Chapter Twenty: An Unblinking Death
Nobody's Pov
As everyone settles down the next episode begins to play.
The screen turns on and the camera pans into the study.
We see Klaus searching furiously for something on the bookshelf while Holden sits on the couch with a bowl of ice cream in his hands.
The camera pans over to Elijah as he enters the study and looks at Holden.
"Ice cream for breakfast?" Elijah asked, amused.
"Hey, I can eat whatever I want and if it's ice cream I will gladly eat it" Holden defended.
A few people couldn't help but laugh at his defense and they agreed with him.
"I remember waking up before everyone else and I didn't want to wait for breakfast to be served so I just ate a bowl of ice cream" Macau grinned.
He may have gotten a scolding from Vegas but it was worth it.
After all, ice cream is good and it always helps.
Elijah chuckles in amusement before looking at his brother.
"Can I help you find something?" Elijah asked.
"Yes, in fact, I believe you can. I'm looking for a book, about yea big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells. It appears to have been misplaced" Klaus told him.
"How very mysterious" Elijah hummed, sitting at his desk.
"Indeed. At first, I feared the witches had succeeded in their efforts to obtain it, but considering their last attempt ended with me relieving a rather large, tattooed gentleman of his hands, I began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer to home" Klaus explained.
Holden watches as Elijah nonchalantly scribbles in his notebook.
Klaus scowls at his brother and walks closer to him.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, brother" Klaus said.
"Well, admittedly, I did have a theory that your sudden interest in mother's grimoire was in some way related to whatever foolishness you've been conducting with the Crescent wolves. Therefore, I took it upon myself to carefully place it where naughty little fingers could not pry" Elijah explained.
Everyone could tell how tense things were between the brothers.
It's clear that, as they had expected, Elijah found out that Klaus made an alliance with the werewolves.
And it's clear that he's not happy with his brothers decision.
They can't really blame him since it's clear Elijah has the right to be upset with Klaus for doing things behind his back.
"And here I thought you, of all people, would understand. Looks like the only one that understands me is Holden" Klaus said.
Holden sent a smile in Klaus's direction and continued eating his ice cream.
"I am simply trying to help those wolves. Play Samaritan to the abused. Champion to the underdog, so to speak" Klaus added.
"How splendidly noble of you" Elijah sarcastically said.
"Am I the only one that likes it when he's sarcastic?" Jom asked, amused.
"Nope, I like it too" Tem chuckled.
"Have you ever considered that, like you, I am trying to keep Hayley and Holden safe? Using our mother's magic to empower her people so they are capable of protecting them?" Klaus asked.
Elijah stands up and walks over to his brother.
"Yes, unless, of course, they decide to seek retribution for decades held in exile, and Hayley and Holden will find themselves in the middle of an uprising. One that will only provoke further violence. You see, you risk turning New Orleans into a war zone, brother. I won't let that happen" Elijah explained.
"The drums of war were beating long before we returned. I suggest you use a little less of this" Klaus makes a talking gesture with his hand, "and a little more of these" he finished by pointing to his ears.
Klaus sits down next to Holden on the couch and rests his head on his shoulder.
Holden smiled at his boyfriend and offered him a spoonful of ice cream which Klaus easily accepts.
Everyone couldn't help but take Klaus's words into consideration.
Elijah is all talk and most of the times his talk works and everyone follows what he does.
But they have to admit that talking isn't always going to help. One day he'll realize that his talks won't do anything.
It's probably better he starts listening rather than talking because that could help him in more ways than one.
Tankhun and Tay, on the other hand, smiled at seeing the interaction between Holden and Klaus.
The scene changes to the bayou and the camera pans inside the shack.
Hayley is lying on the ground on top of a few blankets while Eve and Holden are crouched down at her sides.
"That's it. Inhale and release" Eve instructs the pregnant wolf.
"What's going on?" Ken asked, confused and curious.
"Well, Hayley is going to give birth soon so Eve is helping her prepare" Pol explained.
He knows this because his dad told him about his grandmother helping his mother prepare for giving birth when she was pregnant with him.
And she saw it with his own eyes when his mother got pregnant again.
He's happy that Hayley has Eve to help her through the pregnancy since it's clear she needs guidance.
"I guess this means no epidural, huh? You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital? The place with the doctors and the drugs?" Hayley asked.
"Honey, the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying" Eve told her.
"Ok. Then what, Eve? I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one" Hayley reminded her.
Holden let out a sigh at that.
They were kicked out by their adoptive parents when they were still kids and even before that their relationship with them was a little complicated.
"Care to elaborate on that?" Ken asked, curious.
"Well, Hayley and Holden had a great life growing up with their adoptive parents but as they grew older and they learned they were adopted it made things complicated. Especially when half of the time they butted heads with them" Gertrude explained.
Ken hummed at that and nodded.
He knows it's normal for kids to butt heads with their parents especially when growing up.
And at least Big and Hayley's adoptive parents did seem to care about them.
But that doesn't change the fact that their adoptive parents turned their backs on them and kicked them out just for being werewolves.
Ken will never forgive them for that and makes a promise to track them down to teach them a lesson.
"Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do" Eve reassured her.
"I hope so. As fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone" Hayley sighed.
Holden shook his head at his sister and wraps his arm around her shoulders.
"That's where you're wrong, Hales. I'll be by your side once the baby is born and I'll help you raise her. Remember, it's you and I against the world" Holden told her.
Hayley looked at her brother with a smile and rests her head on his shoulder.
Everyone couldn't help but smile.
They were happy that Big wasn't going to abandon his sister during this pregnancy and when the baby was born.
They were happy that he was going to be by her side through it all.
They were happy that he was going to help her no matter what.
It shows just how much he really loves his sister and would do anything for her.
"And if Nik doesn't take responsibility and help you raise this baby, I'll make sure to smack some sense into him" Holden grinned.
Hayley and Eve laughed at that, amusement shown in their eyes.
All of a sudden they hear something from the doorway and turn around to see Elijah standing there.
"Pardon the interruption. I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising" Elijah said.
The three of them look at each other before looking back at Elijah.
Everyone raised an eyebrow at seeing Elijah in the bayou and glanced at each other.
They wonder if he's there to stop the werewolves from forming an alliance with Klaus.
If he was, which they sure he is, they wonder how that's going to go.
The scene changes to another shack in the bayou.
The camera pans inside and we see Elijah, Hayley, Holden, Jackson, Jonah and Oliver.
"You're making a grave mistake" Elijah told them.
"So, you're just worried about us. Is that it?" Oliver asked, amused.
"Pretty sure he's worried about everyone else but you" Kim rolled his eyes.
He really didn't care about Oliver since that guy is an asshole who is nothing but rude to Hayley and Big.
He, along with everyone else, would prefer if he just dropped dead.
"Look, Elijah. We know all about your brother's reputation, but if there is even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse" Jackson said.
"Our gift" Oliver corrected him.
"Hey, kid, shut your mouth. The adults are talking" Holden sternly said.
Hayley and Jonah snorted, Jackson chuckles and Elijah cracks a small amused smile.
Oliver shoots Holden a glare but Holden just smiles at him and flips him off.
It didn't take long for everyone in the theater to burst into laughter.
Chan smirked, amused and proud, while Ken chuckled at his best friend and shook his head.
"Then, honestly, we don't care what he's really after. Won't have to" Jackson finished.
"Yeah, none of us want to turn every full moon. We'd rather have control over it" Jonah added.
"I see. There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation" Elijah told them.
"Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way" Oliver sarcastically said.
Elijah ignores him and looked at Hayley.
"You signed a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so" Elijah reminded her.
"We don't want a fight, Elijah. We just want a better life" Hayley told him.
"Allegiance with my brother will guarantee you anything but that" Elijah told her.
Holden scoffed and walks closer to Elijah.
"I don't understand why you're doubting him. Sure, Nik does things his own way and sometimes wants something in return but his plans are good. Did you ever stop to think that, even if he doesn't show it, he wants peace just as much as you do?" Holden asked.
Tankhun and Tay quietly squealed with grins appearing on their faces.
They were happy to see Holden defending Klaus especially against his own brother.
Although, they are a little annoyed that Elijah is doubting Klaus this much.
Elijah says nothing and just stares at Holden, seemingly taking his words into consideration.
All of a sudden they hear the sound of a motorbike approaching causing them to look at each other.
"What the hell?" Jackson asked, confused.
He and Jonah leave, with Oliver following behind them, and the Marshall siblings glance at each other before leaving with Elijah following behind them.
As they head outside they see a man on a motorcycle riding into the encampment and stops just as the group approach him.
"Which one of you is in charge?" the man asked.
"Who's asking?" Jackson asked, confused and wary.
The man says nothing but as he looks around a faint smirk appears on his face.
Nobody but Holden and Elijah catch it and narrow their eyes at him suspiciously.
Chan, Kim and Vegas easily caught the smirk as well and narrowed their eyes at the man.
There was definitely something off about him.
Elijah doesn't hesitate to speed towards the man and tackles him off of his motorcycle.
Unfortunately, it's too late.
The motorcycle explodes and the strong unexpected blasts sends everyone flying backwards.
Nothing but shocked and terrified screams are heard from everyone.
Everyone jumped with some people letting out screams of shock.
Everyone felt their eyes widen at what happened, they couldn't believe it.
"What the fuck was that?!" Kinn yelled.
"Who the hell did that?!" Ken yelled, clenching his jaw.
"Oh my god is everyone alright?!" Pete yelled.
Tons of questions were being yelled at left and right and it irritated Gertrude.
Gertrude muttered a spell under her breath and it wasn't long before the yelling stopped.
"I won't be saying anything to any of you. So, please remain silent and continue watching" Gertrude scowled.
Everyone glared at her, irritated that she won't tell them anything when they deserve to know what happened.
But they also knew that no matter how much they yelled or did anything else, she wouldn't tell them.
So they had no choice but to suck it up and do as they were told.
Gertrude nodded as everyone began to calm down and turn their attention back to the screen.
With that she resumed the episode.
Only a few minutes have passed since the explosion but it's clear how damaged the bayou looks because of it.
We see tons of people injured while others that aren't badly injured running or attending to other people.
The camera pans over to Holden and we see him on the ground groaning in pain. His clothes are covered in ash and dirt, his hair is a mess, his face has a few scratches, his head was killing him and one of his legs was in pain.
Everyone wanted to be relieved that Big was alright but they couldn't.
Not with the way he looks and the fact that they could see some blood begin to trail down his forehead.
Ken clenched his jaw at seeing the state his best friend was in.
He hated that he wasn't there to help him when Big had always been there for him.
"Holden! Oh my god, Holden!" someone yelled in concern.
Holden blinked, trying to get rid of the blurriness, and looked around to see who was calling out to him.
He thought it was Hayley or Elijah, maybe Jonah, but he wasn't quite sure.
However, it wasn't any of them.
The person crouched in front of him and when Holden regained his vision he saw Gun staring at him, clear concern shown in his face.
Nobody said anything, they didn't really know how to feel about seeing Gun.
It's still hard to accept the fact that he's alive and a vampire but hard to accept this new personality of his.
Especially towards someone like Big.
"Of course it's him" Vegas muttered, glaring at his father onscreen.
He should've known that the second Kinn's former bodyguard was in danger his father would appear.
"Gun?" Holden asked, coughing as he did so.
"Yeah, it's me. Are you alright?" Gun asked.
"Not in the slightest" Holden shook his head.
Gun nodded and gently gathered the werewolf male into his arms.
"Where's Hayley? Is she alright? Is my sister alright?" Holden hurriedly asked.
"Don't worry she's fine. Startled, but fine. I managed to get her out of harms way before the explosion went off" Gun explained.
Everyone sighed in relief at hearing that.
As worried as they were for Holden, and everyone else, their main concern was Hayley.
She's the pregnant one after all and any harm that comes to her will also harm the baby.
They're just glad that Gun, no matter how surprising it is, saved her in time.
"Thank you" Holden said with a small smile.
"Of course. Now, are you able to stand?" Gun asked.
Holden tried getting up but cried out in pain making Gun sigh.
"That answers my question" Gun muttered.
"Oh my entire body hurts like a bitch" Holden groaned.
"Alright, little one, I'm gonna have to carry you and take you somewhere so you can recover" Gun told him.
Just as he was about to lift him into his arms Holden quickly stops him.
"No, no, don't do that. Just, dig into my jacket pockets" Holden told him.
"What? Why?" Gun asked, confused.
"Just do it" Holden demanded.
Gun sighed before doing as told and not even a few seconds pass before he pulls out a small beaker that held red liquid inside.
Everyone furrowed their eyebrows together at seeing the beaker and the liquid that was inside.
"What the hell is that?" Pol asked, confused.
"I want to say juice but my guess is that it isn't" Arm frowned.
If anything it looked more like blood.
"Uh, mind telling me what this is?" Gun asked, confused.
"Forget that. Just open it and pour it into my mouth" Holden ordered.
Gun sighed before doing as told and once the beaker is open he positions it at Holden's mouth.
As soon as Holden feels the liquid being poured into his mouth he makes sure to swallow all of it.
Once the beaker is empty Gun tosses it to the ground and looks at Holden and could see him slowly getting better.
"How do you feel?" Gun asked.
"A whole lot better" Holden told him.
He gets up with Gun's help and smiles a bit when he doesn't feel any pain in his legs.
"Wow, talk about a fast recovery" Pol hummed.
"I know right" Arm nodded in agreement.
"What the hell did he even drink?" Porsche asked, frowning.
What was in that beaker that helped Big heal quickly?
"Mind telling me what was in that beaker?" Gun asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Holden sighed and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.
"Holden!" he heard his sisters yell.
He and Gun turned around to see Hayley running towards them.
Once Hayley is close she wraps her arms around Holden, hugging him tightly, and Holden does the same with her.
Everyone smiled at the Marshall siblings.
They knew how worried they must've been for one another when the explosion went off and they sure as hell didn't blame them.
Anyone would've been worried as hell after what happened.
They pull away from the hug as Hayley cups the sides of her brothers face and scans him up and down.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need me to look at anything?" Hayley hurriedly asked.
"No, I'm fine. My head hurts like a bitch and I've got some scratches but nothing major" Holden reassured her.
Hayley sighed and nodded, leaning in to kiss her brothers forehead.
When she pulled away from him her eyes landed on Gun and she raised an eyebrow at him.
"You're the one that protected me the night of the harvest girls party. And you saved me today from the explosion" Hayley pointed out.
"Yeah, I did" Gun nodded.
"Thank you" Hayley said.
"Of course" Gun smiled.
Vegas and Macau grimaced and looked at each other.
They have never seen their father smile other than those fake smiles he put on.
Seeing him with that smile on his face weirded them out because it actually looks like a real one.
"Come on, lets go check on everyone and see if anyone needs help" Hayley said.
"Got it" Holden nodded.
Hayley ran off to the right while Holden ran off to the left with Gun following behind him.
Holden spots Jonah trying to tend to an injured man and immediately runs towards them.
"What's going on?" Holden asked, crouching down.
"His leg was impaled by a tree branch. I took it out but he's still bleeding" Jonah explained.
"Gun, start putting pressure onto his wound to stop the blood. Jonah, give me your shirt. Now" Holden ordered.
Gun nods and puts pressure onto the mans wound to stop the bleeding.
Jonah takes his shirt off, leaving him with his black tank top, and hands it to Holden.
Holden rolls up Jonah's shirt before he uses it to wrap it around the mans wound, using it as a makeshift bandage, and makes a tourniquet.
"How'd you learn how to do that?" Jonah asked, impressed.
"You get a hell of an education when you leave home at twelve. Not to mention my old job got me and my old friends into some dangerous situations. So, we picked up on a few things when tending to injuries and wounds" Holden explained.
Porsche, Pete, Pol, Arm and Ken nodded while looking at each other.
None of them were doctors by any means but they picked up on what to do when one of them was injured.
Chan grinned, feeling nothing but pride course through his body.
He was glad to see Big taking charge and using what he knows to help the injured man.
"That should slow the bleeding, at least until the healing kicks in" Holden said.
"Quick, take him somewhere to recover" Gun ordered.
Jonah nodded and wraps the mans arm around his shoulders and helps him stand up before leading him away.
Gun sighs and runs a hand through his hair while Holden bites his lip and looks around.
"Gun, stay here and look after everyone until I return" Holden ordered.
"Where are you going?" Gun asked, confused.
"If this was vampires, I'm pretty sure that I can guess who gave the order. I'm gonna get Hayley because I know she'll want to come with me and then we're going to find Marcel" Holden told him.
Holden looks around and spots a tree branch nearby and grabs it.
He uses his knee to break the tree branch in half turning it into two stakes.
He looks at Gun with a smirk before running off to get Hayley so they can leave.
A few people couldn't help but laugh and cheer at that.
They too had a feeling that Marcel had something to do with the explosion.
Considering what he pulled at the party for those harvest girls they wouldn't be surprised if Marcel had planned this.
If he admits it then he better be prepared to face the wrath of the Marshall siblings.
The scene changes and we see Hayley and Holden in their car driving back into town.
The camera pans inside the car and we see Holden driving while Hayley is on the phone with Elijah.
"Holden and I have to take care of something. We'll be back as soon as we can" Hayley said.
Holden continues to drive while Hayley continues talking to Elijah.
"Elijah, we're fine. Just take care of the pack while we're gone. Please" Hayley begged.
She hangs up and lets out a sigh before leaning back against the seat.
"What did he say?" Holden asked.
"He wanted to know where we are and is worried we'll get hurt but I told him we'll be fine" Hayley said.
"Good. Last thing we need is for him following us" Holden nodded.
Hayley nodded in agreement.
Silence filled the car for a few minutes before Hayley broke it.
"That man is who you told me about. The uncle of your former boss, right?" Hayley asked.
"Yeah, that's him" Holden nodded.
"Why is he here? Why did he protect me?" Hayley asked.
"He's here because he can't go back to Thailand since everyone, including his family, believe he's dead. And he's protecting you because he knows I care about you and, not to mention, you're pregnant so he doesn't want anything happening to you or the baby. The same way he protects me since he doesn't want anything happening to me" Holden explained.
"I never pegged him as the type of person to care about people he barely knows" Hayley said.
"You and me both" Vegas muttered.
He still can't believe that his father actually cares about a former bodyguard enough to protect them.
It just doesn't make sense and Vegas sure as hell doesn't like it.
"Same here. But he did keep quiet about my secret. And as long as he's not causing trouble I really don't care" Holden shrugged.
"Good point" Hayley nodded.
Just like that the silence returns as Holden continues driving.
The scene changes to the vampires hideout where we see the vampires either playing games or talking to each other.
The camera pans to the front door where we see Hayley and Holden barge in.
The vampires stop what they are doing to look at them, confusion on all of their faces.
"Oh, it's going to go down. Man, I wish I had some popcorn" Macau huffed.
Chay looked at his friend with amusement and shook his head, chuckling slightly.
The camera pans over to Diego, who's sitting on a chair with his legs kicked up on a table, and he chuckles at seeing the Marshall siblings.
"You done got some nerve coming up in here, werewolf siblings" Diego commented.
Holden doesn't hesitate to march towards Diego and kicks him in the chest, knocking him to the ground.
Diego jumps back up and growls at him but Holden strikes him in the face and it's enough to send him stumbling back.
Diego tries to lunge at Holden but Holden is quick to pin him to the wall and shoves the stake into his chest, just missing his heart.
Everyone would be lying if they said they hadn't cheered when Big fought Diego.
"Go Big!" Arm and Pol yelled.
"That's my best friend!" Ken yelled, a grin on his face.
Chan chuckled, feeling just as proud as he was before when Big was helping tend to that mans wound.
Everyone from the mafia, both main and minor, know that out of everyone Big was the best fighter of them all.
Both hand to hand combat and when using weapons.
The vampires are shocked while Hayley smirks, proud, before moving to stand next to her brother.
"Someone attacked our pack in the Bayou this morning, and since we don't see any genius mastermind-types around here..." Hayley trailed off.
"Why don't you just tell us where Marcel is, and we can all get on with our day, huh?" Holden asked, smiling.
Diego says nothing, he just groans and tries fighting against Holden.
The smile drops on Holden's face and he plunges the stake deeper into Diego's chest.
"You think I'm playing? Guess what, I'm not. Trust me, I've killed before and I sure as hell ain't afraid to kill again" Holden threatened.
Hayley places a hand on her brothers shoulder and glared at Diego.
"There were families out there" Hayley told him.
Hearing that Diego stops fighting and a guilty look spreads across his face.
"Well, that's new" Kinn commented.
"Yeah, never thought I'd see that type of emotion in him" Porsche added.
"Well, Diego's family was attacked and they instantly died and he would've died too had Marcel not found him and saved him" Gertrude explained.
Everyone frowned at hearing Diego's backstory and couldn't help but feel bad for him.
Despite how they feel towards him, they're still sad that he had to go through something like that.
After all, it's never easy losing your family.
"He used to keep a place. 1917 Patterson. If he's still around, he'll be there" Diego said.
Holden nods and pulls the stake out of Diego's chest causing him to sigh while slumping against the wall.
"Thank you for your cooperation" Holden smiled.
He turns around and leaves with Hayley following behind him.
The scene changes and the camera pans to the docks where Marcel is staying.
The camera pans over to Hayley and Holden who are standing next to each other.
Hayley is looking around, wary, while Holden is calling Klaus so he can tell him everything.
"Nik, where are you?" Holden asked once his lover answered his phone.
"I'm in a bit of a situation here, love" Klaus sighed.
"Well, I think you should hear this from me. Somebody sent a suicide bomber out to the bayou this morning" Holden revealed.
"WHAT?!" Klaus shouted.
Holden quickly removed his phone from his ear, wincing in pain.
Everyone winced in pain with a few people jumping in fright.
"God damn, that hybrid has some lungs" Ken muttered.
"You can say that again" Chan muttered with a nod of his head.
"A warning would've been nice, Nik" Holden sighed, putting his phone back to his ear.
"Are you alright? Are you hurt? Where are you?" Klaus hurriedly asked.
"I'm in the city now with Hayley. We're fine. We figured an attack like that must have been Marcel. He's hated the wolves for years, and after that stunt he pulled with the witches. So, Hayley and I tracked him down. Thought you might like to help kick his ass for trying to blow us to kingdom come" Holden said.
He hears his lover say something to someone before putting his attention back on him.
"Love, listen. I assure you, once I am finished here, you will have my undivided attention. In the meantime, please stay out of trouble. The same goes for Hayley" Klaus said.
"You don't have to worry about us. We can take care of ourselves" Holden said.
With that he hangs up the call, stuffing his phone into his pocket, before looking at Hayley.
"Shall we?" Holden asked, grinning.
"We shall" Hayley nodded, grinning.
With that they enter Marcel's place.
Everyone glanced at each other with either grins or worried looks.
Don't get them wrong, they are ready to see the Marshall siblings kick Marcel's ass if he was the one that ordered for that explosion to happen in the bayou.
But they're also worried that, if he did order that to happen, he might be waiting for them and could have something plan for them.
They know the Marshall siblings can handle themselves, they know that.
But they still worry because they don't want them getting hurt.
The scene changes to the inside of Marcel's loft and the camera pans to him sitting on a chair holding a glass of whiskey.
Marcel goes to take a sip but stops when he hears his door opening from behind him.
"Come on in" Marcel said, standing up.
He turns around and sees Hayley and Holden standing together with glares on their faces.
"Have a seat. Hayley, I'd offer you a drink, but..." Marcel trailed off, gesturing to her baby bump.
Marcel looks at Holden and silently asks if he would like a drink but Holden shakes his head.
"Sweet pad" Hayley commented, gesturing to Marcel's loft.
"Oh, it's just temporary. Friend hooked me up. Believe it or not, I still got a few of those kicking around. I need friends to keep me informed, to warn me when someone is coming looking to blame me for things that I didn't do" Marcel explained.
"Well, if he only has friends for that reason then he must be very lonely" Macau commented.
Everyone laughed at his words, Vegas being the loudest, while Pete sent the boy a glare.
Macau shrugged, it's not like he was lying.
"For the record, neither of you had to work Diego like that. You two and I are long overdue for a chat" Marcel said.
"You want to talk?" Hayley asked.
"Talk" Holden demanded.
Marcel moves to his couch and sits down.
"Tough girl and tough boy. You both are alot like your dad in that way" Marcel grinned.
This catches Hayley and Holden's attention as they both stare at Marcel with slightly wide eyes.
Everyone in the theater room had the same reaction as the Marshall siblings.
"Hold up, what?" Pol asked, blinking.
"Did he say what I think he said?" Arm asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Did Marcel know Big and Hayley's parents?" Ken asked with wide eyes.
Marcel has lived longer than the Marshall siblings so that means there is a chance that he knew Big and Hayley's parents.
But something that lingered on all of their minds was something they needed an answer to.
Did Marcel kill their parents?
"Oh, yeah. I knew him. I knew your whole family. In fact, if either of you knew them like I did, you'd know just how many enemies they have. Back in the nineties, it was the Crescent wolves who took over the city. Or, tried to. They lived to throw down, and they were good at it, too. They didn't care who they killed as long as they got more power" Marcel explained.
"So the Crescent curse was your way of stopping them?" Holden asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"How heroic" Hayley sarcastically said.
Marcel sighed, rolling his eyes, before standing up.
"It was either that or kill them all, and I'm not big on indiscriminate slaughter. See, I have this thing about kids" Marcel told them.
"Well, that's one thing we have in common with him" Kinn muttered.
"Definitely" Vegas muttered.
While they are involved in the mafia, given they are the leaders, and kill their enemies without mercy they do have morals.
And one of them involves kids and making sure that they don't get hurt.
After all, kids are innocent and should be protected at all costs.
"So we've heard" Holden said.
"Oh, you did more than hear about it, Andrea and Alexander Labonair. You're both living proof" Marcel smirked.
"How long have you known who we are?" Hayley asked, curious.
"I saw how interested you two were in those Crescents. After your little family reunion out at the old plantation house, I started to put two and two together" Marcel explained.
The Marshall siblings glance at each other before looking back at Marcel.
Holden's grip on the stake tightens and he steps closer to Marcel.
"Tell us something, Marcel. Did you kill our parents?" Holden asked.
Everyone quieted down and immediately leaned in.
They, just like the Marshall siblings, needed to know if Marcel was the one that killed them.
And if he didn't they needed to know if he knew who did.
"There was in-fighting among the wolves. Your folks were laying low. Somebody turned on them. I honestly don't know who. I got there afterwards, found you and Hayley in your cribs" Marcel revealed.
Holden frowned as Hayley stepped closer.
"Give us one good reason why we should believe anything that you have to say" Hayley said.
"Believe whatever you want, but you two are the last Labonair's. I mean, you two could've been alot of leverage for our side, but instead, I took you two to Father Kieran" Marcel said.
Holden started putting things together and realized that Father Kieran helped them get adopted.
Which is how they ended up with a human couple and were living far away from New Orleans, where they would be safe, and without any knowledge of their werewolf background.
"Well, that explains half of everything to them at least" Chan sighed.
"What I don't understand is why didn't Marcel, or Father Kieran, take care of them?" Chay asked, frowning.
Maybe Hayley and Holden would've been better off staying in New Orleans, given they were born there, with either Marcel or Father Kieran.
They would've known that they were werewolves instead of believing that they were humans.
They wouldn't have been kicked out by their adoptive parents and been forced to survive on their own at such young ages.
"Maybe it was for the best" Macau shrugged.
"I agree. It's clear that New Orleans is dangerous and Marcel probably didn't want two babies growing up there" Kim added.
Chay, still frowning, didn't say anything and just fiddled with his fingers.
Marcel pulls out a duffle bag and sets it down on a table near them.
"What's that?" Holden asked.
"Money, mostly. Stuff you need to start over someplace safe. Whatever happened in the bayou, I'm not your guy. But, the way things are going? Eventually, I might have to be" Marcel said.
"So this is your grand plan?" Holden asked.
"Get my brother and I out of town, and Klaus and Elijah follow closely behind?" Hayley asked.
"I can't say that wouldn't be a positive side effect" Marcel shrugged.
"So why don't you leave? Follow your own advice?" Hayley asked.
"I was born here, Hayley" Marcel reminded her.
"So were we" Hayley said, gesturing to her and Holden.
"She does have a point" Jom shrugged.
"Yeah, but the difference is that Marcel was born and raised in New Orleans" Tem reminded him.
"Hayley and Big may have been born there, but they weren't raised there" Porsche added.
Hayley and Holden go to leave but Marcel stops them.
"Guy on the bike? The bomber? Word is, he had a gambling problem. Owed money to the casinos. More importantly, to the humans who run them" Marcel told them.
Hayley and Holden glance at each other before looking at Marcel.
"And guys. When things get bad, remember, I tried to get you two clear of it again" Marcel shrugged.
The Marshall siblings stare at him before they turned around and left the loft.
"Never thought I'd say this but I have to agree with him" Tay sighed.
"Same. I mean, it really would've been better if they had just left. Especially after the explosion in the bayou" Kinn nodded.
Marcel was doing the right thing trying to get them out of town and somewhere safer.
Had Hayley and Big listened instead of being stubborn they wouldn't have to worry about anymore dangers.
But they decided to stay and, well, whatever dangers they have to face that's going to be on them.
The scene changes back to the bayou and the camera pans over to a bonfire.
We see Oliver giving a speech with pack gathered around him and seemingly agreeing with him.
The camera pans over to Elijah who's leaning against a tree and we see Hayley and Holden walk up to him.
"You stayed" Hayley said.
Elijah doesn't say anything, just continues to stare at Oliver and the pack as they yell and cheer.
The Marshall siblings turn to what Elijah is looking at and furrow their eyebrows.
"Uh...what is the asshole doing?" Porsche asked, confused.
Nobody had an answer since they too were confused as to what Oliver was doing.
"The hell is he doing?" Holden asked, confused.
"He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. He's not alone. There was another attack after you two left" Elijah said.
"What?" Hayley asked, shocked.
"What happened? Did anyone else die?" Holden asked.
"Unfortunately, there were more deaths. Not to mention your friend, Eve, has gone missing" Elijah revealed.
"What?!" Hayley and Holden yelled.
"What?!" everyone yelled with wide eyes.
"What happened? Why is she missing?" Tankhun asked, shocked and worried.
None of them knew Eve that well but from what they have seen so far she seems like a kind and strong woman.
Not to mention she was there for Hayley and Big and helped them with whatever they needed.
She was basically like the mother they never had.
What could've happened for her to suddenly go missing?
And who the hell took her?
"Eve was hurt badly in the second attack and we put her to rest in the shack. Jackson, Jonah and I were going to check on her when Oliver ran to us and told us that she was missing" Elijah explained.
"And nobody knows where she is?" Holden asked.
"Nobody. Oliver is convinced she was kidnapped and is going to be used as leverage against the wolves. That's why he's convincing everyone to fight back" Elijah added.
Hayley and Holden glance at each other, clearly worried.
"Where are Jackson and Jonah?" Hayley asked.
"In the shack" Elijah replied.
Hayley doesn't hesitate to run into the shack and Elijah waits for a second before following after her.
Holden was going to follow as well but stopped when he heard his phone chime.
He took out his phone and expected it was a message from Klaus but it wasn't.
It was from Gun.
"First he's protecting him, then he's protecting his sister and now he's texting him. God, what else?" Vegas asked.
He was getting irritated by this strange relationship his father and Kinn's former bodyguard have formed.
Not to mention the other feeling that he felt inside of him that he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.
Holden frowned at the message, looked around, before turning his phone off and stuffed it back into his pocket.
With that he took off running.
The scene changes to the small abandoned cabin, Gun's place, in the woods.
The camera pans to Holden and we see him running to the front door and immediately barges in.
"Gun! Where are you?!" Holden yelled.
"Down the hall, 2nd room on the left" a familiar voice said.
Holden's eyes widened at the voice and he turned around to see Sophie, who was wearing a white shirt and black leggings, with a bowl of ice cream in her hands.
"Please tell me I'm not the only one that forgot about her?" Tem asked.
With everything going on, Sophie being alive was something he had long forgotten.
"No, you're not. I forgot about her too" Jom reassured his friend.
"Same. I even forgot that she would've died if Gun hadn't saved her" Porsche added.
"Sophie" Holden breathed out.
"That's me" Sophie waved at him.
"I completely forgot that you're still hiding out here" Holden said.
"Figures" Sophie shrugged, scooping a handful of ice cream with her spoon.
"Uh...are you alright? How are you doing so far?" Holden asked.
"I've been better. Honestly, I get bored from time to time but I rather be bored than get killed. Especially when my niece tried that and nearly succeeded" Sophie scowled.
Holden awkwardly stood there, unsure of what to say.
Everyone could feel the awkwardness from the theater room.
It's clear that Sophie hasn't, probably never will, forget about her own niece trying to kill her.
They really couldn't understand what Monique's deal was because, yeah, her mother was killed and she died in the ritual.
But at least Sophie was doing everything she could to bring her back.
At least Sophie hadn't given up on her when many others could've.
And instead of being grateful the little brat tried to kill her.
How ungrateful.
"As I said, your buddy Gun is down the hall. 2nd room on the left" Sophie said.
She patted his shoulder before moving to the living room so she could sit on the couch and watch movies.
Holden rushed down the hall and made it to the room Gun was in.
He didn't knock and quickly pushed the door open and ran in.
He stopped when he found Gun sitting on a chair while drinking a glass of water.
Holden's eyes wondered over to the bed in the middle and his breath hitched when he saw Eve resting on it, a wet towel on her forehead and a bandage wrapped around her injured leg.
Everyone's eyes widened when they saw Eve on the bed.
"What the hell?" Ken asked, confused.
"Why is she with my father of all people?" Macau asked.
"Oh god, please don't tell me he saved her too" Vegas scoffed.
Questions were running through everyone's heads and they all wanted answers.
"Oh thank god" Tankhun sighed, relieved.
He honestly didn't care if Eve was with his uncle, of all people, he just cared that she was alive and safe.
After all, he knows how much she means to the Hayley and Holden.
Gun turned around and when he saw Holden he sighed in relief.
"Finally, you're here" Gun said, standing up.
"I got your text and rushed here as fast as I could. Now, mind explaining to me what happened?" Holden asked.
"Eve was attacked when she was resting in the shack. Fortunately, I was close by and heard her muffled screams. I rushed in and caught a glimpse of someone trying to suffocate her with a pillow. I didn't hesitate to bash their heads against the wall, knocking them out. Eve was freaked out by what could've happened to her and I tried to calm her down but she begged me to take her somewhere else. Then she passed out. I honestly debated on what to do before deciding to just bring her here" Gun explained.
Everyone took in the information that Gun had provided for Big and they were shocked.
But they were also curious.
Who was the person that tried to kill Eve?
Why did they want to kill her in the first place?
They are aware that the werewolves have enemies, mainly with the vampires and witches, but it doesn't make sense they would go after one person.
And even if they did, why Eve?
"Who the hell attacked her?" Holden asked.
"I don't know. I vamp speeded into the shack when I heard Eve's screams and when I saw someone suffocating her I didn't think and just struck. Even after I knocked them out I didn't see their face, I was only focused on making sure she was safe and getting her out of the bayou" Gun explained.
Holden sighed and looked at Eve as Gun moved to stand next to him.
"I have a theory" Gun said.
"Which is?" Holden asked.
"Eve found out who caused the explosion and planned on revealing it to the others" Gun said.
Holden put two and two together and his eyes widen in realization.
"But the perp couldn't have that so they tried killing her so that she wouldn't reveal anything" Holden added.
"Bingo" Gun nodded.
"I knew it" Kim muttered.
He doesn't know Eve that well but he knows just how smart she is and knew she found out who was behind the attack.
And because of that the perp tried getting rid of her so their secret wouldn't get out.
Fortunately, his uncle saved her and got her out of trouble.
But now that just leaves one question that needs an obvious, and quick, answer.
Who was behind the attack and who tried killing Eve to keep her quiet?
Holden muttered a curse under his breath while running a hand through his hair.
He wanted nothing more than to track down the perp that was behind the attack and tried to kill Eve.
But he knew that was impossible since he doesn't know who it was.
And as much as he'd like to get an answer from Eve he thinks it's better not to.
Especially after what she went through.
But when he finds out, rest assured he will not stop until they are dead.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone sighed and leaned back in their seats.
Todays episode was just as chaotic as every other episode they have watched.
First it was the explosion at the bayou, then it was finding out a little more about Hayley and Big's parents, and finding out that the one behind the explosion tried to kill Eve but she was saved by Gun and now in hiding.
They definitely wanted answers but knew they wouldn't get any.
Not only that but they wanted the drama and chaos to end.
But they also knew that wasn't going to happen either.
So, they're just going to sit back and continue watching.
Because they have a feeling that more drama and chaos is coming.
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