Part 10
Mark carried Jack into the car and practically backed into the mailbox as he reversed it out of the driveway. Mark glanced at Jack every so often to check on him, asking nervously. "You still with me, Jack"? Jack just stared down at his blood stained hands in shock. Mark pulled into the emergency entrance, before jumping out to get Jack. Carrying Jack inside, he approached the front desk, telling the woman behind it in a rush. "Hey?! We need to see a doctor! My friend is coughing up blood"! The woman leaned over the counter to get a better look at Jack, before sinking back down into her seat. Picking up a clipboard, she slid it across the desk to him, saying calmly. "Take a seat and fill that out. A doctor will be with you shortly".
Mark shifted his weight anxiously, asking concerned. "What? This is suppose to be the emergency entrance! He's coughing up blood"! The woman sighed softly, looking up at him to answer calmly. "I understand that, sir. However, we have other patients that are in more critical need than him. When they are finished, than they will see your friend. For now, please take a seat and fill out the forms". Mark's shoulders tensed and he was about to say something else, when Jack told him very gently. "Mark, I need you to put me down". Mark reluctantly put Jack down carefully. The second Jack's feet touched the floor, he raced for the bathroom. Mark gave the woman behind the counter a scowl as he snatched the clipboard and ran after him.
As Mark rushed into the bathroom, he started to slow down his pace. Jack was standing in a stall with the door open as he coughed and spit. Walking over to lean against the outside of the stall wall, Mark started to quickly fill out the form with the pen that was chained to the clipboard. He knew most of the information about Jack. It was pretty standard in the beginning. His birthday and his name, etcetera. Then as questions about family illnesses came up and the symptoms of why he was here today... He had to ask Jack. Jack answered as best he could in his condition. Mark filled out what he could, telling Jack comfortingly. "I'm going to give this to the woman real quick". Jack just nodded, slowly moving from the stall to the sink.
Mark quickly rushed out to hand the clipboard to the woman and she handed it immediately to a doctor that was approaching the desk. The older man took the clipboard and gave it a brief look over. Mark stayed in place wondering what the doctor would say about it. The doctor then pressed the clipboard to his chest as he asked Mark curiously. "Mr. Mcloughlin"? Mark shook his head, gesturing to the bathroom. The doctor gave him a nod, but didn't follow him. Pushing open the bathroom door, Mark called out to Jack a little breathless. "Jack? The doc is waiting". Jack wiped his mouth with a paper towel, before making his way out to him. The doctor gave him a warm smile, telling him casually. "Alright, follow me". Jack slowed to a stop, turning slightly to look at Mark.
Mark placed a worried hand on his back as he asked him nervously. "Mark, do you think you could wait out here"? Mark rubbed his back, nodding as he answered a little reluctantly. "Ya. I'm going to go park my car, before they tow it. I'll be waiting for you". Jack gave him a warm smile, touching his chest as he moved away to follow the doctor. He hated leaving Mark... but he had some important things he wanted the doctor to answer. However, if Mark was there he'd just end up answering for too much. The doctor shook his hand as they walked down the hall, saying confidently. "My name is Doctor Asher. So, what seems to be the problem today"? Jack followed the doctor into a small room, saying a bit softly as Asher closed the door. "I've been sick a lot the last few weeks and now I'm coughing up blood".
Asher raised an eyebrow, gesturing for him to take a seat on the examining table as he muttered out. "Well, that's not good. Did you eat anything exotic in the last few weeks"? Jack shook his head, only to stop and wince. He was starting to feel dizzy. Asher set down the clipboard, moving in closer to put his hands under Jack's jaw probing for something. Jack could feel himself drifting in and out of focus. He was getting tired again. If he wanted to ask, he'd have to do it now. Straightening up, Jack asked the doctor seriously. "This is going to sound crazy... but I looked up my symptoms and have even had my doctor in Ireland confirm that... I seem to have the symptoms of a pregnant woman". Asher lowered his hands, staring into Jack's eyes for something as he answered distracted. "A lot of symptoms are pretty close to each other".
Jack pulled the pregnancy test from his sweater, staring sternly into the doctors eyes, when he shot back bluntly. "Maybe you should consider it"? Asher took the test, looking it over carefully. Jack waited anxiously as the doctor sat down in a chair. When Asher finally looked up he said calmly. "Alright. Well, I can't do an ultrasound, because the baby isn't fully formed yet, if this is right. But what I can do, is I can take a blood sample. I can run it through the system and we can find out if this is positive, or something else. Ok"? Jack nodded, feeling strangely at ease. This would prove it. This would put his fears to rest. Asher stood up, telling Jack calmly. "Just wait here. I'll have a nurse come in and take your blood. While I get in touch with your doctor. We'll figure this out".
After Asher left, the nurse came in to take his blood. The moment she left, Jack laid back across the cold examination table. He just needed to relax. Staring up at the blank white ceiling, Jack let his hand slide up over his stomach. It was impossible... but what if he was? What would that do him? How would he even give birth? Turning his head to look out the window, he tried to imagine himself far away from here. Far away from his sickness and problems. A place he could relax without worrying. He was just starting to calm down and lose himself in a peaceful life with Mark, when the heavy door slammed behind him. Jerking upright, he stared at Asher. Asher shifted from foot to foot, before he took a seat silently. Jack couldn't read his face and that made this worse. What if he was dying?
Asher brought up a file on his desk computer, asking Jack curiously. "Jack? It says here that you were born male. Is that correct"? Jack nodded feeling uneasy. Why was he asking this? Asher nodded, moving on to ask another one. "Have you had any surgeries lately that would have...changed anything"? Jack glared at the doctor, asking a little short-tempered. "Why are you asking me this? No"! Asher leaned back in his chair, looking at Jack with a fragile smile as he answered. "Jack. I'm a doctor. I have to know these things. They can be very important given the circumstance". Jack shrugged, asking really worried. "What circumstance"?! Asher leaned forward over his knees, before tenderly telling him. "I don't know any other way to say this... but congratulations. You're pregnant".
Jack stared blankly at the doctor. He wasn't sure he heard him right. There had to be a mistake. In his shock, Asher folded his hands together, telling him simply. "Now we won't know for sure what has happened. Which is why I'd like to schedule you to come back in a few weeks. By that point, the fetus should be fully grown and have enough bones to show up on the ultrasound. Which will also give us some insight on how this has happened". Jack leaned forward feeling like he was going to throw up. This couldn't be happening. He was dreaming. No. He was having a nightmare! Asher placed a hand on his shoulder, very calmly stating out. "I want you to lay back for me, Jack. Ok? I wanna do a brief check for possible surgical scars. Is that ok"?
Jack nodded, but he wasn't sure any of this was sinking in. It was too much to process at once. He could barely breathe. Slowly he laid back across the table again. His heart racing faster than ever as Asher slowly pushed up his sweater and shirt. Jack winced, closing his eyes tightly the second he felt Asher's cold gloved hand touch his stomach. He was afraid to look down at himself incase there was an abnormity that he hadn't noticed. Asher's hand touched different spots lightly, before he stepped back, saying casually. "Nope. I don't see anything. So, I'll schedule you back in... in about... shall we say eight weeks? That should put you in the second trimester and we'll be able to take a closer look. Ok"? Jack could only nod, listening to the doctor type quickly on his computer.
Slowly pushing his shirt down, Jack weakly asked the doctor. "So, why am I coughing up blood? Is that normal"? Asher stopped typing for a moment to answer comfortingly. "In my professional opinion, I believe it to be a side effect. I think it might be from surgery. Sometimes changing from male to female can be tricky. Since there is no physical scars to prove my theory. I'm thinking the surgery could have possibly been done around your birth. Which could explain tearing that is happening now and causing you to cough up blood. Until the ultrasound, I won't know for sure. I could try other things, but I'd rather wait until I see what the ultrasound reveals. Just to be safe". Jack turned to stare at Asher, asking a little startled. "Are you suggesting that my parents changed my sex at birth"?
Asher shrugged, very cautiously answering. "I'm saying that it is a possibility. It isn't uncommon for parents to request that kind of surgery. The ultrasound should clear it all up. Until then, I want you to take it easy". Jack placed a shaky hand over his mouth, closing his eyes tightly. He was feeling really sick now and needed fresh air. He was trying to block all this out, when Asher asked him suddenly. "Should I go and tell the man your with the news"? Jack couldn't hold it back anymore. Leaping off the examine table, he dropped before the trashcan and hurled. To Be Continued...
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