Chapter 16
Chapter 16
"Okay, so let's round this up. I want a grand scale marketing research being done on our company. I want to know what is the reason people won't book a room at the Harrington chain of hotels. We need to know the problem in order to fix it." And with that, I ended the conference call and shut my laptop. I sighed a sigh in relief. That was a close call.
The sound of a clearing throat caught my intention and my eyes immediately sought for the source. There he stood. Just wearing his briefs, in all his well-formed glory. There he stood, just looking at me. Looking at me as if he was searching for a logical explanation. "What is this all?"
"This is me doing my job. Besides, how long have you been standing there?" If the topic wouldn't change quickly, I was done. Finished. I felt my nerves rise and my breathing go shallow.
"I have been standing here for long enough to be a little suspicious about what is going on here. Marketing problems? Really? Is that why you suddenly regained interest in me? Is it something your boss made you do? You want me to fix your marketing problems? Is that why you took me home last night?" His face was livid. Is this what he was used too? People using him?
I didn't know what to do. In the long haul, it would've made perfect sense to come clean about everything. But was I ready to lose him? Just based on his reaction just now, there was no way he would be okay with me lying about who I am for the time we've spent. But could I afford to lose any time?
"Of course I am not using you. Why would you even think so? Besides, Harrington Inc. has its own marketing department and a pretty good one, might I add. Where are this mistrust and hostility coming from? Have I ever given you any reason that I am genuinely interested in just who you are as a person? And don't get me started about when I didn't reply to that text. That happened for reasons I just can't share with you, as they are personal."
I sighed. "Look, I get why you may have gotten a little suspicious just there. But please, believe me when I say that I don't care about what you do for a living or how many dollars you make doing it. I am sorry if my behaviour may have given you some doubts about what so ever."
Seconds passed by and I just sat there, studying his face. I felt relieved and worried at the same time. Relieved that my real identity was still safe, worried that he might still walk out on me. His face, however, gave not a single clue of what he was thinking or going to decide. At the very least I knew he wouldn't storm off immediately. No self-respecting man would walk out of an apartment wearing nothing but his briefs.
But walk he did.
Not to the door, thank God. Not to the bedroom to grab his clothes.
He walked towards me in a straight line. Once he stood in front of me, there was no time to utter a word. His soft, yet firm lips found mine, and he kissed me with such a determination that reassured me that all was good. For now, at least.
It was half-past 10 when I finally entered my office, a smile plastered on my face. I knew it would be a long day and late night, but this morning was more than worth it. Just thinking about it made me smile. Was this how it felt to be happy about the choices you made in life. Was this what usually happened when you work to live instead of living to work?
"I see someone finally got laid." Allison disturbed my thoughts by walking into my office, bringing me a cup of tea. "So spill, what has you smiling like this after you walk into your office two hours late?"
As if she didn't know.
"Oh you know, just some really nice fitness exercises. The kind that requires a partner." I shook my head smiling at her. I loved how Allison and I could talk about everything but still remained the perfect relationship. Who said you always should separate church and state, probably just had really boring staff. "Anyway, I ordered marketing research on our bookings. I refuse to believe that the business is slowing down just because I took over the company. That may matter to conservative board members of partnering companies, but not to our guests. There has to be a logical explanation. I will find the problem and solve it. Even if that means some serious changes have to be made."
"Lucy? What is going on? What happened?"
"Nothing happened. I just now realized I don't live to work. My father may have done so, but I will not. And I won't stand by allowing that to happen while I can do something about it. My father can't just pin the business' losses on me. And I won't let him!"
"Does this mean you're looking for an out? On the whole wedding thing?"
"I don't know, maybe. My father sees me marrying some boring corporate meathead as the problem for the decrease in business. As I see it, that doesn't have to happen if I find a better fitting solution for both the company and me. Please, tell me I can count on your help during all this? I can not do this without your help." I didn't exactly know where all of that came from, but it made sense. If I fix the problem, no one can force me to get married to anyone and I can just live my life, with who I want to.
Something changed in Allison's face. Her usually bubbly face was still there but was no mixed with a look of pride and determination. "Of course, I will help you! I am so proud of you. No one has the right to tell you how your life should be. That you too realized that too, makes me happy. Let me call Branden to bring us some dinner tonight! We're sorting this out!"
Sorry for the shortish chapter. I just felt like it ended nicely.
How do you feel about Lucy finally taking matters in her own hands? And how do you feel about Julian being there, naked(!)?
Love to hear what you think!
XO Anna
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