Chapter 28
I knocked on the door to my father's home office. I didn't care to wait for his reply and threw the door open. "So, when were you planning to tell me?"
It was only then that I realized my father was not alone in his office. Across from him sat a man, I estimated him a couple of years older than I was. I didn't exactly know him, but I recognized his face from some business and even family events. It didn't take me much time to put one and one together. "So, I guess this is him, then? The fool you think I'm going to marry?" I turned to the man. "Could you give me and my father a moment?" He then took my hand. He didn't take my hand to shake it. This asshole had the nerve to press a kiss to my knuckles. I pulled my hand back as if he had tried to cut it off. Crossing my arms, I gave him a look. It was the look my employees feared and I was pleased to see it had the same effect on this douche. He scurried from the office. Good riddance.
I then turned back to the person who actually deserved to be on the receiving and of my rage. "I'm done jumping the hoops you set for me to earn your respect. I'm done."
My father sat there comfortably like he still owned the place. Like he owned me. "We figured it out. Chris, Allison, and I figured it out. And you're done. Tomorrow we'll present everything you did to the board. How you let the ship sink. They will all know what kind of wimp you have been. You can no longer put the blame on me, or on anyone else. I'll fight to save this company, but don't you dare to think any of the credit goes to you. I'll fight to save the jobs of my employees, to maintain mom. But I never want to see you again! And in case it wasn't clear to you, I am not marrying anyone in to make up for your mistakes."
My father then stood up. And for the first time in my life, I didn't flinch back. I stood my ground and I was damn proud of it. I half expected my father to lose it and to start yelling. But I should have known better. "You spoiled, little brat." By now my father was practically spewing venom, using a calm and soft voice. "You've always been so ungrateful for all that I've given you. You grew up getting everything your heart desired. How do you think that happened?"
I just stood there and looked at him in disbelieve. "You think I got everything I ever wanted? Are you really that dense? All I wanted, all we all wanted, was a father to be present. A father to care. A father to love us unconditionally. But you didn't. to you we were a burden you could buy of with newest toys, gadgets and what more. We were disposable to you. You never really cared that Chris nearly died. All you cared about was how your new heir needed to be prepared. Seriously, I really don't get how mom puts up with you. She deserves so much better."
My father blinked once and then raised his hand. "Sure, go ahead and hit me. It's the only thing you can do because you know I'm right. Just know one thing, daddy dearest. If I found out you even lay as much as a finger on mom, I will kill you."
And there is was. The impact of my father's hand on my cheek. I ignored the stinging feeling, not wanting to allow my father to see that he hurt me. "You know what? I actually pity you. It must be lonely where you are in your life. It's too bad you brought it to yourself."
Then I turned and left my father's office. I was startled when I saw that my mom stood there, waiting for me with her arms open, tears in her eyes. "Honey, I am so sorry. I should've known there was so much more to this than he had let on. I should've stopped him. I'm so sorry I let you down." I wrapped my arms around my mom and pulled her close. "It's not your fault, mom," I whispered in her ear. "It's not your fault."
After a minute I stepped back from my mother's hug. My eyes zoomed in on hers and something in me broke. "Mom, did he ever hit you?"
A wave of relief washed over me as she shook her head. "No, Honey. He never hurt me. I've never seen him like this and I'm really sorry that he did hurt you."
'It's okay, mom." I heard some sounds coming from my father's office. The urge I felt to watch over my shoulder was too big to ignore. And I wished I didn't. There he stood, watching me. His mind seemed far away, but the look in his eyes was one I've never seen before. His usually cold blue eyes seemed darker, gloomier. What was that? Were his eyes moist? Did I see tears? My father stood in the hallway, motionless. In all those years, I've never seen my father cry. Heck, I've never seen him show an emotion that wasn't anger. I couldn't tell why, but seeing my father like this did something with me. But I couldn't back down now. Without another look at my father, I pressed a kiss on my mom's cheek and ran for the front door.
I heard my father call behind me, but I wouldn't stop to hear him out. He has had plenty of time to talk to me, to tell me that he was sorry. I wouldn't wait for it anymore. I had more important things to do.
"He did what?" Chris asked me once I came back to the office and told him all about my encounter with our father. And by asking, I meant screaming. "Did he hit you? I swear, if I ever get back to my normal strength, I'll kick his ass. To kick a woman is one – ridiculous – thing, but hitting your daughter, your flesh and blood?"
"I'm not going to say that it's fine, cause it clearly isn't. But I'm fine. Besides, we have bigger things to worry about for now. Let's fix this mess one way or another. We can't let it come to us having to tell our employees that we can't pay them any longer." A sigh escaped from my lips when I thought about the road there was to come.
There was a knock on my door. Once I saw the visitor, my heart skipped a beat. "She's right." His deep, brass voice spoke. "I really screwed up. I refused to make the necessary changes to the business to keep up with the more modern days. I know that. But let me help. I don't care if I have to do the tough jobs or the dull chores. Just let me help you clean up my mess."
Chris looked ready to punch the living life out of our father and I knew I had to do something to keep some kind of peace. "Fine. But let me be clear. First, you will stay at a reasonable distance from me. No way I'll let you close enough to hit me again." My father flinched at the harshness of my words but nodded anyway. "Second, you'll do as we say. No butting in and pushing through your own thoughts. I think you get that point considering the mess that has already been made." Again, my father just nodded.
"So, for the first thing on your to-do list. You're going to tell the board about the mess you've created. You'll tell them any change of marriage and a merger is on the table. It's time I take control here." Without a word my father agreed and turned to leave.
My thoughts wandered off to the broken expression my father had when I last saw him. The same uneasy feeling crept up to me and finally, I knew why. This man was still my father and even though our relationship was difficult and strange, I still loved the man for that simple fact. I knew I had to throw him a bone, for my own sake. "Thank you," I called after him. The words made him stop in his tracks but he didn't turn around. "Thank you for doing your part. I appreciate it."
From the corner of my eye, I saw Chris looking at me quizzically. With a shrug of my shoulder, I turned around and got to work.
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