64| Nightmare
Irene hadn't been able to have a peaceful full night sleep since that night. Every night she woke up hearing Clark's scream as he was pierced through the heart by Doomsday.
She thought that maybe that was her punishment. Her punishment for not having figured out Lex's plan. That she would always relive that night in her sleep. In some way Irene felt that she deserved it.
But this dream, it was more of a nightmare. One that felt too real.
Waking up Irene reached to the other side of the bed instinctively. But all she felt were cold sheets. Clark always slept in the right side of the bed, and even now that he was gone Irene continued to leave that side untouched.
Because even though she knew she was being delusional and stupid she went to bed every night hoping that when she woke up Clark would be sleeping in his side of the bed. That everything she had been living through the past three months without him was just a nightmare she needed to wake up from.
Irene closed her eyes the painful pang in her chest spreading like it did every morning. One that she sure would never go away.
She hated sleeping in their bed alone. It didn't feel right.
But Irene didn't have the luxury to let herself break and fall apart. Not anymore. The reality was that she wasn't sleeping in their bed alone. Not entirely.
Placing her hand on her stomach Irene reminded herself that she wasn't alone. That she had a responsibility to her child to not let herself fall back again.
But there was something about that dream. Something that felt too real about it. Even if she knew it was just a nightmare. But it reminded her of what Lex had told her, that there was something coming. That the bell had been rung.
His words had been enough to worry Bruce. Had been enough for Bruce to ask her for help.
Maybe it was time for her to help. It's what Clark would have wanted, because if there really was something coming Irene couldn't just stand by and watch.
Not if she could help in some small way.
Pushing her sheets away she sat up and reached for her phone sitting on the nightstand. Initially she thought of calling Bruce, but she didn't want to do that yet. Not until she had something.
Not until she could prove him wrong.
So she called the only person who she knew would help her do what she needed to do.
She texted Jimmy and it wasn't long before he was bursting through the door of her apartment. Irene had already had notes and a plan figured out in how to find the identity of each of the meta-humans that were on the drive that Lex Luthor had given her.
"What's going on?" Jimmy questioned as he looked around the apartment trying to catch his breath. "You said it was an emergency."
"Do you want to help me find some meta-humans?" Irene questioned
A smile slowly spread across Jimmy's face, and for a moment it was like everything was back to normal. "Hell yeah."
"Okay I want to start with the National City case." Irene stated, because she couldn't explain but she had a feeling that the space ship sighting on the day of Zod's attack couldn't have been a coincidence.
That ship had to have been Kryptonian. Meaning that maybe there was a Kryptonian in National City. There had to be.
"We need to look at every unexplained phenomenon reported in National City in the last three years. Then we'll look at the cases that have some validity and go from there." She instructed as she began typing on the computer, it was his silence that made her look up. Jimmy was looking at her with a small smile on his face. "What?"
Jimmy shrugged as he looked down at his own computer. "It's just good to see you back."
Irene didn't know what to say. She knew that she hadn't been the same since she lost Clark, that something in her had broken.
But she hadn't realized that everyone around her considered her gone. She hated that the people she loved felt that way.
She hated feeling like she wasn't herself anymore, and maybe she never would be.
And Jimmy was right, the only way she could feel a little like her old self was doing what she loved. And that was finding answers to questions. Uncovering the truth.
Right now she needed to find the truth about meta-humans. About the threat that Lex threatened was coming. If Bruce needed a team of meta-humans to prepare for that possible threat she was going to help find them.
After two hours they found her. It seemed that like Clark she had a instinctive pull to help people, something that Irene couldn't help but feel relieved by. That if she really was Kryptonian that at least she was good, and wasn't here to hurt people.
There were multiple different cases of people reporting that they were saved by a blur. All the events seemed to have occurred in places that she frequented. Her high school, the neighborhood she grew up in, the college she went to and the mall that she used to work at. The coincidences were too many to ignore.
But what confirmed it all for Irene was that there was no record of her until three years ago when she was adopted by Fred and Edna Danvers.
"It's her. It has to be." Irene muttered as she looked at the photo of a girl that didn't look much younger than her. "Kara Danvers."
In some ways her story was similar to Clark's. She had also been adopted, though it had been at the age of seventeen. She was twenty-one now and in her final year of National City University. Kara was getting a degree in communications and journalism. It almost seemed like fate.
"She's cute." Jimmy stated and Irene took a closer look at her face. Not because of what Jimmy had just said but because she realized that the girls face looked familiar.
She had seen Kara Danvers in her nightmare. In that apocalyptic world that had been invaded by monsters.
And she couldn't help but think that the nightmare had to be more the just any nightmare. Because how had she seen Kara Danvers dead surrounded by others crushed under rubble?
It was impossible because she had never seen Kara Danvers before. So how could she have seen her in her dream?
A/N: This is the real turning point in the story, and Irene will finally get some agency and start healing. It's a short little chapter, but a really important one that I hope you all enjoyed.
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