Soundtrack: "Tear In My Heart" by Twenty One Pilots
"But it takes someone
To come around
To show you how
She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been"
"Natalie, you didn't tell me?"
"Don't you think I should've known that you had fallen in love, much less gotten engaged? You knew damn well I liked you enough to propose in the middle of the ER."
She opened her mouth, but Will spoke before she could.
"Save it. I'm done playing cat-and-mouse with you because you always slip away."
Then he grabbed a tablet Maggie had placed on the counter for him and walked off towards Trauma One angrily.
The day passed slowly, both giving one another the silent treatment and the occasional glare.
Around noon, Sharon Goodwin pulled them both into an empty conference room. "All right, I've had enough. You two are supposed to be professionals." Sharon closed her eyes briefly before adding to her speech. "And don't either one of you try to pass off the blame for the way you both have been acting."
Natalie, standing with her arms crossed, lifted her face to look Sharon in the eyes. "I take full responsibility for what happened today."
Will looked over sharply, pity and remorse written on his face.
"Oh, do you? Would you like to tell me exactly what the hell's been going on, then?" Sharon demanded impatiently.
"I didn't tell Doctor Halstead I had affections for someone else. As a cover, I told him I wasn't over Jeff."
"So this is a catfight over Doctor Manning?" Sharon asked, looking at Will.
"No, it's not a catfight, Mrs. Goodwin. I demanded to know information that wasn't mine to have knowledge of."
Sharon sighed deeply. "Get out. And for the love of God, act like the professionals I know you are."
Both doctors nodded in meek understanding before walking out of the room, Will allowing Natalie to go out first.
Natalie sucked in a breath. "I was going to invite you to the wedding, Will; otherwise I wouldn't have told you at all. I wanted to postpone your pain, but I didn't know what was at stake. I'm sorry."
Will embraced her and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead quickly. "It's not your fault." He then rethought his actions. "I'm sorry, it's an instinct-"
"It's okay. I liked it."
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