Chapter 11
Marks POV
We walk in and bob and wade saw Vanessa not letting go of my shirt and all bruised up "holy shit what happened!"wade said standing up in surprise as they run over here "her dad took her from college and took her back and beat her hence the brueses"I said as I went to sit her down her and I sat there for a while "m-mark?"Vanessa said "yeah?"I swnsered "please...don't leave me"Vanessa said "I won't I promise"I said as she rose up and let go of my shirt "are we ready to start recording?"vanessa said as we all nod "but we gotta cover theese bruises"i said as i went in and grabbed some foundation i used for halloween and covered all her bruses and started recording nigt 2 of five nights at freddys "hello everyone my names markiplier and im here with nessarocket bob and wade now lets try again to try to play night two" i did my intro we played and i did my outtro "my name is markiplier and as always i will see YOU in the next video buh-bye!!!!"i said and ended the video and started editing and i went to go check on vanessa she was laying on the bed "hey you alright?"i asked as she nods "mark do you want to take a walk in the part tomorrow?"vanessa asked as i nodded and i kissed her and we went downstairs to play left 4 dead that she bought
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