Chapter Thirteen: Dance Back From The Grave
Nobody's Pov
It's fair to say that a break was definitely something they all needed.
During their break some had gotten up to use the bathroom while others had just gotten up from their seats to stretch their arms and legs.
Some were beginning to get hungry and thirsty so Gertrude decided to conquer up a few things for them.
Plates full of their favorite snacks and drinks appeared in front of them and almost immediately they dug in.
Once everyone was done eating and had done their business in the restroom everyone was heading back to their seats.
Once everyone had sat down Gertrude turned to all of them.
"Are we ready to continue?" Gertrude asked.
Everyone glanced at each other and after a few seconds they looked at the witch and nodded their heads.
They had to admit that they were still very upset at the fact that something had gone wrong in the ritual and that Davina is now dead.
But they also had to admit that they were curious as to what was going to happen with her gone.
And they wondered if the witches would be up to anymore trouble.
Gertrude nodded back at them before playing the next episode.
The screen turns on and the camera pans to a car that's driving down the road. We head inside the car where we see Holden, who is in the passenger seat, and Klaus, who is in the drivers seat.
It's been a few days since Davina's death and Klaus decided that it would be a good idea to get out of the compound and go somewhere else.
Which is why he took Holden to New York so that he too could get away from all the drama and chaos in New Orleans. It's fair to say that it was something Holden needed.
Everyone couldn't help but raise their eyebrows at what they just learned.
They found it weird that Klaus had taken Big with him to get away from New Orleans after everything that had happened.
But, oddly enough, it was somewhat nice of him too.
"That's oddly kind of him" Ken muttered.
He was confused and suspicious of the hybrid's intentions with his best friend.
He had a feeling that something was going on between them, something that was definitely more than friendship, and he didn't like it.
Which is why he'll definitely keep an eye on them and their interactions.
Tankhun and Tay, on the other hand, couldn't stop the happiness from coursing through their bodies.
"Going on trips together, huh?" Tay asked.
"Seems like they are getting closer and closer to each other. And I love it" Tankhun grinned.
He had a good feeling about what would happen in this episode.
Holden sighed and turned to the hybrid as he drove.
"Thanks again for taking me to New York. I definitely need time away from New Orleans" Holden said.
"Of course, love. A break from that town is definitely something we both needed" Klaus said.
"If that's so then why are we going back? Can't we just go back to get my sister and then the three of us can go somewhere else?" Holden asked.
With everything going on he doesn't believe that New Orleans is safe.
He wants his sister and his niece to be safe and he believes that leaving is for the best.
Everyone couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.
"Agreed" Jom said.
"I would've left the second I stepped foot in that town" Tem added.
"He should've left with his sister the second they broke her link to Sophie" Ken huffed.
He doesn't understand why Big doesn't just take Hayley and leave and go somewhere that's safer.
Preferably Thailand.
He wants to be able to reunite with Big and he wants to meet his sister and get to know her a little better.
"As much as I would love that, we can't. New Orleans is my city once again. I'm the king meaning I have to rule it" Klaus told him.
"Of course" Holden sighed, rolling his eyes.
He leaned back in his seat and took his phone out, deciding to pass the time by playing a few games.
"Man. I really wish I had my phone to play so I could play a few games" Macau sighed.
Don't get him wrong watching the life of the former bodyguard of the main family is pretty interesting, especially with the supernatural involved.
But he would rather be back at home in his bed while playing games on his phone.
As Klaus pulled up to the compound Holden looked up from his phone and furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw a man standing outside waiting for them.
"Who the hell is that?" Holden asked, turning to the hybrid.
"That's an old pal of Marcel. His name is Theirry" Klaus said.
He parked the car and got out with Holden following behind him after he stuffed his phone into his pocket.
They walked towards Theirry who looked at them.
"Theirry" Klaus greeted him with a nod of his head.
"Klaus" Theirry greeted back, his tone tense as well as his body language.
"Why do I have a bit of a bad feeling about him?" Kinn asked, narrowing his eyes at the man.
He believed that by the way Theirry spoke towards Klaus that he didn't like him.
Not that he can blame him since he, along with everyone else here, didn't like the hybrid.
He just hoped that he wouldn't do anything stupid to go against Klaus because, sadly, he will be the one to lose in the end.
Porsche just shrugged at his boyfriend before leaning into his side.
Theirry looked at Holden and just nodded to which the werewolf male nodded back.
The three of them walked into the courtyard and saw Marcel along with the rest of the vampires there.
Klaus gatheres everyone's attention and when all the vampires look at Theirry they are shocked.
"Dearest brethren, your attention, please. No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the Garden for the crime of killing one of our own, and I personally decided to issue him with a pardon. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry" Klaus announced.
Theirry smiles at everyone as he puts his hat on and makes his way over to Diego.
"Welcome home, man" Diego greeted him with a smile.
The two friends hug while the rest of the vampires clap and cheer and go to greet their old friend as well.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but smile at the two friends reuniting with one another.
It's clear that all of those vampires, especially Diego by the looks of it, missed their old friend and were happy that he was back.
Holden let a small smile appear on his face.
He may not be a huge fan of them, he still doesn't trust them fully, but it's clear that they all care for one another and he loved seeing that.
Ken along with the rest of his friends looked at each other and let small smiles appear on their faces.
They may get on each others nerves but at the end of the day they care for one another and see each other as not only friends but brothers.
There was just one person that was missing.
And that was Big himself.
Klaus walks towards Marcel and Holden joins them.
"You're in a good mood. You should take Holden to New York more often" Marcel said.
"Well, as much as I might like to, I have pressing responsibilities here" Klaus reminded him.
He then addresses the other vampires to which all of them quieted down and looked at him.
"Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us" Klaus said.
The vampires were silent while Marcel shook his head and looked down at the ground. Holden frowned before looking down at his hands.
It's clear that Davina is still a pretty sensitive subject.
At the mention of Davina everyone's mood went down.
They still couldn't fathom the fact that Davina, a young girl, a child, was dead because of whatever happened during the ritual.
They were still hoping that maybe, just maybe, there was a way to bring her back but they don't think that's possible.
"Without Davina, we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However, since their Harvest failed, their magic will soon be gone forever. Until then, I say we keep them on their toes" Klaus grinned.
He then walked towards Diego who looked at him.
"Diego, I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron" Klaus said.
Diego smiles and turns to the other vampires and immediately starts to plan.
Holden looks at Marcel to see him grab his bottle and goes to storm away but Klaus stops him in the doorway.
"Marcel, I'd hoped you would join Diego" Klaus said.
"Nah. I'm gonna take a personal day" Marcel shook his head, his jaw clenched.
Marcel then pushes past Klaus and storms off.
Everyone couldn't help but frown at Marcel's attitude but they understood why he was acting this way.
"The poor guy is still trying to move on from her death but it's clearly hard" Tay frowned.
Marcel was the one that saved Davina in the beginning and he was forced to take her back in order to complete the ritual.
And instead of her being brought back something went wrong and she was dead.
No doubt guilt and anger was coursing through him at the moment.
Klaus scowls, visibly annoyed at his attitude.
Holden sighs and makes his way towards the hybrid and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Nik, just give him time. He lost Davina, a girl he saved and a girl he saw as a daughter. It's going to be hard to move on from that" Holden softly said.
Klaus looks at him and sighs before slowly nodding his head.
Holden patted his shoulder before turning around and making his way into the kitchen to make a snack.
Vegas let out a sigh, he understood Marcel's grief.
After all, he had lost his mother when he was young and he mourned her for as long as he could remember.
He could never forget how his father had acted after her death.
Not only did he turn to drinking to help with his grief but he turned into a completely different person.
The scene then changes and we see Holden in the courtyard walking around while playing a few games on his phone.
All of a sudden he hears footsteps and looks up to see Diego, Marcel and Klaus walking together with a few other vampires following behind them.
Holden furrows his eyebrows together and quickly stuffs his phone into his pocket and follows after them.
He moves around the others in order to stand next to Klaus.
"Nik, what's happening?" Holden asked, confused.
"That's what we're going to find out, love" Klaus told him.
Everyone furrowed their eyebrows together in confusion and curiosity.
Thunder rumbles overhead as Diego leads Marcel, Klaus and Holden to the Cauldron to show them what he found.
As they reach the Cauldron Holden's eyes widen when he sees two vampires, both desiccated, and both with the same magical symbol carved into their forehands. Their bodies lay inside a magic circle created with salt, with runes drawn inside.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they were seeing.
"What the fuck?!" Porsche yelled, unable to believe what he was seeing with his own eyes.
"What the hell happened to those two?" Kinn asked.
"And what the hell is that symbol on their foreheads?" Kim asked, narrowing his eyes at the screen.
None of them could believe that a witch, or witches, were able to do something like this to two vampires.
But if they were able to do that to those vampires, what exactly could they do to the original vampires?
"Holy shit" Holden breathed out.
"Holy shit indeed" Macau nodded in agreement.
Pete was too engrossed with the scene in front of him he didn't scold Macau for the language he used.
"We came to mess with the witches, just like you said. And these two, they went missing. Found them like this, not even staked. Just dead" Diego informed them.
"That's two more of my guys gone. Nice job, captain" Marcel sarcastically said.
He took one glance at the dead vampires before turning around and walking away.
"Where are you going? Someone has to account for this!" Klaus yelled.
Marcel stopped walking and turned back around.
"You want revenge, get it yourself" Marcel said.
He then turns to the other vampires as well as Holden and points towards the symbol that's around the dead vampires.
"That mark is tied to some bad mojo. Any of y'all got any brains, you'll head back to the compound and stay the hell out of this" Marcel told them.
He then turned around and walked away leaving everyone else where they were.
"Honestly, I agree with him. It's better for them to stay away from that shit" Vegas nodded.
Tankhun sighed and said, "can't believe I'm saying this but I'm with Vegas. If whoever caused that could easily kill those two vampires who knows what else they could do to the rest".
Everyone turned to the oldest Theerapanyakun of the main family with wide eyes.
They weren't expecting for him of all people to agree with Vegas, it felt unreal.
Vegas, although shocked himself, sent a faint smile and a nod to his cousin.
Tankhun returned the gesture before looking back at the screen.
Klaus glared at Marcel's retreating figure before turning to the others.
"We're gonna find whoever did this, and I will show them what suffering is" Klaus sternly said.
The hybrid walked towards Holden and slid his hand into his and walked away. Holden took one last look at the bodies before allowing Klaus to lead him away.
"I really doubt he's going to be able to take down whoever did that" Jom commented.
"Yeah, whoever did this seems to be really powerful" Tem nodded in agreement.
The scene changes back to the compound and we head into the courtyard.
Klaus, Elijah, Diego and many of the other vampires are congregating in the courtyard, discussing their current situation.
Holden was standing next to Klaus, the two of them still holding hands. Neither of them had let go even after they returned to the compound.
Tankhun's eyes lit up at what he was seeing along with what he had just learned.
He did his best to hold in a loud squeal that wanted to come out but it was very hard.
They brought the bodies of the dead bodies to the compound and when Elijah arrived he was informed of what was going on and was currently kneeling near the bodies to examine them himself.
"Ah! Someone will die for this" Klaus said.
"Remarkably, I don't disagree. However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic I had hoped never to see that symbol again" Elijah said as he got up.
"I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us" Klaus said, a look of recognition washing across his face.
"Huh? So basically this is his fault. Good to know" Ken sarcastically smiled.
He should've known that this was the work of an old enemy of Klaus.
And if this enemy had supposedly died before but has now been brought back, no doubt they wants revenge.
And it's clear that things are going to get ugly with whatever they're planning.
"So, what? This is some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks" Holden asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Precisely" Elijah nodded.
"I'll do for him as I did the other" Klaus said.
He pulls away from Holden and walked towards Diego who looked at him.
"Diego, when night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the Quarter. Get me the head of whoever did this and put it on a stick" Klaus ordered.
"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem. Everyone is freaked out, man. We haven't had witches killing vampires in a long time. Marcel made sure of that" Diego said while shaking his head.
Everyone couldn't stop the disbelief from coursing through their bodies.
They couldn't believe that this new threat has scared the vampires to the point where they don't even want to fight.
"I can't believe a bunch of vampires, vampires who went after witches in the past, are scared of this new threat" Tankhun scoffed.
He couldn't believe that these were the same vampires that were so smug about defeating the great Klaus Mikaelson.
Holden scoffed at that while Klaus clenched his jaw in anger.
"Marcel has run off like a scared child. You lot are left with me. Now, who of you will fight to defend our home?" Klaus asked.
He looks around but nobody comes forward which makes him even more angry.
"Not a single one of you will stand with me, so afraid are you of this new threat? You should know better. I'll handle this myself" Klaus said.
He storms off with everyone watching him leave.
Holden glares at the cowards he calls vampires before rushing after the hybrid.
"Nik!" Holden yelled.
Klaus turned around to look at him as he stopped running and now stood in front of him.
"I'm coming with you" Holden told him.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just heard and, almost immediately, protests were heard.
"Is that idiot stupid? Does he not realize that he could get hurt or worse die?" Ken angrily asked.
Why the hell is his best friend going to join Klaus in trying to find this new threat?
If he does that he is going to get beaten badly just like those two other vampires and die.
Yes, he knows that Big is a great fighter and he knows that he's a werewolf but he doubts that that will be able to help him fight against this new threat.
If anything, the ones that are going to get taken down are him and Klaus.
Klaus's eyes widened at that and he immediately shook his head.
"Absolutely not" Klaus told him.
"Uh, absolutely yes" Holden nodded.
"Love, you can't come with me. This new threat is dangerous, believe me I would know, and the last thing I want is for you to get hurt" Klaus said.
"For once I agree with him" Kinn muttered.
He knows that Big can take care of himself but whatever this new threat is, they are definitely someone that is strong and not to be messed with.
He would rather Big not get involved and stay in the compound where he will be safe.
"May I remind you that I can take care of myself?" Holden asked.
"May I remind you that this new threat is dangerous and that you can die? You've gotten in enough trouble before where you were hurt and I don't want that happening again" Klaus sternly said.
"Don't think that just because of what I, along with my sister, have been through I don't want to help. I'm not a coward, I never have been, and if I can handle vampires and power hungry witches I can definitely handle this new threat" Holden sternly said.
He stepped forward and jabbed a finger into the hybrids chest.
"Whether you like it or not I'm coming with you and you aren't changing my mind" Holden finished.
"This boy and his stubbornness, I swear to god" Chan shook his head in exasperation.
He appreciates the fact that Big would never back down from a fight and go straight into it because, as he said, he isn't a coward.
But he would prefer if he stayed behind at the compound where it's safe.
He's gone through enough and just deserves to stay away from the chaos for a bit.
Klaus scowled in annoyance at the stubbornness of Holden.
But he knew that one way or another he was going to join him and there was nothing he could do to change that.
Ken couldn't help but snort and nod his head in agreement.
He knew his best friend better than anyone and he knew how stubborn and persistent he is.
No matter what he always gets his way and nothing nor nobody can stop him.
"Fine. But stay near me at all times" Klaus sternly said.
"Aye aye captain" Holden sarcastically smiled.
Klaus rolled his eyes and walked away with Holden following after him.
Everyone couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Big's sarcasm and Klaus's reaction towards it.
The scene changes to the Cauldron where we see Klaus and Holden standing next to each other.
Klaus was currently on his phone talking to Marcel while Holden was staring at the symbol that had been painted on a wall.
"You know if that symbol wasn't apart of the new threat I would've considered getting it as a tattoo" Macau said.
Vegas shot his brother a weird look while Pete just shook his head.
Holden turned to Klaus when he heard him sigh in annoyance after hanging up the phone.
"He's not coming is he?" Holden asked.
"No. That fool says he's at Sophie's place and drinking while waiting for her to arrive" Klaus rolled his eyes.
"Why would he be there? Aren't they enemies?" Jom asked, confused.
"They might be enemies but they have something in common since he lost Davina, a girl he saw as a daughter, and Sophie lost her niece during the failed ritual" Tem explained.
Holden frowned slightly at that and opened his mouth to say something when someone from behind them spoke.
"Big bad Klaus Mikaelson" Sophie slurred.
The two men turn around to see Sophie across from them, swaying back and forth, while holding a bottle of liquor.
It's clear she was drunk.
Despite none of them liking or trusting Sophie since she's the reason for all the mess that happened with Hayley and Holden, they couldn't help but feel bad for her.
The only reason she did this was because she wanted her niece back.
She lost her sister and the only family she had left was her niece.
But because the ritual went wrong her niece hadn't been brought back, meaning Sophie completely lost her.
And her niece was all she had left.
Without her, she just doesn't see a reason to keep going in her life.
"Sophie" Klaus greeted her.
He vamp speeds towards her and wraps his arm around her neck causing her to cough in surprise.
"Just the witch I was looking to brutalize. Perhaps you could explain the attacks on my men" Klaus said.
He let her go by shoving her towards the wall that had the symbol.
Sophie glared at him before sighing as she examined the wall.
"It's a complex spell. Old-school stuff, rooted in sacrificial magic. Whoever did this to your guys, my guess is they were an offering to gain more power. More guys they kill, more power they have" Sophie explained.
"Why am I not surprised?" Holden sighed while shaking his head.
"You and me both" Kim muttered, shaking his head in exasperation.
He had a feeling the new threat was a witch, a very powerful one at that.
Witches are power hungry after all and if this one was an old enemy of Klaus's and wants revenge, no doubt they are going to accomplish just that.
Klaus's phone rings and he takes it out from his pocket. He looks surprised at who's calling before picking it up.
After a few seconds Klaus hangs up and looks at Holden who looks at him.
"We have to go to Rousseau's. Now" Klaus sternly said.
"Why what's wrong?" Holden asked.
"Just get on. You'll understand soon" Klaus said.
Holden said nothing and nodded before jumping on the hybrid's back. Klaus didn't hesitate to speed off.
Porsche laughed to which Kinn looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What's funny?" Kinn asked his boyfriend in confusion.
"I just find it hilarious that the big bad hybrid has become Big's ride since he's the one with the speed" Porsche explained.
Kinn couldn't help but laugh himself while shaking his head in amusement.
The scene changes to Rousseau's where we see Klaus speeding him and Holden inside the place.
As soon as Holden jumps off Klaus's back the hybrid doesn't hesitate to speed towards the threat.
Holden turns to see Klaus holding the arms of a man in a white suit while Marcel lays on the ground unconscious.
Everyone's eyes widened at seeing Marcel in the state that he's in, they couldn't believe that the new threat got to him.
And if Klaus and Big hadn't arrived when they did, he could've been killed.
"Wait, who the hell is he?" Tay asked, turning towards Gertrude.
"That's Papa Tunde. He was a powerful witch years ago and killed anyone that stood against him. Klaus, being Klaus, was the one that killed him but now he's back and wants revenge" Gertrude explained.
Tay pressed his lips together and just nodded his head before looking back at the screen.
Everyone put their attention on the screen, they wanted to know what would happen.
And they were hoping that nobody, mainly Big, got hurt.
"I remember killing you. I rather relished it. What a joy it is to relive fond memories" Klaus said.
Papa Tunde easily throws Klaus off of him and the hybrid slams into a cabinet, causing the glass to break while the cabinet tumbles backwards.
"Nik!" Holden yelled with wide eyes.
"You're here. Good. I can crush you before the eyes of your son. Then, I will consume you both" Papa Tunde smirked.
Klaus glares at him and speeds towards him but Papa Tunde wraps his hand around his neck and pins him down onto the bar.
"This time, I'm stronger" Papa Tunde told him.
His grip around his neck tightens before he spins around and throws the hybrid to the ground.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they were seeing and some people couldn't help but wince.
They had to admit that they were surprised to see just how strong Papa Tunde was especially if he was winning against Klaus.
But then again that is as expected given what he did to those other vampires.
Holden growls and flashes his werewolf eyes at Papa Tunde.
He rushes forward and shoves his fist into his face to which Papa Tunde stumbles a bit.
Everyone couldn't help but grin at Big's actions.
"Atta boy" Chan muttered, a small proud smile appearing on his face.
The bodyguards nodded in agreement but they couldn't stop the worry from appearing on their faces.
Big might be strong in his own way but Papa Tunde is stronger and if he could kill those two vampires, send Klaus to the ground who knows what he could do to him.
Papa Tunde chuckled as he looked at Holden.
"I'll admit, that was good" Papa Tunde praised with a nod.
Holden glares at him and rushes forward to punch him again but Papa Tunde is faster and grabs him by his neck.
Without any struggle he throws Holden into another cabinet causing the male werewolf to scream in pain as the glass breaks and he falls to the ground while groaning in pain.
"BIG!" everyone in the theater shouted with wide eyes.
Ken gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly at his sides, glaring at the mad man that threw his best friend like a rag doll.
He wanted nothing more than to be there and grab Big and get him away from there.
Papa Tunde makes his way over to Klaus who's slowly getting up from the ground.
Klaus tries to stand up but Papa Tunde wraps his hand around his neck and keeps him on his knees.
Klaus struggles to get free to which Papa Tunde grins down at him. He brings his blade to his forehead and Klaus's eyes change into a different color as he begins to weaken.
Everyone tensed at what they were seeing and couldn't help but lean forward, wanting to see what would happen.
Was Papa Tunde really going to kill Klaus Mikaelson just like that?
"No, no, no" Tankhun muttered, his knee bouncing up and down in worry.
He was hoping, praying, that something would happen that would save Klaus and get rid of Papa Tunde.
All of a sudden Papa Tunde stumbles backwards while panting in shock and confusion. Klaus's eyes turn back to normal and he falls backwards while gasping.
The camera pans over to Holden who comes up from behind Papa Tunde and grabs him by his shoulders and slams his head onto the bar, hard.
"Yes!" everyone yelled, grins appearing on their faces.
"Go Big!" Arm and Pol yelled.
"That's my best friend!" Ken yelled.
Tankhun breathed out a sigh of relief and began to calm down as a small smile appeared on his face.
Holden lets go of Papa Tunde, the man falling to the ground as he groans in pain, and rushes over to Klaus.
"Nik, are you alright?" Holden asked as he kneels in front of him.
He cups the hybrids face with his hands and examines him.
"I'm alright, love" Klaus reassures him.
"Are you sure?" Holden asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Yes, I'm sure. What about you? Are you alright?" Klaus asked, placing his hands on his shoulders and begins to examine him.
Holden nodded, "I'm fine. Trust me, I've dealt with alot in the past".
Klaus chuckles and says, "that makes two of us".
Holden laughs at that to which Klaus laughs himself.
However, as their laughter dies down the two of them realize that they are still holding onto each other and realize just how close they are to one another.
Klaus swallowed as he felt his eyes drip down to Holden's lips.
Tankhun and Tay felt excitement course through them and they eagerly leaned forward.
"Come on, come on, come on. Kiss" Tankhun muttered.
Silence fills the air between them and just as Klaus felt himself lean forward a voice cuts in.
"Uh, is he dead?" Cami asked as she made her way inside, her eyes on Marcel.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Tankhun yelled in annoyance.
Tay sighed and shook his head, just as annoyed as his friend was, and leaned back into his seat.
Everyone looked at them, mainly Tankhun, weirdly and wondered what they were on about.
Ken, on the other hand, had a feeling about what almost happened between his best friend and the hybrid and he definitely wasn't happy about it.
Klaus and Holden snapped out of it with the hybrid clearing his throat. He pulled away from the male werewolf and got up.
Holden cleared his throat himself, feeling confused and a little disappointed, before getting up.
"You aren't the only one" Tankhun muttered to which Tay nodded.
"Get out of here" Klaus ordered the woman.
"Is Marcel dead? Did that guy kill him?" Cami asked again, ignoring what the hybrid ordered her to do.
Klaus shot her an annoyed look while Holden sighed and shook his head.
"He's fine, Cami. Don't worry" Holden told her to which she sighed in relief.
"Papa Tunde didn't finish him off. Marcel needs blood to heal. Go. Find me someone off the street" Klaus ordered.
"Can't he just give him some blood? Why does he need some random person?" Chay asked, confused.
Kim shrugged at his boyfriend, unsure of how to answer that, and just wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"I'll do it" Cami said.
"What?" Holden asked, his eyes widening slightly.
"No. Not you. I don't want you involved in this" Klaus shook his head.
Cami shot him a glare and stood her ground, "you don't control me anymore, remember?"
She brushed past him and made her way to Marcel. She gathered him in her arms and puts his mouth to her neck.
Klaus sighs and rolls his eyes. He then grabs Holden and puts him on his back before speeding out of the bar.
Everyone sighed in relief at seeing the two of them speed out of the bar.
They were glad that they were safe and Papa Tunde hadn't killed either of them.
Well, to be fair they were mainly happy that Big was alright as they still didn't trust Klaus or like him.
The scene changes to the compound where we see the vampires together in the courtyard.
The camera pans up to the balcony where we see Hayley and Holden standing together while staring down at everyone.
"So, Rebekah is safe?" Holden asked as he looked at his sister.
When he and Klaus had arrived at the compound Holden had gone to find Hayley and learned what happened to Rebekah.
"What happened?" Pete asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Rebekah and Theirry had gone to the docks together where they ran into Papa Tunde who captured Rebekah. Theirry left her like a coward and Elijah and Hayley had gone to find and rescue her" Gertrude explained.
After her explanation as to what happened to Rebekah a few scoffs were heard while others just shook their heads.
While they didn't really trust or like Klaus they didn't feel that way towards Rebekah and Elijah.
More so Rebekah since it's clear she doesn't like getting caught up in drama her brothers cause.
They were angry at Theirry's cowardly actions.
"Yeah. Pissed at Theirry for leaving her but she's safe" Hayley nodded.
"And you?" Holden asked.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me" Hayley reassured her brother with a small smile.
Holden just sighed and nodded before wrapping an arm around her shoulder to which Hayley leaned into his side.
Everyone began to quiet down and all eyes fell onto Klaus who was standing on another balcony, staring down at the vampires.
"Not long ago, you all united against me. You failed. Since then, in my benevolence, I have wiped the slate clean. Yet, it seems clear you think that I am the one who needs to earn your respect, your loyalty. You're mistaken. It is you who must prove yourselves to me. Our community is under attack. I require soldiers. I need warriors, not cowards. Each of you has a decision to make. You either fight alongside me or you leave now" Klaus said.
The ones that were involved in the mafia, specifically the main and minor family, couldn't help but agree with Klaus.
In the mafia life you have to be ready for everything that comes your way, you have to be ready to fight.
Everyone knew that, specifically the bodyguards.
Big knew that and even if he didn't like the job he still took it seriously and followed the rules no matter what.
In the mafia, you are to be strong and confident and stand your ground no matter what.
There are no room for cowards.
Because if you are a coward, you might as well be gone or be dead.
In real life you have to be ready for battles and wars and you have to be ready to fight with everything you have.
If you aren't ready, if you know you aren't and you know that you're just going to back down due to fear, you might as well leave while you still can.
Everyone remained silent as they looked at each other, wondering who would leave or who would stay.
The silence remained until Theirry stepped forward and spoke up.
"We don't owe you anything. If staying in the Quarter means living under your rule, I'd just as soon get the hell out" Theirry said.
"Good riddance" Holden muttered to his sister who snorted and nodded in agreement.
Everyone couldn't stop themselves from laughing at Big's words.
"Agreed. They're better off without him" Porsche said, resting his head on Kinn's shoulder.
Kinn nodded in agreement before leaning down to kiss his boyfriend on the head.
A handful of vampires nod in agreement with Theirry's words and begin to leave the compound while a few others remain where they are.
Theirry makes eye contact with Diego and hopes that he would join him but, surprisingly, Diego shoots him a pained look and shakes his head.
The Marshall siblings look surprised at this since Theirry and Diego are friends and they know how Diego feels about Klaus.
They were surprised that Diego, of all people, would stay rather than leave.
Everyone looked surprised that Diego is willing to stay and fight alongside Klaus rather than leave.
He was the one that hated the hybrid the most and the one that stood by Marcel's side no matter what.
And he and Theirry are friends, they thought that he would stand by his friends side.
But, then again...
He may not like Klaus but he cares about his people, he cares about the city, and he doesn't want anyone taking over it or destroying what is theirs.
Which is something that some of them understood.
Theirry shoots Diego a look of disbelief before scoffing and leaves the compound.
Holden just shakes his head and kisses his sister's head before walking off. Hayley watches her brother leave before sighing and leaving.
Today was a long day and she just wanted to head to her room in order to climb into bed and sleep.
"Understatement of the century" Pol muttered.
Arm, who heard him, snorted but nodded in agreement.
The scene changes and the camera pans over to Holden who was in the courtyard ready to head upstairs and into his room to head to bed.
However, just before he could reach the stairs he heard footsteps causing him to turn around.
He sees Klaus walking back into the compound and furrows his eyebrows together when he sees how angry yet worried the hybrid looks.
"Nik, what's wrong?" Holden asked.
Klaus stopped walking and looked at the male werewolf with a raised eyebrow.
"Love, what are you doing here?" Klaus asked.
"He lives there, idiot" Macau scoffed.
Holden raised an eyebrow at him and responded sarcastically, "I live here, remember?"
Macau blinked at having said the same thing as the former bodyguard of the main family.
Klaus rolled his eyes, "I meant what are you still doing up?".
"I just finished eating a sandwich I made. After everything that happened today I got hungry" Holden told him.
"Ah, right" Klaus nodded.
"I was just on my way to get ready for bed until I saw you entering the compound. And I know something is wrong judging by the look on your face" Holden said.
Klaus opened his mouth, no doubt to tell him that nothing was wrong, when Holden cut in.
"And don't you dare say nothing is wrong because I'll just tell you that you're bullshitting me" Holden sternly said.
Everyone laughed at that but had to agree with Big.
As they themselves could tell something was wrong just by the look on the hybrid's face.
Klaus chuckled and asked, "nothing gets by you, huh?".
"Nope. Now spill, what's wrong?" Holden asked.
Klaus sighed but decided to still tell him since he knows he's going to keep asking until he does.
"That's Big for you" Ken muttered.
If something was going on Big would want to know so that he's not left out, he would want to know so that he can help the best that he can.
And lets not forget if it involves fighting, he most definitely would want to know.
And, one way or another, he will find out just what is going on.
"We thought our troubles were over but it looks like we were wrong. Papa Tunde clearly had a plan and his plan may have succeeded. Meaning we have to be more alert going forward" Klaus explained.
Holden raised an eyebrow at that, he was shocked but not nervous.
He had a feeling that Papa Tunde had a plan considering he managed to escape back at Rousseau's.
"And they didn't go after him?" Vegas asked with a raised eyebrow.
If Papa Tunde had failed to kill Klaus he was definitely at his weakest and that was the perfect opportunity to strike back and kill him.
It's what he would've done against an enemy of his.
After all, he'd never leave them alive especially if they were to keep coming back.
Holden sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
"Whatever it is, we'll be ready. He caught us off guard today but that won't happen again. If it's a fight he wants, we'll give it to him" Holden sternly said.
He wasn't scared of anything or anyone, that includes Papa Tunde.
Whatever Papa Tunde has planned he and everyone else will be ready for it.
Kinn couldn't help but grin and nod his head.
That's the Big he knew and liked, especially when he was still working for him as his head bodyguard.
"Awfully confident aren't we love?" Klaus asked in amusement.
"What can I say? You've rubbed off on me" Holden shrugged with a small grin.
Klaus laughed at that and shook his head to which Holden laughed as well.
When the laughter died down Klaus brought his hand up to his neck and scratched it.
"Well, I should let you head to bed. It's getting late and after today you deserve some rest" Klaus said.
"Yeah, you're right" Holden nodded.
Just as he turned around, getting ready to head upstairs and to his room, he stopped.
He bit his lip, having an inner debate in his head, before muttering something under his breath and turned back around to face the hybrid.
"Nik" Holden called out to him.
Klaus, who had turned around and got ready to leave himself, turned around to look at the male werewolf.
"Yes?" Klaus asked.
Holden walked forward and said, "back at rousseau's when I was checking on you, making sure you were alright, you did the same for me".
Klaus nodded.
"We were staring at each other for quite a bit and, correct me if I'm wrong, but you began leaning in. Almost like you wanted to do something" Holden said.
Everyone raised an eyebrow at that and felt themselves leaning forward to know more.
Since they themselves have started noting the little things between Klaus and Big and to say they were confused and curious would be an understatement.
Tankhun and Tay, on the other hand, felt anticipation building up inside of them.
They were hoping, praying, that what they wanted from those two would finally happen.
If it didn't, they were going to scream bloody murder.
Klaus slowly nodded and responded with, "I remember".
Holden nodded and stopped so now he was standing in front of the hybrid.
"I recall the same thing happened right here when you and I were talking about falling in love the day you killed Timothy" Holden said.
"I remember that as well" Klaus said, taking a step closer to Holden.
"I remember I was the one that did what you did today but you pulled away and left" Holden said.
Klaus frowned at the reminder.
He hated himself for having pulled away from the male werewolf when he realized what he was doing.
"Good because I do too" Tankhun muttered, glaring at onscreen Klaus.
"Same" Tay muttered while nodding his head.
He just panicked, especially when he realized what was going to happen, and had to get out of there since it was all too much for him.
But, right now, he doesn't feel the need to leave like he did that day.
Because unlike that day, he's not backing out.
Not when he knows what he wants.
Ken felt his eyes widen at that, feeling a mixture of shock and anger coursing through him.
Klaus slowly brought his hand up to cup the side of Holden's cheek, the same cheek he had cupped that day.
Holden's breath hitched as Klaus's hand made contact with his cheek.
And, just like that day, he found himself leaning into his touch while letting out a small sigh of content.
"I apologize for my actions that day, love. Really, I do" Klaus softly said.
"Stop talking and start kissing" Tankhun scowled, growing irritated.
He would be lying to himself if he said he was fine being patient.
But, you know what, fuck being patient!
He has been nothing but patient throughout all the episodes they have seen so far and he's sick and tired of it.
The tension between those two was getting annoying and he just wants it to be resolved by those two kissing.
Holden nodded before asking, "do you remember telling me that I'd be surprised at who has managed to catch your eye?" Holden asked.
"I do" Klaus nodded.
"Do you care to tell me who exactly has managed to catch your eye?" Holden nervously asked.
He wanted to punch himself for how he sounded.
He sounded nervous and angry all because of this person that has caught the attention of Klaus Mikaelson.
Someone that he may or may not have grown to like as more than a friend.
Tankhun and Tay grinned at that while Ken frowned.
Pete, Arm and Pol slowly started putting the pieces together and felt their eyes widening at the revelation.
Meanwhile, everyone else was still confused as to what Big meant.
Klaus stared at him for a few seconds before leaning forward, their eyes still trained on one another.
"Why don't I show you?" Klaus suggested.
Without hesitation Klaus leaned in and his lips made contact with Holden's.
Silence filled the theater.
Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing.
They were simply staring at the screen with wide eyes while their jaws were hung open in shock.
Well, not even was shocked.
Squeals filled the theater and, of course, those squeals came from none other than Tankhun and Tay.
Who had grins plastered on their faces and were currently bouncing up and down their seats in pure excitement.
"Fucking finally" Tankhun squealed as loudly as he could.
"I know right" Tay nodded, the grin never leaving his face.
It was happening, it was really happening, it was finally happening and they were over the moon.
Holden's eyes widened at what was happening, he couldn't believe it.
Klaus Mikaelson was kissing him.
And, instead of pulling away, instead of shoving Klaus off of him and screaming at him, he slowly melted into the kiss.
Before he knew it he was kissing Klaus back with his hands moving to cup the hybrid's face.
Klaus seemed happy, relieved, that instead of being pushed away Holden was kissing him back.
This just made him more eager and more confident that he wrapped his arms around the male's waist and pulled him closer. Something that Holden definitely didn't mind.
The kiss continued and Klaus decided to spice things up by depending the kiss which resulted in Holden letting out a loud and breathless moan.
Chay blushed at that and looked away, burying his head into Kim's chest.
Meanwhile, Macau was gagging and wishing he had headphones to block out the noises and a blindfold so he didn't have to see this.
Everyone else was either still staring at the screen in shock or were trying to look away.
Not including the only two happy people in the theater.
The kiss lasted for a minute before they pulled away in order to catch their breaths.
Both of them were panting for air with their cheeks red and their lips swollen while their chests heavied up and down.
When they calmed down their eyes met each other and silence filled the air as they stared at one another.
The silence was broken by Holden.
"Holy shit" he managed to say.
Klaus didn't know what to say, he just settled with a nod of agreement.
But then a smile, a genuine smile, slowly appeared on the hybrids face and Holden couldn't stop his own smile from appearing.
Without saying anything the two of them leaned in and kissed once more with their arms wrapped around each other as they held each other close, neither wanting to let go or pull away from this moment between them.
The screen slowly turned black, indicating that the episode was over.
Gertrude turned to the others and couldn't stop the laugh of amusement from escaping her lips when she saw them.
They were all still very much in shock, their eyes wide and their jaws touching the ground, as to what just occurred.
While Tankhun and Tay were grinning like idiots, squealing and holding hands.
Ken had a slight scowl plastered on his face with his fist clenched tightly at his side.
"What the fuck?!".
Surprisingly, or maybe not, that came from Pol.
Who was the only one that could bring himself to say anything once the episode was over.
Gertrude wondered if that would be everyone's, minus Tankhun and Tay, reaction to what had just happened between Klaus and Holden.
Not that she would complain.
She was honestly looking forward to their reactions.
Klaus and Holden finally kissed! How did you guys like it?
Now, I wanted to ask you guys something.
Since we're nearing the episode where the wolves come into the picture, more specifically two important people for Hayley and Holden, we're also nearing the episode where Sabine/Celeste causes some trouble.
And we're also nearing the episode where Sophie dies at the hands of her own niece.
So, I wanted to ask you guys something.
Should Sophie still die?
Or do you want me to keep her alive?
Please leave your votes and whichever has the most votes, I'll do.
That's all. Have a good day and see you all in the next chapter. Bye!
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