3 Can Make 6
This is a gift thingy I made for Ant (I'll put the ping in the comments I have no fucking clue how these work) but that probably won't stop you from reading it. Also- I know Glitch has this weird text thing but my lazy ass is not letting me do that so pretend his voice is fucking "æ̵̨̛͍̩͎͉̖̓̒̿æ̸̱͚̮̀̾͆̚æ̷̧̡̧͖̘̺̼̂̆́̽̑͘͜" or smth- idk?!?
Anyways, I saw (his? her? their? its? aeg's?) oneshot book and the different personalities were interesting as fuck- especially Guiding, Shadow, and Glitch, which has now become my guilty pleasure ship as long as it's Ant's au. Just- go read it and you'll know why, here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/326296986-doors-oneshots-discontinued now go read it because it needs attention (but pls don't request since requests are closed, key rule there)
The introductions are only halfway over! As I said before, this is a gift, which means it probably has to do with some of their characters or something. To give you some well needed context, I'll be using the Guiding, Shadow, and Glitch from ANT'S au and bringing them over (fucking gayasses i love them all) and getting them to meet the Guiding, Shadow, and Glitch from MY au (they didn't commit murder because they were bribed with cookies)!
We're done introducing everyone now- and for our grand finale, enjoy the oneshot!
Guiding Light landed face down on the floor with a small "oof" as the portal above his head closed. He could barely get up before Shadow landed on top of him, then Glitch managed to fall on top of them both.
Gosh, those two were heavy.
"Get off of me," he mumbled as Glitch groaned, rubbing his temples. "And- on second thought..."
He managed to look around from his place on the floor.
"Where are we?"
Glitch rolled off from the top of the entity pile. "I- I was about to say we're at the Hotel, but our crucifixes don't look all that detailed..."
"Hmm," Shadow muttered, standing up and helping Light get up as well. "It seems... off."
"This might be one of the 'alternate universes' that the entities were talking about," Light muttered to themselves. "Let's try to see if there's similar versions of us-"
But before Light could continue any further, their thought process was interrupted by a whirring of entities- five whole entities- speeding past the room, yelling about things the light couldn't understand. He barely had time to step out of the way when a small figure barreled into his shin, not really doing anything but bouncing back and rolling away on the floor with a squeaky "ow!"
"Seriously, Screech?" a mellow yet agitated voice grumbled. "You already bump into Curious every other time you see him, and now it's Gu- wait, hang on."
"Hide, you complete idiot," another voice piped up. "That's clearly not Guiding, Guiding glows this teal and- oh, wait, you're right- or not, his hair's- like- five times as long as that- or- huh?"
"Shut up, Rush! You're confusing all of us!" A semi-glitched voice rang out from somewhere along the back of the crowd. "Let's keep it as a 'we don't know who that-' why is there more than one?!"
"Huh?!" What Light had assumed was this hotel's 'Screech' had suddenly jumped up and was looking around. "Where- oh, wait. What's going on? Did we successfully raid the cookie jar?"
"Oi, Screech, can you go get Guiding?" Rush mumbled. "We might need him."
"But isn't Guiding right th-" Screech squinted a little at Light's figure before finishing his sentence. "Wait, that's not Guiding, is it? Guiding was never that bright, he was always more of this really dark teal- or is my brain being fuzzy?"
"Nope, not Guiding," a new voice said. "That's a... uh..."
"Dupe, can you go get Guiding?" Rush sounded a little annoyed, frowning a bit since Screech had ignored him.
"Alright," Dupe replied before slipping through a hidden crack in the walls. The other entities who stayed had taken to grouping up and- what the hell were they arguing about?
"...didn't he just yell 'mom' or something?!"
"Because that's something we do, and this is probably too important-"
"We do that because something's important, bitch-"
"Don't you 'bitch' me!"
"Okay, well why don't you-"
There was a knock on the door, thankfully ending everything right then and there.
"...and there was another dude that looked like you, and a Glitch and a Shadow lookin'- oh, should I get them too?" Dupe, the one who went to fetch Guiding, seemed to be rattling off everything that happened.
"You can go get Glitch, but..." A strangely human looking person with dark teal skin and even darker hair, simply clad in a long sleeved, black t-shirt and khaki shorts scanned the room before landing on a corner. "I think Shadow's already here."
The Shadow that Light knew seemed nervous, scooting closer to the two other entities. "I think the thing you said about 'alternate universes' was right. What the hell is going on?"
"Shush," Light replied, somewhat softly. "Look in that corner."
There was nothing in the corner, though. That is- until Shadow took a closer look, the dark shadows on the wall were... moving? A head seemed to form from the wispy black, then a torso, then arms and legs...
A humanoid figure pulled their hand out of the dark shadows, shaking it into its supposed shape before looking directly at the darker, more human looking teal light. "Rat me out like always, won't you?" they muttered, slightly disgruntled look on their face.
The supposed other Guiding just smiled before turning over to Light, Glitch, and... their Shadow. "I think I've got a valid reason this time."
"Guiding! So- uh- we didn't do anything, I promise it wasn't us this time-" the entity that Light thought looked quite similar to Rush suddenly started talking- fast. Light could barely understand half the things that were coming out of the entity's mouth, but Guiding seemed to know every bit of it.
"Listen- if they just appeared, then it probably wasn't you," Guiding, managing to shut the entity up without trying, had started talking. "And you know I'm not going to care if you guys steal all the cookies, right?"
A silence. What the hell was he on about?
Then, the five entities erupted into what seemed to range from shock, to excited happiness, to what Light could only describe as an "I told you so!" It wasn't until the one who looked like Ambush had zoomed out of the room, seemingly claiming the cookies for their own with a "mine now!" did the others follow, leaving a small cloud of dust behind their tracks.
"That was... chaotic," Glitch grumbled, not sure of what was happening.
"Mhm," Light muttered. "And I think we are in an alternate universe. Hey- you're also called Guiding Light, aren't you?"
Light tried to read the dark teal figure's expression to no avail as a simple "yep!" was responded. He seemed unnaturally chill about the phenomenon, and for some strange reason didn't seem too surprised to see them there. "And, before you ask, there's a Glitch and a Shadow as well."
"I've seen the Shadow," Light replied shortly, not caring much for a neutral tone of voice and resorting to his natural passive aggressiveness. "But what about the Glitch?"
"Stop referring to me as an item," Shadow grumbled under his breath, barely audible to anyone but himself. Light, who heard it anyways, pretended not to know about it.
Guiding only cocked his head to the side, listening to the air. "I think Glitch is coming in- ah, three... two... one..."
A static noise filled the room, and another humanoid figure phased through the wall- literally. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans that had somehow stayed intact, and ran a hand through some very glitchy hair as they waved to Guiding with the other.
"There he is!" A small smile spread over Guiding's face, like he couldn't contain it and would probably have one of those big goofy grins if he could. Wow, he's surprisingly emotional.
Light had assumed that all the alternate versions of him would be similar, if not the same. This one seemed like he was barely able to keep a chaotic, wild version of himself contained. There was a bit of silence between them, all six of the entities staring at each other, until the other Glitch made some hand signs that the other Guiding and Shadow just nodded at.
"...what?" the Shadow that Light knew seemed awfully confused. "What are they saying?"
"He's mute," Guiding simply replied. "Me and Shadow managed to learn a good amount of ASL, though, so he can still respond. And, if it's specific, we just get him to write it down."
"ASL?" Light was confused for a second, having never heard of the term.
"American sign language," Guiding simply replied. "Oh- and, yes, I think you are an alternate universe thing... no, I can't read your mind. Dupe told me like the little snitch he is."
Childish much, Light thought, but he kept it to himself.
"Hey- uh," Glitch spoke up, something that was pretty rare for him to do. "D'you think we could, uh, y'know..."
Guiding simply looked over, slightly intrigued look on his face as he waited for Glitch to finish. "Hmm?"
"Maybe we could find a way back to... our own dimensions somehow?" Glitch shrugged, head drooping a little, like he was sure he worded that sentence incorrectly.
The other Guiding- the one who lived here- didn't seem to mind how poorly Glitch had put the sentence together. Light noticed that he didn't seem to mind anything, given the previous chaos that had happened with the entities before.
"I'll ask Curious to get on that," Guiding replied simply, a hint of another goofy smile spreading across his face. "He's the one who's managed to finish an entire book given an hour, not me."
Why did Light keep getting the feeling that this Guiding would be a lot more chaotic if he was given the chance to? This Guiding seemed... strangely trustworthy, but unreliable at the same time. How does that even work?
Shadow broke the silence. "What was up with those entities before? Do you just let them do that? What did they mean by 'raid the cookie jar'? Who are they- I'm asking too many questions, aren't I?"
"Yep!" Guiding responded with a snicker. "That's Rush, Ambush, Dupe, Hide, and Screech- me and Curious call them the chaos quintuplet, and I think you can see why. We do let them run around as they want to, but if it gets too out of hand I just pull out the crucifix- stop looking at me like that, we modified it so it doesn't hurt! Just sends them back to our personal spawn room, okay?!" Guiding looked slightly confused at the slightly horrified look that came over Shadow's face at the mention of a crucifix. "What, do your crucifixes hurt?"
"They literally send the entities back to hell, and they have to find their way back..." Shadow seemed uncomfortable with the topic, and Glitch just stared.
"See, Guiding, I told you they were supposed to do that!" The other Shadow, the one who'd mostly been sitting in the corner that they materialized out of, suddenly spoke up.
"Okay, but to be fair you've never been tortured before," Guiding countered back. "Clearly we might want to at least keep them safe?!"
The other Glitch made a few hand signs, earning a groan of disappointment from Shadow and a laugh from Guiding. "Ah, yes, keep yourself safe," Shadow mumbled.
"What'd he say?" The Shadow that originated from another hotel perked up.
"K-Y-S," Guiding said, signing the letters with a snicker. "Apparently, it can stand for 'keep yourself safe' in certain conditions. I came up with that, blame me."
How the hell was he put in charge?! The thought ran through Light's head before he toned it down. That was rude, that wasn't something he was supposed to think.
"Oh- to answer your question about the cookie jar," Guiding turned back to Shadow all of a sudden. "We get a lot of our funding and everything from the Rift- I don't know how it works, but we haven't exactly had a lack of funds with all the stuff it likes to spit out."
"...funding? What funding?" Light was somewhat intrigued now, looking at Guiding with a curious look on his face.
Guiding looked surprised for a split second before going back to a neutral expression. "The American tax system is annoying as fuck, I'll give you that."
"Oh," Light simply replied. He didn't know what to say- it wasn't that often that he had to worry about things like that.
"Anyways- should we find a way to get you back to your own hotel?" Guiding jumped straight to the previous topic, the one Glitch had brought up. "Maybe just like- tell you what, let's go find Curious, he probably knows what to do. Or not- my dyslexia won't let me understand a thing he reads."
And with that, he motioned for the group to follow along- the Glitch and Shadow who had seemingly appeared out of the walls just poked each other to "please go before me," though neither of them seemed to be willing to follow. Guiding left the room, newcomers behind his tracks- it wasn't until a while later did they hear footsteps behind them, followed with a "damn it!" from the current hotel's Shadow.
They weaved through the rooms, eventually leading to the infirmary- but instead of unlocking the door, Guiding moved an empty bookshelf a little and hit a button behind it- a second door popped open, leading to a secret tunnel that Light wouldn't have been able to notice before.
"That's what the entities like to call the 'employees only' section of the hotel," Guiding filled in. "It's not as large as the visitor's portion, but it's certainly stretched far enough for them to run around in."
He went through the hallway, and the troop followed- this time, the Glitch and Shadow who were from the current hotel just stayed. "I'm done socializing for today," the Shadow mumbled, only earning a snicker from Guiding.
They went through the surprisingly dark hallway- Guiding checked behind them, making sure everyone was inside, before he pulled open a secret compartment in the wall and flipped the switch behind it. The gate pulled shut behind them, and for a second they were enveloped in a pitch dark blackness.
Then, the lights lifted, and the end of the hallway revealed an oddly pleasant living area- it seemed more like a house, but with larger extended hallways.
"Welcome in!" Guiding chirped, walking along the path. "Curious' room is... over there, that one."
He pointed at a door, strangely blank and undecorated compared to the others. It seemed to be somewhat worn down as well, like the owner didn't care to refurbish it.
"The... blank one?" Glitch muttered.
"Yep!" Guiding nodded. "Just go knock and ask him about it. I'm pretty sure Screech has already filled him in on everything-"
"He did," an unrecognizable voice said. It was somewhat deep- not low, but definitely below average. An unnaturally tall light ducked out of another room, having to stoop to go below the doorframes. "I barely understood half of it but I think I see what's going on now."
"You try to guess which one's which," Guiding stepped aside, somewhat making way for who Light assumed to be Curious. "I bet you can't."
"Shush," Curious muttered, elbowing Guiding in the ribs. "And- yes, I've somewhat figured out a way to get them back... remember April Fool's week? How I changed the Rooms portal-"
"To that other pocket dimension?" Guiding seemed to be catching on. "You can still do that, can't you?"
"It'll probably be a lot easier with that light around," Curious muttered. "Or, if you make a portal right here, we can just use that..."
"Make a portal?! He can do that?" Shadow gasped in surprise, not sure of what was going on. "And- okay, never mind."
"Yeah, but that's about the best it gets for me," Guiding filled in. "Okay, anyways- work your magic, Curious."
Guiding lifted a hand, and a blue glow started surrounding the room. There was a spark of light, slowly glowing itself into something larger, taking shape of an orb with swirls of light spiraling around it... then it warped itself into a long, ellipse shape before glowing itself into a darker teal. "Go ahead."
"Okay, uhh..." Curious stared at it for a second, seemingly lost in thought. "Oh- right. Tell him to summon something from their dimension."
Guiding- the one from the current hotel- and Light- the newcomer- both stared at him for a second until Guiding broke the silence.
"Dude," he said. "He's right there."
"Yeah, I know, but I don't want to talk to people and- oh, he already got the point, didn't he?" Curious seemed to mentally smack himself in the face.
Guiding snickered before turning to Light. "You heard him," he filled in. "You... can summon objects, right?"
"No, but..." Light, not seeing anything else to do, casually ripped off his finger- and, ignoring the blood, held it out to Curious. "Does this work?"
"Yeah, thanks," Curious said, not bothered in the slightest while the other three people in the room looked like they were about to cry. "Also, that was cool."
"...thanks," Light replied. He watched as Curious managed to somehow levitate the finger and warp it with the portal. It barely took a second before the portal started emitting a strange sense of familiarity to the entities, and Light knew that it had worked.
"Thanks," he said, before going in, Glitch and Shadow following in his tracks. "And- sorry about the finger."
Well, that's over now, he thought.
I KNOW THIS IS CONFUSING AS FUCK BUT I ACTUALLY FINISHED IT OMG- anyways are you proud of me for actually doing a request like a sane person
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