"What kind of trouble do you two get in!" Eli yelled over the sounds of battle."Well, you see.... Y/N started it!" Keith pointed an accusing finger."Did not!" You argued childishly"Too!""Not!""Too!""N-""Stop arguing like children!" Eli glared, crossing his arms."But... we have the mental capisity of children..." Kieth pointed out, instantly shutting up from the glare he got from it. None of the three teens noticed some ninjas got away from the turtles, as they advanced. As soon as Y/N noticed, she turned, and hit the ninja with her purse, hearing a whistle."Dangggg.... Never mess with a girl and her purse." Eli grinned."Don't you forget it either." Y/N stated proudly. After ten minutes of the turtles trying to defend them, the three teens were finally captured."I blame you." Eli stated, pointing at Kieth."Why me? Even if we are captured, they're going to throw us back anyway. Or kill us. We're too annoying." Y/N nodded her head in agreement. "Probably give us back begging to be taken to jail.... Hey! Mr. Driver! Are we there yet?" The driver groaned. "No! Shut up! That's the tenth time you've asked!" The driver turned to his friend at a stop light. "Are you sure we can't throw them out the back of the truck?" The passenger sighed. "No... I would've done it three miles back if I could.." Y/N grinned. "How about now?" The sound of a car horn could be heard, as the driver repeatedly hit his head on the steering wheel. "Why smack did smack I smack agree smack to smack kidnapping smack teenagers!?" Y/N smiled in triump. "Who knows, dude. You have bad judgement." Eli groaned. "Are we there yet? I'm getting cramped up..."smack.
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