I sit staring at the Great Hall. Everyone was gone. I had sent them home to get ready. I didn't want to go home yet. My mother would surely questions about what I was going to do tonight, and am I still positive I want to go through with it. I stand up, brush off the dust that has collected on my pants and force myself to go back to the house. I will get ready quickly and come back; just to make sure everything is perfect before the people arrive.
"Give me your shirt," my mother says when I walk through the door.
"Mom, I know how to do my own laundry. I've done it for at least 15 years," I say.
"And I'm doing it, now." she replies.
I hang my flight suit up and hand her my shirt. I go upstairs and put my notebook on the table next to the Book of Dragons. I sit down with my face in my hands. My bangs tickle the backs of my hands, and I feel a chill spread across my bare skin. I hear footsteps on the stairs and Toothless lift his head. I turn to find my mom watching me. She comes to stand by me and places a warm hand on my cold back.
"What's wrong?" She asks tracing patterns on my skin with her fingers.
"I, I don't know. Astrid is already getting tired of me. She was acting upset with me earlier."
"Son. That girl would follow you anywhere. She is probably stressed. Girls sometimes act strange for all kinds of reasons. You just have to go along with it, and give them their space."
"Gee, I wish you had been around five years ago." I tease. She laughs and gives me a hug.
"All most time to go."
I put on a clean green shirt, grab the small wooden box off my bedside table, and shove it in one of the pockets of my flight suit.
I try to clear my mind enough to keep from going ballistic. It doesn't really work. I touch the handle to the Great Hall. Not many people arrived yet, because I can pick out some of the voices on the other side of the door. I can hear Ruff and Tuff arguing over the same chair, Snotlout explaining some craziness to Eret, and the clicking of Hiccup's foot against the floor. I take a deep breath and walk in.
I'm instantly taken aback by the scene. This is not the Great Hall I left earlier. Beautiful cream colored flowers I have never seen before decorate the room. The candles brilliantly aluminizing them. Soft yellow ribbons connect the flowers to banisters all around the large building. Everything is set up so elegantly. The only thing I recognize is the table I helped set up and the candles we hung from the ceiling, but someone went back and wrapped a light green garland around all of them.
"Astrid! It's nice to see you." Valka says giving me a hug. "Isn't the place beautiful?" She asks when she releases me.
"Yes. It's amazing." I say, repeating Hiccup's famous words. As soon as they leave my mouth, I realize who created this masterpiece.
"Yes, Hiccup sent everyone home once they finished hanging the candles. He decorated by himself for a good solid three hours." Valka answers before I can finish asking.
My anger returns as quickly as it vanished. So he spent all this time decorating but he couldn't utter the words "happy anniversary"? This picks away at me as I make my way to the spot that Hiccup saved for me. I'm surprised he even saved me a seat. I was hoping he had gotten the hint that I was upset with him. Guess not. I wish I was sitting next to Eret who was on the opposite side of the table from Hiccup. Based on everyone's expressions, he was starting another trapping story.
"Here we go again." Tuffnut groans.
Hiccup notices me standing there and smiles.
"Hello, M'lady." he says.
My anger falters for a quick second as he looks at me with that goofy crooked smile and those beautiful green eyes. I manage to regain my composure.
"Hi." I say bluntly. Eret stops talking.
"Awkward." Snotlout sing-songs.
Hiccup takes his shocked gaze off of me to glare at Snotlout, who has already started a conversation with Fishlegs. Hiccup turns his focus back to me.
"What's wrong?" He asks in a low voice.
"Nothing." I say avoiding his gaze.
I try to refocus on the other's conversation as the woman I plan to ask for her hand, stares mindlessly at her empty plate. Gobber saves me by letting me know everyone is here. I stand up and walk to the head of the table, so I may make my speech so we can eat.
Hiccup rises from the table and makes his way to the front of the room. It's still strange to see him being the one at the front.
"Astrid, he still hasn't mentioned anything about your anniversary, has he?" Snotlout asks. "If it had been me, I would have been the first to say something."
I roll my eyes and look up to find Hiccup looking our way. A sad, uneasy expression sits in his face. He clears his throat and begins. I try to overlook the edge in his voice. He's not right, that much I can see. Something he says captures my attention though.
"I'd like to thank my friends for bringing the food before us tonight. But mist of all, is like to thank the decorators and Astrid for being in charge of it. You all certainly did an amazing job."
Fishlegs and Ruffnut look at me. The others not thinking anything of it, and begin to eat.
"Did you do this?" Fishlegs asks gesturing tithe room with his hands.
"No." I say, quickly glancing at Hiccup who is speaking to other villagers. My friends follow my gaze.
"Then why did he he say we did it?" Ruffnut asks puzzled as usual.
Now my thoughts are all jumbled. What is with him? I'm receiving mixed messages.
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