sakura's little faint light
Little 4 year old sakura and her white rabbit were slowly making their way to the library to return a book.
On her way people glaced at her with pity, or disgust.
For one: she was abused by her parents, and they were gone leaving her alone.
Second: she was too nice and weak. She let her parents do that to her.
Sakura noticed the looks she was getting so she burred her face in her red scarf and held her rabbit tighter.
As sakura arrived at the library a cold breeze hit her face. She enjoyed going to the library, in it she could get lost on a book for hours. In that time she forgot her problems. Her abuse. The pity looks. Everything. Sakura slowly walked to a big desk and waited to someone to notice her. She didn't want to interrupt a conversion.
A browned haired lady noticed something pink. She looked to the right and left but saw no one.
"H-hm e-excuse m-me." Sakura said nervously.
" Oh! I'm sorry little girl. How may I help you." She said nicely with pity in her eyes. This made sakura frown.
"U-uh I c-ca-came t-to re-return th-this bo-book." Sakura said getting on her tipi toes and held her thick book.
"Alrighty then!hhhmmmmm. Oh I'm sorry but your book is over due." The lady said. She noticed the look of panic in sakura.
"I-im s-so s-so-sorry. I-i sh-shou-should ha-have p-ayed a-at-attention. H-how mu-much d-do i-I ow-own." Sakura said in panic.
"Oh its alright I just-"
"I-ill p-pay d-double. H-how mu-much." Sakura said taking out a red wallet from the small pocket in her rabbit.
"You don't own anything. I just wanted to tell you so you could be more observant." The lady said holding up her hands trying to calm her down.
"N-no i-i di-didn't lo-look an-and i-i do-don't o-own t-the bo-book. Pl-please." Sakura said looking a the lady with big watery eyes. The lady sigh. This little girl was to much.
"Alright then that'll be 7 dollars." The lady said with a smile. Sakura wiped her tears and gave the lady the money.
"Now you go ahead and have fun!" The lady said cheerful. Sakura nodded and walked to the adult section.
Sakura loved books about history, jutsus, rules, and surgery.
Sakura carefully placed her rabbit in a big chair with effort and walked around looking for something new to read. Some time later she came back with three thick books about rules and jutsus.
Sakura was to small to sit in the big chair. Adults that passed by looked amused. But sakura felt guilty and embarrassed. She was to frail. She didn't eat that much because her parents forgot to feed her and if she sneaked food that meant another punishment. She was frail and she was short due to lack of nutrients.
Sakura was about to cry but she felt her self be lifted up. She looked up and saw ibiki.
"Ib-ibiki-sen-sensei. I-im so-sorry." Sakura said. Ibiki sigh and smiled.
"If you want me to forgive you, please stop apologizing and start eating." Ibiki said setting her down in the chair.
"Th-thank y-you." Sakura said wiping her tears once again.
Ibiki took a good look at her. She was wearing black pants to hide her bony legs and black boots that went below her knees. She had a big red scarf and a red gloves. And lastly a green hoodie. She basically wanted to hide her body. He didn't blame her though. She had scars everywhere. And her fingers were burned. Her neck had bruises from her parents trying to choke her many times.
Sakura looked at him.
Her face was tired. She had heavy black purple circles around her eyes. She had many scars and bruises. Her nose was broken and her lip busted. But her long hair was made into two pig tails. If you looked at her eyes you could see many things. Sadness, innocence, kindness, hope, and love. But it confused him that he didn't see anger and hatred. That was what he saw in many kids that went through similar situations as her. But she still kept her innocence and kindness. And he wondered why.
"Ex-excuse m-me i-ibiki-se-sensei b-but wo-would yo-you st-stay wi-with m-me?" Sakura asked shyly snapping ibiki out of his thoughts.
"Huh?" He responded confused. He saw her turn away blushing in embarrassment.
" I-im so-sorry. I-i sh-should've kn-known y-you ha-had so-something be-better t-to d-do." Sakura said faking a smile which broke his heart.
"I'm sorry kiddo I was just thinking, but sure! I'd love to spend some time together. And by the end of the week we can start training again." Ibiki said ruffling her pink hair. Sakura stared at him and then smiled happily.
And that's how ibiki spend his break. Sakura told ibiki about what she learned about her books and what she wanted to learn next. Ibiki also told her about his day and what he learn and laws he was adjusting. Afterwords ibiki offered to buy sakura a lollipop for her and her rabbit. Sakura insisted that she could buy it her self but ibiki won the small argument.
Ibiki bought her a cherry lollipop, a orange for the rabbit and a blueberry for himself. He ruffled her hair one last time before leaving. Sakura watched ibiki walk away until he was out of view. She felt quite lonely without him. He was the only person who didn't stare at her with pity. It felt kinda nice, not to mention he treated her like.....a older brother...maybe even like a father would. But it hurt her to think that way. Even if he treated her like that, that didn't mean he would ever adopt her. She would just drag him down with herself.
Sakura looked into the lone button eye of her rabbit. She hugged it tightly. She was so alone. She slowly walked away to the same place ibiki first saw her. She buried her face in her red scarf to avoid the looks the villager gave her.
When she arrived she saw a two raven haired boys. One was tall with a long ponytail and the other one had a strange hair style making it look like a duck.
She was scared. Were they going to be there long? Were they going to take away her favorite place to hide? Did they want to make fun of her? Were they going to hurt her rabbit? These questions flooded in her head. She was about to walk away when she stepped in a twig. Both the boys quickly turned their head to see a pink haired girl who looked like she was about to have a heart attack.
Sakura didn't know what to say. She hugged her rabbit. She was about to run but she tripped with a rock making her plant face in the ground. Both the boys sweat dropped. But they grew concern when she didn't get up. The taller boy walked up to her and kneeled to her eye level. The smaller boy poked sakura unmoving body.
"Sasuke please don't do that." Said the taller boy. Sasuke Hn.
The boy turned sakura's body and saw her nose bleeding. It was broken. But he was shocked when he saw all the other injuries on her face. Who had harmed this child.
Her eyes were shut tight like her arms around her rabbit. She slowly opened her eyes to see the face of her close to her. She slowly pushed itachi off her and stood up. She bowed.
"I-im s-sorry. I-i di-didn't m-mean t-to wa-walk u-up o-on y-you. I-if y-you li-like yo-you ca-can k-keep t-the p-place." Sakura said still bowing. Both the boys looked at each other confused.
"Itachi-ni why can't she speak right." Sasuke said looking at itachi. Itachi gave sasuke a look that said to show some respect. But the words sasuke said stabbed sakura's heart. It was true. Why couldn't she talk right. It was over, her parents were gone. So why did she still talk like that?
" I'm sorry about my little brother miss, my name is itachi uchiha and this is my younger brother sasuke." Itachi introduced while sasuke pouted.
Sakura looked at her. They were being.....nice....polite....well the older brother. Sakura stood up as straight as she stood. They were uchiha's. They were like loyalty. And sasuke. He was the boy who every girl liked. He once did ask her for a pencil, and that didn't sit well with his fan girls. Yeah he was cute but she still had other things in her mind. Not to mention she was too young.
"I-im s-sa-sakura h-haruno." Sakura said. Itachi stared at her amused. But then he remembered her broken nose.
"I'm sorry I forgot you're injured. Please allow me to take you to the hospital." Itachi said. Sakura touched her nose and when she looked at her hand her eyes widen. Blood. She started breathing deeply. Before the boys could say anything she ran away.
She wasn't as fast as a chunin or genin but she was faster than kids her age.
She ran outside the village gates and stopped by a river. Sakura dipped her head on the water and sat in that position until she was out of breath. She choked a little and hugged her rabbit. She cried.
Both the boys had followed her after a few minutes, but they stopped on the gates. Itachi turned to his brother.
"Sasuke can I trust you to go home alone?" Itachi asked serious. Sasuke Hn.
"Of course I can!" Sasuke said but spoke the words that had been bothering." Why do you care what happens to her!? She isn't a uchiha!?"
Itachi stared at him shocked.
"Sasuke just because she isn't a uchiha, it doesn't mean we can't care about her. After all she's just a young child just like you." Itachi said. Sasuke pouted and left stomping. Itachi sigh and left to look for the little girl.
It took him a few minutes until he tried sensing her which surprised him because she was close to someone with large chakra reserve. Quickly running to their location he expected a s-class criminal but he was surprised when he just heard sobbing.
"I-im ju-just s-so mu-much tr-trouble." She cried." M-Mr. Ra-Rabbit I-I m-miss i-ibiki-sen-sensei."
Itachi was confused. Why was she talking to her stuffed rabbit? He guessed children did this when sad. Then he saw her flinch and shiver.
"Y-you're r-right. I-i h-have t-to f-forget a-about i-it. I-if I ke-keep t-this u-up h-he's go-gonna d-die." She said drying her tears. She flinched again.
"M-Mr. R-rabbit.....i-i'm bl-bleeding...i-i d-dont w-want t-to bl-bleed." Sakura said. She shivered. She slowly started to take off her scarf and jacket only leaving her in bandages she had to cover her chest.
Itachi eyes widen in shock.
Her entire back was full of scars. Some were old and some were new. She had big bruises and burn marks. And she was extremely thin as well. He could see her ribs and her spine.
She slowly reached in the pocket of her rabbit and pulled out a knife. It was small but extremely sharp. She slowly ran the knife down her back and arms making blood ran down her small bony figure.
"M-mother a-and fa-father i-i ha-have m-missed behaved m-me." Sakura said while she still ran down the knife on her back.
She was about to ran the knife again but her small wrist was held my a bigger hand. Scared she looked up and saw itachi who held a look of terror.
"W-what do you think you're doing." Itachi whispered.
Sakura looked at him in surprise. She felt tears in her eyes. Then she felt anger coming from him.
"What do you think you're doing!!" Itachi shouted at her. Before she could respond a strong current of wind threw itachi into a tree knocking the air out of him.
Sakura looked around and looked at her rabbit. A look of worry shown in her eyes. She quickly closed them shut. She started to dress as fast as she could ran away but not before leaving a first aid kit box.
Sakura huffed tired as she arrived to the park. Many kids were there parents, but it confused her when she saw some adults and kids laughing.
She started to walk closer to them making the adults and kids glare at her as they made a path for her. When she reached the front she saw kids and adults throw food and rocks at a blonde haired boy while he cried due to pain and embarrassment.
Without any control of her body she quickly ran to the blond boy and hugged him making everyone stop. The blond boys looked at her with big watery blue eyes. She put her rabbit in his arms for him to hug just like how she was hugging him. A few minutes later everyone left leaving sakura and the blond haired boy alone.
He looked afraid and surprised.
"A-are y-you all-alright?" Sakura asked him letting go of him. He looked at her and then pushed her to the ground surprising her.
" Who are you!! You're just here to make fun of me!!! Thinking I'm going to believe a ugly pink haired brat!!" He shouted.
Sakura looked at him.
"I-im u-ugly. A-and a-a br-brat. M-maybe i-if i-i st-stopped i-i w-would b-be ha-happy." Sakura whispered. He looked at her weirdly.
"You know your eyes are sad." He said walking closer to her and looking her up and down."I can also see you're hurt."
"M-mn." Sakura said unsure.
"You know I actually think we could get along! If you weren't a bully!" He said with a sad smile.
Sakura looked at him surprised. Did she look like a bully?
"I-im so-sorry b-but i-im n-not a-a bu-bully. I-i ju-just sa-saw th-them h-hurting y-you a-and i-it se-seemed li-like st-stopping th-them wa-was th-the ri-right an-answer." Sakura said looking at him sadly. He looked at her surprised as well. She saw him hurt. And helped him. Didn't that tell him she wasn't going to hurt him. He blushed a little. Did she care about him?
"Well if you say so! Hey I'm naruto uzumaki the future hokage!" Naruto said smiling widely but then frown. Silence. He waited a few more minutes. No laughing? No pushing? What was taking her so long? He looked at her. She was holding her hand out to with a nervous smile.
"L-let's g-go fu-future ho-hokage." Sakura said standing. He smiled widely once again and held her hand.
Naruto said he wanted to celebrate by eating ramen and sakura offered to pay. So now they were both sat together eating ramen in silence not knowing how to start a conversion. Naruto was on his fifth ramen bowl while sakura was struggling to eat her first one. Naruto looked at her. Wasn't she hungry?
"Hey is it okay if I order another bowl?" Naruto asked showing her his empty bowl. Sakura looked at him amazed. But smiled allowing him to. Naruto smiled widely.
"Hey Teuchi! Another miso please!" Naruto called the owner. Teuchi smiled.
"Sure naruto!" Teuchi said but he leaned closer to naruto and whispered." Hey naruto why don't you try to talk to your little friend. She seems nice, but you should let her eat too."
"Okay old man." Naruto whispered back with a smile.
Sakura was deep in thought. Was the older uchiha alright? Did he know her secret? Was he go to tell? Was he going to take revenge?
"Hey I never asked your name?!" Naruto said. Sakura jumped a little surprised looked but she smiled shyly.
"M-my na-name i-is sakura." Her eyes widen. She didn't stutter. She said her name right!
"Sakura! That's a pretty name!" Naruto said smiling. Sakura blushed in embarrassment.
"Tha-thank you." Sakura said. She liked the way her tongue rolled when she talked. It almost seemed like a dream. A beautiful one.
"So sakura-chan!! Tell me about yourself!!" Naruto said grinning while Teuchi smiled in the background. Sakura looked down and frowned.
"Y-you mean,...You ha-haven't he-heard?" Sakura asked not looking at naruto.
He looked at her closely. Her face was bruised, bony, and scarred. He saw how small she was, yet her clothes were so baggy. All of her body was covered. But her nose was what he was worried about. It was bleeding and was badly bruised showing green, purple, red skin around it.
Why didn't he notice yet. Was it because she was being too nice? He looked at the rabbit he borrowed from her.
"I guess I haven't!.....but I guess you haven't heard about me either?" Naruto said looking at her with fear. Sakura slowly looked at naruto with sad eyes.
"No....i-i ha-haven't....but...may-be we" Sakura said closing her eyes shut in embarrassment of being rejected.
Naruto looked at sakura with big widen eyes. He was speechless.
Sakura confused his silence with a no so she quickly turned around with watery eyes.
"N-no i-its al-alrights....i-i und-understand." Sakura said slowly standing up but she fell because she was too small. She wince at the pain but she stumbled to her feet." I-im so-sorry."
Sakura started to walk away when naruto snapped out off his shock.
Naruto quickly jumped off his seat and ran after sakura grabbing her shoulders tightly. He ignore her wince and hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry I didn't answer! I was just so shocked! Because you're going to be my first friend.." naruto said letting tears run down his tan skin. Sakura looked at him with big watery eyes that made naruto's eyes water as well.
Sakura very slowly wrapped her arms around naruto waist.
"Thank yo-you.." sakura said letting her tears fall.
They both cried in each others arms.
Teuchi and Ayame smiled at the scene feeling happy for both of them.
Naruto and sakura pulled off each other.
He was smiling the biggest smile the owners of the ramen shop had ever seen.
She was showing a small smile which seemed to make her cuts and bruises go away.
Naruto was about to talk when he noticed sakura slowly closed her eyes and she paled a few shades.
Naruto didn't get to finish, because sakura fainted with a smile.
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