Part 28
Mark staggered back in awe of Rosemary. Even his mother held the baby tighter in her arms and backed up a step or two from her, asking really worried. "What are you doing"? Rosemary kept her hands out in case Mark tried anything, telling them both seriously. "I don't think it is a good idea for him to touch them. Not until I know what he will do". His mother raised an eyebrow with concern, stating out. "Mark would never hurt them". Rosemary swallowed nervously, replying a bit pained. "Not on purpose... but the potion in his system might not clash well with the sudden change". Mark stiffened up, mumbling out. "Potion number 9, you mean"? Rosemary gave him a swift nod, before telling him. "If what Nico told me is true... Than you could be a danger to them. Both of you". Mark shook his head. He didn't want to believe that. He felt fine.
Rosemary placed a hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eyes as she told him. "Mark... You remember how Number 9 works, don't you"? Mark was afraid that his memory on it was fuzzy. He had pushed it from his mind after thinking it wasn't the real thing. Rosemary took a shuddering breath, then told him softly. "I told you that if you used it that it was powerful and unpredictable. That it only works for those that truly love each other. Otherwise, it takes love from you... Forever". Mark placed a hand on Jack's hand, telling her loudly and a bit relieved. "So, we truly love each other then. I don't see the problem. I still love my mother and Chica. Our babies will be no different". Another baby started to cry as Trey sat up to wrap it in a towel. Rosemary turned Mark's face away from the second baby, telling him in a serious voice. "Mark, I never wanted to actually use it. I'm sorry... I told you it was dangerous. The love you share for them is fine now, because you truly love Jack and he truly loves you... but kids change things".
Mark moved her hand off his face, asking curiously. "How"? Rosemary bit her lower lip for a moment, before saying softly. "Mark... So much could go wrong. When people have kids the way they share affection alters. The potion could see that as you not loving the other and you both could lose your ability to love forever. Or you both could end up falling in love with your kids... since a part of both of you is in them... So, the potion might not be able to tell the difference. Or worst of all... You might try to kill them or even Jack to end the confusion over which part of Jack you should love. Do you see? This could end up very bad". Mark sank to the floor beside the bed, whispering out mostly to himself. "If that is true... Than we can't keep them. Without an antidote to love potions...". Mark turned watery eyes to Jack, finishing off in a strained emotional voice. "This will break his heart".
Trey gently rocked the crying baby in his arms, telling Mark warmly. "It's a boy". Nico slipped back into the room and Trey called him over to take the baby. Nico nervously moved closer and Trey quickly showed Nico how to hold him, saying in a bit of a rush. "Keep him close and watch his head. I've got to close up Jack". Nico shuffled his feet uncomfortably, mumbling out. "I don't think I should be... Oh, man...". Mark's mother moved closer to Nico to help him. While Rosemary kneeled down by Mark to tell him softly. "I will fix this, Mark. I just need a bit more time. Please? Help Jack recover. I've got a few books in the car that I was reading from Trey's clan. They might know something that could help". Mark nodded numbly, but he wasn't sure he had much hope left in him.
Mark took Jack's hand in his, pressing his lips to the back of it. He didn't know what to tell Jack when he woke up. Mark's mother took Nico and the babies from the room to keep the temptation away. The gesture made his heart hurt. Feeling like he couldn't be trusted with them. He didn't even get to see what they looked like. Did they have Jack's eyes? Did they look like Jack? Trey finished wrapping a bandage around Jack's stomach, telling Mark seriously. "When he wakes up, don't let him move around a lot. The stitches are still too fresh. Give him some painkillers only if he is in pain. Otherwise, give him water and rest. I'll check on him in a few hours. I need to check on... the others". Mark nodded, taking the bottle of pills from Rosemary, before watching them leave.
Mark set the pill bottle on the bedside table and eased onto the bed with Jack. He was careful not to touch Jack's lower half, but hugged one of Jack's arms close. Feeling Jack's steady heartbeat was comforting to him. He wanted Jack to wake up and be fine... but another part of him wanted Jack to stay like this, until Rosemary found a solution. He didn't want to have to tell Jack that he'd never get to see his babies... to hold them. Hell, Mark's throat tightened when he realized that... He never even got to name them. They were taken so quickly from him. Mark rested his head on Jack's shoulder, closing his eyes and listening to Trey tell the others. "They are going to need mothers milk. We brought formula. We should get it ready. After they nap, they will be hungry". Mark stroked Jack's arm and started to drift off himself. He felt like his emotions had just sapped it all out of him.
He was dreaming about a random day at the beach, helping his kids build a sandcastle. The sun felt good on his skin and the kids screamed from fetching cold water in their buckets. While Sean rested across a blanket nearby, reading an anime book and looking up to check on them every now and again. It felt so peaceful and normal that it felt real. It wasn't until a tap on his nose made him open his eyes, that he realized it wasn't. Jack hadn't moved, but was looking at him now with a smile. Mark's sleepiness faded away and sat up, asking worried. "Jack? You alright"? Jack nodded with a smirk, telling him in a rough voice. "Ya... but my arm is asleep and I'd like to have it back". Mark chuckled and Jack slowly flexed the arm he had been laying on. Had Jack just woken up too? Jack lightly touched his lightly blood stained bandages across his abdomen, asking scarcely. "Mark... Are they ok"?
Mark nodded, sweetly telling him. "Ya. We have a little girl and a boy". Jack grinned, half mumbling out. "What did you name them"? The lump in Mark's throat tightened, when he thought up a way to answer. "I wanted to wait until you were awake. You know how bad I am with names...". Jack smirked, still looking so tired. Mark brushed Jack's green bangs back, telling him lovingly. "Are you in any pain? Want some water"? Jack shook his head, asking softly. "I'm fine. I want to see them". Mark's heart felt like it was being squeezed by a vice, but he told Jack softly. "They are with Trey. He's doing some check ups on them. Right now, you just need to rest". Jack nodded and Mark quickly turned on the TV. He hoped by turning it on that it might block out the sounds from the living room. He wanted Jack to recover a bit more, before telling him. Plus, it filled the silence and gave them something to do.
Trey came in every few hours to change the bandages and give Jack a blended up shake of bananas. Mark even took part in the liquid diet with Jack, just to keep from teasing him. Jack tried asking about the babies, but Trey would only tell him what he felt he needed to know. That they were healthy and being taken care of. Mark was thankful that Trey didn't bring up the potion bit... but figured that he didn't mention it simply because he assumed Mark had told him. Mark planned to tell him. Eventually. As night came, Mark found it impossible to keep Jack still. The babies kept crying every other hour and Jack was getting restless. He wanted to go to them, but Mark kept telling him to rest. The others would take care of them. Though, until the babies stopped crying, Jack refused to relax. Threatening to get up and see them.
By the time, the babies seemed to finally stay quiet it was close to four in the morning. Mark was exhausted from both the noise and trying to keep Jack in the bed. Giving Jack his painkillers, he snuggled up with him and they both took a nap. Jack napped for only as long as it took the painkillers to kick in. Choosing to watch the TV on low, when he heard one of the babies start crying softly. It was low. Not enough to really be heard. He even thought that he might be imagining it. Uncurling Mark's hand from his chest, Jack climbed off the bed. He was sore, but he felt ok to move. Taking it really slow, he slipped from the bedroom and followed the noise. Everyone seemed to be asleep. Even Chica didn't stir as he stepped over her in the hallway. In the living room, there was two little baby rockers. Jack wondered if Rosemary had brought them with her or if Mark's mom had held onto hers. Nico was curled up on the couch, completely lost to the world as he softly snored away.
One of the babies was sleeping soundlessly. While the other was restlessly moving around. Jack approached slowly, his heart pounding faster. He wanted to see them so much that he thought his heart would burst. As he walked around the bouncing rocker, his eyes locked with a set of bright blue eyes. Jack's breath caught in his throat and he slowly kneeled down, reaching out to touch her little waving hand. The moment their fingers touch, Jack smiled warmly. Her hand felt so warm and her fingers so strong as they curled around his ring finger. Jack leaned forward to lift her from the rocker, holding her close in his arms. Cradling her in his arms, he whispered to her sweetly. "I think I'll call you... Sally. My sweet baby girl". To Be Continued...
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