Chapter 11 - Tight Hugs and School
//castiels pov//
I woke up to the sounds of muffled crying and lack of breath . I turned around to see dean with his arms wrapped around me, squeezing.
I franticly looked around for my inhaler, but it was down stairs because i was to lazy to get it last night. Time for plan B
"D-Dean!" I called taking heavy breaths. I tried to push him away but he was half asleep and, apparently, was having a bad dream. "DEAN WAKE UP ITS A DREAM!" I panicked and tried to squirm away from his grip.
...time for plan c
I called his brother for extra help "SAM!" I shook dean a couple of times trying to wake him up.
Sam came in moments later and closed the door behind him. "Cas whats wrong?" Sam ran over to dean and tried to pull him off of me.
After a while i was free from deans grip and instantly ran down stairs to grab my inhaler.
"Heya Cas hows life-" "n-not now.." I gasped. "whats wrong?" I pointed at my lungs and gabe ran to the kitchen counter to grab a bag. I sat down on the floor and my breathing slowed as i calmed down.
Gabe tossed me the small machine and i pressed it to my mouth, inhaling deeply. "Thanks.." I breathed out putting the inhaler down next to me.
Gabe came over to me and sat down. He took a little confetti popper out of his pocket and handed it to me grinning. "Schools today." I grunted getting up and headed upstairs.
I walked into my room to see dean leaning on sam breathing heavily. Was he crying? I thought going over to investigate.
I looked at sam and he nodded leaving us alone. I scooted over to dean and held his hand tightly. Seconds later, i was pulled into an unexpected hug. I was shocked at first, but i soon relaxed, hugging him back.
"Dean whats wrong?" I mumbled into his neck, holding him tightly. "My dad hit me" i pulled away and grabbed his shoulders, looking into his green eyes. "What?" Dean bit his lip and looked down at the bed. "Yesterday night when you where gone.... I took sammy with me and i drove my car over here. Im not sure if he knows I'm here.."
Dean sighed. I held his hand as he continued his story.
" all started when i got home late with sam. He was drunk and out of his mind... Blaming me for everything... Sam kept on defending me and called him by his first name.. He tried to hit sammy.. I.. I just.."
Dean lowered his head and muttered something under his breath. "Its okay, you don't have to go on.." I told him, pulling his face to mine and giving him a small kiss. "I don't need you crying during school.." I added smiling. Deans face went blank.
He jumped up and started to run down the hall, calling for sam as i closed the door and started to undress.
I rummaged through my dresser and grabbed some black socks and jeans to wear for the day. After putting those on, i slipped on some shoes and walked into my bathroom to finish my daily routine.
Just as i walked out of the bathroom, dean barged in. "DONT YOU KNOW WHAT KNOCKING IS!!? I DONT HAVE A SHIRT ON!"
Dean laughed and took his (my) shirt off and rummaged through my clothes. "So what were both dudes.. Do you have a shirt i can borrow?" I nodded and threw a shirt at him before looking for a shirt for myself.
I was stopped by a cold hand on my bare shoulder. I gasped at the contact and spun around to see dean smiling. "I like your tattoos." He grinned. I smiled and gave him a kiss before turning back around to look for a shirt.
After slipping on a jacket, i grabbed my bag and was ready for school. "Common Sam!" Dean yelled from my room as i turned off the lights.
Sam appeared outside my door with his hair messy and a grin on his blushed face. "Might wanna do that hair of yours moose." I muttered knowing gabe probably had something to do with it.
Sam turned red as i passed him, going down stairs. I heard dean laugh loudly moments later as he followed me. Sam muttered something as he stomped down stairs and grabbed his bag from the couch.
I opened the door and started to walk down the sidewalk when i was stopped by dean. "Lets ride in baby." He smiled as i tilted my head confused. "Who's baby?" Dean smiled and pointed at his hidden impala in the alleyway. I nodded but continued to walk down the street. "Your dad might see 'baby' at school.. I don't need you getting hurt again." I stopped and turned around to see sam and dean sigh as they followed me.
I smiled and continued to walk down the road, putting my earbuds in.
"I know what you think in the morning
When the sun shines on the ground
And shows what you have done
It shows where your mind has gone
And you swearing to your parents
That it will never happen again
I know, I know oh ow, what that means, I know oh oh oh ow.."
I was unaware i was singing until dean and sam started to cheer me on from behind. I froze and turned a new shade of red from embracement. "GO CASSIE!" Dean yelled, clapping loudly as sam whistled laughing.
I crossed my arms and continued to walk, more quickly, to school as i heard the brothers laugh silently.
I turned the conner of the street and saw the tall building that i hated.
I honestly wouldn't give a single fuck if it burned down.
Hell i would probably be the one to burn it down.
I pushed the thoughts out of my head when i felt a warm hand locked with mine. I looked up to see dean smirking at me as he walked by my side.
As we got closer to school, sam went his separate ways as i let go of deans hand and put them inside my pockets. "Hey whats up?" Dean asked as i started to scoot away from him too. "They will know where dating."
Dean frowned and stopped walking, making cas stop too. "You don't want them to know?" He asked with a crack in his voice. "Dean no don't take it that way.." Cas walked up to him, but kept his distance. "I just don't want to get a black eye again.." Cas responded as he looked down and ran his fingers through his blue hair. "What do you mean again?" Dean asked with concern.
Cas hesitated before responding. "I got beat up by some kids a few months back... i ended up with a black eye and a few cuts." Deans eyes widened, but soon narrowed.
He took castiels hand in his and didn't say a word as he headed for the doors of the school. "Dean..." Castiel whispered as he noticed the lingering crowds that where watching them. Dean only pulled him closer and tightened his grip in response.
Then he stopped walking.
Right in the middle of the very crowded hallway.
Dean looked at cas and made sure everyone watched as he pulled his boyfriend into a kiss. Cas obviously kissed back, but he wasn't paying attention to the kiss, only the people watching him.
Dean broke away and grabbed castiels hand again before shouting. "THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND CASTIEL NOVAK! AND SINCE HE IS MINE, IF YOU TOUCH HIM YOU DEAL WITH ME!"
Cas was blushing madly as dean spoke. He covered his face with one hand as the other one was being held by dean. "okay dean i think they get it.." He muttered smiling as he hid his face into deans jacket.
As soon as dean finished his speech, everyone clapped, except for a few jocks and girls who just walked away.
Dean smiled as he grabbed castiel by surprise and picked him up like a bride, taking him to first period.
"Your an idiot.." Cas smiled into the crook of deans neck.
"Yes but I'm your idiot." Dean responded proudly.
"Oh shut up.."
bleh schools in 3 days 😪
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