Chapter 17 - Take Cover
Dean let go of cas as he bent over and picked up his boyfriends bag. He handed it to cas before sitting on the bed pulling a shirt on.
Cas slipped on a jacket and walked to his bathroom to brush his hair and teeth. He grabbed a comb and pulled at the blue knots and tangles from last night. Dean came in moments later smiling. "Your hair isn't human." He laughed fixing his own hair like no big deal. "Shut up and help me.." Cas muttered picking at the blue strands that hung out.
Dean turned and cupped castiels face before roaming his hands in the mess of hair, combing out the knots in his fingers and slicking some back.
Soon the hair was tamed and cas grinned before brushing his teeth. "Tank you dena" he muttered, mouth full of toothpaste. He spit it out and wiped his mouth before walking downstairs.
Dean caught up and grabbed his bag downstairs, following cas into the kitchen. "Think fast" cas said, throwing an apple at deans face. "Shit-" dean caught the apple seconds away from an injury.
Cas muttered a 'sorry' before taking a bite of his apple and walking towards the door. "SAMMY!" Dean called taking a bite of the green apple as sam ran downstairs with his bag in hand.
"Come on bud its school time" dean said opening the door and walking out into the bright sunlight.
Cas, Dean, and Sam walked up to the school together. Everyone looked at the new couple that everyone called 'Destiel'. Some smiled and others turned there heads away when the group passed by.
Cas covered his face into deans side and took his black beanie out of his bag. He then pulled it down to cover his eyes. Dean looked at cas then sam, wondering what was wrong.
Before he could speak, his brother asked first. "Whats wrong cas?" Sam asked turning to him and leaning over. "I dont like the staring.." He muttered burring his face deeper into deans jacket. Sam leaned away from cas as he looked at dean with question. "Come here" dean whispered to cas as he pulled him into his jacket. Immediately castiel held onto dean, still closing his eyes under his beanie as he let the winchesters guide him.
When they entered the school, the looks became stronger, making cas cringe as he hid under the green jacket. "Can we get to class faster?" Cas asked as he placed his hands over his beanie, trying to cover every inch of his face. Dean nodded when sam signaled he was leaving and took cas straight to an empty classroom so they can be alone.
Dean hurried inside and shut the door before letting cas leave his jacket. "Hey where alone now.. you can take your beanie off." He said, placing his hands on castiels side. "No.. No I'm not ready." Castiel whispered in response, tightening his grip on the beanie surrounding his eyes.
"No ones here-" "im not ready" castiel interrupted him. "Cas.. What's wrong?" Dean asked moving his hands to castiels shoulders. "I don't like the staring" cas replied covering his face even more as he lightly shook his head.
Dean nodded knowing castiel wasn't lying about this. "Take it off when your ready." Dean whispered planting a kiss on his neck, the only place that wasn't covered.
Then dean waited...
...And waited
Minutes passed by and cas wasn't moving, only surrounding his face in his arms.
Dean looked up after 30 minutes and saw cas slowly take the beanie off. He saw cas hold the beanie tightly as he looked at it. Cas sighed before facing dean.
"Im ready now" cas whispered as he tightened his grip on the cloth in his hands. Dean nodded before approaching his lover and reaching out for the beanie. Cas pulled away,
Avoiding deans grasp. "n-no i want to hold it.. It.. It helps." Dean smiled. "But thats why I'm here." He replied taking the beanie into his hands and shoving it into his jacket pocket.
"Cas you don't need a cloth to make you feel safe. You got me now." Dean whispered kissing the top of castiels forehead tenderly. "I trust you" cas replied grabbing deans hands and intertwining them with his.
"Come on cassie.. Were missing class" dean smiled pulling castiel behind him reassuringly. "Thats a first" cas smiled softly as he held onto deans hand. "Oh shut up"
Cas and Dean walked along the empty halls, enjoying the silence together.
Until someone ruined that silence.
"Well well if it isn't 'destiel'?" Someone snapped behind the boys. Dean spun around and saw the smirk plastered onto a familiar face. "Michel?" Cas asked confused and shocked by his appearance. Dean turned to cas quickly. "You know him?" He asked shocked. "Y-Yeah.. He was Luci's fuck buddy" cas muttered the last part before turning to Michael. "What do you want?" Cas asked as he tried to seem more confident, but deep down he was terrified.
// castiels pov //
Lucifer ended things with Michael for a reason. An understandable one in fact.
Michael was manipulative, a cheater, and over all an awful person. It was tough to see Luci go though what he had to. For once i felt sorry for satan and his relationship with Michael. Lucifer loved him and i bet it hurt like hell when he saw him banging another guy.
In his own room.
I was pulled away from my thoughts when i heard Michael laugh. "Oh nothing much just for you guys to end." He shrugged before crossing his arms. "Like that's going to happen" dean scoffed as he grabbed my hand and held it behind him.
"Hmm really? I dont know i mean i wouldn't want to be with a killer and all.." he turned around before walking away. "But thats just me.." I could feel his smirk as he disappeared into the schools shadows with a creepy ass laugh.
"he's an idiot" i mumbled looking at dean. "He wont pull us apart.." I reassured him. "..and if he does, ill get all the novaks beat his ass" i finished my sentence with a kiss on deans cheek before walking to my next class.
"When did you become so bad ass?" Dean licked his lips before grinning and following me down the hall.
"Oh honey.. Ive always been a badass"
@ spn directions
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