chaeyoung frowned as she entered the bathroom. looking around, she glanced over at each of the stalls, worried about her younger friend. she wondered why lisa fumed up all of a sudden and ran away from her hair. she had never done so before and it made her wonder what could have made her so mad. . .
her fingertips gently went up to her neck as she ran them over some of the marks. maybe that's why lisa had gotten pissed. maybe her friend was just upset that chaeyoung didn't tell her about it earlier. she was going to get to it eventually as they ate, it's just that she didn't feel like talking as of now.
"lisa? i know you're in there. . ." her voice softened as her eyes went to the only closed stall. it was still early in the morning and people didn't usually stop by seven eleven at this hour, unless they were hungover.
silence ensued. in the empty bathroom, with a stall door separating the two, chaeyoung leaned back and sighed. she was willing to wait for her friend, no matter how long it took, however she did wish lisa would come out of there as soon as possible so they could talk about it. seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. it was as if time slowed down on purpose, causing each second to feel like an eternity.
finally the stall door opened, revealing her best friend, who looked at her with puppy like eyes at first, before she frowned and her features hardened slightly.
". . . did you sleep with someone?"
chaeyoung chewed on her lower lip. lisa was a pretty bold and upfront person and she wasn't afraid of expressing her opinion or asking the delicate questions. she remembered how back in high school she was very upfront with a certain guy, whom was being used by so many people only because he was the best of the class. he would write these melancholic poems, using metaphors and other figures to describe his emotional state and how he felt, but he never really did anything about it. and lisa was rather upfront with him about it.
guess being upfront and blunt is common if you're an aries.
"i was going to get there. . . eventually."
"eventually? you have a bunch of hickeys plastered all over your neck for the whole world to see!" lisa snapped, pointing at her friend's neck. "that's not something one gets to eventually when it's completely exposed!"
chaeyoung frowned and looked down, feeling tears prick the corners of her eyes. lisa's words were harsh, cutting into her skin as they made her feel ashamed. as if she had done something wrong. it made her feel dirty as her hickeys started to burn and that heat traveled up to her face.
"i-" she choked up as the tears built their own path, running down her face.
lisa's expression melted into a softer one as she sighed. "let's just go get something to eat." she mumbled, walking past chaeyoung while running her hand through her hair in a frustrated manner.
chaeyoung paused, looking down at the white tiles underneath her feet. how could she say such words and then leave as if nothing had happened. as if this whole conversation didn't even exist. she quickly wiped her tears with her sleeve, but they didn't cease. they continued falling down her cheeks repeatedly, unable to stop like a broken faucet. she felt hurt. her best friend was her closest person, but yet there she was, talking to her as if those hickeys were something to be ashamed of. she already felt bad from the events of this morning, she didn't need any of this.
she quickly wiped her tears and sniffled, turning around to face the mirror. her eyes were red and puffy, while her nose resembled that of rudolph. she couldn't help but smile slightly at the comic though that just crossed her mind, however it quickly fell. with a sigh, she pushed her hair back and splashed some cold water on her face, quickly shivering at the feeling. why would lisa lash out at her like that? it's not like she did anything wrong. . .it wasn't much of a right action either, but it wasn't wrong. and besides, it's not like she and jennie had sex.
she wanted to stay upset, but she couldn't. lisa was her best friend and if she stayed mad at her, then who else would she be willing to talk to? who would listen to her? who would support her? who would advise her?
although lisa had some snappy reactions, she was her best friend. and chaeyoung understood that those words were fueled by anger and that lisa sometimes would say things without thinking them twice. she was certain lisa would apologize to her soon.
she stared at her reflection and fanned her face dry before deciding to tie her hair up into a side braid, so that she wouldn't look like such a mess on the outside, even though she felt like one on the inside.
a frown reached her lips.
why did she care so much if she hurt jennie's feelings? she didn't know her family was a sensitive topic for her and she certainly didn't like her behavior. she practically threw her out.
why does she feel a pang of guilt inside of her chest? maybe if she knew better than to talk about such topics, this morning would have gone a lot better.
then again, it's not like she's going to see jennie again anytime soon, right?
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