Chapter 7 - Sam and Dean
Castiel lower his head as he started to silently cry. Dean picked his head up and saw Castiels tears. "No no no don't cry babe.." He reached out his hand and wiped Castiels tears away, brining his face to his own as he kissed his forehead. "Pretty boys like you don't need to cry." Dean brought Castiels face to his, looking into his eyes. "ill get him..." "No please don't... I don't want you to get hurt." Cas held on to deans hand tightly. "Its fine cas..." Dean got up and kissed his forehead reassuringly before smiling and walking out the door.
//deans pov//
I walked out of the doorway and over to the halls hoping to find Gabriel. He entered the waiting room seeing Gabe sitting down as someone patted his back. I started to walk over to Gabe before being punched by someone. See this is why i should of listened to cas. I told myself stumbling trying to stand. Lucifer stood in front of me fists clenched. I stood up finally and held my arms out closing my eyes. "I deserve it.. Come on hot shot, hit me with your best shot." I wiped the blood coming from my nose before i was hit again, but this time by Gabriel. I stumbled standing up again and repeating my stance.
This time i wasn't punched though, this time i was hugged, by Gabriel. I looked down and saw his face into my shirt hugging my tightly. "Your lucky my brother likes you... Dick." He mumbled into my shirt before he let go and kicked my leg. "Fuck!" I grabbed my leg and grunted watching him sit back down with a stupid grin on his face. Lucifer soon sat down narrowing his eyes at dean.
"If Cas asks, i ran into a wall.." I told Gabriel before walking away and calling my brother.
"Heya Sammy!...Yeah I'm on my way... Im at the hospital.. No no not me... Sam let me finish...DAMNIT SAM ILL BE THERE IN A FEW!..yeah yeah bye." I ended the call before walking into Castiels room again. "Hey i have to go.. Sams waiting for me at school." He tilted his head a little. "Whos Sam?" I walked over to him sitting down. "My brother duh.. ill be back later." I kissed him as he nodded before standing up and leaving.
At School
Dean drove in front of the school and saw sam leaning against the building crossing his arms. He noticed Dean and walked over to the car opening the door and getting in. "Your 10 minutes late dean." Sam said, arms still crossed. "Cut me some slack i was at the hospital." Dean grunted driving away from the school and into the road. "Why?" Sam said worried still unsure who was in the hospital since Dean never told him. "Old friend had an asthma attack apparently, it was my fault." dean muttered the last part as he tightened his grip on the wheel. "What did you do?" Sam asked watching the road in front of him. "Took him to a field with a shit load of flowers and the pollen did something to his lungs i guess.. And the smoking thing too." Sam looked at dean and gave a small nod. After a silent 10 minutes dean spoke. "Look ima drop you off at home, I'm heading back to the hospital, foods in the fridge and I'm pretty sure dads home-" sam cut him off looking out the window. "Dean you know dads never home.." He said quietly before turning back to dean. "Can i just go to the hospital with you? Please?" He pleaded. Dean looked at sam for a few seconds before looking back at the road. "Fine.. But don't hit on any of my friends family there ya hear?" Dean responded with a small grin. "Oh shut up" Sam pushed dean a little before laughing. "Bitch" "Jerk"
Dean soon made it to the hospital and hopped out of the car with sam who brought a book with him. "Your such a nerd." Dean joked walking side by side with sam. "Well this 'nerd' is going to Stanford!" Sam replied confident in his statement. Dean smiled. "Yes you are lil man.." Dean ruffled Sams hair up laughing. Sam mumbled something under his breath before they entered the large building.
Dean walked up to Castiels room before being stopped by a lady behind a counter. "Um sir? How are you related to the patient?" Dean looked at Sam then back at the woman. "Erm.. He's my husband, it should be under Novak." The woman checked under a files unit and nodded. "Good to go." She gave a thumbs up allowing dean to walk into Castiels room.
"Dean Novak.. Hmm has a nice ring to it." Sam snickered as Dean elbowed him in the side. "Shut up" Dean blushed as he saw Cas asleep in the white bed. Sam sat down in a chair and opened his book to continue reading as Dean walked over to Cas. "Hey Cassie..." He pushed his blue hair out of the way and planted a kiss on Castiels forehead. Sam was to busy reading his book to notice as dean pulled a chair up to the bed and held Castiels hand.
Cas smiled in his sleep as he started to mummer something. "Dean?.." He asked in a groggy voice which made Dean blush. Fuck thats hot he thought before replying. "Y-yeah I'm here with sammy.." Cas opened one eye and frowned looking at dean. "What happened to your nose?" Dean rubbed his neck nervously. "I- i um ran into a wall..." Cas chuckled a little spotting Sam in the corner of the room reading a book. "Hello Sam." Cas muttered sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
Sam looked up from his book and smiled. "Hey..." He looked down at his book again. Castiel noticed the cover of the book and was fascinated. "You like Harry Potter? Hm i think we might get along just fine.." Cas smiled as he saw Sam nod with a large grin on his face. Cas turned to dean and grinned. "Wanna watch a movie?"
After going through endless movies that Charlie dropped off, they decided on The Breakfast Club.
//que music//
Dean got up to put in the movie through the projector. He pulled the large white screen down before pressing play as he hoped in the bed right next to cas. Sam joined in on the other side of cas and watched the movie with them.
Moments later Gabriel walked in with a bag if candy and a blue balloon. "Hey cas i thought id s- IS THAT THE BREAKFAST CLUB?" Gabe instantly went on the other side with sam because dean took up all the room next to cas like the greedy shit he was.
Soon we all where watching intrigued by the movie and its scenes. For a split second he thought he saw Sam and Gabriel whisper to each other, which made Sam blush. He ignored the thought and looked at castiel as he watched the movie, loving every inch of him. He took castiels hand in his own, which made castiel look back at him.
...Don't you forget about me...
Castiel was so beautiful, dean thought as he stared into the boys blue eyes. Dean wanted to spend every second with Castiel as if it was the end. Oh how much Dean wanted to tell everyone that Cas was his forever and always. you walk on by, will you call my name?...
He wanted to hold on to cas forever and never let go. Is this what love is? He thought as he leaned in and held castiels face in the palm of his hand. you walk on by...
He kissed him as if it was the first time they shared a kiss.
...come on, come on call my name...
Oh no Dean thought as he pulled away and looked at cas.
"Cas, I think i love you."
hmmHmmHmMmh yes dean you do love mmhmmmmmMMmMm
Yes until next time
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