chaeyoung had always liked rain. she liked staring at the pencil gray sky outside her window and admire the patches of white that adorned it. she liked staring down at the busy streets, full of colorful umbrellas and cars. she liked hearing the soft pitter patter of it as it hit her windows and enjoyed staring at the rain drops slide against the glass. it eased her to know that the sky cried too at times, because at the end of the day, we all have our weak moments and we break. no matter how much we try to hold it all in, there's a time when we break.
she stared at the tall buildings, chewing on her lower lip thoughtfully. she preferred to think and reflect on everything that had happened in her life until now, during such days, for she always found peace in them. making herself comfortable on her windowsill, she rested her head against the cold glass, watching the rain drops taint her window and race each-other.
it was silent for awhile, until her phone vibrated from a sudden text message she got.
jichu: what are you doing today, pasta?
me: nothing.
jichu: great, because i'm on my way! i'll be there in 10, so get dressed, because we're going out.
chaeyoung's brows furrowed as she read her friend's text. moving away from the window, she walked around her apartment, quickly typing a reply back.
me: why?
jichu: because i'm lonely. you haven't been hanging out with me in so long, chaeng and i need someone to keep me company :c
me: it's raining. . .
jichu: i'm driving😎
me: where are we even going to go?
jichu: chéri, of course. we're going to get a drink and talk. why?
her heart nearly leaped out of her chest upon reading the name of the café where she met jennie. what if the two met up again, this time with jisoo being there?
she hadn't told jisoo anything regarding her crazy night two weeks ago and she still didn't know if she should. jisoo was a close friend, but she didn't really cross her mind as someone who she could tell everything to. on the contrary, jisoo always told her everything and often asked her for advice. maybe it was because she was very sociable, compared to chaeyoung and didn't have the longing fear of judgment for revealing herself to others. jisoo was quite the carefree and laid-back type. she easily befriended people with her sweet smile, hung out with them a lot and was constantly on social media.
jisoo seemed to have the perfect life. her grades were perfect, her friendship circle was wide enough and she already had her life figured out. compared to jisoo, chaeyoung was the opposite. she was an introvert and didn't really like socializing. she preferred staying at home most of the time, curled up in the sheets while reading a book. she didn't have a lot of friends and social media wasn't her thing. she was on her second year of psychology, starting her third soon and still had no idea where her life was going. she had no idea what the future held for her and every time she tried to imagine a future, there wasn't one.
at times, she wondered how someone like her became friends with someone like jisoo. their worlds were miles apart, yet they somehow crashed. maybe it was because jisoo talked to her on her first day and showed her around the university. maybe it was because she was the only person she knew in the university an the two just kept bumping into each-other. maybe it was because things were never awkward between the two, because jisoo knew how to make her feel comfortable and keep a conversation going.
her phone dinged again and her screen lit up once more.
jichu: i'm here.
chaeyoung paused, staring at her screen for a few seconds, before running to her room. she had just spent the next ten minutes lost in her own thoughts, instead of getting dressed.
* * *
jisoo greeted her with a bright smile once she got in the car. she looked the same as always, wearing a bright smile on her painted pink lips. her outfit, however, was different from her usual attires. chaeyoung could tell she was dressed to impress and it was making her feel very underdressed. the tight red velvet top she was wearing, along with the black silver striped skirt had her gaping. and chaeyoung couldn't miss her perfectly toned stomach, which nearly knocked the breath out of her lungs. she had only seen jisoo wear such outfits in the pictures she would post on her social media, because whenever the elder was around her, she usually wore hoodies or dress shirts, but never this.
"close your mouth, sweets. we don't want any flies entering there " jisoo teased.
the whole car ride was spent with jisoo talking about the highlight of her week, which had to do with her running into her ex. apparently the girl had been out shopping a few days ago and the two bumped into each-other while reaching for the same carton of milk. her ex looked stunningly hot and she remembered admiring her-
"wait, her?" chaeyoung quickly interrupted, whipping her head round to look at her with wide eyes. she never knew jisoo was into girls. sure, the girl would occasionally throw flirty comments at her or her other female friends, but she never thought too much of it.
jisoo quickly glanced at her before turning her attention back to the road in front of her. "yeah. i thought it was already obvious enough that i'm also into girls, chaengie." she chuckled, stopping in front of a red light before turning to look at chaeyoung, raising a brow suggestively. "why else would you think i throw flirty comments at girls?"
chaeyoung paused, staring at jisoo while chewing on her lower lip. "i-i don't know. you do it so casually, i thought you were just joking."
the elder female laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder before staring at chaeyoung with a knowing smirk. "really? do you want to give it a try and see if i'm joking?"
she stared at her in response, feeling her cheeks burn unknowingly. "i-, you-, w-what?" she began babbling, not knowing how to reply to jisoo's question. the suggestive tone and her knowing smirk had her shook. she had never seen this side of jisoo before. she never even knew this side existed and as she now babbled random words and phrases, she managed to snap out of her state when she heard jisoo laugh heartily. she stopped and stared at the elder in silence, watching her eyes thin while her lips tugged upwards, revealing her pearly white teeth.
"i'm just messing with you, chaengie." she replied, her laughter dying down slowly as she began driving once again once the light turned green. "you should have seen the look on your face. your cheeks had this adorable red glow to them and you were staring at me with such big eyes that for a moment, i actually thought you wanted me to do something." she chuckled, finding a free parking spot a hundred meters away from the café. the rain outside had gotten even more aggressive at this point, heavily drumming against the car windows. jisoo slid on a long black trench coat, taking of her seatbelt before winking over at chaeyoung and stepping out of the car.
chaeyoung blinked in response, biting the inside of her cheek before stepping out of the car as well and taking her umbrella with her.
chéri looked the same since the last time chaeyoung had been here. the light piano music in the background accompanied that of rain as the two girls made their way to one of the tables. after ordering, jisoo leaned on the table, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "so, anything new with you?"
"not much, aside from the usual." chaeyoung answered, tapping her nails against the wooden table. truth was, she still couldn't believe what had happened two weeks ago. she often wondered what would have happened if things had gone differently. would she and jennie see each-other often? would they be friends or something more?
lisa had told her that it was for the better. chaeyoung didn't need to deal with another broken soul, she already had enough on her plate. she didn't need the glass remains of another to taint her life.
jisoo stared at her in silence, squinting her eyes at her friend from head to toe, which caused chaeyoung to look down at her white turtleneck and black jeans, wondering whether there was a stain in them. "something must have happened. you skipped two days and didn't tell me anything about it."
chaeyoung bit on her lower lip. she had skipped monday and tuesday, but that's because she wasn't feeling well enough to attend class. "i don't know," she muttered, not knowing what to say.
"what?" jisoo asked, brows furrowing in response. however when chaeyoung didn't say anything, she frowned. "hey, your silence is scaring me. did something happen?"
the younger looked up at her, not sure whether she should tell her. jisoo always told her everything, opening up to her like a book and chaeyoung never really told her everything. she preferred to keep most things to herself. it had always been like that. even with lisa, it had always been like this. she never really opened herself up like a book, because it would make her feel vulnerable, anxious and judged. she knew her friends wouldn't judge her, just as she didn't judge them, however she still couldn't bring herself to tell them everything.
should she even tell jisoo about jennie? she barely managed to tell lisa about it and to tell jisoo too. . .
her blue eyes met jisoo's umber ones, staring at her with such concern it almost made her heart break. so she told jisoo, not mentioning jennie's to her either. she didn't want the two(jisoo and lisa), knowing her name, because she was certain they were going to tease her about it in the future or maybe stalk her on instagram and she didn't want that. jisoo didn't say anything and instead just listened to her, a brow arched upwards in interest. by the point chaeyoung neared the end of her story, their drinks arrived and jisoo began sipping her tea in thought.
"let me get this straight, or well, gay," she joked before chuckling and chaeyoung just rolled her eyes at her in a playful manner. "you got drunk with a stranger and the two of you nearly had some really kinky se-"
chaeyoung's cheeks flushed crimson. "i never said we were going to have sex!" she whisper screamed, burying her face in her hands in embarrassment while jisoo chuckled amusedly.
"you never said you weren't. besides, what else do you think happens when two drunk people make out? they don't rock each-other to sleep and sing lullabies." the elder mumbled, scrunching up her nose at the younger's naivete, before continuing:"you wake up next morning and it turns out nothing happened, except there's a ton of hickeys on your neck from the kink-"
"oh my god, jisoo!" chaeyoung interrupted her again, throwing a playful glare at her. "you seriously need to get laid."
"interested?" the alluring female replied in no time, smirking in amusement.
"i-" she cut herself off and shook her head, feeling her cheeks heat up once again.
"anyway," she giggled. "then she kicked you out during breakfast, because you mentioned her family? wow, sounds like a few of the one night stands i had."
chaeyoung's brow cocked in interest. she had known jisoo for over a year and every time the two met up to talk about something, it seemed as if she always had something new to share and she often wondered how one could still have so much to share, even though they're open like a book.
"well, there was this one i kept going back to, frequently. after our first one night stand, i remember waking up and being told that there was a taxi downstairs waiting to pick me up. she didn't talk to me much the next morning, just walked out of the room and waited for me to put my clothes on so i could leave. i didn't know why i was expecting something more when i woke up that morning. one night stands are one night stands, nothing more or nothing less, however we kept running into each-other, ending in each-other's bed every two to three nights. she wasn't looking for emotional support or feelings, she just wanted something physical and i didn't mind that at first." jisoo paused, tapping her red nails against her tea cup. her eyes no longer shined in amusement, they looked troubled. "eventually, one thing led to another and i fell for her. i didn't say anything, because i wanted to know where she stood. i remember there were nights where after sex we would talk. i was someone in who she confided in and used to relieve any tension she had. the night was our forever, because when the morning came, i was reminded that we're not together. and just like that, one day we broke for good."
and at that, a storm ensued.
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