Rose meets 11
Universe where rose doesn't get her own doctor and she is still trapped- until...
The doctor rushed around London, 1984, closely trailed by his companions Amy and Rory. They rush around a corner; and as they run down the grimey alley way, they realized that there is a dead end. The red mossy bricks stood menacingly opposite them. The three time travelers where stuck. High and rundown walls towered above them and the unknown monster slowly closed in on them, as if savoring their fear as they knew, that they where stuck. "Doctor," Said Amy breathlessly, her voice bossy, yet laced with fear. "We can escape, yeah? You've got a plan, haven't you?" She asked desperately. The doctor looked at her gravely. "Doctor?" Asked Rory, scared. "Amelia pond," He said quietly turning towards her. "The girl who waited- and the boy who waited, for thousands of years." He said now gesturing from Amy to Rory. "I'm sorry." He said as a sad smile crossed his somber face. "No,no,no- you always have a plan!" She cried as the monster that could kill with one touch closed in on them. Rory shook violently and closed his eyes. The doctor embraced Amy and Rory- it would kill him to fast- he wouldn't have any time to regenerate. This was it. How the last time lord died.
Suddenly, a portal, black with shimmering star-like dots encrusted into the void. It appears for a split second before a bright pink flash tumbled out, followed by a bigger one, also pink, and a darker one. Amy recoiled away in shock from the new 'thing' in front of them. A loud shout of anger was heard, soon followed by rapid heavy gun fire. The doctor stood there stunned- also slightly annoyed as he disapproves of violence, but he would let that slip this time. The figure in pink stood up and brushed her self off, and the figure in a black heavy coat slumped his gun- wielding arm and aloud the gun to drop, as the creature lay dead on the floor. A moan was heard from the floor as a larger figure stood up complaining about how that hurt. The first figure turned around to face the doctor and his companions. He dropped his sonic screwdriver. "Rose...".
"Doctor?" She Asked, tears threatening to fall. She ran towards him and embraced him warmly, as Amy and Rory looked at each other, confused. "I'm sorry, what?" Rory said puzzled. Amy looked closer noticing the doctor had a tear in his eye- this was odd- he never cried. After a while she stepped away, her heavy makeup smudged by her tears. "Jackie," the doctor began before she also hugged him. He looked surprised and the happiest Amy had seen him an a long time. "Mickeyyyy." He said dragging the 'y' as he shook hands coolly with him. The man patted his back as he said, "good to see you mate.". Rose inspected him closely while squinting her eyes. "You have changed. Younger- handsome." She finished playfully. "Well, new (ish) face!" He smiled. "I- I can't believe it." He stuttered, still in shock. "I thought I'd never see you again!" He cried. "How did you get back?" He began rapid firing questions as Rose shushed him. He looked at her, playfully shocked. She laughed and said, "in my world, they have found out how to travel between parallel universes, without causing any damage!" She exclaimed. "Well your world is doing better than here." He joked. "I'm sorry, her world!?" Any cried confused. "Could someone please tell me what's going on!" She shouted bossily. "Oh, you must be his new 'companion'." She smiled offering her hand for Amy to shake, them Rory, who looked at it as though he had never seen a hand before. "Rose," she stated "rose tyler.".
The doctor and rose explained everything to Amy and Rory, as the others sat around the damp alley. They eventually decided to head to the TARDIS and one-by-one followed the doctor. "Haven't been in here in so long." She marveled. "I've missed you so much." She said sadly stepping up to the control pad next to the doctor. "I've missed you too..." he said, lost in her eyes. They edged closer and where soon kissing passionately. Jackie and Mickey where in the TARDIS library while Amy and Rory looked at each other in shock. Amy smiles and watched as Rory turned away, gesturing for her to do the same. (btw um let's pretend river doesn't exist😳). She pulled out and breathed heavily. They both broke into small laughter. "Doctor,"she whispered. "What where you going to say- before you left." She asked cautiously. "Ah, yes." He said clearing his throat. "Rose Tyler, I love you." He said. They where about to kiss again before Amy interrupted by letting out a forced cough. "Ah, well, I must be um- over there." Said the doctor awkwardly. Rose laughed and smiled at Amy. "Socially awkward now are you?" She said musing at his new traits. He nervously laughed and twiddled his fingers. "Oh I can't wait to get to know you again- for the third time." She grinned. "So uh," said Amy strutting over, hands on her hips. "What uh, what did he look like before?" She asked curious. Rose walked over to a blue clear button on the TARDIS and a hologram appeared. A man with very short hair in a leather jacket appeared on the screen, making a video about something- maybe a video diary. "This was when I first met him." She said nostalgically. The doctor smiled while busying him self with the controls. "And this was his last self." She said gesturing towards the hologram. "Ooh, handsome." Amy said as Rory shot her an annoyed look. "Oh, thanks." He said rolling his eyes. "Oh, shut up you." She said smiling. Rose liked her, she seemed funny. She was glad the doctor had someone while she was gone. "How many faces has the doctor had?" She asked curious. "Well now this is his 11th- technically 12th but he really doesn't like to talk about that." She said raising her eye brows warningly as his smile disappeared- she was of course talking about the war doctor. They chatted and laughed as rose agreed to join them on their travels, and occasionally Jackie and Micky, who got dropped off back into their own time. Finally he was back with rose.
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