Part 2~♥
POV Jeff
I whistle. I stand at the porch to the famous slender mansion. My new master walks past me. "Hurry Jeffrey,its 2 in the morning and you should be asleep" he said without a mouth. "You should be asleep...."I mumble following him. He brought me to the end of the long hallway. On the door big red letters said "LEAVE ME THE F*** ALONE". "I like him already...." I said. "Now when you enter you need to know,BEN doesn't like to talk, be touched or even looked at."
"Diva" I said not caring. At this time you fan girls should know im 17. Killed my family 4 years ago. And as far as friends go,slendy my best bud and he tried killing me an hour ago. I opened the door and the room was pitch black. I walked in and turned on the light. Nothing happened. "Slenderman took the lightbulb out because 3 weeks ago I broke the glass and used it to cut myself" I jumped at the voice. It was a boy,younger than me. When my eyes got used to the dark I saw him. He was young,his green.........dress? Whatever, stood out in the dark. Glowing red pupils showed how short he was, standing in the corner. I walked over to the window and opened the curtain letting the moon light in. As the room filled will moon light I noticed the room was empty except for 2 beds and a T.V on a small table with a Nintendo 64 connected to it. There were also duct tape lines all across the room.
"You a legend of zelda fan?" I asked after seeing the Majora's mask game in the game console.No answer. I turned to look at him and he moved. He was now by the bed. I walked over to him and he threw a pillow at me. "The hell man...wait, do you want to have a pillow fight? I asked. I was conserved because if he did want to have a pillow fight,this room,this room was missing a few girls in their sexy PJ's. I then realized he was pointing to my feet. I had crossed a duct tape. I step behind it and looked at him. He had his hand behind his back but I dont know why. "Uh look im your new room mate jeff im-"I started. "I don't have room mates" He suttered "But slenderman said-" "I dont care what he said I dont trust you" he said. "Ok,ok I promise I wont make you go to sleep" "I dont sleep to" He said. "No see its what I say when I kill-" and then he jumped with me,with a knife in his hand.
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