Chapter Ten: Reigning Pain In New Orleans
Nobody's Pov
Everyone had to admit that they were looking forward to the next episode since they wanted to know what would happen next.
Especially with Klaus in charge since he now has power over New Orleans after Marcel accepted defeat.
And the fact that he took Big and Hayley with him to live in their new home.
Gertrude didn't hesitate to play the next episode.
The screen turns on and the camera pans outside of the compound before heading inside.
Klaus has set up a dinner table in the courtyard to celebrate his return to leadership over New Orleans and his repossession of the Abbatoir compound from Marcel.
The vampire army, including Marcel and his closest friends, are seated around the table. Hayley and Holden are sitting next to each other at one end while Klaus is at another end.
Everyone's eyes widened at the dinner table they were seeing.
The main and minor family had to admit that while they were rich they never really had dinners that way.
Well, at least for special occasions but that was it.
Klaus calls for everyone's attention by tapping his glass with his fork, a grin plastered on his face.
"Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift. Immortality" Klaus said.
Holden sighed as he threw his head back a bit. He didn't want to be here, he just wanted to be in his bed.
"Me everyday I have to wake up and go to school" Macau whispered to Chay.
The younger Kittisawat snorted in amusement and nodded in agreement at the words from his friend.
Their brothers looked at them weirdly before simply shrugging their shoulders and turning their attention back to the screen.
"After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows do diminish with time. But, as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine" Klaus said.
He gestures toward a group of waiters and waitresses to have them join them at the table, one for each guest.
"Insatiable need, exquisite pain..." Klaus trailed off.
The servants slit their wrists with knives and filled the cups with blood for the vampires.
Holden grimaced at what he had seen and buried his head into Hayley's shoulder to which she wrapped an arm around him.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but grimace at what they had just witnessed.
They understand that vampires need to drink blood and all but seeing those, no doubt, compelled servants slit their wrists emotionlessly and fill the cups of the vampires with their blood was weird.
And creepy.
Although, some managed to smile slightly at the interaction between the siblings.
"Our victories, and our defeats" Klaus finished, looking at Marcel.
Marcel looks at him but says nothing, remaining silent.
"To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow" Klaus said as he lifted his glass.
Marcel sighed before lifting his own glass in the air.
"And the party never end" Marcel said.
This made Klaus smile while Holden lifted his head up and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I honestly didn't expect that" Macau muttered.
"Me neither. I thought he would fight against Klaus in order to get his city back. But he's not doing anything" Chay frowned.
Vegas glanced at his little brother and his friend and spoke.
"There's gotta be something Marcel is planning. No way he would just surrender that easily" Vegas commented.
He had a feeling that Marcel had something up his sleeve.
He just wondered what it was and wondered if it would put anyone, especially the Marshall siblings, in danger.
Diego sighs before he raises his own glass.
"To New Orleans" Diego said.
"To New Orleans!" Klaus yelled, the smile never leaving his face.
"New Orleans" everyone said in unison, raising their own glasses.
Meanwhile, Hayley and Holden simply sat where they were in silence and boredom.
"I don't blame him. Considering those vampires were the ones attacking Klaus" Tankhun said.
"Yeah but for a good reason. Klaus isn't a good person and he needed to be stopped" Ken commented.
He will never warm up to the original hybrid anytime soon.
He fully believes that he, along with the rest of his family, are to blame for Big and his sister being in danger.
If it weren't for them maybe his best friend and the sister of his best friend would be safe.
"I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No, my intentions moving forward are to celebrate what we have. What Marcel, in fact, took and built for this true community of vampires" Klaus explained.
"What about them?" Diego asked.
He pointed over to the Marshall siblings causing all eyes to turn to them.
The siblings tensed slightly at all the eyes that were on them, Hayley tightening her hold around her brother.
Almost everyone was tense in the theater.
Considering what happened in the previous episode where Big tried helping Klaus but got caught in the crossfire and was injured because of the vampires.
Not to mention in the earlier episodes where the siblings were nearly attacked by the vampires in the french quarter.
"They better not lay a hand on either of them" Chan muttered.
"The wolves" Diego said.
"The wolves have names, dipshit" Holden glared at him.
Hayley snorted at that while Klaus let an amused smile appear on his face.
People couldn't help but laugh at Big's words as well as seeing the look Diego made.
"Never change, bud. Never change" Ken chuckled while shaking his head in amusement.
Klaus cleared his throat and spoke, "had you'd let me finish, Diego, you would know that there is, of course, one further matter I would like to address".
He walked over to the Marshall siblings and stood behind them once he neared them.
"As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect" Klaus told everyone.
"Good. With Hayley under his protection no way they will mess with her" Pete commented with a slight smile.
"He better say the same thing for Big or I swear to god" Ken muttered under his breath.
He hopes that the same amount of respect he wants for Hayley is required for Big as well.
Klaus then turned to Holden and placed a hand on his shoulder causing the Marshall male to look up at him.
"And he just so happens to be the brother of the girl carrying my child. The one that you all saw the other day when you were trying to take me down. His name is Holden and I want you all to treat him with the same amount of respect" Klaus said.
Holden let a small smile appear on his face before looking away from the hybrid.
Ken nodded in satisfaction at his words as did everyone else.
They were glad that Big and Hayley would receive the same amount of respect during the time in their new home.
Klaus looked at him for a few seconds before going back to addressing everyone.
"However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumor that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you I do not" Klaus told everyone.
"Father of the year" Hayley sarcastically smiled.
"Wait, how did she find out?" Porsche asked in confusion.
"Yeah. Big only found out through Tyler and then Klaus found out through Big" Pol added.
All eyes turned to Gertrude as they waited for an answer.
"Isn't it obvious? Holden told Hayley when they were settling into their new home. After all, they tell each other everything" Gertrude explained.
Everyone looked at each other before nodding their heads.
They believed that was true since from what they have seen so far the siblings have stuck by each others side and seem to tell each other everything.
Vegas and Macau can relate to that.
Porsche and Chay, on the other hand, can only slightly relate to that.
"It appears I will have to earn your trust. Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how can I sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn?" Klaus said.
Hayley and Holden's eyes widened at that as they looked at each other in horror.
Klaus was going to send the vampires out and kill the only family they had left.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just heard, they couldn't believe it.
"Is he serious right now?" Kinn asked in disbelief.
"He's seriously going to kill the only family the siblings have left just to prove a point" Porsche scowled.
If someone had done this to him and Chay he would be livid especially when it would be his family in jeopardy.
"Why the hell would he do that?" Ken asked, clenching his fists tightly at his sides.
Big and Hayley were given the chance to know the only family they had and Klaus was going to have them be killed without a care in the world.
He seriously doesn't understand what the hell is wrong with him.
"What? Klaus, no!" Hayley shook her head.
"Nik, you can't be serious" Holden said, standing up in his seat.
Klaus, having spared Holden a slight glance, ignored the siblings before addressing everyone else.
"So eat, drink and be merry. And, tomorrow, I suggest you have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Go ahead, have fun. Kill them all" Klaus finished with a smirk.
Hayley pressed her lips together nervously and angrily while Holden clenched his fist and glared at Klaus.
"Why the hell isn't he killing him? That's what I would've done" Ken said.
"Maybe he isn't like you. Especially when it's clear he wouldn't want to hurt Klaus" Tankhun commented.
Ken, along with everyone else, shot Tankhun looks but he ignored them all.
While he too was angry at Klaus for having the vampires kill the only family the Marshall siblings had left he also knew that deep down Holden would never hurt Klaus.
Be angry at him and possible give him the cold shoulder, yes.
But hurt him in any type of way, no.
The scene changes and we see Hayley and Holden walking downstairs together as they do their best to be quiet.
The two of them are trying to sneak out of the compound in order to head into the Bayou and warn the werewolves that the vampires are going after them to kill them. They had to make sure that they were safe.
"Is that smart? What if they get hurt trying to protect people they barely know?" Tay asked, frowning.
While he understands that the wolves are technically their family they don't know them very well.
They're risking their lives for people they just met and could end up getting hurt or worse, killed.
"They aren't stupid to just head to the Bayou without a plan. Surely they have come up with something" Tem said.
Porsche and Jom nodded in agreement with their friends words.
The siblings tried to leave but when they turn around they see Diego in front of them.
"Going somewhere?" Diego asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
The siblings don't say anything but Holden scoots closer to his sister, ready to fight and protect her.
"Ok, I get that's his sister and all but he doesn't always need to protect her. Especially when it's clear she can fight her own battles" Ken said.
Don't get him wrong, he likes that Big is being protective over his sister and just making sure she's safe.
Especially with her being pregnant and all.
But it just annoys him a little since he and Big were best friends, practically brothers, for as long as he can remember and the way Big acted with him is nothing to how he acts with his sister.
Call him stupid for being annoyed, and maybe jealous, but that's just how he feels.
All of a sudden someone shoves Diego into the wall causing him to break his neck and fall to the ground unconscious.
The siblings look up and are surprised to see Elijah.
Everyone jumped, a bit startled, but they were relieved to see Elijah.
"Thank god" Ken breathed out in relief.
Maybe with Elijah there he can get Big and Hayley out of the compound and somewhere safe, away from Klaus.
Everyone felt the same way as Ken. All except for one person.
"Elijah?" Hayley asked, surprised yet happy.
Holden looked around before looking at Elijah and said, "You shouldn't be here. Nik has these guys watching us".
"I wouldn't worry about them" Elijah said.
The siblings look confused at that when they hear yells and turn around to see two vampires thrown to the ground.
Their eyes widen when they see Rebekah walking towards them.
If everyone was surprised, but relieved, at seeing Elijah they were definitely surprised at seeing Rebekah.
"Why the hell is she there? How is she there?" Pol asked in confusion.
"I thought Klaus would've daggered her considering she betrayed him and sided with Marcel and tried to take him down" Arm added.
"And lets not forget she said she was leaving and never coming back. I get she probably came back since Big had been kidnapped but she's still there" Pete finished.
"Come, we mustn't linger. We'll get you both some place safe" Elijah said.
He turns around and begins to leave with Rebekah following behind him but the siblings don't move from where they're standing.
"No, you don't have to worry about us. We're fine. We've been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus" Hayley told them.
Rebekah and Elijah stop walking and looked at her in surprise, not expecting that from her.
"She's literally given the chance to get the hell out of there and she's not taking it. Seriously?" Ken asked.
"She's really dumb for that" Kim scoffed with a shake of his head.
Chay glared at his boyfriend and smacked him upside the head causing Kim to wince.
Porsche laughed at that while Kinn and Tankhun snorted.
Holden nodded at his sister's words before turning to the siblings.
"Enough about us. It's the werewolves who need help. Nik ordered a wolf hunt as some jacked-up peace offering to Marcel's crew. You have to help them" Holden told them.
The siblings turn to him in surprise.
Not just because of what he said but because he called their brother 'Nik'.
"Yeah, what the hell is up with the name change?" Jom asked.
"Agreed. First he was just calling him Klaus but now he's calling him Nik. It's weird" Tem added.
"Not really. I mean, Rebekah calls him that" Tankhun reminded them.
"Yeah but that's his sister. Siblings can call each other whatever they want" Ken said.
He was weirded out by whatever relationship his best friend had with Klaus.
At first he thought they were just beginning to get along as friends and that's all they were becoming.
But from what he has seen so far, especially from the previous episode, something told him that they weren't just friends.
"Out in the Bayou? Do we look like a bloody vampire-rescue-squad? I think you both should be grateful we came to save you" Rebekah incredulously said.
"Listen. Rebekah. All our lives, we've wanted to know who our real family was, and just as we find out that they're out there in the Bayou, Klaus orders them killed" Hayley said.
Holden nodded and said, "you wanna help us? Help our people. Please".
He and Hayley were basically begging the two Mikaelson siblings to keep their people safe.
They don't want them dying before getting the chance to know them more.
Everyone couldn't help but feel surprised at the siblings, especially Big, begging for Elijah and Rebekah's help.
But then again they understand.
After all, they were their family, the only family they had left.
The family Big and his sister were dying to meet and know more about since that's what they have wanted all their lives.
If they are killed then they don't get to meet them and they don't get answers to the questions they have had their entire lives.
"Lets pray they come through and help them" Tay sighed.
"I think they will. Especially Elijah since he seems to keep his promises" Pete said.
"And lets not forget his obvious feelings for Hayley and the promise he made to protect her and Big" Vegas added.
The scene then changes to another part of the compound which seems to be the garage.
The camera pans over to Hayley and Holden walking into the garage and they stop when they see Josh talking to a girl they believe to be Davina.
"That's Davina?" Macau asked, looking at the witch for an answer.
"Yep. Everyone, meet Davina Claire the all powerful harvest witch" Gertrude smiled.
Everyone couldn't stop the slight smiles from appearing on their faces as they were happy to finally see Davina.
They were really surprised at how young she looked, probably around sixteen or seventeen, they were expecting her to at least be eighteen.
"Wow, she's really pretty" Macau smiled, a slight blush appearing on his face.
Vegas looked at his brother with a raised eyebrow and couldn't stop the small smirk from appearing on his face.
It looks like his little brother is beginning to develop a crush on the young witch.
"It's ok. You can trust Marcel. And if Klaus tries to hurt you, I'll hurt him" Davina told her friend.
Holden frowned at that, hoping that the girl didn't do anything to harm Nik.
He really doesn't want to hurt her if she tries anything.
"Ooh, caring about your man I see" Tankhun quietly squealed, a faint smile on his face.
He can already tell that Big's feelings for Klaus are still there and growing more.
He's just praying that they will get a scene with them either admitting their feelings or kissing.
Sooner rather than later.
Because he will throw a fit if it comes later or doesn't come at all.
"I'm sure if you could actually stop Klaus, you would've done it already" Hayley loudly said.
Davina and Josh turn around to see the siblings with Hayley leaning against the wall while Holden stood next to his sisters side with his hands in his pockets.
Josh sighs in relief at seeing them while Davina furrows her eyebrows together.
"You're Hayley. The pregnant werewolf carrying Klaus's child" Davina said.
"That's me" Hayley sarcastically smiled while waving her hand.
A few people couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
"It's pretty clear she doesn't like to be referred to as that" Pete chuckled.
"Well she kind of has to deal with it since that's basically what she is and how others are going to see her" Porsche shrugged.
Davina nodded slightly before turning to Holden who looked at her.
"And I'm guessing you're Holden. Hayley's brother and Klaus's...husband?" Davina said.
Holden coughed loudly at that. His eyes widened in disbelief, his jaw dropped and a blush began appearing on his cheeks.
Almost everyone in the theater loudly coughed at Davina's words, some nearly fell off their seats.
Well, all except Tankhun.
Who was sitting in his seat with a grin plastered on his face, clearly pleased with Big being called Klaus's husband.
He's picturing it in his head right now and he loves it.
"I'm sorry but what the fuck did she just say?!" Ken yelled, his eyes wide.
Is his hearing wrong?
Because he's pretty sure he just heard that witch girl refer to his best friend as the husband of Klaus Mikaelson.
Please tell him he heard wrong before he loses his mind!
Gertrude chuckled in amusement and replied, "she called Holden Klaus's husband".
Ken coughed loudly at that and tried to calm himself down with Chan helping him by patting his back.
When Ken calmed down, along with everyone else that had been shocked at what Big had been referred to, they put their attention back on the screen.
Hayley looked rather amused than surprised and looked at her brother as he calmed himself down.
"No, no, no. I am not Nik's husband. We're just friends" Holden hurriedly said.
"Yeah, sure. Friends" Hayley muttered with a shake of her head, her lips twitching upwards slightly.
"Agreed. The whole 'we're just friends' thing is bullshit" Tankhun scoffed.
Everyone looked at him either in surprise or confusion but he just ignored them.
Hayley walked closer to Davina and Josh with Holden following behind her after clearing his head.
"Anyways, you must be all-powerful superwitch, Davina" Hayley said.
"And let's not forget Josh, newbie vampire way out of his element, voted Most Likely to Die Next" Holden added with a small grin.
"Fantastic" Josh nodded nervously.
"Aw, I don't want him to die. He seems like a really nice guy" Chay pouted slightly.
"And lets not forget he's really good looking. Him and Davina are" Macau added.
Vegas and Pete looked at him in amusement causing him to blush slightly and look away from them.
"I don't know I can definitely see Josh surprising us and staying alive for a while" Chan hummed.
"Agreed. Never underestimate anyone" Kinn nodded.
Josh might be new to being a vampire as well as the rest of the supernatural but they can already tell he's not going down that easily.
"Hey, my brother and I are just another one of Klaus' prisoners. Of course, it would suck if he found out you're still lurking around. Maybe there's a world where we can all look out for each other?" Hayley suggested.
Holden nods as him and Hayley smile slightly.
Davina and Josh simply stare at them in confusion and suspicion.
Everyone couldn't help but wonder if the siblings were going to ask Davina for help.
Considering Marcel was the one that had a witch curse their family so that they spend nearly their entire lives in wolf form and only turn back human on the full moon.
The only way to get them back to their human form, permanently, is for a witch to undue the spell.
And so far the only witch they know, the only witch that seems trustworthy, is Davina.
But something tells them that she isn't going to help them that easily.
The scene changes to later in the day and the camera pans to Holden who was in his new room unpacking the rest of his things.
A knock is heard at his door and he turns around to see Klaus standing there.
"What do you want?" Holden asked, turning around and going back to what he was doing.
"I sense a bit of anger coming off of you, love" Klaus said, stepping into the room.
"No shit sherlock" Porsche scoffed.
"He literally ordered those vampires to kill the remainder of his family. Does he expect Big to be all sunshine and rainbows around him?" Ken asked, rolling his eyes.
"You ordered those vampires to kill the remainder of mine and Hayley's family. Did you expect me to be sunshine and rainbows around you?" Holden sarcastically asked.
Ken couldn't help but let a small smile appear on his face, happy to have said the same thing as his best friend.
Klaus sighed as he walked closer to the Marshall male, stopping so that he was a few feet behind him.
"And enlighten me as to why you care about them? You barely know them" Klaus asked.
"That's why I want to get to know them and I won't be able to do that if you have them killed" Holden said.
He began folding his shirts that were lying on his new bed.
"Weren't they the ones that abandoned you and your sister?" Klaus asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Holden stopped what he was doing and pressed his lips together at that.
After a few seconds of silence he turned around in order to look at the hybrid.
"Look, Hayley and I spent our entire lives believing that our birth parents had abandoned us. But, after knowing that some of our other family is still out there maybe we were wrong. Maybe there's more to the story" Holden explained.
At his words everyone looked towards Gertrude, wanting some answers.
The main family, given that Big worked for them and was friends with some of them, were curious to learn more about Big's background.
Considering they didn't know much about him.
Ken only knew little since Big told him that he was an orphan and refused to speak about his birth parents.
"Look, I won't reveal much about the backstory of the siblings. But just know that they grew up believing that their birth parents abandoned them. That's not true, of course, and I promise that more information will be revealed soon" Gertrude explained.
Everyone was a little annoyed and upset at not receiving much information.
But they didn't say anything and simply accepted what they got before looking back at the screen.
Holden turned around and grabbed the shirts he had finished folding and walked towards the drawer in order to put them away.
"I'm curious about something" Klaus said.
"About what exactly?" Holden asked.
"Why are you so invested in the truth? I understand you both want answers, but is it really worth it?" Klaus asked.
Holden pressed his lips together at that, wondering if he should answer that.
A few seconds of silence passed before he let out a sigh and, after putting his shirts away and closing the drawer, turned to the hybrid.
"Hayley and I grew up believing that the names we were given were what we were born with, we grew up believing our birth parents abandoned us and we grew up believing we were normal people. But that wasn't the case. We learned that we were werewolves after we activated our curse. Hayley was 13 and I was 12 when we transformed in front of our adoptive parents. Because of that they kicked us out because they thought of us as monsters. After that we only had each other to rely on, nobody else" Holden explained.
He will never forgive his adoptive parents for what they did to him and Hayley.
He will never forgive them for throwing them out when they were still kids, confused and scared, when they needed guidance or at the very least comfort.
After hearing everything they just heard everyone couldn't help but feel bad for the siblings.
It's clear that they had a somewhat good childhood in the beginning but they obviously believed that their birth parents didn't love them and abandoned them.
And if that wasn't bad they had transformed into werewolves, something they weren't aware of, when they were just kids and were kicked out by their adoptive parents because of it.
And they were labeled as monsters by people that were supposed to love them and see them as their own children.
That definitely had to have hurt.
Porsche felt a frown appearing on his face, he couldn't help but relate to the siblings situation.
Chay, on the other hand, didn't feel the same was as his older brother simply because they may have had a shitty guardian after the death of their parents but they still had a roof over their heads.
Sure, they were in tons of debt because their uncle did nothing but gamble and they had to pay off what he owed but they still had a home to live in and were still able to eat and drink.
The Marshall siblings weren't as lucky as them.
And he felt bad for the life they had to live especially when they were on their own and only had each other.
Ken couldn't help but frown in sadness at learning what his best friend had to go through.
However, his sadness turned into anger.
He can't believe that not only were Big and Hayley kicked out when they were still young but they were referred to as monsters simply because of what they were born as.
It wasn't their fault especially when they had no knowledge of what they truly were.
Ken made a promise to track down those adoptive parents and teach them a lesson for what they did.
And he wasn't the only one.
Chan was in the same boat as him, after all he always considered Big as a son the same way he did with all the other bodyguards.
Not that he would admit it out loud, obviously.
Macau, on the other hand, couldn't help but frown as he turned towards Gertrude.
"What did he mean when he said they activated their curse?" Macau asked in confusion and curiosity.
Everyone looked at each other and wondered the same thing and they all looked at Gertrude.
The witch merely sighed before replying.
"Werewolves have this curse on them where they can only turn on the full moon. The only way they can activate the curse is by killing a human being" Gertrude explained.
Everyone blinked at the information they were just given as they tried to process it.
Tem and Jom were the only ones that were surprised.
While everyone else, the ones that were involved in the mafia, weren't all shocked.
They have all had their fair shares of killing people and having other peoples blood on their hands.
They weren't going to judge Big or Hayley for having killed someone when they don't know the full story. For all they know, they had done it out of self defense.
They were merely surprised by how young they were when it happened.
"We stood by each other's side until I left for Thailand to get a good job in order to make some money. Hayley went to Mystic falls to meet her old friend, Tyler, and to try and learn more about our family but that ended in failure. Now here we are" Holden added.
Without looking away from Klaus he walked back towards his bed.
"We learned that New Orleans is where some of our family are still alive, that this is where they have been this entire time. And because of that we don't want them dying. We refuse. Not when they are all we have left and they are the only ones that will be able to give us answers" Holden added.
He let out a sigh and sat down on the bed.
"Hayley and I learned our birth names just the other day and that's thanks to the werewolf, Eve, that my sister met when she and Elijah had stayed in the bayou. She may have more answers about our family. Not only that but some of our family are still out there but are scared since Marcel was the one that had them cursed. They were run out by the vampires. And now they're probably even more scared since you had them ordered to be killed" Holden explained.
Klaus frowned slightly at that and shifted from where he stood.
He was feeling oddly guilty which made no sense to him since he and Hayley had talked about this before he came here and he didn't feel guilty.
"The original hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson, feels guilty. What a joke" Ken scoffed while shaking his head.
"I know. I never knew someone like him could feel guilt" Porsche muttered.
For the first time this must be something they both could agree on without arguing.
Holden let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair before looking back at Klaus.
"Look, I know you don't care about them but Hayley and I do. They are our family. And I know you do whatever you want, especially now that you have your city back, but please don't go through with the killing. I'm begging you" Holden softly said.
Everyone was taken aback by the tone Big was using, specifically the ones in the main family.
But, they understood.
After all, the Marshall siblings have wanted to know more about their family for years and have also wanted to meet them.
They're given the chance to do so but that chance might be lost if they are killed.
If they were in his position they would've been the same as him.
Klaus stared at the male werewolf with a small frown plastered on his face.
A few minutes passed and Klaus let out a sigh before walking towards Holden.
"I'm sorry, love" Klaus said.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but blink at those words coming out of Klaus's mouth.
They definitely didn't expect to hear those types of words from someone like him.
"What?" Holden asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Klaus sighed, again, before stopping as he now stood in front of Holden who was still sitting on his bed.
"I said I'm sorry. I should've talked to you and, of course, Hayley about this. Matter a fact, I shouldn't have ordered the werewolves to be killed in the first place. They are your family after all and it's clear you two want to meet them and know more and I would've taken that away from you both" Klaus said.
Holden looked taken aback that Klaus Mikaelson, of all people, was apologizing.
Either way, he was grateful for the apology but he was also feeling something else based on the way his heart was fluttering.
Everyone was confused as to why his heart would be fluttering but they decided to just brush it off.
All except Tankhun, of course.
"It's called feelings, idiot" Tankhun muttered under his breath, shaking his head.
The signs that those two like each other romantically were there and he was getting annoyed that they are oblivious.
Or they do know but are pretending that they don't for whatever reason and it was annoying.
"So does that mean..." Holden trailed off.
"Well, I don't need to call off anything since Elijah and Rebekah made sure your wolves were safe. Per yours and Hayley's request, remember?" Klaus asked.
Holden chuckled a bit awkwardly, having forgotten about what he and his sister had asked the siblings to do for them.
"Oh right" Holden nodded.
Everyone couldn't help but either chuckle or snort at that.
"Oh Big" Kinn sighed while shaking his head in slight amusement.
Klaus chuckled and said, "but I'll be sure to talk to the vampires and tell them that the bayou is off limits. I promise".
Holden allowed himself to smile at that.
"Thank you, Nik" Holden said.
"Anything for you, love" Klaus said, a small smile on his face.
Everyone couldn't help but feel relieved that Klaus was actually keeping his word and making sure that the wolves, Big and Hayley's family, were safe.
They didn't expect something like that from the big bad hybrid.
But they were glad either way.
After a few seconds of silence, and them staring at each other, Klaus snapped out of it and cleared his throat.
"Well, I have to go and finish a few things. You should get ready for bed, it's getting late" Klaus said.
"Yeah, you're right" Holden nodded.
"Well, goodnight love. See you in the morning" Klaus said as he turned around and began leaving.
"Goodnight, Nik" Holden said.
Klaus looked at him and flashed him a small smile and a nod before closing the door behind him once he left the room.
Holden let a small smile appear on his face, happy that his and his sisters family were going to be safe.
He then let out a sigh and got up from his bed. He was going to get changed into some more comfortable clothes and brush his teeth before heading to bed.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone allowed small smiles to appear on their faces.
Now that the wolves in the bayou were going to be safe that meant that the Marshall siblings would get the opportunity to meet their family.
And when that time comes they will be ready.
After all, they themselves want to know what'll happen when that time comes.
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