Chapter 15: Showdown
The ninjas were already at their given location, Ninjago Museum. They had snuck in through the window that they had entered during the children mishap with Garmadon's Mega Weapon. It also didn't help that it was the same museum with the not so Indestructible Stone Army, Lloyd also being possessed by Morro, and the one that almost caused Jay's death.
"Why are we here again?" Kai asked sarcastically, not a fan of the museum's memories which his sister silently agreed with, a grimace adorning her features. He peered over the edge, crouching down to look over the area.
"It's the thief, again" Jay answered before Lloyd or Zane could, he knelt down to scan the museum. Nya was quick to try and push the blame on the blue ninja, her hazel eyes burning with slight annoyance.
"Didn't you say that he was gone?" She snapped at the lightning ninja, her hands curling into fists, and her teeth grinding together.
"I didn't say he was gone, I said after the fall we were separated and I couldn't see him. Don't put words in my mouth Nya" he growled out, gritting his teeth as he spoke before his mouth settled on a frown that was between nervous and agravatted.
Before the conversation could continue any further Jay saw a shadow move past one of the windows, except the problem was there were multiple shadows. "Guys" he got the attention of the rest of the team " I saw a glimpse multiple people's shadows"
"There's no way that its multiple people." Cole denied "You must have seen wrong motormouth" He crossed his arms, Jay rolled his eyes. Nobody ever believed him, and then when he was right they would apologize and repeat the same shit again.
"Fine" Jay spat, frustrated and sick of nobody ever believing him. His freckled cheeks burned slightly in anger, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth in an aggravated pout.
"Over there" Lloyd saw a shadow move, pointing over to where he saw it, only when everyone else looked the figure was almost gone, only the shadow of his hand was visible for a second.
They didn't need to speak before jumping on top of a big, sturdy statue and parkouring down to the floor. The hardwood floors would have squeaked if it weren't for how light they were on their toes. Jay held his breath, he had a bad feeling about this. Whenever Jay had a bad feeling about anything it never went well
Jay silently took out his nunchucks and held them on stand by just in case, the numbness in his chest being replaced with alertness. The others hadn't taken out their weapons yet. Big mistake.
Loud footsteps were heard as multiple people's sillouhettes showed up in the moonlight, Jay's eyes narrowed before backing up, accidentally bumping into another body. Problem was all his teamates are in front of him.
Who was behind him?
He turned around in time to get punched in the face making the blue ninja stumble back from the force, the others also backed up into a circle, they were surrounded. The lights dramatically turned on, as the lights flickered to life it showed the people around them, there was at least 10 times the amount of people. The person in front of Jay seemed familiar, and he clearly looked like the leader. His eyes widened in realization as his mouth opened in shock. This was the thief that almost killed him.
"Didn't expect to see me did you Jay?" The person spoke, his appearance looked familiarly unsettling to him, like he had met the guy before. His clothing consistent of a dark grey catsuit, a scarf that covered his mouth and a matching hood.
They pulled down their scarf and flipped up their hood, and the person who was revealed made Jay's heart stop, oxygen suddenly dissapeared from his lungs, and his azure eyes widened in terror. His hair was a natural brown with neon green streaks, his eyes looked exactly like Kai's but instead of being comforting, and warm like his teamate's his eyes were as cold and hard than Zane and Cole's elements.
"Looks like you haven't changed after all these years. You're still the same weak boy from all those years ago" the cold hearted boy spoke and insulted the blue ninja. Jay felt the other's confusion, truth is he never told them the truth about his past.
"Jay, who the hell is this?" Lloyd asked, still in a defensive stance, flickering his vision between the circle around the group and the neon haired man. The fact that his teammate knew this person uneased the green ninja greatly.
"Aww, Jay-boo~ I'm deeply offended you didn't tell your friends about me" his tone was clearly made to mock the living daylights out of the ginger haired boy.
"Zeidon Thornton" Jay stated breathlessly, he didn't know what else to say. He looked exactly the same, save for the huge height change and green slime color in his hair. His ruthless grin that screamed anything but friendly sent shivers down his spine, it reminded him too much of the "old times".
"That is indeed my name but he isn't telling you how he knows me, to put it simple I was his bully for his life before you came into his life. Made his life a living hell, and goddamn was it entertaining to shove this little boy into lockers. Partially drowning him in the locker room's showers and sinks, beating the shit out of him and hearing the satisfying crack of his bones breaking into shards from my wrath." Zeidon explained, circling the group, his posture suddenly even more threatening than before.
All the members of the team looked at Jay with curious gazes, silently asking if it was true. His shoulders slumped over slightly before sighing and nodding. His eyesight traveled to the ground, his feet becoming a very interesting view.
Thornton stopped circling the group in front of Jay, he took a step closer to the group and they all shifted, about to spring into action. The brown eyed enemy nodded towards his goons and they sprung into a fight. Most of the ninjas went for the rest of the group but singling out the blue eyed boy on purpose. Nya and Kai were quickly torn apart from the rest and fought back to back, covering each other as assailants kept coming as they punched, kicked, and tore their way through the men.
Lloyd, Zane, and Cole kept close but weren't really in a triangle, they fought separately but still covered each other every once in a while and combos would be delivered occasionally. Jay on the other hand wasn't doing too well with having to defend himself from 7 expert level ninjas and his old bully, it was certainly a challenge and without anyone to cover his ass made it a harder fight.
One of Zeidon's men lunged at Jay, he quickly delivered a roundhouse kick towards the man, sending him flying into a group of enemies that were trying to overpower Nya and Kai. The next two came together, one with a kick and the other with a punch, the blue ninja ducked under the kick and caught the other's fist before pulling the other's arm behind his back and using him as a human shield against the other assailant that had tried to kick him again.
The other guy ended up kicking the human shield in the face, rendering him unconscious, Jay dropped him to the ground before running up to the guy and grabbing his leg as he tried to kick him again, twisting his leg before kicking the small of his back, hearing a loud crack. The assistant ninja fell to the ground, holding their at least dislocated leg and the lighting ninja slammed the heel of their shoe on the fallen's head, knocking them out immediately.
"NINJA GO" he exclaimed as he started spinning like a fidget spinner, knocking down the next two ninjas. After stopping his spinning he started to be crushed by the bodies of several ninjas, glancing over to his friends he saw that they were all restrained as they tried to break free from the enemy's grasp. He found that his body was then lugged up to be face to face with his old bully.
"Just like old times, Jay-Boo~" Zeidon teased before pulling his fist back and punching Jay straight in the nose, the breaking of bones could be heard as blood dripped from his nose, going down his chin and dripping to the floor, the red liquid pooling at their feet. "Didn't you miss this? When you would be beaten to a pulp, over, and over, and over again? And then being left in a heap of blood and tears on the floor of wherever I beat you up?" Another hit to his face was done, this time being done to the mouth, crimson coating the lightning ninja's teeth evenly and a busted lip now adorning his face.
"I can't say that I miss it myself" the lightning elemental snarked back with a bloody smile. Literally bloody. His blood from his nose and his mouth were indistinguishable at the given moment.
Jay was then picked up by Zeidon himself in a chokehold, " Besides, isn't this what you wanted Jay? To die? Because I'll happily fulfill your wish right here, right now." The bully slyly commented, pulling the giner closer to his face, Jay jolting weakly from the lack of energy, his hands reaching to his throat to try and rip himself out of the other's grasp.
The other ninjas gasped at the revelation before squirming against their captors, crying out in protest about how it wansn't true. The way that his friends defended him from the truth made Jay's knees weak and he almost collapsed to his knees if it weren't for the chokehold until Zeidon let him go to plummet to the ground. He landed on his knees and hands as he curled over and gulped in air before just letting go. He couldn't deal with the crushing guilt.
Jay's tears rolled down his cheeks as he sobbed silently, his body shook from the action, his nose and cheeks reddened as he broke down into his final pieces. At first he was only shattered and broken, now the big shards were reduced to nothing. The weight in his chest, the world on his shoulders, and his guilt were too much to bear, it was to the point of physical pain.
Zeidon Thornton bent down, roughtly grabbing the blue ninja's chin and pulling it up, forcing him to look at him. His smile turned into a disgusted snarl "Pathetic, like always" the green and brown haired boy spat before slapping the boy on the floor on the cheek, a wave of pain racked through his body as his body jolted at the sting, but he couldn't find it in himself to retaliate. He had no will to. Jay let his head drop down as he struggled to keep himself up on his arms and knees, realization sank in, Zeidon won.
"He's not pathetic!" A brave voice yelled, Lloyd. Jay's head snapped back to meet the boy's green eyes in fear before he was kicked harshly in the side, pushing him to sprawl on the floor, his body was on fire. He shook his head side to side to the blonde, trying to keep him unharmed.
"Yeah! He's brave!" Nya cried out as she kept struggling against the men, trying to break free to beat up Jay's old bully. A few drops of water summoning around her but due to her not being very experienced at summoning water from thin air it was practically useless.
"And intellectually capable of understanding my complex equations!" Zane added, everyone knowing for a fact that very little people could understand the nindroid without having to use google to find out what half the words meant.
"And a great ninja!" Cole commented loudly, knowing that without the blue ninja they would have already been dead a long time ago.
"And the best brother I could ever ask for!" Kai finalized, knowing he himself had never been the best brother.
Jay kept shaking his head in an attempt to stop them before Zeidon moved onto them. Too late. The bully stalked over to the team in slow steps, raising the panic in Jay's chest. As the thief moved past him and before Jay could try to stop him one of his enemies placed their body weight on Jay's chest.
'I know depression makes you feel like you're being crushed but this is ridiculous!' He thought angrily to himself with an eyeroll as the pressure increased majorly, slowly and painfully crushing him. His head felt light as his surroundings blurred, the oxygen in his lungs decreasing significantly.
"Give—chance—too weak— succeed" he heard a voice say, though his mind was miles away. The lack of oxygen in his lungs blurred his vision and made his head feel light.
The physical weight from his chest lifted and he took a deep gulp of air before going into a coughing fit, his vision started clearing, his senses being slammed into his body like a tidal wave, tears of pain falling from his sapphire eyes. Rolling to his side he curled up into a ball as pain rolled through his body, his body shaking without showing any signs of stopping, coughs escaping his lips.
He mustered up the strength to look up to see Zeidon's cruel smirk before the latter started explaining "Okay Jay-Boo, here's the deal. You stand up, walk in front of me, and punch me, and your petty little friends don't get hurt." The thought of even standing up was enough to make Jay's body protest, he ignored it with ease.
Jay flipped his body from his side to his stomach touching the ground, he pushed himself up with his arms even if they burned in response, kneeling to then stand up weakly, his body was on fire and probably killing him but his determination to get to his bully persevered. He couldn't give up. His stumbled, his feet dragging across the hardwood floors, screeching echoing through the museum.
Almost tipping over he finally stood in front of Thornton, Jay kept shaking uncontrollably and he knew he wouldn't hold up any longer if he waited. Cocking his fist, he let it fly towards the brown with green striped boy, the other did something unexpected though. He dodged. The blue ninja face planted into the floor with a hiss of pain, the blood from his face smearing across the floor, staining it red.
"What? You think I was just gonna stand there and take it?" The brown eyed boy asked sarcastically, Lloyd started struggling even more to try and get to Jay, watching one of his mentors getting beat up so badly hurt the child in adult body. "Well I get to take my prize! Hurting your little friends" the boy's brown eyes perused the other ninjas lazily before lingering on a certain blonde. "Looks like greeny is eager to get this started! Why not give the boy what he wants?"
He strolled over to the green ninja. Jay Walker's eyes widened as he watched him "Last chance Jay-Boo~" the enemy warned, when the ginger haired boy struggled to get up again the other only laughed at his misery. Zeidon turned around to face his next target
"Well, what did I expect? You were always the weak one in the entire school, weren't you Jay?"
Jay got up from lying down to kneeling.
"I mean, you were always that one kid that always got home with bruises"
Just kill yourself already
Jay stood up and staggered.
"Everyone picked on you, even the teachers! And the teachers that didn't would turn a blind eye in fear of also being harassed"
Nobody cares about you
Jay was halfway to Zeidon.
"And that one time you almost died because I started drowning you in the school fountain in public and nobody in the entire school made a move to help!"
Nobody will save you
Jay was almost behind Zeidon.
"When your parents found you they were used to your bullying but they called the police anyway, and the police didn't even try looking into it"
Jay was behind Zeidon.
"How's it feel huh? To be ignored even by the people who are supposed to help you."
Zeidon turned around only to be met with angry sapphire eyes. "IT FEELS LIKE THIS!" Jay roared before punching his childhood bully with all his strength, sending the opponent a few feet away. The minions sprung into action and started attacking Jay, but he was determined to keep going. He tore through them like a blade, one tried to tackle him and he easily rolled under, resulting in them jumping into a group of others. Multiple tried to overpower him, but using his spinjitsu he quickly took them all out, one tried jumping him and as they soared over the blue ninja he ducked down, making them kick down a group.
He knew he had to free his friends, running over to Kai he punched one in the face and the hothead used his now free hand to punch the other person's face. The red ninja grinned at the blue eyed boy and winked before jumping into battle, running over to Cole he tripped one of the earth ninja's captors before kicking the other captor in the crotch, as the enemy held their baby maker in pain, Smithstone elbowed him in the face.
He nodded at Jay before joining Kai to try and fend them off of Jay, he went over to Zane and Lloyd who were being held together, they were trying to get them off of them but it's no use, Jay smirked before using his spinjitsu to take out a few that were overpowering Lloyd a bit too much before they both tripped over four people at the same time to help the ice ninja, the green ninja gave Jay a peace sign before using that hand to take out another enemy, "Thanks Jay!" The blonde exclaimed, the nindroid smiled at the lightning ninja, both stepping into the fight with the other two.
Last but not least, Nya. He would have to go through the battle to get to her, he stormed into the raging fight, a person was thrown toward his feet, he jumped to avoid it and then one went flying over his head making him duck down, he only had to dodge to get through the crowd to get to the water ninja. She was pretty much circled, only one way to do this, Jay grabbed one by their clothes before swinging them into other person, the next person tried to kick him in the side but Jay grabbed the attacker's leg and twisted it unnaturally, hearing a bone chilling crack.
The last three were taken down with a few kicks and elbows to the faces, Nya sent Jay a small smile before she ran into battle, Jay knew he was exhausted and injured but if Batman and Robin can take down bad guys while they're injured, why can't he do the same? He stormed into battle, literally. With his powers the lightning elemental started electrocuting opponents, rolling and dodging with ease, and taking them down at a rate of four at a time.
In unison all the ninjas took out their weapons before continuing to fight, Zane's shurikens sliced about two people at a time, which was useful, someone tried using their katana to cut him down and Zane merely just blocked them with one of his weapons before using the other one to knock them down. Kai's blade was lit on fire, careful not to let it fall onto the wooden floor as he burned through multiple people at once. Cole's scythe knocked people away easily, though it proved to be quite a challenge to not drop it into the floor which would make a huge hole.
While they fought they didn't notice the leader, Zeidon stood up, grasped a blade that had been discarded earlier in the fight from one of his goons and was limping towards a specific ginger. Thornton grinned insanely as he approached the blue ninja, when he stood behind him while he was too busy knocking out one of his minione he stabbed the dagger into the lighting ninja's side.
Jay gasped silently, stopping his attacks and looking down at his wound that was still held by his enemy, the brown eyed assailant twisted the object still embedded inside of the ginger. Blood dripped from the corner of his lips as the other kept turning the blade painfully in his side, the blue eyed ninja looked up and locked his gaze with the fire ninja's. His bully ripped the dagger out of Jay's side, the latter looked over his shoulder before turning around.
The blue ninja was worse for wear than the other, his clothes were torn and bloodied from his previous wounds and his fresh new one that kept oozing, dangerously loosing a lot of the red liquid, his face was roughed up and bruises littered his body but the scowl of anger on his face was clear. The thief was in a lot of a better condition, their black clothes were a lot less torn, his nose leaked blood and a lot of bruises were on his body.
The lighting ninja tackled the latter to the ground, resulting the blade being dropped from Zeidon's hand, from anger Jay punched the other's face repeatedly, over and over again. Thornton fumbled around under his body, feeling around for the dagger, before he could grab it Walker kicked it away, the brunete with green streaks then flipped them over as they fought for control.
The depressed man pushed the criminal off of him, getting up quickly, Zeidon copied his movements before they both charged at each other at the same time "Face it, I can see that you know you'll never win" the emerald eyed male snarled at the sapphire eyed ninja, the hero roundhouse kicked him, pushing him to the ground.
"Didn't take you as a mind reader Zeidon" the vigilante quipped, pulling Zeidon by his collar before throwing him over his shoulder and kicking him directly in the forehead, knocking him out.
Jay Walker turned around to look at his teammates as they finished tying up the other criminals, then Zane and Lloyd rushed forwards to attend him while Kai and Cole restrained the leader of the criminals, all the questions that were directed towards him fell of deaf ears as his vision started to blur, he heard distant ringing.
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