77| Word To The Wise
Irene for a moment woke up thinking that she had to be dreaming. After weeks of waking up alone she couldn't believe that she was waking up in Clark's arms again. She couldn't help but smile as she felt him tighten his arm around her pulling her closer. Her head was resting on his chest and everything simply felt perfect.
Looking up at Clark she studied the smile on his lips as she realized that he seemed to have been awake for a while. "Did you even sleep?"
"I've been asleep for over three months. It really didn't feel necessary." He replied and she knew that he wasn't entirely ready to talk about what it had been like to die and then be brought back over three months later. It couldn't be easy on him, and Irene didn't want to push him. He would tell her when he was ready.
Placing a hand on his on his cheek Irene leaned forward and kissed him. Clark let Irene pull him until he was hovering over her, she couldn't explain it but it was like all the hormones in her body were intensified and she found that she really needed him. He had to have sensed it as he deepened the kiss.
It wasn't long before his fingers were slipping past the waistband of her underwear. Irene couldn't help but gasp when he touched her, it had been so long since he had.
He began to kiss down to the base of her neck, but the pleasure that she felt didn't last very long as a familiar and uncomfortable feeling began to settle in her stomach.
She wanted to fight against the nausea not wanting to ruin the moment, but she had been through this enough times to know that when that feeling washed over her there was no stopping it.
"Clark wait." Irene said and he froze as he looked at her with concern. But she didn't have time to explain as she pushed him off of her before stumbling out of bed and running into the bathroom.
This had all become routine for her every morning for the last two weeks. Falling to her knees in front of the toilet as she let the nausea completely take over. She felt as Clark gathered her hair as she began to vomit. As much as she appreciated him trying to comfort her as he rubbed her back, she couldn't help but feel a flash of annoyance too.
Irene sat there for a moment waiting to make sure she wouldn't feel sick again when she stood up, she had made that mistake before. Slowly Clark helped her back to her feet. Irene wasted no time in brushing her teeth knowing that that disgusting taste in her mouth would only cause her to get sick again is she didn't wash it away quickly.
"Well, that wasn't sexy at all." Irene muttered feel a little embarrassed. She didn't entirely like him seeing her sick like that, even though she had to admit that it was nice to not have to go through it all.
He smiled at her as he tugged on her shirt. "I still think you're very sexy. Even when you have vomit on you shirt."
Looking down at the t-shirt that she had on, Irene couldn't help but groan as she pulled the shirt over head feeling disgusted. She couldn't wait until the morning sickness was over. Clark reached out grabbing the silent robe hanging from the door, helping her into it.
Clark remained quiet, clearly deep in thought as they stepped into their bedroom again. Any trace of the playful attitude he had earlier was gone. "Has the morning sickness been going on for the last three months?"
"No." Irene admitted, considering that she hadn't known that she was pregnant for very long it was difficult to separate what had been grief and what had been pregnancy symptoms. "Its only been like two weeks."
Clark sat down at the edge of the bed and she could see the his mood dampen as he looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry that you've had to do this on your own. I should have been here."
Irene wrapped her arms around herself as she shook her head. He had no reason to apologize. "I don't resent you for any of it."
"I did what I did for you. And I would do it again to keep you and our family safe." Clark stated and she knew that he meant every word. She didn't necessarily like the idea of him ever sacrificing himself again, even if it was to save her life.
Before Doomsday Irene had never really considered that possibility that she would ever lose Clark, but now she knew painfully well that it was a real possibility. That there was the possibility of threats worse than Doomsday and Steppenwolf, and that Clark would always be at the front lines to fight against those threats if they ever came.
"Let's get married." Irene said almost embarrassed by the eagerness in her voice, but she didn't want to wait anymore.
Clark looked up at her and smiled, and it was the kind of smile the made Irene fall in love with him all over again. It only proved to her how much she wanted to marry him. "I thought we already were?"
"Irene I... I had this whole plan on how I wanted to propose. This whole speech written out about how much I love you," He began and she could see him begin to panic. "how nothing else matters but waking up by your side every morning. I can propose again if that's what..."
"Clark you literally could have asked me while we were folding laundry and I would have said yes." Irene said quickly knowing that he had misunderstood what she intended to say. It didn't matter to her that he hadn't proposed in some extravagant way, she supposed that he had never even gotten the chance to propose to begin with. But that didn't really matter to her. "But that's not what I meant."
Clark was clearly confused as he reached out and took her hand. "What did you mean?"
"I don't want to wait anymore. I don't want to wait months to plan a wedding. I want to marry you this month, or tomorrow. Even today if you wanted to." Irene declared thinking that she probably sounded insane from his blank expression. His lack of reaction was now causing her to panic thinking that maybe he had changed his mind. "It could be a small wedding. With only the people that really matter."
"Unless you want a big wedding?" She said quickly not entirely sure if she wanted to be at any form of rejection from him. Irene also wanted to take into consideration what he wanted, for all she knew maybe he wanted a large and extravagant wedding. "Or if you've changed your mind?"
Clark didn't say anything as he walked around to her side of the bed picking up the ring that she had on her nightstand. For a moment Irene was confused until he heard bent down on one knee I front of her, the engagement ring between his fingers.
The air seemed to have left her lungs as Irene looked down at him with wide eyes.
"Irene Miranda there hasn't been a single day that I haven't laid eyes on you and haven't been taken aback by the realization that you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You may be opinionated and stubborn but those are only some of the many reasons why I love you. From the moment that we met in Ellesmere I knew that my world had changed forever. And I don't ever want to live in a world where you aren't by my side." Clark said and Irene knew it was pointless to try to hold back her tears. "So, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Irene was sure that she had lost the ability to speak because all she could do was nod as Clark slipped the ring on her finger. Standing back up Clark pulled her into a kiss, and although they had kissed a dozen times before this kiss felt different. It felt like a promise.
A promise of that future that they both wanted together.
Clark suddenly pulled away from her as he looked towards the door confused. She was about to ask him what was wrong when she heard the sound of the front door of the apartment being opened along with he sound of keys.
"Jimmy?" Clark questioned clearly confused about how Jimmy had the ability to simply walk into their apartment.
"He has a key." Irene explained.
Clark chuckled as he placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Guess we're going to have to change the locks."
Before Irene could agree with him the door to their bedroom swung open revealing Jimmy who was holding a box of what Irene assumed were doughnuts.
"Clark!" Jimmy exclaimed as he ran forward, tossing the box of doughnuts on the bed before practically throwing himself onto Clark. "Man you don't know how much we've all missed you."
It was like they had both forgotten that she was even in the room as they excitedly began talking about how the battle with Steppenwolf had gone. It turned out that Jimmy had a lot of questions and Irene simply opened the box of doughnuts and eating one before she began to get ready for the day.
As much as she would have liked to stay in and spend the rest of the day with Clark, she also knew that Perry would be waiting for the next story about the Justice League. And after months of being away from work she definitely couldn't let Perry down, especially for such a big story.
But she knew that when she got back home from work she and Clark would have to come up with a good explanation on how Clark Kent was alive. They had reported that he had gone missing while reporting on the battle with Doomsday. Him coming back would bring a lot of questions. Though that hardly mattered.
All that mattered that Clark was back.
It had only been two days since the team had defeated Steppenwolf when Bruce called them telling them to meet him at the Kent Farm. When they finally arrived at the farm Irene and Clark couldn't help but be surprised at the sight of moving trucks in the driveway. Bruce was already there standing besides his Mercedes that didn't fit the backdrop of Smallville in the slightest.
Though the truth was that they shouldn't have been surprised, Bruce had shown himself to be extremely kind.
"Thank you is not enough for what you did." Clark told Bruce, all of them knowing that Bruce did not have any obligation to help them. He had helped them enough already.
"I just undid a mistake, that's all." Bruce replied dismissively.
Irene looked up at the porch where Martha was interesting the movers on how she wanted her home refurnished again. She found that it was almost impossible to wipe the smile off her face. "How did you get the house back from the bank?"
"I bought the bank." He stated so casually that Irene wasn't sure if he was joking or not.
"You've been a very good friend to us Bruce." Irene told him entirely grateful that he was a part of their lives now. He had gone to great lengths to make this possible.
"I should be thanking you Irene." He replied earning a confused look from Irene. "The Daily Planet story on the Batman."
"It was time that the world realized that the Batman is a hero too." Irene stated, knowing that it was something that was long overdue. Bruce Wayne had spent 20 years protecting Gotham City and had been labeled as a criminal for it. "Clark did you bring it?"
Clark nodded as he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket. He handed Bruce the wedding invitation that they had put together at the last minute. When they had been making the list of people to invite they both found that after everything he had done for them Bruce was at the top of their list. But considering that it was so last minute, they weren't entirely sure if he could even attend.
Bruce had a blank expression on his face as he looked down that the invitation.
"We know that you're a busy man. You know being billionaire Bruce Wayne and all, but it would really mean the world to have you there." Irene said quickly hoping that her words might convince him to clear his schedule. Bruce finally looked up at her and nodded.
"Well, then, consider this an early wedding gift." Bruce said as he opened the door of his fancy Mercedes where he retrieved a large manila folder. He held it out for Irene to take, and she couldn't help but feel skeptical as she took it from him. She didn't know what to expect.
"What's this?" She questioned as she opened the envelope reaching inside. When she began reading the letter inside she instantly felt a lump form in her throat. "Is this real?"
Bruce nodded as he put his hands in his pockets, his face annoyingly blank as if what he had just done was no big deal. "There's still some paperwork that needs to be completed. But she should be flying in this Friday."
She didn't know how he had made it possible, considering that she and Angel had spent years and thousands of dollars on lawyers trying to get their mother citizenship or even a Visa. Bruce had accomplished this in less than two days, Irene had only mentioned her mother to him two nights ago. Even then she had never mentioned her situation, Bruce had looked into it on his own.
Even though Bruce clearly wasn't the hugging type Irene couldn't help but wrap her arms around him. This had clear caught him off guard as he stood motionless for
"You don't know how much this means to me Bruce." Irene whispered before letting go of him afraid that she would get tear stains on his fancy suit.
"Bruce you have done so much for our family... I don't think we'll ever be able to repay you." Clark said knowing that there really was nothing that either of them could do to even attempt to measure up to everything he had done for them. It was almost frustrating knowing that they owed all the happiness they were feeling to Bruce's kindness.
A/N: Only two more chapters to go! Got a little emotional writing this chapters because my babies have come so far. It so satisfying to finally bring to life a story that has been living in my mind for years now. Just for fun I would love for you guys to comment your favorite moment in this story.
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