In Which I Kick Butt
"Jake!" I yell. He growls at me.
"What?!" I pop my knuckles.
"You and me. Right now." He laughs.
"If you wanted me in bed, you should've said so before I dated your bitch friend!" I growl.
"It's one thing to hit my best friend for me to get mad. But now you insulted her in front of me. Your ass is mine." I run at him, and kick his chest, which is amazing because he's like 6'0 and I'm 5'7.
Genetics are an amazing thing.
He groans and grabs my foot, throwing me into the crowd. I run at him and punch his face about three times before he grabs my hand.
"You're lucky you're a girl. I don't hit girls." I laugh in his face.
"So did how Carly end up with a bruise on her face? Huh?!" I rip my hand from his grip, and he gives me an evil look.
"She isn't a girl. She's a sex toy." I rage and flip over his shoulders and send him crashing towards the ground.
"Teach you to be mean to women. If I catch you, woman-beating again, your ass is going six-feet under. Do you understand?" He nods and runs away, while I stand there.
"Damn girl you got some moves." Tyrese comes up behind me and hugs me.
"Hey, bro. Yea. He beat on Carly, I gotta protect, man." I high five him and he laughs.
"Yea. Well, nice seeing you again." I laugh.
"Don't get into to much trouble. I will find you." He nods and walks away.
Time to find Carly and Lee.
I run to the nurse's tent and find them, smiling.
"She'll be okay." Lee says, smiling. I nod, looking at her.
"Hey, Carles. You feeling okay?" She nods.
"Yea, I do. I'm sorry for not listening to you at all this past month." I smile.
"It's fine. I'm just an overprotective best friend. But just a head's up, no boyfriends this month. I think you've had your share." She laughs.
"Can we go find a corn dog stand?" I smirk.
"Sure. I'm feeling 'corn'y anyway." Lee and Carly groan.
"Riles! Shut up. Sans from Undertale has definitely had an impact on you." I grin.
"He's so cool though!" I hear Carly groan again.
"This topic is over. The only reason I'm still here is because you saved me. Did you see that other guy Jake was fighting?" I shake my head.
"Cody Maze watched you fight. Girl, you had the baddest boys in town running and peeing their pants." Lee says, laughing. She hands me my bag back, which I immediately put on my back.
"Wow guys. Wow." I walk away, and watch them try to come after me.
"Dude, you should have seen it." Carly says, fanning herself.
"Quit thinking with your heart. Think with your head. He was probably watching his rival get beaten up by a girl, and smiling because he has no other rivals now. Everyone is scared of him. No one will try to take his precious throne, or his dad's." I wave my hand and buy four corn dogs.
I need at least two to hold me til morning. Leave me alone.
"Well, you have competition coming up on Wednesday. How do you feel?" Lee asks.
"Ooo is it the round before they knock a bunch of people out?" Carly asks.
"Yea. They see how good we are with our vocals and things. First they test the group, then whoever does leads, so in our case: me, Charlie, and Blake, then they do us individually, to see how good we are by ourselves." I explain, and take a bite of my corn dog.
"Good luck, little sister." Lee says, and hugs me. "Marcus is waiting for me. Later!" She walks away, and Carly drags me to her truck.
"Let's go. It's 8." She says, and starts it. I climb in, and we drive to her house, then I proceed to walk the eight blocks home.
"Mom! I'm home!" I yell, and drop my bag in my room upstairs, then kick off my shoes and strip before getting into the shower.
Ten minutes later, I walk downstairs to find my mom on the phone.
"Absolutely not..... John, you can't do that." My father. I only know his name because my mom used it once to tell us story about him.
"Mom?" She looks at me, tears in her eyes.
"Go to bed, honey. I'll talk to you in the morning."
I skeptically look at her, but I nod. I go upstairs and go to Facebook.
I search up John Greg, and get one result. Facebook must really know me if it came up to one result. I click on his name, and notice pictures of Lee, Carter, and I on his wall.
I stalk his page before turning my computer off and curling up with a corner of my blanket. I stare out the window, and fall asleep.
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