Game of Stones
"What the hell? How the hell? Why the hell?" Said Meera, my best friend since forever. She was also a weird person like me, so we got along well.
"I said that I may like him. I didn't say it for sure." I said.
"So what? How dare you? What happened to our oath that we would be single forever? What happened to us being together forever?" She hissed.
"Did you really believe that I'd choose you over a man?" I said.
"What? What a horrible person you are!" She said. I rolled my eyes. She broke that rule every day. Once, she'd even tried to flirt with my cousin. It had been so awkward for me. She should be the last person to talk about promises.
"Relax. I didn't actually say that I was in love with him. Did I? I just want to see how things work out." I said.
"Today, you'll say this. Tomorrow, you'll say that you are getting married. And so it'll continue until the inevitable." She said. "How can I make sure that you are hanging out with a good guy?"
And that was how I was obligated to introduce my friend Meera to Rudhra. He looked like he couldn't care less. "Hey, Rudhra. This is my friend, Meera. She says she doesn't trust you, so she's come to test you, if you are suitable for me or not." She glared at me for putting her on the spot, and not making up an excuse, but what can I say, I am a very petty person.
"Hello." She said, and she extended her hand out to shake.
"Hello." He said, and did that. That thing us Indian 90's kids do, where you pretend to extend your hand for a handshake, but halfway you just put up a haughty attitude and run your hands through your hair, as if the other person is not worthy enough to be at the receiving end of your glorious handshake.
"Oh, your hands are mini hands, I see." She said, recovering very quickly. "You are very considerate, you don't me to be put through an ordeal of shaking yours."
"I am being considerate of myself." He said. This was getting too annoying, and I had to interrupt.
"Guys, let's not fight. We are adults." I said. Oddly, I was the sane person here.
He looked at me blankly. "You were the one who said that she was here to test me."
"Yep, she thinks you aren't suitable for me. She says that-" I said, but I was interrupted by Meera.
"Hey, you. What do you actually like about her?" She said. She didn't say it reverently, like I'd thought she would. Instead she was like, 'Huh? Her????' This witch.
"I like everything about Sams." He said, as if it should have been obvious. I'd never admit in a million years that it made me happy.
"Yes, but what specifically?" She pressed.
"I like her....cooki....?" He pondered, but changed immediately when he saw her face change to an angry demon. "Her cute face."
"How shallow!" Meera exclaimed, and began to put on a more demonic face than she had hadbefore.
"What! Why should I explain all those stuff to you? Who are you?" He said.
"Me? I am just, you know, Sam's best friend. No big deal. Just her only friend since forever. Who are you?" She hissed, and invisible red vapours of fury erupted from the top of her head.
"You are her friend. So what? What's the problem? Everyone has one. It doesn't mean you are special in any way." He said.
"I don't know anything about you!"
"Then, just ask me." He said.
I relaxed on the sofa. Have you ever had two people fight over you? Understandably, no, since you are a wattpad reader. But I am the lead character in a book.
"What's your name?" She asked him.
"Rudhra." He said patiently.
"And what do you do?"
"I model sometimes."
"And what do you model for?"
"Online catalogues." He replied.
She gave a big snort-laugh. I don't blame her, I'd had the same reaction when he'd told me first.
"And what do you do the other times?"
"I make fun of people like you." He said.
I sighed. This was his maximum capacity before he exploded. Surprisingly, he'd answered a few questions, which was unlike him. Meera, however didn't know that, and so erupted like a volcano.
"That's it. I am done. He's extremely mean and horrible. Sams, you want someone, who is kind, who is polite. And gets you flowers. Or open car doors for you. And say you are beautiful even though you aren't. But he! He looks like someone who doesn't have such words in his vocabulary at all. Do you really want that? I just can't stand it!"
I sighed. "I hate flowers."
"Also most doors are automated nowadays. So why would anyone want help with that?" He said.
She gave a look of defeat. I really had to stop these two from pelting stones at each other.
"Fine. I'll tell you why. Meera, the reason why I hang out with you is the reason I hang out with him."
"And what is that?" They both said, with bated breath.
"I am me, only when I am with you."
They both grimaced. And Meera said something along the lines of, "Yep, use the same cliched line from every teen movie ever since the invention of movie making!" And Rudhra said something like, "Huh? Why? Are you a shapeshifter?"
After this unsuccessful attempt at pleasing them both, I decided to tell her the truth. "Fine. I'll tell you why. And this time, it's the truth."
"Go on."
"There is no surprise factor with him. There is no question of him being nice in the beginning and getting horrible as time goes on. He's already mean. I can get used to it. If that can be called as a comfort."
They both looked at me blankly until Meera started laughing, clutching her hands on her stomach."OMG, this is the funniest! I am dying, hehehehehehe."
"That's the reason?" Rudhra cried out, sounding unhappy.
And so we broke up the conversation to watch Big Boss (it was a particularly intriguing episode). I was sandwiched between the two of them. Meera, for her part was still laughing.
"If you stop laughing, I'll introduce you to one of my friends." He said to her, still sounding unhappy.
"Is he nothing like you?" She asked him. He nodded in the affirmative. With that, a big glint appeared on her eyes and they turned to little hearts. Which meant, she'd soon turn tables on me.
"Sams, you must see how much he likes you! In fact, when I said the two of you were unsuitable, it was because he's a little too high! You should be happy,right?" She said. This wicked witch. I rolled my eyes. A big grin formed on his face, and he recovered from his momentary unhappiness. "Yes, yes." He nodded, the devilish grin completely plastered on to his face.
"Really? In that case, I should go out with someone more suitable for me, like Akash?"
He completely panicked at that. And he began flailing like a bird. He turned towards Meera."Shut up, shut up! You're making it worse! I don't need your help! I don't care about those levels. She said it. Not me. Akash is no."
I chuckled. He was so cute. And later, Meera leaned and whispered to me. "Now I know why. He's surprisingly innocent when it concerns you."
"Yep." I nodded.
Author's note:
Please let me know what you think of this story! Is it bad, or worse, worse?
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