49| The Metahuman Theory
After some digging they were able to find the mysterious woman from the photograph. Her name was Diana Prince, and she worked in a museum in London. No doubt she knew that Lex had a copy of that photograph, there was no other explanation for her being in Metropolis.
Thanks to Barbara Gordon they found out that Diana Prince was an invited guest at the Metropolis Museum of Art, all Irene needed as to talk to her.
"So what exactly is the plan?" Jimmy questioned as the stood outside of the art gallery, they had no way of getting inside. Not without an invitation. So their only option was to wait until Diana Prince finally left, and they had no way of knowing how long that would be.
Irene normally would have tried to sneak in, but she was incredibly underdressed and clearly looked like she didn't belong.
"Just do your Jimmy thing and take pictures." She told him, not wanting to take her eyes of the entrance. "I'll do my thing and ask the questions. Just make sure no one sees you."
They waited for almost two hours before she stepped out of the museum, she was difficult to miss. She wore a sparkling silver gown and that made her look like a goddess or angel. Diana Prince was so beautiful she almost didn't seem real.
"She must be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Jimmy muttered before looking over to Irene apologetically. "Sorry."
Irene shook her head not the slightest bit offended by his words. "Don't be. I agree."
Irene rushed up the steps of the museum, unsure about how she would react to being approached by a stranger for an interview.
"Miss Prince?" Irene said as she approached the woman, surprised by how tall she was. It was something that she hadn't noticed the night of the charity event, but she looked just as beautiful as before. It was the same kind of perfect beauty that Clark had, and it made her question whether or not Jimmy was right. Maybe Diana Prince was a Kryptonian too. "Irene Miranda, Daily Planet."
The woman stopped and looked at Irene obviously confused as to why she had approached her. She still offered Irene a small smile, enough to remain polite. "How can I help you?"
She had an accent that Irene couldn't quite place, and it only made her more alluring.
"I was just wondering if I could have a couple moments of your time? Just so you can answer a couple of questions."
Her face was calm and collected, but clearly speaking to Irene was an inconvenience to her. "In relation to what?"
"I was looking to understand more about your relationship to Lex Luthor."
"I have no connections to Lex Luthor." She stated dismissively as she walked around Irene.
"A source tells me that's not exactly true." Irene insisted causing the women to turn around and face her again.
"Your sources are wrong. Now if you'll excuse me." Diana said her voice more firm making it clear that Irene was just wasting both of their time. She wasn't going to talk, even though Irene could see that there was much more Diana Prince than her just being at meta-human.
Irene sighed starting to believe that maybe Diana didn't have anything to do with whatever Lex was planning. She was missing something, she just had no clue what it could possibly be.
"Irene Miranda. Am I remembering that correctly?" A familiar voice questioned and Irene couldn't help but feel irritated by the sound of his voice. The last time they spoke he had been an arrogant asshole and clearly nothing had changed.
"Mr. Wayne." Irene greeted with a forced smile.
He approached her slowly, and she wondered if he was after Diana Prince too. It's couldn't be a coincidence that he was here. "What are you doing here? Following a story I suppose."
"Maybe I'm just a fan of art and history." She countered knowing that whatever she said he would see right through it.
"This event is invitation only. No offense but you aren't dressed for the occasion." Bruce Wayne replied as he took in the business casual attire she had on. Considering the back the he was in a well pressed suite and Diana Prince had been wearing the most beautiful dress Irene had ever seen, she had to admit that she was criminally underdressed.
"Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about dressing up and pretending to be someone I'm not." She stated wanting to remind him that she had the upper hand. She knew who he really was so he shouldn't be so arrogant. "Have a nice day Mr. Wayne."
Bored of the conversation she tried to step around him only for him to get a hold of her upper arm. He wasn't hurting her, but his grip was firm and one that she wouldn't be able to shake off easily without causing a scene.
"I know women like you. Willing to do anything to find the truth."
"Are you referring to Viki Vale?" Irene questioned remembering the short relationship that Bruce Wayne had with Gotham's famous reporter. None of Bruce Wayne relationships lasted very long, but Viki lasted longer than most. "I read the papers. Did she she ever find out the truth about how you like to spend your nights?"
"Any gossip column will tell you how I like to spend my nights. Or I can just show you?" He whispered as he tugged her a little closer.
"You can drop the playboy act." She replied pulling her arm away and annoyed of whatever game he thought they were playing. She was in no mood for it and she certainly didn't have the time for it. "Don't worry Mr. Wayne I have no intentions of telling the world who you really are."
"Yes, you're very good at keeping people's secrets aren't you?"
The satisfaction on his face was clear and so we're his intentions. He was subtly telling her that he knew Clark was Superman or maybe he was just referring to the fact that she was in close contact with Superman. Maybe he was testing her reaction, but she wouldn't give him one.
But she saw it in his eyes then. It was the same look Lex Luthor had whenever he spoke about Superman. She hadn't recognized it before but she definitely did now. That look wasn't anger or resentment.
It was fear.
"You think of yourself as special Mr. Wayne but the truth is that you're just like everyone else." She told him as she felt a sense of fear herself. Of Bruce and what he could do if he really knew that Clark was Superman. Especially now when tensions were running high and people were turning on him. "You're afraid of what you don't understand. You only see what you want to see."
"I currently see your friend taking pictures of me." He said instead though Irene could see that she hit some kind of nerve. Following his gaze she saw as Jimmy was awkwardly putting down his camera from across the parking lot.
"Believe it or not I wasn't here for you." Irene stated as she walked walked around him and headed straight towards Jimmy.
"You forgot to mention that you suddenly know Bruce Wayne now." Jimmy exclaimed as he looked at her in disbelief. He almost seemed offended that she didn't say anything before. "What exactly does he have to do with all of this?"
Irene hesitated, she didn't know Bruce Wayne would be here. Of course Jimmy had questions, and she had left out the everything about Bruce Wayne being Batman because it wasn't her secret to tell. But now, she couldn't lie to Jimmy. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."
"Try me." Jimmy challenged as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Looking around the parking lot she stepped closer to make sure that no one was listening in. "Bruce Wayne is Batman."
"I'm sorry what?"
"I said, Bruce Wayne is Batman." She whispered softly watching Jimmy's eyes go wide. He used to be a fan of Batman before Superman came into the scene.
At first Irene was sure he was about to freak out. But Jimmy simply took a deep breath and nodded. "I really shouldn't be surprised by anything at this point."
"Yup." Irene said with sigh because like Jimmy she couldn't wrap her mind around how chaotic their lives had become.
Since Clark had come into their lives it was like the whole world had changed. And even though it wasn't easy and it was chaotic she didn't regret any of it. Her life was better for it.
"Yeah well we can't let Clark see these." Jimmy said with a chuckle as he looked through the photos on his camera.
Taking the camera from she also looked through the photos. The ones where Bruce Wayne was holding onto her arm and whispering in her ear looked especially bad.
"Definitely." Irene agreed knowing that Clark had already objected to her seeing Bruce Wayne again already.
What she hated the most was the she was going to have to tell Clark that she didn't have anything. Nothing incriminating Lex Luthor and especially nothing that gave away what his next move might be. She felt disappointed in herself because she knew she could to better. And she couldn't shake the feeling that the truth was painfully obvious but she just couldn't see it.
And she would never be able to forgive herself if something else happened just because she wasn't able to figure out Lex Luthor's plan in time. Irene simply couldn't make the same mistake twice.
A/N: A little bit of a shorter chapter but a nice break from the longer ones. Hope you are all enjoying so far as I set up what's going to be happening in Book 4 and relationships that Irene will be having with the rest of the League.
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