Chapter Four: Tangled Up In Blue
Nobody's Pov
Everyone settled down and the next episode resumed.
The screen turns on and the camera pans inside the house. The camera pans over to Holden who's currently walking around the house, trying to find his sister.
"Hales, where are you?" Holden called out to his sister but frowned when he didn't get a response.
He continued walking around the house, trying to find his sister but still couldn't. He wondered where she was.
"Maybe she left. And if she did, I don't blame her" Vegas shrugged.
Macau shook his head at his brother's words, "she'd never leave her brother alone, especially with two originals. And after what happened in the french quarter, she probably wouldn't want to leave for the time being".
Holden walked into the foyer and stopped in his tracks when he saw Klaus and Rebekah there, seemingly in the middle of a conversation.
"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire" Rebekah pouted.
"Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot?" Klaus asked.
"Yes" everyone deadpanned.
After they attacked Holden and Hayley they should've been left to rot. They deserved it, after all.
"Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child along with her handsome brother" Klaus smirked.
Holden raised an eyebrow at being called 'handsome' by none other than Klaus himself.
"Oh, I am so moved by your new-found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven" Rebekah sarcastically smiled.
Klaus chuckled at his sisters choice of words while Holden couldn't help but snort slightly.
Porsche laughed and shook his head in amusement at the blonde girls words.
He had to admit that he did like her. And, surprisingly, he wished to meet her so he could pick up a few things from her.
Klaus and Rebekah turned around to look at Holden who just waved at them.
"Sorry for intruding. I was just looking for my sister" Holden told them.
"No worries, love. After all, this is your home too" Klaus grinned at him.
Holden furrowed his eyebrows together and tried his best not to blush at the nickname he was given. Rebekah, on the other hand, looked at her brother with a raised eyebrow.
Everyone had the same reaction as Rebekah since none of them expected Klaus, of all people, to call Big 'love'.
They were confused at how Big didn't yell at him since he didn't really like to be given nicknames.
But, then again, the nicknames came from Porsche when he first arrived so it made sense why Big hated them.
Holden shook his head before asking, "do you know where my sister is?"
Before the siblings could speak Hayley walked into the room while carrying a book, clutching it close to her chest.
Holden sighed in relief and made his way over to his sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"You had me worried something happened. Please leave a note or something" Holden told her.
Hayley sighed but nodded her head and immediately leaned into her brother's side, his warmth made her feel safe and secured.
"Sibling love is always so cute" Chay muttered with a small smile.
Hayley then turned to the Mikaelson siblings, "the werewolf would like to know what the plan is" she told them.
"Well, that depends what plan you mean, little wolf. My plan for global domination or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world?" Klaus asked, smirking as he looked at his sister.
Rebekah smiled sarcastically at him before taking a pencil from the desk beside her and throws it in his direction.
Klaus is able to easily catch it with his vampire speed before it can embed itself in his face.
Everyone jumped at not only Rebekah's actions but at Klaus using his vampire speed.
They're still trying to get used to the fact that supernatural beings exist. More specifically speaking of vampires.
Hayley sighed and continued speaking, "the plan to rescue Elijah. You know, the good brother? The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back".
She sent a glare towards Klaus at the end, clearly angry at him for what he had done.
"In the front, if we're being specific" Klaus smirked at her.
"How is that any better?" Holden asked with a raised eyebrow.
Klaus just shrugged his shoulders and aimed his smirk at him to which the Marshall male rolled his eyes.
"He clearly can't stand him and I don't blame him" Ken muttered.
Hayley then pointed between Klaus and Rebekah, "you two said that you would get him back. So is there a plan, or what?" she asked.
The Mikaelson siblings looked at each other and subtly nodded before looking at the Marshall siblings.
"Ok" Klaus sighed.
He walked into another room and the others followed him just as he sat down on a chair.
"Well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy, he's my friend. Albeit one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend nonetheless. And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly..." Klaus trailed off.
He turned to Rebekah, "sister please".
Rebekah nodded and turned to the Marshall siblings, "and thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back".
Everyone's eyes widened slightly at that before blinking as they tried to comprehend what they just heard.
"They're...they're joking right?" Chan asked.
"They have to be joking. There's no way asking for their brother back is going to work" Kinn nodded.
Vegas scoffed, "the Mikaelson's aren't idiots. Especially not Klaus. If anything he has another plan".
He may not really know the Mikaelson's but based on what they have seen so far, the Mikaelson's don't make easy plans.
And if anything they make crazy, diabolical, plans.
The Marshall siblings looked at each other before looking back at the Mikaelson siblings with wide eyes.
"You're joking, right?" Hayley asked.
"Please tell me that's not the whole plan" Holden added.
Rebekah scoffed and shook her head as she turned to look at her brother, "please. Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical".
The Marshall siblings looked at Klaus and saw him nodding slightly to which Holden quietly sighed in relief.
"Why does he look relieved?" Pol asked, confused and a little worried.
"Well, they need a plan to get Elijah back and the only way they're going to do that is with whatever the Mikaelson's have planned" Arm explained.
"Especially Klaus" Pete added.
"And that's only the plan A, love. There's always a Plan B" Klaus said.
"And what's plan B?" Holden asked, raising an eyebrow at the hybrid.
Klaus smirked at him before answering, "war".
Everyone couldn't help but shiver slightly at that, even the ones involved in the mafia.
"Well, that certainly isn't a recipe for disaster" Pol muttered under his breath.
"You can say that again" Arm muttered in agreement.
The scene changes later in the day and we're still at the mansion. Holden is seen walking downstairs so he could head into the kitchen and make something for his sister to eat.
Hayley might not be showing but her cravings were beginning to show and he definitely wasn't ready.
At all.
Porsche snorted causing his boyfriend and brother to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"I just realized Big has to take care of his sister and the fact that she's pregnant and soon going to show is gonna be the highlight of my day" Porsche grinned.
He definitely was going to look forward to those scenes.
Kinn chuckled slightly at that while Chay shook his head in amusement.
Just before he could head to the kitchen he was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the living room.
"Hey, what the hell?!" Holden yelled in surprise, quickly snatching his arm out of the person gripping it.
The person was Klaus himself who gestured for him to be quiet as he quickly closed the doors.
"Never tell Big to be quiet" Ken muttered, shivering slightly.
The bodyguards shivered too. Hell, even Porsche shivered.
Some of them had made the mistake to tell Big to be quiet a few times and, well, it didn't end well.
For any of them.
Hell, they're still traumatized by what Big did to them when they made the mistake of telling him to be quiet.
"What is going on?" Holden asked but before Klaus can answer another person spoke.
"Who the hell is this?" someone asked in confusion.
Holden turned around and furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw a girl sitting on the couch while Rebekah stood nearby.
"Who the hell are you?" Holden asked.
The girl opened her mouth to speak but Klaus beat her to it.
"Love, meet Sophie Deveraux. The witch that linked herself to your sister in order for us to make a deal to overthrow Marcel" Klaus explained.
Holden's eyes widened at the information he just learned and turned to Sophie who was staring at him with the same expression.
Macau leaned over to Chay who looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow.
"Why do I have a feeling that shit is going to go down?" Macau asked quietly.
Chay rolled his eyes in amusement but couldn't stop himself from snorting in amusement at his friends words.
"Wait, brother?" Sophie asked with wide eyes.
"You're the bitch that linked herself to my sister. You're the reason she's in this mess in the first place" Holden scowled angrily.
Sophie opened her mouth to say something only to yell in surprise when a lamp was thrown at her and would've hit her if she hadn't dodged in time.
Rebekah and Klaus's eyes widened and they turned to see Holden glaring angrily at Sophie.
A few people jumped at that, not expecting that at all.
While some of them kind of did expect that but it still surprised them.
"Damn, he even shocked the originals" Vegas muttered.
"I'm surprised they aren't scared. Considering I would be" Pol muttered while shifting in his seat.
An angry Big was never anything good. Trust him on that.
Holden grabbed a vase and would've lunged at her to smash it into her when Klaus vamp sped towards him, blocking Sophie from him.
"Easy there, love. We don't want to kill her" Klaus reminded him.
"Speak for yourself" Holden glared at him.
He tried lunging at her but Klaus stopped him, again, before snatching the vase from him and setting it down.
"Doesn't he have his gun? Why didn't he use that?" Tankhun asked, slightly tilting his head.
"Most likely because he doesn't want them knowing he has one because it'll lead to questions, something he definitely doesn't want" Pete explained.
Questions need answers and it's clear that Big doesn't want to tell them anything.
At least not at the moment.
"Calm the bloody hell down. She's here because she is going to help us find Elijah" Klaus told him.
"And how is she going to do that?" Holden asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Simple, she's going to perform a spell to find him" Rebekah said.
Sophie's eyes widened at that and she immediately began protesting, "are you out of your mind? No way".
"It's very simple. We need you to perform a teeny, tiny locator spell to help us find our brother" Rebekah told her.
"Witches who practice magic in this town get caught, and then they get killed" Sophie reminded them.
"Damn" Tay whistled quietly.
"That town is basically a blood town" Tem added.
"More like a death town" Ken muttered.
He doesn't understand why Big went to New Orleans, of all places, when that place attracts nothing but danger.
When this is over and they get out of here he is heading straight to New Orleans, finding his best friend and dragging him away from there.
"In case you haven't noticed, I don't know you nor do I care about you. Especially after you linked my sister to you. So, perform the damn spell and if you get caught, well, I'll be sure to prepare a nice funeral" Holden sarcastically smiled.
Sophie gaped at him while Rebekah tried her best not to laugh.
Klaus, on the other hand, didn't bother hiding his laugh as he shot the Marshall male a smirk.
Everyone couldn't stop themselves from laughing at the former bodyguards words, finding it amusing.
Meanwhile, Tankhun let a small grin appear on his face at the look Klaus sent to Big.
After calming down he cleared his throat before getting back to the topic at hand.
"Yes, about that. It seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal. Marcel's secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic" Klaus said as he sat down on a chair.
Rebekah sat down herself as she raised her hand in the air, "girl about yea high, cute as a button, anger issues?".
Sophie's eyes widened in realization, "Davina?" she asked in shock.
Klaus and Rebekah looked at her in slight surprise while Holden rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Where have you seen her?" Sophie asked, wanting to know where the girl was at.
"I don't know. The little brat erased my memory right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind" Rebekah told her, sounding angry.
"Damn, she must be powerful" Chay said, sounding a little scared yet amazed at the same time.
"All witches are powerful in their own way, trust me" Gertrude told him.
This made everyone jump at the sound of her voice. They completely forgot she was still there.
Gertrude rolled her eyes at them and turned her attention back onto the screen just as everyone did the same.
"Let me cut to the chase. Davina has Elijah. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is. Ergo, we need magic" Klaus told her.
"Davina would sense it" Sophie reminded him.
"Unless, of course, another witch, say, a traitor to the cause. Katie for example, was to perform much more powerful magic at the same time. That would create a smokescreen, concealing your very small spell from Davina" Rebekah explained.
Holden raised an eyebrow and looked at the Mikaelson siblings.
"Who the hell is Katie?" he asked in confusion.
Sophie tensed slightly while Rebekah and Klaus glanced at each other, wondering if they should tell him.
"Tell him what?" Jom asked in confusion and curiosity.
Gertrude sighed before answering, "Katie is a witch and she's dating a vampire, Thierry, who happens to be working for Marcel. She was the one that gave Hayley wolfsbane the day her and Holden went into town. And she told Thierry about them being werewolves and he told Marcel who ordered for the vampires to attack them and bring them to him".
Everyone's eyes widened at that, clearly not expecting that.
Well, only some expected that.
And that was Vegas and Kim.
They had a weird feeling about that girl when Hayley asked for the wolfsbane but they couldn't tell what was off about her.
But now they know and they're satisfied over the fact that they were right.
Klaus sighed before deciding to tell him, after all he believed he deserved to know.
"Katie is the girl that gave Hayley the wolfsbane. She's also the one that ratted you and Hayley out. That's why Marcel sent those vampires after the two of you" Klaus explained.
Holden's eyes widened at that while Sophie looked a little scared about how he would react.
Anger flashed through Holden's eyes and he clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.
Ken's eyes widened at that before he let out a small groan.
"Oh no, here it comes" Ken muttered before clasping his hands over his ears tightly.
Everyone looked at him in confusion and would've asked what he was doing had the episode not resumed.
Holden walked around Klaus and grabbed the vase he was holding before. He spun around and threw it across the room, causing it to smash into pieces and those pieces scattered all over the ground.
Sophie yelped in surprise while Rebekah and Klaus stared at him with slightly wide eyes.
"That little bitch!" Holden yelled, enraged.
Everyone jumped, clearly startled, at that. Hell, even Vegas and Kinn jumped and neither of them hid it.
Ken sighed and, when it felt safe, uncovered his ears.
He knows Big more than anyone and he knew what was coming the second he learned that important information.
He's just lucky he was prepared before he could go deaf.
Although, he can't say the same thing about the others.
"Oh, when I get my hands on that bitch she is going to wish she ran off when she had the chance!" Holden angrily spat.
He turned around and began walking towards the door, ready to leave to do just what he promised, when arms were wrapped around his waist and he was pulled back and was now pressed against a hard chest.
Holden's breath hitched when he felt lips right near his ear.
"Calm down, love. Don't go killing anyone just yet" Klaus whispered in his ear.
Holden pressed his lips together as he did his best not to shiver or, hell, blush.
Everyone held their breath slightly when they saw Klaus hold Big and the way he held him was confusing, and maybe weird, for some of them.
Not to mention the way he spoke to him.
It sounded husky or, dare they say, sexual like he was turned on just by the actions of Big as well as his words.
None of them really understood it.
Except for Tankhun, of course.
"The tension keeps rising between them" Tankhun muttered under his breath, a small grin appearing on his face.
Holden scoffed before nodding, indicating that he's calmed down and won't go killing Katie.
Klaus stared at him for a few seconds before slowly releasing his hold on him. Luckily, Holden remained where he was and calmly turned around to face the others.
"Now that's definitely a shocker" Chan shook his head.
Everyone, the ones that work for the main family, knew that it was impossible to calm Big down whenever he was angry.
The fact that Klaus was able to calm him down without any problems was a shock to all.
"And don't worry, Katie will die. If she performs a powerful spell it would be able to block out Sophie's spell" Klaus said.
Holden hummed at that, seemingly pleased that the bitch would die after what she did.
Sophie's eyes widened, horror showing in them, and she immediately shook her head.
"Katie doesn't deserve to die" Sophie said.
This made everyone in the theater scoff at her words.
"Is she serious right now?" Vegas asked in disbelief.
"That bitch ratted out Big and his sister and they could've been killed. And lets not forget that Hayley is pregnant meaning the baby could've been killed too" Pete angrily said.
"Exactly! And she knew it too yet she still ratted them out!" Porsche yelled.
"As far as I'm concerned, she deserves it" Ken added with a roll of his eyes.
That bitch almost had his best friend killed, really killed, he didn't care what happened to her since she deserved it.
It's like they always say, karma is a bitch.
Klaus, clearly fed up, angrily slammed his hands on the table causing Sophie to jump while Holden and Rebekah just stared at him.
"Sophie Deveraux! You're in no position to be so principled. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be" Klaus told her.
Vegas found himself nodding at that.
If you're at war and you want to win that war, you need to do whatever it takes to gain just that.
Yes, you may lose people. Tons of them for that matter. But, at the end of the day, you know what you're fighting for.
"How many times have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't? Your sister, executed in the public square for practicing magic, who knew she'd be caught? Did she even attempt to flee?" Klaus asked.
Sophie stared at him for a few seconds before replying.
"She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi" Sophie said.
"And who, pray tell, of Marcel's valued inner circle manages his business at the docks?" Klaus asked.
"It's gotta be that backstabbing bitch's boyfriend" Macau muttered to Chay who nodded in agreement.
Sophie pressed her lips together before letting out a sigh and answered, "Katie's boyfriend, Thierry".
Macau grinned. He was right.
Chay chuckled at his friends happiness and shook his head.
The screen turns black before turning back on. It's later in the day and it's already dark outside.
The camera pans to the mansion and we head outside to the pool area where we see Hayley and Holden walking around together.
They were by themselves in the mansion. Klaus and Rebekah are out of the house since they went to Marcel's party to make sure that their plan to get Elijah back succeeds, they don't want anything to go wrong.
Tankhun huffed at that and crossed his arms over his chest.
He couldn't believe that Klaus went to a party and didn't even invite Big. He definitely should've invited him.
That would've been the opportunity for them to get to know each other better. They could've bonded.
And it definitely could've been considered as their first date.
"I can't believe they went to a party and left us here alone" Holden muttered in annoyance.
Hayley shrugged, "well after what happened yesterday we can't take any chances. It's better to just lay low for the moment".
"Yeah, you're right" Holden sighed.
"I'm known to always be right" Hayley grinned at him.
Holden rolled his eyes and playfully nudged her shoulder causing her to laugh.
Porsche and Chay smiled slightly at the scene before looking at each other and hugged.
Macau smiled and gently nudged Vegas's shoulder causing his older brother to roll his eyes but a small smile was plastered on his face as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
The Kittisawat brothers were unaware of their respective boyfriends staring at them with small smiles.
And the two Theerapanyakun brothers were unaware of Pete staring at them with a fond smile.
All of a sudden the siblings hear twigs snapping causing them to snap their heads forward, immediately on high alert.
They walk towards where the sound came from and, to their surprise, they saw two wolves staring at them.
The Marshall siblings furrowed their eyebrows together as they stared back at the two wolves. For some reason, they felt drawn to them but they couldn't figure out why.
"Never thought the day would come where Big would feel a connection to a freaking wolf" Porsche scoffed.
Ken sent him a glare before rolling his eyes.
"You two are not supposed to be out here" a voice from behind startled them.
The siblings hastily turn around and see a dark skinned woman standing across from them with a smile on her face.
"Who are you?" Holden asked, stepping protective in front of his sister.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys. I'm Sabine. We met. I'm one of Sophie's friends" the woman, Sabine, said.
"I'm surprised that bitch even has friends" Tay rolled his eyes.
Everyone nodded at that while some couldn't resist the urge to snort at his words.
Meanwhile, Vegas, Kim and Chan narrowed their eyes at Sabine.
They felt that something was off about her but they couldn't pinpoint what it was. But they would definitely keep an eye on her.
Hayley slowly nodded as she pointed a finger towards her, "you're one of the witches".
"Sophie just asked me to come keep you guys company while everyone's out" Sabine told them.
The Marshall siblings smiled sarcastically at her. Sabine looked behind them and her eyes met the two wolves before she looked back at the duo.
"You know, it's drawn to you. The two of you, but mainly you" Sabine said, looking at the siblings but her eyes were mainly on Hayley.
Holden and Hayley furrowed their eyebrows at that and looked back at the two wolves before looking back at Sabine.
Everyone couldn't help but furrow their eyebrows at the witches words.
Why were the two wolves drawn to Hayley and Big? And why were the siblings feeling drawn to them as well?
Was their something special about them?
Other than Hayley carrying a miracle baby, of course.
"The child you're carrying is part vampire, part werewolf. You and Klaus made something special" Sabine told Hayley.
Hayley scoffed slightly at that, "you sound like Elijah. He thinks this baby is going to make us one big, happy family, but now he's gone and I don't even know is".
She placed a hand over her stomach while Holden glanced down at it before looking at Sabine.
"Did she really call her baby an it?" Tem asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, it is considered an it since she doesn't even know the gender" Jom shrugged his shoulders.
Sabine looked down at her stomach before looking back at her.
"You know, I can do something about that, if you want. I mean, find out if it's a boy or girl" Sabine told her.
Holden raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, "I thought you couldn't do witchy stuff around here".
Sabine laughed and shook her head, "it's not magic, just an old trick my grandmother taught me".
"What trick?" Chan asked, raising an eyebrow at her in suspicion.
"Yeah, if she really wants to know the gender of her baby just go to the hospital for a check up" Kinn rolled his eyes.
It really wasn't that hard to just schedule an appointment to find out what they want to know.
Hayley hesitated at that and Sabine noticed.
"Come on. You have to be a little curious" Sabine said, urging her to agree.
Hayley bit her lip and looked at her brother, silently asking him what she should do.
Holden glanced at Sabine before looking at his sister and shrugged his shoulders.
"I say do it. Besides, I'm curious myself to know if I'm going to have a niece or nephew" Holden said with a small smile.
"While I'm a bit suspicious of Sabine's old trick, I would tell her to do it too since no doubt she wants to know what she's having" Pol shrugged.
Arm nodded, "agreed. Besides, it saves her the trouble of actually having to schedule an appointment".
Hayley sighed before accepting Sabine's offer causing the witch to smile at her. The three of them head inside of the mansion.
They make their way into the kitchen and Sabine tells Hayley to lie on top of the kitchen counter and she does with the help of her brother, of course.
Hayley is now lying on the kitchen counter and Holden stood at her side and held her hand in his, offering her support and comfort.
Ken frowned slightly at the interactions between Hayley and Big.
Big seems really protective over her and he doesn't mind showing affection, platonic and sibling affection, towards her.
Yes, he understands that they are siblings and siblings always show affection towards each other.
But Big showing any type of affection to anyone is something he, nor anyone, is used to seeing since they've known him to be serious.
Maybe he showed a bit of affection towards him, given they were best friends, but he only ever patted him on the shoulder or back and sometimes he would wrap an arm around him.
But, with Hayley he showed much more.
And he couldn't help but feel a little jealous.
Sabine then holds a crystal hanging on a chain over Hayley's pregnant belly and begins to perform the trick.
The crystal begins to swing in one direction and after a few seconds Sabine looked over at the pregnant wolf and her brother.
"I think it's a girl" Sabine told them with a smile.
Hayley smiled at that and Holden couldn't help but grin at the thought of having a niece.
"Oh, I'm definitely spoiling her rotten" Holden whispered to his sister who laughed softly.
Everyone couldn't help but smile at the revelation of the baby being a girl.
"Aww, he's so happy to have a niece" Chay cooed at the former bodyguards reaction.
Everyone nodded as they themselves were smiling at Big's reaction to the fact that he's going to have a niece.
Sabine smiled at them but then her smile turned into a frown as the crystal starts to swing in the other direction.
"No, wait" Sabine spoke, causing the siblings to look at her.
"Wait what? Please tell me I'm not having a mini-Klaus" Hayley begged.
"Same. Don't get me wrong, I won't mind if it's a boy but I definitely don't want to help raising a mini version of Klaus" Holden sighed.
Everyone snorted at that but they had to agree that Hayley having a mini-Klaus, especially if it's a boy, would be a nightmare.
"No doubt the kid would inherit his ego" Pol muttered.
Arm, who was next to him, laughed quietly but nodded his head in an agreement.
The crystal suddenly glows with a bright light, which causes Sabine to drop it. All of a sudden she gasps loudly as her head dips backwards and her eyes roll back.
This made the siblings jump at her sudden actions while staring at her with wide eyes.
Everyone couldn't help but jump themselves at the sudden actions from the witch.
"What the hell is going on?!" Porsche yelled.
"What's happening?!" Pete yelled, turning over to Gertrude for an answer.
Unfortunately, the woman just gestured to the screen as her way of telling them to continue watching.
"What the fuck?!" Holden yelled in confusion and fright.
He quickly, but carefully, lifted his sister up and helped her off the counter. Once her feet were touching the ground he pushed her behind him.
"Hoc est infantima malom. Nos omnia perditu el eam" Sabine chanted.
Holden stared at her weirdly as did Hayley and the siblings glanced at each other confusingly.
"What the hell just happened?!" Ken yelled.
"Yeah, and what the fuck did that witch lady say?" Kim asked in confusion.
"All will be revealed soon. Just sit back and watch" Gertrude told them.
This made everyone glare at her but none of them said anything since they knew that they weren't going to get any answers.
And if they did anything to make her angry it wouldn't end well for any of them.
The screen turns black before turning back on. It's later in the day where Klaus and Rebekah have returned from the party.
Holden made his way into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. All he had was breakfast and something small for lunch and his stomach needed more, so he would just search the fridge for something.
He had been in the study room with his sister but then Klaus showed up and he decided to give them some space to talk about their child.
"Hayley or Big better tell Klaus or Rebekah, or both, about what happened with Sabine" Tem suggested.
"Agreed. That's definitely not normal and not to mention it's concerning" Jom added.
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as they were worried something might happen to Hayley and her baby.
As he walked into the kitchen he went straight to the fridge and opened it. He looked around before his eyes settled on some leftover Chinese food. He shrugged before grabbing it and taking it out as he closed the fridge.
He set the food down on the counter and looked for a fork. After finding one he opened up the food and was getting ready to dig in.
"That's mine" a voice spoke, startling the Marshall male.
He looked up and saw Klaus by the entrance of the kitchen before he walked inside.
"Ok, seriously, why is he always everywhere he is?!" Ken asked, throwing his hands up in frustration.
They were literally living in a mansion that's big enough for more than three people.
Why couldn't Klaus go somewhere else? Why is he always going into the kitchen where his best friend is at?
"What?" Holden asked, confused.
"The Chinese food, it's mine" Klaus told him as he stood behind the counter across from him.
Holden glanced down at it before looking back at the man, "I don't see your name on it".
Klaus chuckled, "I don't think labeling my food is necessary in my home".
"First of all, not just your home. It's our home. Second of all, if you don't want me touching your food label it" Holden rolled his eyes.
"Uh, is it really wise for him to be talking to him that way?" Chay nervously asked.
Macau scoffed, "he has a point though. If the big bad hybrid doesn't want anyone touching his food then label it. Simple".
"Yeah, but this is Klaus we're talking about" Tay reminded him.
"And that guy doesn't exactly have the best temper" Tem muttered.
Klaus chuckled and raised his hands in the air.
"I'll keep that in mind, next time. But, I can tell you're hungry so be my guest and eat" Klaus said.
Holden raised an eyebrow at that, confused but also suspicious.
"Are you tricking me? Are you going to pin me against the wall and choke me if I take even a small bite?" Holden sarcastically asked.
Klaus groaned in annoyance at that, "you're still not going to let that go?" he asked.
"No" Holden deadpanned.
Some people couldn't help but snort at the expression on Big's face.
While others couldn't help but roll their eyes not at Big but rather at Klaus himself.
Especially for thinking that after he choked a pregnant girl, who is carrying his child and the sister of the former bodyguard, it would be forgotten.
Klaus rolled his eyes, "no i'm not tricking you. I don't mind so just eat the food".
Holden narrowed his eyes at him before grabbing a handful of the food with his fork. He eyed Klaus for a little before taking a bite out of it.
When nothing happened and Klaus remained where he was he decided to calm down, realizing that Klaus was telling the truth, and continued eating.
However, as he was eating he realized that Klaus was still standing there watching him eat.
"Weirdo" Vegas muttered under his breath with a shake of his head.
Pete chuckled slightly but had to agree with his boyfriend since Klaus did look like one at the moment.
Holden sighed in annoyance before grabbing another fork and handing it to Klaus who raised an eyebrow at him.
"This is your food after all so you're allowed to eat. Besides, no way I can finish all of this no matter how hungry I am. So, dig in" Holden told him.
Klaus stared at him for a few seconds, wondering if he was just tricking him.
"For once, I don't blame him for thinking that" Porsche nodded.
"Yeah, Big never shares his food with anyone. Not even Ken" Pete nodded.
The rest of the bodyguards nodded at their words. Even Ken.
Because it was true. Big never shared his food with him or anyone for that matter.
He would always label his food and if he caught anyone touching it or even looking at it, well, it didn't end well for them.
Big loved his food that's for sure.
Kinn winced at the mention of Big and food but he made sure nobody saw it.
He never told anyone this but he made the mistake of touching Big's food once.
And, well, lets just say he had to make up an excuse to everyone when they questioned the huge bruise on his forehead.
Finally, he took the fork from him especially when he saw how impatient the male was getting waiting for him to take it.
He grabbed a handful of the food with his utensil and ate it, quietly sighing in content at how good it was.
Unknown to him, Holden heard and he couldn't help the faint smile from appearing on his face.
Tankhun grinned, having caught that.
They ate in silence for a good few minutes before Holden decided to speak up.
"So, how did tonight go? Did the plan work? Is Elijah coming back?" Holden asked.
Klaus grimaced at that before answering, "the plan didn't go as we intended but I can assure you that Elijah is going to return to us"
Holden nodded, "good. Hayley will be happy to have him back here".
Tankhun scoffed at that, "of course she is. Considering she's gaining feelings for the suit brother".
Kinn and Kim looked at their older brother with raised eyebrows. Vegas and Macau had the same reaction as their cousins.
Klaus raised an eyebrow at that, "and you aren't?" he asked.
Holden shrugged as he continued eating, "I don't really know the guy so I can't really say that I miss him. But, Hayley knows him a little more than I do. I can tell she misses him so she'll be more pleased than me about his return".
"I wouldn't really say she knows him more. She just met him too" Tay frowned slightly.
"Yes, but Elijah was the one that helped her especially since he was the first one to find out she was pregnant" Pol reminded him.
Chan nodded, "and lets not forget he cares for her".
"For whatever reason" Vegas rolled his eyes.
Elijah barely knew the wolf girl yet he really cares for her and he can't tell if it's because she's carrying his brother's child or something else.
Klaus hummed at that before going back to eating. Holden looked at him and hesitated before speaking.
"Did Hayley tell you that the baby might be a girl?" Holden asked.
Klaus stopped what he was doing and was silent for a second before nodding his head.
"She did" Klaus said.
"And how do you feel about it?" Holden asked, wondering what his reaction would be.
Klaus looked at him before letting out a sigh.
"I'm really glad that our baby might be a girl. It's honestly a relief, if I have to be honest" Klaus told him.
"Why? You wouldn't be happy if you had a son?" Holden asked, confused.
Klaus shook his head, "it's not that I wouldn't be happy. I would still be happy if I had a son. But, it's better for me to have a girl. The less she ends up like me, the better".
Porsche leaned into Pete's side causing his best friend to look at him.
"$20 his daughter ends up becoming like him when she gets older" Porsche whispered.
Pete glanced at the screen before looking back at him, "deal".
Porsche grinned as did Pete and they shook hands before putting their attention back onto the screen.
Holden frowned, "what do you mean by that?".
Klaus looked at him and stared at him for a few seconds before sighing as he set the fork down.
"I don't want history repeating itself if I were to have a son. It's better that way" Klaus told him.
Holden frowned, looking more confused and a little worried at that.
Everyone had the same reaction as Big as they themselves were confused as to what Klaus meant by that.
Vegas, on the other hand, had a feeling as to what Klaus was talking about.
Considering it's something he had to deal with his entire life after the death of his mother and he and his brother were left with their deadbeat dad.
He hopes that isn't the case but he'll have to wait and see.
Holden opened his mouth to say something but Klaus was already walking towards the sink to put his fork in.
"Well, I have a few things to take care of. You should probably get back to your sister or head upstairs to get some rest, it's really late" Klaus said.
Holden rolled his eyes, "trust me this isn't the latest I've gone to sleep".
Being in the mafia had many disadvantages. The main one being the lack of sleep because he always had assignments and even when he wasn't assigned any a few were dumped on him at the last minute thanks to his stupid boss.
Kinn flinched at being called stupid but didn't say anything to what Big said since he knew it was true.
Big always had assignments due to him being his head bodyguard.
And whenever he had a bit of free time to do whatever he wanted, to just rest, he dumped assignments on him at the last minute.
Assignments that were for him but he didn't have time or patience so he just dumped it on his former bodyguard.
It's his fault Big never had time for himself. Time to rest. And he felt, strangely, guilty.
Klaus looked at him and, if you look closely, you can see a hint of concern appear in his eyes before it quickly went away.
"Well, do whatever you want. But, do go to bed soon. You need the rest after all" Klaus told him.
Holden rolled his eyes but nodded, "aye aye captain".
Klaus couldn't help but chuckle slightly at that, surprising Holden. But then Holden let out a small chuckle himself.
Tankhun grinned at their interaction, it seems like they were getting a bit more comfortable with each other.
Klaus, after washing his fork and putting it away, sent Holden a small nod before turning around and walked out of the kitchen.
Holden watched him leave and let out a sigh. He decided to quickly finish what was left of the food before cleaning up and heading to bed.
Not before finding his sister and getting her to go to bed too. She needed it the most since she was the pregnant one.
And because he wanted cuddles and sibling cuddles were the best in his opinion.
As the screen turned black the siblings, Porsche and Chay, along with Vegas and Macau, couldn't help but agree that sibling cuddles were the best.
The Kittisawat brothers always cuddled whenever they were feeling sad, mainly when they were missing their parents, or they were having a bad day.
Macau had always gone to Vegas's room to check on his brother and make sure he was alright. And whenever he didn't want to be alone he would stay with him and they would cuddle, reminding each other that they always had each other.
Vegas never minded cuddling with his baby brother since Macau was everything to him, other than Pete.
And it's true, they only had each other thanks to their deadbeat dad.
But it didn't matter because they were brothers and brothers stick together, always, and they had each others backs no matter what.
The same way the Marshall siblings had each others backs no matter what.
Hey, guys! How are you all doing? I hope you all enjoyed todays chapter!
How did you guys like the scenes between Holden and Klaus?
And how do you like seeing Holden as a protective brother to Hayley?
Let me know what you think and stay tuned for the next chapter! Bye!
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