32| Greater Threats
Jimmy remained silent as Irene explained everything that she had discovered about John Corben the night before. They were going to have lunch together as they normally did every Sunday, and although she planned to keep what she had learned to herself the moment she saw Jimmy she had to tell him. She still couldn't believe what had become of John Corben and need Jimmy's perspective.
Clark, so was currently flying over the city trying to look for the man didn't offer much insight. He hadn't worked alongside Corben like she and Jimmy had for years. Although she had never been fond of him, she never thought that he would ever become so terrible.
"Really? John?" Jimmy questioned again as they closed her apartment door. "John Corben? Our old coworker?"
"Yes that John." Irene replied feeling slightly annoyed that Jimmy couldn't accept it.
"It's just a little hard to wrap my mind around you know?" He continued as he bit his lip thoughtfully. "I mean no way he has the brains to pull something like this off."
Irene agreed but at the moment it was more than Corben outsmarting Superman. That wasn't the issue, the issue was the kryptonite that he possessed. The kryptonite that weakened Clark and left him vulnerable.
As the waited for the elevator Jimmy began to bring back terrible workplace memories about Corben. The man wasn't always insufferable, but after Lois Lane had broken up with him it was like he had become a different person. He became a bully that everyone had learned to hate.
The elevator doors opened and Irene felt herself go cold. They were face to face with John Corben, and although she knew that he was out somewhere in the city. She had never imagined that he would come looking for her.
"Corben." She muttered as she met the eyes of the man that they had been discussing only moments ago.
"Miranda. Olsen." He said with a wicked grin, he definitely wasn't the same man that they had worked with only a year ago. He had hit rock bottom when he lost his job at the Daily Planet, this was all clearly a desperate attempt at something. What it was she did not know yet, but she had a feeling they were about to find out.
He had an aline looking weapon in his hand. And even if she and Jimmy attempted to run she knew they would not be able to make it very far.
"Shit." Jimmy whispered as he pulled Irene back, but she knew exactly what was about to happen. She could only hope that Superman would appear in any moment but that was unlikely. She could see the glowing light coming from his pocket. He had kryptonite with him.
Jimmy and Irene were both tied to chairs facing away from one another. It was a terrible cliche, but John Corben had never shown much creativity in his writing. It was no surprise that he also didn't display any creativity on the way that he was going around his attempt to be a villain.
They watched silently as Corben shinned his suit, he was clearly proud of it. Even if he had no hand in making it, that was still a mystery that she expected involved Lex Luther. But currently what mattered was what was going to happen next.
"So are you going to tell us what we're doing here?" Irene questioned, curious about just how much he knew. Was all this for the money? Did he knew Superman's identity?
Although they now knew Metallo's identity there were still so many questions left unanswered. He turned around and smiled, like if he had been expecting her questions.
"You're friends with Superman right?" He questioned, but she could immediately see through his lies. Everyone knew that she had contact with Superman. And he defiantly didn't need her to bring Superman out, any display of violence would do. This was personal.
"You still hold a grudge against me because you think I got you fired." Irene told hold him and in that moment she saw his thin thread of sanity snap. This wasn't about becoming a criminal or taking down Superman, this was about revenge. Superman
His face went red with rage as he walked over to them. "No. You bitch you did get me fired! And you ruined my life."
"Your writing wasn't good enough to get you hired anywhere else?" Irene taunted and before she could say another word or study his reaction to her words a loud slap echoes through the ware house.
"You fucking asshole!" Jimmy yelled as he struggled against his ties.
The burning sting that spread through Irene's cheek almost made her eyes fill with tears. But she would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had hurt her, looking up at him with defiant eyes she now saw him for what he truly was. He was a coward. He blamed her for his mistakes and this was the only way that he could face her. Corben was unable to get his own life together and need to do all of this to try to compensate what he had lost.
"If you think you're going to beat Superman you're wrong." She told him as he walked
"I don't give a fuck about Superman." John Corben replied as he stepped into his metal suit, the green glow of the kryptonite burning bright. "But killing him is how I pay him back for this suit."
Before she could question him any further, the suit powered up and her shot up through the opening of the roof which he had clearly gone through many times before. The splinters of the wood could be seen, and it she slowly began to realize that they were due to him still having difficulty controlling the advanced technology that was given to him.
"Does it hurt?" Jimmy questioned now that they were alone.
"Of course it hurts." Irene replied sharply, no one had ever hit her before and she couldn't help but be shocked. She sighed as she relaxed in her chair, thinking over the tiny bits of information that Corben had given them. Her and Clark definitely had enough to write another great story.
"Irene you're not the slightest bit worried?" Jimmy whispered as he once again struggled against his restraints. The panic was clearly beginning to set in and although Irene was worried about Clark she didn't doubt him. She knew that he would be okay.
Shaking her head Irene turned her head hopping that she might be able to meet Jimmy's eye to try to calm him. She felt terrible for placing him in this situation, he had no part of it. "No. Superman is going to save us."
"Wow you really have a lot of faith in this guy." He replied and from the tone of disbelief in his voice it was clear that he thought that she was crazy. Irene really couldn't understand why considering that he was one of the few people who interacted with Superman up close.
"Of course I do he's Superman." Irene replied confidently knowing that he would be here for them at any moment. She had no doubt that Superman would win this fight. It would only be a matter of time until they were rescued.
What she believed would only be a couple of minutes turned into what she was sure were no hours. They had been sitting in the damn chairs for most of the day, and their bodies were so exhausted that even Jimmy himself was too tired to voice his worry anymore. As the hours slipped away her worry for Clark began to increase.
As the frustration and worry began to set in Irene began to struggle against the ropes that had them tied down. It was driving her insane that she had no idea what was happening outside of the four walls of the warehouse.
"Not so confident anymore are you?" Jimmy questioned in a bored tone.
"Shut up." She replied as she began to try to try to twist her hands free. The movies making it seem so easy to get out of these kinds of situations, now it was clear that it was not as easy as it was depicted.
Suddenly a loud crash came from the other side of the warehouse. Irene instinctively closed her eyes, for a moment she had almost expected it to be Corben. But she released a sigh of relief at the sight of Superman approaching them. Although Irene's instinct was to smile it quickly disappeared as she noticed the serious expression in his face.
With his hands Superman pulled apart the ropes that had her and Jimmy tied down. He then fell on his knees in front of Irene as he took her wrists in his hands inspecting the red marks that the ropes had left behind.
"I'm here." Clark told heras he seemed to scan her body for any injuries before his eyes began to study her face. He kissed the inside of her wrists and although his actions were gentle she could see the quite fury in his eyes and the tense set of his shoulders. "Irene are you okay?"
"I'm fine." She quickly assured him as he helped her to her feet.
He reached out and turned her face towards him, his finger brushing over her cheek. There was no doubt that her cheek had begun to bruise from the slap that Corben had given her, but the truth was that she had forgotten about it. The anger in his eyes was almost frightening even though she knew it wasn't directed at her. "He hurt you."
"Really, I'm fine." She assured him as she placed her hand on his chest in an attempt to comfort him. He was clearly angry with himself, even if he had no need to be. None of this was his fault. He looked away from her, and now it was her turn to place her hand on his cheek. She forced him to meet her eyes again, even through his stubbornness. "I'm fine."
He studied her face again before pulling her into a kiss. She kissed him back trying to assure him that she really was okay and that he was angry over nothing.
"Irene." Jimmy muttered causing both Irene and Clark to turn towards him. HIs eyes were wide as he covered his mouth with his hands in shock. She knew how it looked to Jimmy, just this morning she was telling him how head over heels she was for Clark. Now here she was kissing Superman.
"Jimmy, there's something that we need to tell you." Superman stated before Irene could come up with some ridiculous explanation. She looked up at Clark surprised that he was about to tell Jimmy his secret. A part of her felt hesitant, feeling protective over him but she also knew that Jimmy was someone that they could trust with this.
"Superman knows my name?"
Clark chuckled as he took a step towards Jimmy who could only look up at him in awe. She couldn't blame him, she always felt overwhelmed by him. "Jimmy it's me Clark."
Jimmy chuckled as he looked at Irene waiting her to laugh along with him. "Very funny."
"You don't believe me?" Superman questioned raising an eyebrow. He seemed surprised that Jimmy found the idea of Clark Kent being Superman so ridiculous. It amused Irene that Clark seemed slightly offended when he had so proudly explained to her everything he did to make sure that no one would ever be suspicious of him.
Clark looked at Irene for help, but she simply shrugged. His secret was not hers to share and this was something that he had to do on his own. In an instant he had disappeared only to come back seconds later in a red flannel and glasses.
It was only then that Jimmy's mouth opened in shock. He was at a complete loss of words, his eyes couldn't possibly open any wide. The realization quickly set it before he finally found the voice to speak. "Clark? You're Superman?"
"That's what he's been trying to tell you." Irene said feeling a slight weight being lifted from her shoulders now that her best friends knew the truth. Sure, she was prepared to keep Clark's secret but Jimmy had become such a big part of all of everything that it almost felt cruel for him not to know. He had been there since the beginning, even if it was just by chance. "But you know that you can't tell anyone right?"
"Well, obviously." Jimmy replied taking the news a lot better than she had initially imagined. Her friend was grinning widely as he looked back at Clark with admiration. It was like she was a child. "Thank you for trusting me with this. I will not let you down."
"It's been a long day. How about we get you two home?" Clark suggested and although he was displaying a calm demeanor she could still see from the stiffness of his shoulders that he continued to be upset. He wanted to speak to her without Jimmy. There were still so many things regarding John Corben that needed to be discussed, and they also had a story to write now that Metallo had been taken care of.
But even then it did not feel like the end.
A/N: Just three more chapter until the end of book two. So excited to finally get to the plot of BVS where things are going to start to get really interesting. There's so many more DC characters to meet and I can't wait to finally get to write so scene that I've been planing for a long time now.
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