A new Sentinel Arises
Mars Moon Base
Samuel Hayden walks down a hallway through the Lazarus facility, silently fuming. "Damn it, I didn't want to have to unleash him this early, but I have no choice. The Demons have regrouped and are pushing back against the progress the Doomslayer made." He says once he reaches his destination. A glass tube filled with orange liquid, an adult human male curled into a fetal position in the liquid with a suit of Night Sentinel armor next to the tube. A information terminal next to the armor stated 'Project: SNTL, Status: Uncertain'. The doctor sighs and drains the liquid in the tube, awakening the person within. The person stands up and takes off the breathing mechanism on his face. "Where the fuck am I?" He asks after gasping for air. "You're on Mars. You were nearly dead when I found you, so you'll likely need to rest for a bit. There are demons trying to invade this facility, and I need your help to stop them." The robotic doctor says before turning away. "I managed to retrieve your armor and I scavenged weapons from around the area. Hopefully you're just as proficient as the last one who helped." He continues. "By the looks of it, it was the Doomslayer." The man interrupts as he puts on the armor and grabs a Super Shotgun from the robotic doctor. "I can tell because of his handiwork." He explains while looking down the sights and aiming at a Mancubus corpse before holstering it on his waist. "Now, what I want to know, is where is he?" The man asks, his crimson eyes gleaming.
Doomguy jumps out of the Bullhead and lands on his feet, the Preator suit taking the impact for him and starts walking towards the Cathedral. Winter follows shortly, waiting for the aircraft to lower slightly. Upon entering the large building he notices the wolf faunus and Marcoh waiting for him. "Ah, hello Doomslayer! This woman seems to need your help in exterminating Grimm. Could you please help her?" The good doctor asks. After staring at the woman for a few seconds, he motions for her to follow him. She stands up and nervously follows him. I'm detecting near undetectable signs of Argent Energy from her. Doomguy stiffens but motions for the woman to lead the way.
After a few hours of walking, the woman leads him to the church. "Please, stay outside while I deal with this." Vega says for the Slayer before the scourge of hell kicks open the church door. Drawing his Assault Rifle, he opens the scope and looks around the room. In the center of the room is a Gore Nest with several possessed around it. Rage immediately consumes him and he charges into battle, starting off by crushing two of the possessed's heads together, crushing them instantly. Spinning around, he fires a single round through the skull of an impact that leapt at him from a wall. Turning to face the several possessed, he opens the mini missiles and fires the projectiles into the 5 reanimated corpses, causing an explosion that showers him in gore. He rips an organ (?) out of the Gore Nest and turns to face the demons that spawn around him. 12 imps, 3 Pinkies, and a summoner. Child's play.drawing his Gauss cannon in siege mode, he backs into a corner and fires at the unholy beasts. In a flash of blue, the demons disintegrate and blood covers the flood and walls.
Looking around and spotting a staircase that leads into the basement, he grabs his Super Shotgun and descends the steps. In the basement, Doomguy looks around the room, looking for any demons, only for one to pounce on him from the ceiling. Rolling over and throwing the demon off of him, he looks at it before it starts chuckling. No, It can't be you. YOU BASTARD! He charges at the demon and tackles it. Pinning it to the ground, he grabs the BFG and points it at the demon before charging up a shot as powerful as the one that killed the Spider Mastermind. ILL SEND YOU BACK TO HELL IN PIECES! But before he can fire the shot off, the demon turns into red mist with Argent Energy crackling within it. The demon quickly escapes, going up the stairs and out of the church. A loud scream quickly follows and Doomguy curses at himself for forgetting about the faunus. Once he gets to where the faunus was, he's suprised to see the demon surrounding the woman. "Please! Give me the power to free my people!" The woman pleads. "I will give you what you desire." The creature says. The woman smiles in desperation. "BUT YOU WONT BE ABLE TO WITNESS IT!" The demon yells triumphantly before the mist enters the woman's mouth and nose. The woman convulses in pain as the demon possesses her, forcing her aura out of her body, and taking root in it's place. The woman starts to change physically, with her wolf ears becoming demonic horns and wings sprouting from her back. "Mmmh, that feels so much better." The possessed woman says while stretching her back.
The Doomslayer's fists shake in silent fury. "Ah ah ahh,you wouldn't want to hurt this poor, innocent woman, now would you?" The demon says mockingly. Doomguy raises his plasma pistol to shoot the demon, but a red tail with an Arrowhead tip wraps around his hands and points his hands away from her. "Wow, you're more ruthless than I remember. Is it because I was the one that brought ruin to your world?" The demon mocks. Sir, I think that the demon has transformed the woman into a Succubus of sorts. No shit Sherlock, but right now, I can't kill the bitch! The demon looks him in the eyes, through the visor and grins sinisterly. "You know, it's a shame that we're enemies, I would have loved to ravish you if you hadn't decided to kill every last demon you encountered." She says sinisterly before disappearing into the red Argent mist.
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