68| The Last Daughter Of Krypton
Irene had never visited National City before, it wasn't nearly as large or busy as Metropolis which in many ways made it better.
Other than the morning sickness that had became a her new normal Irene had found it difficult to push herself to go to Kara. That was why she had asked Jimmy to come with her, so that he would make sure that she didn't turn around and go back home empty handed.
"You seem nervous." Jimmy noted as the walked across the National City University campus. "You're never nervous."
"I think... I think I'm scared Jimmy." Irene admitted and it wasn't that she was nervous about talking to Kara or that she was afraid that Kara wouldn't want to help. It was more complicated than that. "Everything that Diana said, the threat that's coming. If we fail, do I really want to bring a child into that world?"
Jimmy nodded, when Irene had told him everything Diana had said she could see the fear shinning in his eyes. It was unmistakable and only natural considering the situation. If Darkseid and his conquerors really came to Earth than there wasn't much hope at all.
"We're not going to fail. She'll help." He assured her and Irene knew that it was the hormones that were causing all these emotions to be intensified.
Irene was usually better at hiding her emotions when she was working. But this was more than just work, everything depended on them gathering all the meta-humans together.
They walked down the hall in silence until they got to her door. They had looked into as much of her life as they could, which wasn't much. But they did know that this was the dorm room she shared with another girl. They could only home that the girl was in class or that Kara would agree for them to speak somewhere private.
Irene raised her hand to knock on the door, hesitating just as her hand was about to hit the wood. But before she would even have a second to think Jimmy leaned forward and knocked on the door.
"No need to make this a suspenseful moment Irene." Jimmy commented and the door opened almost immediately taking them both by surprise. "Wow."
She was tall and her golden hair perfectly framed her face with soft waves. Kara Danvers was beautiful but that was no surprise. What was a surprise what the positive energy that seemed to radiate from her.
"Kara Danvers?" Irene questioned more of a formality than anything else because she knew exactly who she was talking to.
"That's me." She said with a bright smile, and there was something about her that not everyone would notice. Not unless they knew Kryptonians.
Because it was very clear to Irene that she was one. Like Clark there was something about her physicality that just screamed power no matter how hard they tried to hide it. Just like Clark she looked perfect. She was flawless in a way that simply couldn't be human.
"I'm Irene Miranda from the Daily Planet." Irene began and she couldn't deny the deja vu that she felt.
Maybe it was her hormones that were making her emotional but she couldn't help but think about Clark. About the day that she found him in Smallville after days of searching.
Maybe she hadn't known it at the time but it was the day that she knew she had fallen in love with Clark Kent.
"Yes, I know." The girl said immediately as she opened the door wider to let them in. "Come in."
"I'm Jimmy Olsen by the way." Jimmy introduced as he extended his hand, it was off for Jimmy as he tended to alway remain unnoticed.
Kara smiled again as she took Jimmy's hand. "Nice to meet you Jimmy."
Irene looked around the small dorm room that barely had enough room for two beds. It was small and simple for someone so powerful. It was hard to believe that a Kryptonian would choose to be a simple college student.
But Clark had chosen to be a reporter and live a simple life. Maybe Kara had a lot more in common than Irene had initially believed, which was a relief because if she was only half as kind as Clark was that meant that she would help.
"Have you been expecting me?" Irene questioned not entirely comfortable with the idea that the girl knew who she was. She would get the occasional person that recognized her in Metropolis but those were only dedicated readers of the Daily Planet.
"Yes and no." Kara admitted as she began picking up some of the clothes that were scattered across what seemed to be her side of the dorm room. "I was hoping you wouldn't. But you found Kal-El so I figured you might find me too."
Irene felt her heart stop in her chest at the mention of Clark's Kryptonian name, he had never been entirely fond of it. But Kara knowing him by that name meant that she had to have known him as children.
Though that didn't make much sense either considering that Clark was just a baby and Kara looked much younger than Clark.
"Did you know Clark?"
"Technically yes." Kara said as she sat down on the edge of one of the beds. "You two can sit on Gemma's bed. She's always going back and forth from here to Metropolis working on like five different degrees. She's kind of a child genius. She's only seventeen."
"What do you mean technically?" Irene questioned wanting to get Kara's focus back on what they were previously discussing.
Kara's mood became somber as she looked down at her hands, there was so much about her that Irene was eager to know. Though she knew the truth, it wasn't so much Kara that she wanted to know more about. It was Clark.
"I knew Kal-El when he was baby. Practically a newborn." She replied as she looked down at her hands thoughtfully and this was clearly something that she didn't want to talk about or something that she wanted to avoid. "You have a lot of questions I can see it in your eyes."
"None of this makes a lot of sense." Jimmy admitted, not only was Kara not very forthcoming with information but Irene couldn't make any sense of the little information that she was giving.
"It's a long story."
"We have time." Irene replied knowing that whether or not Kara decided to help them, that she would get the full story from the girl. That she would find out what her connection was to Clark.
"Kal-El is my cousin. My real name is Kara Zor-El." She stated firmly and Irene could feel her eyes widen in shock.
For Kara to still remember Clark as a baby that meant that she was older that Clark, though she definitely didn't look it.
"How old are you?"
"I was seventeen when my parents sent me after Kal-El. Time works differently in the Phantom Zone. I may look twenty but I guess you can say I'm technically fifty three."
"Fifty three?" Jimmy repeated his eyes wide with shock as he looked at her in disbelief. It almost seemed like he was overwhelmed by the news, though to be fair everything around them was becoming so unbelievable that it was hard to keep up with it all.
"Technically. It doesn't feel like it." Kara replied with a small smile in her lips. "The Danvers say I definitely don't act like it."
Irene couldn't say she saw any resemblance between Kara and Clark but what she could see was their shared kindness. With all the powers they held they chose to live normal lives. They chose to be good.
"Tell me your story." Irene said softly eager to hear more but not wanting to pressure her. She already seemed reluctant and the last thing Irene wanted was to scare her off.
"The day that Krypton became nothing my parents sent me on a pod after Kal-El, they sent me after him to protect him." Kara said the grief and the guilt clear in her blue eyes. It seemed that Irene had been wrong there was another resemblance between Kara and Clark. They both had striking blue eyes. "But my pod got sucked into the Phantom Zone. As you probably already know I wasn't able to escape until the day of Zod's attack over three years ago."
Irene couldn't imagine how horrible it must have been to be stuck in a void like the Phantom Zone for so long. But now Kara was here, and she had been here for three years. It seemed that she had quickly learned to blend in with humans, she seemed happy with the life she was living.
"I was sent here to look after Kal but by the time I got here he was an adult already. He didn't need me." She continued and Irene couldn't help but be amazed by it all. After Zod Clark had believed that he was alone, the last Kryptonian. But Kara wasn't just any Kryptonian she was his family, and now he would never get to know her. "He had a loving family. A good job. Kal was Superman."
"Kara we need your help. The world needs your help." Irene said having heard enough, she had a good feeling about the type of person Kara was. If there was anyone who could fill the hole that Clark had left behind on Earth it was her.
Kara immediately shook her head and stood up, becoming visibly uncomfortable. "I'm not like my cousin. I'm not a hero."
Irene also stood up feeling that maybe she had been to impulsive. That she should have waited a little longer before pushing such a great burden in Kara. "Clark gone. The world has this void that needs to be filled by someone like you."
"I don't have full control of my powers when I try to use them." Kara admitted and Irene knew then that was what was holding her back.
"There was this place that Clark used to go to when he felt like he needed to connect to Krypton. I used to tease him and call it his Fortress of Solitude." Irene told her knowing that if there was any place that could help Kara gain control it was the Kryptonian scout ship that Clark had relocated to somewhere in the Arctic. He had only taken her there once, but she was sure that Kara would be able to find it too. "I think it might help."
Kara was silent for a moment, no doubt thinking every detail through carefully.
"Show me."
Irene couldn't help but feel relieved by Kara's words, but there was still so much that Kara didn't know. She didn't know about Darkseid and the war that was coming yet. Irene would tell her once she gave Kara some answers, after that it was up to Kara to decide whether or not she wanted to be a part of that fight.
A/N: Now I absolutely worship and love Sasha Calle as Supergirl, the fact that she's Latina makes her my absolute favorite and I do have a reason for not using her as Kara here. I have different plans for Sasha (maybe the fc for someone's daughter 👀) but I'm excited to write Supergirl into the story.
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