Tagged by: AReadingLover
How are you so awesome?
Haha... I'm not awesome, if anybody is its youuuuu XD
Would you be my friend in real life?
Hella yes! I wanna be everyone's friend!
... The only problem is I'm too awkward for my own good...
Do you have any advice for writing stories?
No? I suck. XD
What is your favorite game? Undertale not included.
Ah... Probably animal crossing or Pokémon.
What fandom are you part of?
Ohhh boy, so many... Well if ya want a few... Undertale, Steven universe, gravity Falls, Ladybug and Chat Noir, Noragami, Ouran, Pokémon, Madoka Magica, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Blue Exorcist, and many many more animes XD
Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
Nope I was a lonely boring child :T
Do you look like and adult but act like your five?
Yeah, actually. Mentally a seven year old boy. Actually an almost fifteen year old girl.
Are you insecure?
Have you traveled to different countries?
Nope, different states yes, countries no.
What country do you live in?
United States
Tagssss- cause I love you
Jussst four cause like.... That's how many AReadingLover did at first XDD
BOI MY LOVES (the pic m sorry it's bad)
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