Launching gracefully off the tree branch, a person on a cloak sailed through the air and landed. The person's feet hit the ground softly, and knelt to look to their side if there was something or someone following. Feeling safe and secured the person studied the surroundings to find the forest was dense and was stretched for miles upon miles rolling over mountains and through ravines.
The sun peeking, giving the tree tops glow in the light but under that the dense trees were dark and foreboding.
"Almost there" the person muttered.
Letting out a heavy sigh the cloaked person continued walking, calmly.
Going deeper and deeper through the forest, there wasn't much noise from the shadowed area within, making it that much more foreboding and chilling. The wind blew, blowing through the trunks and into the hood reveiling soft pinkish cheeks, light brown strands of hair sticking out. The person stared silently for a few moments, the breeze blowing the person's hair and cloak. Continuing cautiously the trees seemed to colt around and shut away the path the person once took. The air became damp and humid, the path rocky and pale, and the shadows moving like snakes.
Looking through the shadows, as if waiting, getting ready for anything odd to attack again. A hand hovering over the blade at the person's side but nothing came.
Walking for a few hours now and wondered if the sun had yet moved at all in the sky since he/she couldn't tell under the dense forest. Feeling lost and helpless the person slid down the cloak reveiling startling sky-blue eyes and light brown colored hair that was braided, left hanging on her right shoulder. The figure was clearly a girl, wiping a bead of sweat on her forehead as she sighed in frustration.
"This isn't getting me anywhere near from anything!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the dense forest.
She once again sighed for liked the hundred time that day but continued onwards on her journey.
However, when red eyes appeared in the shadows making the girl freeze in her spot. Backing up as her eyes shook in fear. She gulped as more red eyes appeared; three, four, five. No, seven; there was a whole bunch of them. In fact a low growl suddenly rose into the thick humid air as it began to emerge from the shadows.
The looked of surprise and fear quickly disappeared into irritation and smirked slightly in determination. The creature looked to be made of smoke, with dark purple bodies and black, smokey whisps for tails. They had glowing blood red eyes, and sharp gray canines. Most of them were bigger than regular dogs, but not too big. However, one jumped forward warningly, and it moved quickly before taking a few steps back in caution.
"And here I thought I was home free" she exclaimed, smirking. "But I'm guessing not everything is that easy"
Slamming forward, air flew from behind the girl in a gusts as she charged on the creatures direction, dragging her protected blade along with her. The creatures charged foward as well, growling and hissing at her as her blade made contact with them.
Humming a cheery song as a human-like turtle that had baby blue eyes that held child-like mischief, an orange bandana around his eyes: like a mask. Also, he had little freckles that dotted his face.
He wore a straw hat as he carried a sack of corn to feed the chickens that were pecking mindlessly on the ground. The chickens instantly saw him and quickly gathered around him begging for them to be fed.
"Alright little chickeys! Mikey's here to save the day" Mikey giggled as he threw some chicken feeds everywhere, scattering them so that it would be enough.
"Now that's taken care of, I just have to collect some eggs for breakfast" he exclaimed, smiling cheerfully.
He carefully took one to two eggs at a time at each nest the hens laid. When he was about to finish picking some fresh eggs he suddenly heard a low moan. He flinched at this and slowly turned his head around. In the corner that was covered in the shadows he saw a massive dark creature moving slightly.
His eyes widen, dropping the basket full of eggs in the proccess. "M-Monster!" he screamed running for his dear life as he left the shattered eggs on the ground.
His brothers that were outside training heard him screaming in terror. They saw him scrambled to the ground looking terrified and is visibly shaking, they had a look of confusion and puzzlement on their faces.
"What's the matter now Mikey?" a larger turtle that had a crack on its shell, asked in an irritated manner as he clench his sais to the sides. He was a lot bigger than his brothers, he wore a red bandana and had neon green eyes.
"M-Mo-Mo..." Mikey manage to mumbled.
"Mikey calm down" a stern and an authoritative voice spoke. He had his katana blades strapped back on his shell, he wore a blue bandana and had sky blue eyes. Judging from his figure, he was the eldest of the four.
"M-Mo..." Mikey said his voice cracking.
"Mikey use your words" a tall, skinny looking turtle said as he rolled his brownish-red eyes at his brother's frantics. He had a purple bandana strapped on him, he held a bo staff as a use of support as he leaned down on it.
"M-Monster!" the youngest screamed which earned him a smack on the head by his hot-tempered older brother.
"Idiot! There's no such thing as monsters" the hot-head explained, clearly annoyed at how childish his younger brother is.
"B-But it's true! I was at the chicken coop collecting eggs then all of a sudden I heard this low moan, when I turned around I saw this huge shadow rise up! It had red eyes that stares at you through your soul! I'm telling you dudes! There's something in there!"
His brothers could only sigh and rolled their eyes.
"Are you sure you're not seeing things Mikey?" the turtle holding the bo staff asked.
"No way I'm seeing things!" he nodding vigurously to prove out his point.
"Come on, we better check it out" the eldest one sighed and finally gave in to his younger brother's idea.
"You're serious? You believed what Mikey said, Leo?" the hot-tempered asked in aggrivation.
"It can't hurt to try Raph" Leo countered back.
"Besides we've encounter stranger things before right? I mean look at us, we're basically turtles" the taller one added.
"Fine but I'm not going to believe that it's monsters or anything. For all I know it's just some raccoons hiding there" Raph grumbled as they made their way towards the coop.
Upon arriving they saw the shattered eggs that Mikey left, scattered on the ground. His brothers looked at him with raised 'eyebrows' as they stared at him with disbelief. Mikey just showed an innocent smile towards his brothers as they shook their head and slowly crept inside the coop.
"Do you see anything out of the ordinary Donnie?" Leo asked, walking side by side cautiously with Donnie.
"Nope, just some chickens, their nest and some broken eggs that Mikey dropped" Donnie said, eyeing the shed from every inch and corner of it.
"See? No such thing as monsters, you're just being stupid Mikey, like you always do" Raph insulted as he pulled Mikey into a tight arm lock.
"B-But! . . . I totally . . . heard it! I even saw it . . . move!" Mikey struggled and squirm away from his older brother's arm lock making it tigher as he resisted him being chocked to death.
Raph looked as if he wasn't planning on releasing his death grip on Mikey, as his younger brother chocked, making weird sounds. His brothers could only sweatdrop and sigh.
"Stop it you two. We better go, April and Casey should be home any minute" Leo scolded, turning back towards the door, he heard a low moan. The same moan that Mikey heard. This made Leo stop in his tracks, confirming if he was indeed hearing things.
"Did you guys hear that?" Leo narrowed his eyes as he cautiously walk towards the source of the noise.
"We didn't hear anything" Donnie looked to his brothers asking them if they heard what Leo head but they only shook their heads, eyeing his brother walking towards the dark corner.
"You're hearing things too, Leo? Seriously?" Raph release Mikey from his grip as he too looked at Leo weirdly.
Leo ignored what Raph said and continued on. He saw an object all curled up in the corner most of the coop. Poking "it" with his katana sword the object responded with a grunt, his brothers that were watching stared in awe as the object stirred. Leo took a step back obviously startled at the object moving, he again started poking it and the object suddenly yulp an 'ouch' this made the brothers took out their weapons swinging it to get ready.
Leo slowly took off the cloth, only to reveal a girl with light brown hair and soft, calming sky-blue eyes. Leo stared at the girl in amazement.
"Woah" he whispered. Who knew sky-blue looked amazing, Leo thought to himself.
His brothers saw Leo stared at the girl with shock and admiration they snickered at this and started teasing him only to resolve Leo blushing madly and scowling at his brothers.
The girl looked at them with relief and satisfaction. For the fact that these were the beings she was told to find and she has found them. Her mission was now over and she can now rest peacefully without the nagging feeling of staying alive every night at that dense forest. She could only smile warmly and fainted.
The four brothers heard a soft 'thud'. Leo turned around and found the girl unconscious.
"What happened to her?" Donnie asked as he gesture his way towards the mysterious girl.
"Don't know. But what I know is she's badly wounded we have to bring her inside the house and check on her condition" they nodded. Leo lifted the girl carefully as if she was fragile and carried her towards the house.
As for the girl, she had a small smile as she snuggled unintentionally at Leo which resulted him to blush.
Boom! Haha! Until the next Chapter!
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