36| Trouble on the Horizon
Irene had woken up earlier than usual. There was a budget meeting this morning, and Perry was rarely forgiving when his reporters were late.
She wasn't sure what time Clark had gotten home last night, she had fallen asleep knowing that he had once again gotten himself caught up in saving the world. Lately he had been out more, working harder than he always had. Irene knew that it was beginning to get to him, he hardly ever needed to sleep much but now he was in a deep sleep and she couldn't find it in herself to wake him up.
Sitting on the edge of the bed she looked down at her phone and all the messages that Cat had sent her while she was in the shower. Mia's birthday was a week away and she wanted to perfectly plan every detail of the pool party. It was no surprise that Mia wanted a Superman themed party, much too Cat's disappointment who was hoping that she would finally be able to plan a girly birthday party.
Before she could even attempted to reply, Irene felt as two arms wrapped around her waist pulling her back into bed. "Clark!"
"Good morning." He said with a lazy smile as he placed a soft kiss on her lips. "You smell nice."
"I would hope so, I just got out of the shower." She replied as he slowly started kissing her neck. Biting her lip Irene looked up at the ceiling, she could already feel him hard against her thigh. Clark was only wearing grey sweatpants, which only made things more difficult for her.
"You always smell nice." He muttered against her skin as he slowly began to undue her robe.
"We have the budget meeting this morning."
He was either didn't hear her or was ignoring her completely, as he didn't stop kissing his way down her body.
Admittedly she wasn't very interested in stopping him, even when she knew that they were probably going to be late for work again.
Irene and Clark practically ran towards the meeting room, their hands full with bagels and coffee. Irene had hoped that it would be enough to please Perry for their being late and it was hopefully enough of an excuse. The problem was the Perry was no fool, and would undoubtedly see through them.
"You two are late. Again." Perry announced the moment that Clark opened the door for Irene. It was no surprise that he was upset, he always was whenever someone was late to a meeting.
"Only fifteen minutes." Irene quickly defended with a smile as she set the box of bagels on the table as Clark began to hand out the cups of coffee they had picked up along the way. "We brought bagels and coffee."
Perry didn't say anything as he reached for a bagel, without wasting a moment Irene and Clark took their usual seats across from each other knowing that they were already testing Perry's patience.
"Irene let's start with you." Perry declared as he suddenly got distracted spreading cream cheese onto his bagel.
Opening her notebook Irene began to gather her thoughts on the story she wanted to focus on. She had been trying to get in contact with Lex Luther for months, but all her attempts had proven to be unsuccessful. But Irene was determined to know more about his involvement with what had happened with Metallo. "Alright, so I was thinking about..."
"Before you continue there was something that I wanted to run by you first." Perry stated firmly, his bagel long forgotten and although he was always a serious man there was something more stern in his expression now. Whatever he meant to tell her was something that he seemed unsure about. "General Amajagh reached out to the Daily Planet for an exclusive. And he was requested you to carry out the interview."
Irene froze wrapping her mind over what Perry White had just told her. The war unraveling in Nairomi, Africa was a running cycle on the news for the last couple of weeks. General Amajagh was a warlord who was leading a faction in the Nairomian Civil War, what Perry was offering her was a groundbreaking story.
"The Planet would cover all cost to get you to Africa for this interview if you accept."
"I'll do it." Irene replied with no hesitation, and she continued to look at a shocked Perry to avoid a single glance at Clark. She could feel his eyes on her, and she knew if she even glanced at him that she would see his disapproval.
"Irene this interview... its going to be dangerous."
"I'm aware."
Perry nodded knowing that there was nothing that was going to sway her from the story. He must have known that she would expect which is probably why he initially seemed reluctant to tell her about it. "You can take someone else with you."
Irene looked across the table at Clark who already seemed slightly irritated, but relieved that she could bring someone else along. He expected her to choose him, and although a part of her wanted to do exactly that her instinct told her that it was the wrong move.
"Jimmy?" Irene finally said as she looked across the other end of the table to her best friend who looked just as shocked as everyone else.
Straightening in his chair Jimmy nervously began to click his pen, but there was no hesitation in his answer. Of course he would agree, it would not only be a great opportunity but he would do it for Irene. "When do I start packing?"
"Tonight. Plane leaved early tomorrow morning." Perry informed and just like that he was done discussing the topic and moving onto the next. And even though the focus had shifted, there was still and undeniable tension in the room.
Irene began writing down notes as the meeting went on purposeful ignoring Clarks gaze, like everyone else in the room she was aware of how displeased he was. It was something that was difficult to ignore, and impossible to avoid. And when the meeting was over Irene slowly walked to her desk waiting for Clark to follow.
"Irene can we talk?" Clark whispered and Irene already anticipated the argument that they were about to have. It was an argument that she really didn't want to happen as arguing was something that they typically didn't do.
Nodding Irene gestured for him to follow as she led him into the supply closet, closing the door behind them. "What's wrong?"
Clark sighed giving her a pointed look at her failed attempt to seem unaware of what the conversation they were about to have was about. "Honey, you know what's wrong. How can you accept a story like this?"
"Clark it's my job." Irene attempted to reason though she knew that for him it was a weak argument. But to Irene it was a strong point, she took her job seriously and although she knew how dangerous the story she was about to pursue was, she didn't care. If her job required her to go out into the African desert she would do it.
"It's dangerous."
"Well, sometimes my job is dangerous." She reminded him as he already knew the lengths she tended to go to for a story. Having already experienced life threatening situations with Zod and Metallo she didn't think that this new story was anymore dangerous than the others.
"I think this was something that we should have discussed as a couple before you accepted." He argued, and she realized how seriously he was taking this. The worry was clear in his eyes and it surprised her that he was so against the story as he had never been one to question her work. "You can't put your life on the line like this."
Irene couldn't be angry at his worry, she was aware of the danger but the truth was she wasn't scared. She hadn't been scared since meeting Clark, he was always there when she needed him the most. Maybe she relied on him a little to much. "You risk your life everyday Clark."
"That's different." Clark immediately countered, and she knew he was right. There was nothing else that he needed to say for her to understand, but he continued his passionate argument. "You can sleep at night knowing that whatever it is I'm doing I'll be okay. There's nights where I can't sleep because I know that I can't have you forever. That there will be a day when you won't be in my life anymore, and I don't want that day to be sooner that it should."
His words left Irene speechless, and she knew that she was being selfish. That she had a luxury that Clark did not. She had always found comfort in the fact that Clark was invisible, that he would live a long life and that she would never have to know a world without him. But there would be a day that he would have to know a world without her. Whether it was old age or sickness, Irene was human and she would not live as long as him.
"I'm sorry." Was all Irene could say as she placed a hand on his cheek in an attempt to comfort him. "I know you worry and I know you're scared. But I'm not scared. I know that anytime time I fall you are always there to catch me."
Clark turned his head placing a kiss on the palm of her hand. "I don't want to take any risks."
"When I come back I promise that from now on anything this big we'll discuss it first together. As a team." She replied, and her answer seemed to satisfy Clark as he put his arms around her waist pulling her closer.
"I think that when you some back we should take a trip. Not a short weekend trip, but a week long trip. Just the two of us, no outside distractions."
Irene raised a skeptical eyebrow knowing that it was impossible for them to even open one night without any distractions. There was always someone for Clark to save or a lead for one of them to follow. "None?"
"None." He confirmed.
"I like the sound of that." She admitted, because although she knew that the chance of them being completely distraction free were slim. The idea of the two of them alone together sounded amazing.
"Good." Clark said with a smile as he kissed her, though it could hardly be considered a kiss. It was more like a brush of the lips as he quickly pulled away. His smile replaced with a stern look of concern. It was a look that Irene knew very well. "I have to go."
"Go." She encouraged him, already attempting to come up with some excuse as to why he had gone missing from work. Not that anyone at the Daily Planet was ever surprised anymore that Clark tended to go missing for long periods of time during work.
Clark nodded as he stepped out the supply closet and rushed off to be Superman.
A/N: This is definitely more of a filler chapter before things start getting really messy. This part is going to be very intense and I am very excited for all the drama that is about to unfold and the new characters that are going to be introduced. I finally get to write some of my favorite characters and I am so excited. I know it has been a while since I last updates but I hope write as much as I can. Hope you enjoyed.
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