Gone (1/?)
"I'll be leaving for now, but expect me to come back." the Warden said, "You killed two of my men. I will get revenge, of course your. . .donation is greatly appreciated when it comes to recruits."
Leo and David exchanged confused looks. Leo looked out a window, "What do you mean our donation?"
"Your little friend here." the Warden spoke pointing to a man who was carrying an unconscious Lucas. "He will make a great addition to my flock."
Leo's eyes hardened, "Give him back."
"He's mine now, we're all he needs." With that said the Warden and the man carrying Lucas turned and left. Leo and David went to go and chase them but had to stay in their barn because as soon as they stepped foot outside they were confronted with a hail of bullets. It took about an hour before they could leave without being shot. By then they had no idea where the Warden and Lucas had gone. Frowning David and Leo geared up to search the forest on their way to see Michael. Michael surely had some way to quickly find Lucas.
Lucas woke up to a bright light. He groaned and went to stretch only to be stopped by restraints. "Huh?"
"Finally awake are we? You took your time." A man spoke. Lucas looked up and saw that he was sitting on a chair cuffed to the table. They grabbed a needle off of a tray that was sitting on the table. The man took the cap off the needle.
"Who are you? Where am I?" Lucas asked while he tugged at his hands testing out the strength of the handcuffs.
"Inquisitive aren't we? Don't worry we'll beat that right out of you." the man said menacingly. He grabbed Lucas's arm and slid the needle into his vein. "This should make you more. . . receptive."
Lucas felt his mind start to go cloudy. He couldn't think properly.
"You're weak, useless. You can't do anything right."
No he wasn't weak. He wasn't useless.
"Your friends always had to save you."
No, no they didn't. I-it was just a few times.
"Have they ever needed saving? Have you ever saved them?"
No, but they don't need saving.
"And yet they always save you. Pathetic little you."
"We can make you strong."
Strong? Wasn't he already strong?
"We can help you."
This continued on for hours. The man would leave for a while to let Lucas stew in his own thoughts before coming back and repeating his words. After what seemed like hours of psychological warfare, Lucas blacked out.
Lucas opened his eyes with a groan, the room he was in was dark. His eyes fluttered as he tried to get his eyes to focus, "What happened?"
"Ahh, you're awake!" a voice was heard from the right of Lucas.
Lucas's head lolled to the side as he tried to focus on the person who spoke. He winced as the movement made his head throb. Where was he? How did he get here? "Wha's goin' on?" he slurred.
"You're about to be initiated into the flock. Once you are a part of the flock, you will be introduced to the Warden, our glorious leader." the man told Lucas as he walked over to stand next to him.
"The Warden? Wait, no. He tried to steal from us. Yo-you tortured me, why would I join you guys?" Lucas asked confused. He was starting to panic, he couldn't move his legs nor his arms. It appeared that he was strapped to a bed. He could move at all.
"You don't have a choice." was what the man said before a needle was plunged into his neck. Lucas gasped at the feeling of something being injected into him. The needle left his neck and another one replaced it, Lucas was starting to feel sleepy. His eyes slowly started to shut, the last thing he heard was, "See you when you wake up."
Leo sighed from where he was sitting on the couch in Michael's base. Unfortunately Michael doesn't have a way to track Lucas meaning that they had to search for him themselves. Who knows what Lucas could have gone through by the time they find him.
"Leo! It's time to go." David shouted from the bar, not drunk for a change. Leo nodded and stood up, they headed towards the door calling out a goodbye to Michael, Podrick and Cookie. Leo exited the base first, followed by David.
"Where should we start looking for him first?" Leo asked, determined to find Lucas.
"We'll start with around our barn and spread out from there. We'll stick together and walk circles around the barn." David planned out, "We'll see where we go from there."
He woke up with a fuzzy head. Where was he? He raised a hand to his throbbing head. God he had a headache. He slowly started to sit up on the bed he was on.
"You're awake, thank god." a voice came from in front of him. He looked up and saw a man. "How are you feeling Arlo?"
Arlo? Was that his name? I-it didn't sound familiar. "Who are you?"
The man appeared shocked, "You don't remember? You must have hit your head harder than we thought."
"Hit my head?" he asked, reaching up to touch his head. His hand touched bandages, "Oh. I-I don't remember anything."
The man nodded, "Just warning you but your memory might not come back."
"O-oh, ok." he nodded. "Can you tell me more about this place?"
The man brightened up, "Of course! My name is John, I'm the doctor around here. We have our leader the Warden. He's going to lead us to safety."
"Who was I?" he asked, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
"You are very high up in the flock. You are very trusted by the Warden." John told him.
"Since I don't remember anything, I'm probably going to be demoted." he joked.
"No you won't. If anything there will be a supervisor of sorts to help you." John corrected, "Come on, let's go tell the warden that you have woken up."
He nodded and stood up. The doctor walked to the gesturing from him to follow. He followed the doctor through the hallways, trying to remember anything about the place. He got nothing, he didn't remember anything. The doctor stopped at a door and knocked.
"Come in." was heard coming from inside the room.
John opened the door and said, "Sir, Arlo is awake. Unfortunately the hit on his head caused him to have amnesia. He doesn't remember anything."
He looked at the man John said was the Warden. "That's such a shame. Arlo, do you know anything about how you lost your memories?" The Warden asked, moving over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.
"No, I don't remember anything." he replied, shaking his head.
"Well, some people stole from us. When we went to go confront them, they attacked us. They whacked you over the head with a shovel, which is how you lost your memory." the Warden explained to him.
"A shovel? Really?" he asked, exasperated. "Did you get their names?"
The Warden chuckled, "Yeah, their names are David and Leo."
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