"C'mon, it's time for you to go to bed." Bryan said as he walked closer to Jakey. Wrapping an arm around Jakey's shoulders, he started to guide Jakey to his house.
"What, n-no, I'm fine. I'm fine." Jakey protested.
"No, you've been training for a few hours. You need rest. We're close to my house, you can rest there." Bryan coaxed, trying to convince Jakey to come to his house.
"If-if you're sure." Jakey said as he let Bryan guide him to Bryan's home. It was a short walk to Bryan's house, along the way Bryan picked some flowers for Jakey.
"Here, Love~" Bryan handed a red salvia to Jakey.
Jakey blushed as he grabbed the flower, smelling it he said, "Thank you! Why-why did you c-call me Love?"
"Why wouldn't I call you that?" Bryan asked confused, "That's what you are, my Love."
"O-oh." Jakey blushed even more, turning his face red. Jakey brought his hands up to cover his face, but Bryan intercepted them.
"Uh uh, no hiding that beautiful face from me." Bryan teased, clasping their hands together. Jakey's face couldn't turn anymore red as he stared at Bryan mortified.
"Let-let's just go home." Jakey was so flustered that he didn't realize that he had called Bryan's house home.
Bryan smiled at Jakey lovingly, "Yeah, let's go home."
Bringing Jakey inside, Bryan brought him to the kitchen. "I'll make you some food then you can go to bed, okay?"
"That's fine." Jakey gestured to his flower, "Do-do you have a vase or-or something I-I-I can put the-the flowers in?"
"Yeah, in that cupboard over there." Bryan pointed it out before going back to making dinner.
Jakey opened the cupboard and picked a vase, he walked over to the sink and filled the vase with water. "Is-is there anywhere you would like-like me to put the v-vase?"
"Anywhere you want is fine."
Jakey looked around the room before setting it on the end of the kitchen counter. "What's for dinner?"
"Chicken and bacon pasta with some spinach and tomatoes in a garlic cream sauce." Bryan replied absentmindedly while stirring the pasta. "It'll be ready in about half an hour. You can go watch something on the TV if you want."
"Ca-can I play the piano?"
Bryan turned and looked at Jakey who was looking at him hopeful. "Yeah, sure you can. I would love to hear you play the piano and sing if you're comfortable with it as you have a lovely voice."
Jakey blushed, "When-when did you hear me sing?"
"You were singing to Oliver a couple of nights ago, outside your house. I was leaving the guildhall and I heard you, so I, uh, I watched you sing to Oliver. You have an enchanting voice." Bryan's cheeks flushing as he looked away from Jakey.
"O-oh." is all Jakey said as he sat down at the piano. He pressed a few keys and began to play. Bryan turned back to the pasta and continued to add ingredients. Half an hour passed in a flash with Jakey providing the music and occasionally singing. Soon the pasta was plated and Bryan invited Jakey to sit down and eat. Their dinner was filled with short conversations and Jakey complimenting Bryan's cooking. It was obvious that Jakey was getting sleepy as he was trailing off in conversations and it looked like he was trying to keep his eyes open. Bryan collected the dishes and put them in the sink. He walked back to Jakey and gently tugged him in the direction of the bedroom.
Directing Jakey to the bed, Bryan pushed him onto it. Bryan turned to leave the room but was stopped by Jakey grabbing the back of his shirt. "Hm? Jakey?"
Jakey didn't say anything as he gently tugged Bryan to the bed. Jakey pulled Bryan down so he landed on bed. Jakey immediately latches onto Bryan. He laid on top of Bryan and buried his nose in the crook of his neck, "I'm cold . . ."
"I'll keep you warm." Bryan wrapped an arm around Jakey, while he started running his hand up and down Jakey's back, occasionally stopping to run his fingers through his hair. Bryan pressed a kiss to the top of Jakey's head.
Jakey loved the feeling of Bryan holding him close, he knew he was safe and secure. When Bryan started to run his fingers through his blue locks, Jakey melted. He breathed in deeply, taking the ashy scent of his partner. Jakey hooked an ankle over Bryan's and pressed himself closer to Bryan. Jakey let out little happiness noises as Bryan kissed his head.
Bryan let out a smile as he heard the little happy hums Jakey was letting out. "Sleep tight, Mi Querido."
Jakey let out a sleepy, "Wha-what does that mean?"
"You'll find out one day, Mi Amor." Bryan grabbed Jakey's hand and kissed the back of it. Jakey's cheeks turned a light red, turning a deeper colour when he felt a small pressure on his cheek. They both fell asleep with smiles plastered on their faces.
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