. This is a side of her I have yet to see. "What could I convince you to do, Solas?" Any warning bells ringing in my head are drowned out by the sound of my name on her lips.
"What would you have me do?" I counter as she takes a step closer and sets the bottle on the desk beside my hand, her body close enough to touch, but she's careful not to.
"I would have you do many things, Solas. In varying places, in varying positions, in varying states of dress." She puts her hands behind her back, intentionally or unintentionally presenting her breasts to me barely covered by the sleek silk. My pants tighten as a certain situation grows, but I'm determined to play her game now.
"And which would you have me do tonight, da'len?" The name is supposed to throw her off, but she only draws nearer so our lips are a ribbons-width apart. Every inch of her is soaked in power, not from the mark, but from her own skill and leadership. She wears it almost as well as her dress and I have always found it hard to resist a strong woman who knows when and where to use her strength. Her wisdom and finesse were what drew me to her in the first place and she continues to surprise me.
"There's a secret about this dress that I don't think you know yet. Two secrets, actually." My smile grows even as I curse myself. I'm intrigued. And she knows it. "I would have you discover both, but my only condition is that you would have to use your hands. Pull me close and you'd probably discover at least one immediately." She smiles millimeters from my lips while I stare into her bright eyes. It's a clever plan, made even more impressive by the fact that she's at least a little drunk.
"You still haven't made a request, vhenan." The endearment slips out naturally, just as it had before, and I don't bother trying to take it back. I'm rewarded when she goes up on her tiptoes to gift me the briefest of kisses as she speaks against my lips.
"Touch me. Hold me. Kiss me. Unravel me and discover my secrets." She dares and a half-hearted tease telling her that those are many requests, not just one, dies on my lips as she finally lets her body sway into me. Her sweet weight and the feel of her chest pushing into mine would of felled me in an instant, but instinct betrays me first as my hands snap forward to slide over her hips to steady her. She grins in victory and my control shatters at the joy in her eyes.
I tug her close, my leg slotting between hers as I bend her back with a hand on the nape of her neck to give me control as my lips press against hers. She makes a small noise of surprise before wrapping her arms around me, anchoring her to me as I pull her onto the tips of her toes. Her lips are sweet from whatever fruity alcohol she'd been drinking and I savor the taste of her on my lips like any fine wine. My fingers glide up her spine, dragging across her bare skin—wait, bare skin?
I break away from her with an accusation in my eyes and she laughs onto my lips. "Have you discovered one of my secrets?"
I answer with my hands as she requested. I sit on the ledge of my desk and let her feet rest fully on the floor once again as my hands glide down the edges of her dress. It seems there's hardly any back at all. The small crystals that make up those tiny straps travel down a scoop that ends just above the curve of her ass. My fingers follow the lines of the fabric over her warm skin, never dipping under even as she shivers at my light touch.
"And you wore this little thing out to the tavern?" I question and my deep voice returns her eyes to mine.
She nods, eyelids heavy with desire as her hands smooth up and down my thighs. "Say you only wish for me to wear it for you and it will be so."
I smile, but shake my head. "Oh, no. I would never deprive the world of seeing such beauty. However, I will ask that you always wear it for me. No matter the occasion, allow me to be there, to see you in it." She hums and slides her lips along my jaw, pausing to press a kiss below my ear before sinking her teeth into the lobe and drawing a groan from me. "Vhenan." I scold but there's no weight to it.
She pulls back with eyes shining. "I agree to your terms. I'll even buy a dozen more little things like it to surprise you with. Would that please you?" My heart aches a bit at the question. She's always so giving, always so ready to help anyone, everyone. Even at the expense of herself. That is one disparity between us. She has a heart far more tender than mine.
"You please me. Greatly." I murmur and pull her back to me so we're molded to one another once again.
She smiles. "That's good because I feel the same. I could listen to your voice for hours, have you touch me for days, and kiss me until the world ends." The blunt admission catches me off-guard, her usual inhibitions removed. Her arms slide up around my neck as she speaks and now she's well and truly bared to me. A small, guilty chuckle leaves my lips. She doesn't know how likely it is that the third will come true.
"How very irresponsible of you, Inquisitor." I chide and her laughter chases away the darkness blooming in my mind.
"How irresponsible of you, Solas. You still have one secret to find out and you've grown lax in your search." She teases as my fingers finally slip under the edges of her dress. It would be so easy to just...shrug it off. "It's a fairly obvious one that I'm surprised you haven't already guessed." She eggs me on while I raise a brow.
"You are a very...mischievous drunk."
She giggles and leans into me further, legs snug around my right thigh. "I'm not drunk, I'm...well, I might be a little drunk. But only a little. Not enough to have a hangover tomorrow which is what matters."
"I enjoy this side of you." I haven't found a side that I don't enjoy, in fact.
She presses a light kiss to my lips and wiggles her hips a bit with a contented sigh. "Are you trying to flatter me into giving you a hint or are you simply buying yourself more time?"
A small laugh leaves me as I give into myself and settle more fully on my desk before pulling her up with me, her legs straddling my hips with ease. "I am in no rush to end our little game. Although, I am sure you have many secrets that I have yet to discover."
"Of course, I do. But this one does have a time limit. Or perhaps I should outfit restriction?" Her forehead presses to mine as she gifts me a clue. My hands are smoothing up and down her back and I pause as the realization washes over me.
"You are not wearing a breast band." I point out and she grins.
"That's part of it." She encourages and my head cocks. Slowly, my fingers slide down her back and the glint in her eyes brightens as my hands slide under her dress at last to find her smalls are also missing.
"Ah." I breathe and press her tighter against me as she rolls her hips against mine. My head falls back and she hums as I leave my neck open for attack.
"You've found me out." She murmurs against my skin as she leaves kisses down to my jugular, then sinks her teeth lightly into the skin. Almost like a wolf claiming its prey. An old elvish curse slips from my lips as she laves over the mark with a flick of her tongue and I pull my hands out from under her dress to slide them up her thighs instead. Now, I have full access to her with no more danger of ripping the fabric. "Are you pleased with your discovery?" She questions and a breathless chuckle leaves my lips.
"I believe you can feel how pleased I am." I lean forward again with my hands on her ass keeping her anchored to me while she holds on with arms around my neck and legs locked around my hips. She smiles, trusting me with ease as her hips rock against my hardening member at a slow, steady pace.
"I can. Although you could feel me a bit better if you were wearing less." It's a light-hearted offer. She leaves the choice up to me, always willing to take just what I offer, nothing more.
Curiosity gets the better of me, as it usually does. "You would have me take you here? Where anyone could come in and see us?"
Her smile only widens. "I said I would have you in varying places, in varying positions, and in varying states of dress. Should I be offended that you didn't take me at my word?"
"Are you?"
"Hard to be upset when I'm practically riding you and your hands are kneading my ass."
Another laugh leaves my lips as I squeeze her for emphasis. "Something to remember."
"Mm, yes, please feel free to keep me from being upset in this way in the future." She counters and my smile is wide even as I shake my head.
"I should return you to your room." I sigh, but don't make a move to do so.
Her nails scrape lightly over the nape of my neck. "Perhaps you should. You'd be doing so in this position since I have no desire to move. But I'm more interested in what you will do."
"What do you want me to do, vhenan?"
"Honestly?" She prefaces and I nod instantly. I would always have her honest, even if I cannot always be honest with her. Much as I try to be. "If it were up to me, then I would have already ridden you to completion at least once and we would now walk through the hall with you still inside me to finish another round in my room."
A few curses leave my mouth at her description and I grind her down onto me as my patience with myself thins. "I could easily become addicted to such frank honesty from you, vhenan."
"Ask and you'll receive, Solas. Anything you want." Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she rolls her hips again and I can see the need growing in her eyes.
"And if I asked you for everything? If I asked you for the whole world, would you give it?" It's a dangerous question, but as her need grows, so does mine and the tenuous string holding my tongue loosens along with it.
Her hands frame my face as she answers with eyes focused on mine. "You know that I would." I manage one more shuddering breath as her gaze consumes me, her honesty burning me from the inside out, branding me.
"Damn the world. If I can have you, then I will be content." I lift her up into my arms and turn, sitting her on the table behind me before tossing the thin fabric of her dress aside over her thigh, then reaching for the ties of my pants. Her eyes are wide as she watches me and her pupils are blown with lust. When I'm free and my pants are slung just low enough to allow me my task, her lips part with a gentle whisper of my name. How did I ever resist her so long?
My knuckles slide over her wet heat, groaning at how ready she is when I've yet to truly touch her. "Yes." She answers before I've even asked the question on my tongue. Her hand pulls me closer by my sweater so she can whisper onto my lips. "You could render me thus with words alone, Solas. With nothing but your voice." My hand lifts to cradle her face, my thumb smoothing over the vallaslin painted across her cheek.
"I wonder if you will regret such admissions when I use them against you in the future."
"Promise?" She laughs into my mouth as I kiss her, tasting the joy on her lips as I slide myself back and forth over her folds to ready us both.
"Ready, vhenan?" I'm not sure how much longer I can keep myself from her.
She nods, hands pulling my sweater out of the way so she can see me clearly, our bodies framed in silver moonlight from windows high above. "More than ready." She breathes and I'm torn between watching her face or how I sink into her as if she were made for me. I pause halfway in to take a breath, the feel of her tight warmth overwhelming me, but her hand tugs insistently on my sweater. "I want all of you. Every inch." Her bright eyes are dark and I feel myself being tugged in with little resistance.
My hand creeps up to rest lightly around her throat. "Lay back." I request gently and after a quick, breathless kiss, she obeys and lays out on my table with her hair splayed out over my papers. It's a sight I'll have to draw. I doubt she would approve if I wanted to paint it on the walls. Tempting as the thought may be. I ease myself in inch by inch until I'm flush against her and we're both already panting.
"As you like it, Solas. Please." Her legs are still wrapped around me and I take a moment to smooth a hand over the muscles in her thighs, her taut stomach, then tap lightly on her bundle of nerves. "Solas, please." She begs, although with every word from her mouth, I'm the one who feels more and more undone. There will be time to worship her later, I promise myself.
"You said what you would have done earlier and I've no objection to your plan with one minor exception. Well, two, actually." I bend down and relish the feeling of her body laid out against mine as my lips skim the shell of her ear. "Instead of riding me, I will bring you to completion like this, spread out before me like a fine feast. Then we will walk through the hall to your room where we will continue our activities many, many times over. If you have no objections, of course—"
"My only objection is the delay, I—ah!" She squeaks as I begin to move ever so slowly in and out of her with my thumb rubbing small circles over her clit.
"What was that?" I tease through uneven breaths as I hold myself back just enough to do what I want.
"Fenedhis. Don't stop." She breathes, hips rolling with me while she grips the wrist of my hand still settled lightly against her neck. Her other hand pulls down her dress and my pace stutters when she takes her breast into her hand, fingers pinching a pale nipple. Her eyes catch mine and hold my gaze, her heavy lids and parted lips spurring me to move faster.
I keep my pace even, moving in and out of her in slow, smooth strokes while my thumb presses harder and moves faster over her clit. "Yes, yes, yes." Breathless, she whispers the words like a prayer that I'm all too happy to answer. My hand slides down from her neck to her other breast, the weight filling my hand before I lean forward to press a kiss to the middle of her chest. "Solas, you...tease." She scolds and I smile as my lips skate between the valley of her breasts, then wrap around her hardened nipple.
She arches into me as my tongue flicks and I groan when she pulls back one leg to open herself up to me. My pace picks up and I hit deep with each thrust and the little noises she makes with each plunge is pure music. I pull away and hold her leg back with eyes locked on hers. "Give in, vhenan. Give in to me." Her breath catches at my words and her mouth forms a little o as she tightens around me. Small sounds leak from her as I continue moving while pleasure wracks her. I still when she releases a long sigh, a satisfied smile tugging on her lips.
"You cheated. Speaking to me like that."
I chuckle and lean over her to press a few light kisses to her lips. "Using every skill available to me seems more like wisdom than cheating."
Her smile widens. "You would say that." I return her grin before pulling her up and getting ready to step back, but she claims all my attention with a gentle hand on my cheek. "Going somewhere?" I slide my hands under her and lift her from the table as she wraps her legs and arms back around me.
"A more apt question would be where are we going? Our agreement was that I would bring you to completion here, then carry you to your room." I turn and begin walking towards the door and thankfully her legs around my hips keep my pants up. Her eyes widen and her legs tighten as I walk, my cock still sheathed in her heat.
"Perhaps I should tell you all my wishes if you take them this seriously." She teases and wiggles just enough in my arms to earn a half-hearted scolding glance from me. We enter the hall and I take my time walking across the carpet towards her door at the far end of the room.
"I would gladly hear all your wishes, vhenan, and do my best to grant them," I swear, her weight in my arms and her swathed around me drowning out the voices of my past whispering in my head.
She presses her forehead to mine. "You've already granted my most fervent wish."
I raise a brow and stall in the middle of the room, her throne framing her head behind her like a crown. "This?" I shift inside her and she grins, but shakes her head.
"This was high on the list, but no. You love me." She states as if citing a fact from a tome. "You love me. Ar lath ma, Solas. And I love you too." Her smile is soft and sweet, more enticing than even the fade.
"Then we have both granted a wish for each other," I murmur and continue walking until we come to the door and encounter a small problem. "I need you to open the door."
She smirks and wiggles her hips. "And if I don't? Would you take me here against it?"
I grin and press her against the wood, squeezing her ass as she squeaks. "Is that what you want, vhenan? Another wish of yours?"
"I certainly wouldn't mind it. Although you could go a bit harder this time." She dares and I rut into her as recompense, her eyes brightening at the promise in mine. Both of us falter, however, at the sound of voices outside the doors.
"You're sure those are hers?"
"They're definitely hers. No one but her Inquisitorialness would own a coat this fancy, then lose it. Not to mention she kicks off her shoes at every opportunity."
The woman in question giggles softly while I raise a brow at her. "Alright, vhenan. Either you open the door and we continue this inside your room or I take you here with an audience." Her head cocks as she ponders and my heart beats a little faster at the sound of footfalls on stone. I keep my eyes on hers, not bothering to look over my shoulder as the voices draw closer and closer. Her teeth sink into her lower lip as her gaze flits between me and the hall. "Shall I start now?" I murmur and begin to draw back only for her arm to leave my shoulder as she yanks the handle and we duck inside.
The door shuts behind us as I chuckle and she shakes her head. "Would you have done it? Really?" Her wide smile gleams even in the dark and her eyes spark with mischief.
"Shall I prove it to you?" I ask and push her back against the door as I pull nearly all the way out of her, then thrust back in. Her small laugh turns into a moan as I slam into her again and again, the door rattling behind her with each thrust. Our noise drowns out any outside, her soft mewls, my grunts, our skin slapping against each other. But I'm certain those outside can hear us.
My lips press hard against hers and she gasps, giving me entrance to her mouth and my tongue takes advantage. I brush her tongue with my own, then trace her bottom lip before nipping lightly at the kiss-bruised skin. She moans and lifts a hand to flick to the tip of my right ear as punishment. I lift her a bit to change the angle and her grip on my neck tightens. "I'm close." She whimpers and I squeeze her ass as I bring her back against me again and again.
"So am I." I groan, pleasure rising in me like a wave.
Once again, she affixes her eyes to mine. "Let go, Solas. I'm with you. I'll always be with you." I slam into her one last time and with her eyes trained on mine and her words ringing in my ears, I release everything into her. Her breath catches as she follows just after with her forehead pressed against mine. The small amount of time seems to stretch on forever as my world narrows to her gaze and her body pressed against mine. This—her—I could give up the world to have this with her forever.
Naturally, everything must end and the spell is shattered by a light knock on the door. "I'll just leave your boots and coat out here, Lucky." A chuckle leaks in just afterward. "Never have I been happier about a nickname." Varric's quiet footsteps walk away while she giggles and I sigh.
"We will never live this down."
"Better this than scar the others with what you were planning outside the door. Here, let me down." I gently pull out of her and let her down onto her feet. It almost feels strange not to be in her anymore. She takes my hand and tugs me towards the stairs with a smile. "Come on. Let's take a bath and get to bed." I let her pull me along and cock my head as we go.
"I never said I was finished with you, vhenan." I remind her and she winks at me.
"And I never said we were going to bed to sleep."
Word Count-4,440
This was just supposed to be a silly, 'hey, the Inquisitor is drunk, ha, ha' sort of thing but it obviously got a little bit out of hand. I think Solas is on the cusp of telling the Inquisitor everything so many times in-game and is so close to just giving in every time they kiss. It's not a stretch for me to think that if she surprised him and made herself available, he'd succumb. But that's me. Hope you enjoyed. :)
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